/* ======================================================================== */ /* ========================= LICENSING & COPYRIGHT ======================== */ /* ======================================================================== */ /* * MUSASHI * Version 3.4 * * A portable Motorola M680x0 processor emulation engine. * Copyright 1998-2001 Karl Stenerud. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ /* The code below is based on MUSASHI but has been heavily modified for Capstone by * Daniel Collin <daniel@collin.com> 2015-2019 */ /* ======================================================================== */ /* ================================ INCLUDES ============================== */ /* ======================================================================== */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "../../cs_priv.h" #include "../../utils.h" #include "../../MCInst.h" #include "../../MCInstrDesc.h" #include "../../MCRegisterInfo.h" #include "M68KInstPrinter.h" #include "M68KDisassembler.h" /* ======================================================================== */ /* ============================ GENERAL DEFINES =========================== */ /* ======================================================================== */ /* Bit Isolation Functions */ #define BIT_0(A) ((A) & 0x00000001) #define BIT_1(A) ((A) & 0x00000002) #define BIT_2(A) ((A) & 0x00000004) #define BIT_3(A) ((A) & 0x00000008) #define BIT_4(A) ((A) & 0x00000010) #define BIT_5(A) ((A) & 0x00000020) #define BIT_6(A) ((A) & 0x00000040) #define BIT_7(A) ((A) & 0x00000080) #define BIT_8(A) ((A) & 0x00000100) #define BIT_9(A) ((A) & 0x00000200) #define BIT_A(A) ((A) & 0x00000400) #define BIT_B(A) ((A) & 0x00000800) #define BIT_C(A) ((A) & 0x00001000) #define BIT_D(A) ((A) & 0x00002000) #define BIT_E(A) ((A) & 0x00004000) #define BIT_F(A) ((A) & 0x00008000) #define BIT_10(A) ((A) & 0x00010000) #define BIT_11(A) ((A) & 0x00020000) #define BIT_12(A) ((A) & 0x00040000) #define BIT_13(A) ((A) & 0x00080000) #define BIT_14(A) ((A) & 0x00100000) #define BIT_15(A) ((A) & 0x00200000) #define BIT_16(A) ((A) & 0x00400000) #define BIT_17(A) ((A) & 0x00800000) #define BIT_18(A) ((A) & 0x01000000) #define BIT_19(A) ((A) & 0x02000000) #define BIT_1A(A) ((A) & 0x04000000) #define BIT_1B(A) ((A) & 0x08000000) #define BIT_1C(A) ((A) & 0x10000000) #define BIT_1D(A) ((A) & 0x20000000) #define BIT_1E(A) ((A) & 0x40000000) #define BIT_1F(A) ((A) & 0x80000000) /* These are the CPU types understood by this disassembler */ #define TYPE_68000 1 #define TYPE_68010 2 #define TYPE_68020 4 #define TYPE_68030 8 #define TYPE_68040 16 #define M68000_ONLY TYPE_68000 #define M68010_ONLY TYPE_68010 #define M68010_LESS (TYPE_68000 | TYPE_68010) #define M68010_PLUS (TYPE_68010 | TYPE_68020 | TYPE_68030 | TYPE_68040) #define M68020_ONLY TYPE_68020 #define M68020_LESS (TYPE_68010 | TYPE_68020) #define M68020_PLUS (TYPE_68020 | TYPE_68030 | TYPE_68040) #define M68030_ONLY TYPE_68030 #define M68030_LESS (TYPE_68010 | TYPE_68020 | TYPE_68030) #define M68030_PLUS (TYPE_68030 | TYPE_68040) #define M68040_PLUS TYPE_68040 enum { M68K_CPU_TYPE_INVALID, M68K_CPU_TYPE_68000, M68K_CPU_TYPE_68010, M68K_CPU_TYPE_68EC020, M68K_CPU_TYPE_68020, M68K_CPU_TYPE_68030, /* Supported by disassembler ONLY */ M68K_CPU_TYPE_68040 /* Supported by disassembler ONLY */ }; /* Extension word formats */ #define EXT_8BIT_DISPLACEMENT(A) ((A)&0xff) #define EXT_FULL(A) BIT_8(A) #define EXT_EFFECTIVE_ZERO(A) (((A)&0xe4) == 0xc4 || ((A)&0xe2) == 0xc0) #define EXT_BASE_REGISTER_PRESENT(A) (!BIT_7(A)) #define EXT_INDEX_REGISTER_PRESENT(A) (!BIT_6(A)) #define EXT_INDEX_REGISTER(A) (((A)>>12)&7) #define EXT_INDEX_PRE_POST(A) (EXT_INDEX_PRESENT(A) && (A)&3) #define EXT_INDEX_PRE(A) (EXT_INDEX_PRESENT(A) && ((A)&7) < 4 && ((A)&7) != 0) #define EXT_INDEX_POST(A) (EXT_INDEX_PRESENT(A) && ((A)&7) > 4) #define EXT_INDEX_SCALE(A) (((A)>>9)&3) #define EXT_INDEX_LONG(A) BIT_B(A) #define EXT_INDEX_AR(A) BIT_F(A) #define EXT_BASE_DISPLACEMENT_PRESENT(A) (((A)&0x30) > 0x10) #define EXT_BASE_DISPLACEMENT_WORD(A) (((A)&0x30) == 0x20) #define EXT_BASE_DISPLACEMENT_LONG(A) (((A)&0x30) == 0x30) #define EXT_OUTER_DISPLACEMENT_PRESENT(A) (((A)&3) > 1 && ((A)&0x47) < 0x44) #define EXT_OUTER_DISPLACEMENT_WORD(A) (((A)&3) == 2 && ((A)&0x47) < 0x44) #define EXT_OUTER_DISPLACEMENT_LONG(A) (((A)&3) == 3 && ((A)&0x47) < 0x44) #define IS_BITSET(val,b) ((val) & (1 << (b))) #define BITFIELD_MASK(sb,eb) (((1 << ((sb) + 1))-1) & (~((1 << (eb))-1))) #define BITFIELD(val,sb,eb) ((BITFIELD_MASK(sb,eb) & (val)) >> (eb)) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static unsigned int m68k_read_disassembler_16(const m68k_info *info, const uint64_t addr) { const uint16_t v0 = info->code[addr + 0]; const uint16_t v1 = info->code[addr + 1]; return (v0 << 8) | v1; } static unsigned int m68k_read_disassembler_32(const m68k_info *info, const uint64_t addr) { const uint32_t v0 = info->code[addr + 0]; const uint32_t v1 = info->code[addr + 1]; const uint32_t v2 = info->code[addr + 2]; const uint32_t v3 = info->code[addr + 3]; return (v0 << 24) | (v1 << 16) | (v2 << 8) | v3; } static uint64_t m68k_read_disassembler_64(const m68k_info *info, const uint64_t addr) { const uint64_t v0 = info->code[addr + 0]; const uint64_t v1 = info->code[addr + 1]; const uint64_t v2 = info->code[addr + 2]; const uint64_t v3 = info->code[addr + 3]; const uint64_t v4 = info->code[addr + 4]; const uint64_t v5 = info->code[addr + 5]; const uint64_t v6 = info->code[addr + 6]; const uint64_t v7 = info->code[addr + 7]; return (v0 << 56) | (v1 << 48) | (v2 << 40) | (v3 << 32) | (v4 << 24) | (v5 << 16) | (v6 << 8) | v7; } static unsigned int m68k_read_safe_16(const m68k_info *info, const uint64_t address) { const uint64_t addr = (address - info->baseAddress) & info->address_mask; if (info->code_len < addr + 2) { return 0xaaaa; } return m68k_read_disassembler_16(info, addr); } static unsigned int m68k_read_safe_32(const m68k_info *info, const uint64_t address) { const uint64_t addr = (address - info->baseAddress) & info->address_mask; if (info->code_len < addr + 4) { return 0xaaaaaaaa; } return m68k_read_disassembler_32(info, addr); } static uint64_t m68k_read_safe_64(const m68k_info *info, const uint64_t address) { const uint64_t addr = (address - info->baseAddress) & info->address_mask; if (info->code_len < addr + 8) { return 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaLL; } return m68k_read_disassembler_64(info, addr); } /* ======================================================================== */ /* =============================== PROTOTYPES ============================= */ /* ======================================================================== */ /* make signed integers 100% portably */ static int make_int_8(int value); static int make_int_16(int value); /* Stuff to build the opcode handler jump table */ static void d68000_invalid(m68k_info *info); static int instruction_is_valid(m68k_info *info, const unsigned int word_check); typedef struct { void (*instruction)(m68k_info *info); /* handler function */ uint16_t word2_mask; /* mask the 2nd word */ uint16_t word2_match; /* what to match after masking */ } instruction_struct; /* ======================================================================== */ /* ================================= DATA ================================= */ /* ======================================================================== */ static const instruction_struct g_instruction_table[0x10000]; /* used by ops like asr, ror, addq, etc */ static const uint32_t g_3bit_qdata_table[8] = {8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}; static const uint32_t g_5bit_data_table[32] = { 32, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 }; static const m68k_insn s_branch_lut[] = { M68K_INS_INVALID, M68K_INS_INVALID, M68K_INS_BHI, M68K_INS_BLS, M68K_INS_BCC, M68K_INS_BCS, M68K_INS_BNE, M68K_INS_BEQ, M68K_INS_BVC, M68K_INS_BVS, M68K_INS_BPL, M68K_INS_BMI, M68K_INS_BGE, M68K_INS_BLT, M68K_INS_BGT, M68K_INS_BLE, }; static const m68k_insn s_dbcc_lut[] = { M68K_INS_DBT, M68K_INS_DBF, M68K_INS_DBHI, M68K_INS_DBLS, M68K_INS_DBCC, M68K_INS_DBCS, M68K_INS_DBNE, M68K_INS_DBEQ, M68K_INS_DBVC, M68K_INS_DBVS, M68K_INS_DBPL, M68K_INS_DBMI, M68K_INS_DBGE, M68K_INS_DBLT, M68K_INS_DBGT, M68K_INS_DBLE, }; static const m68k_insn s_scc_lut[] = { M68K_INS_ST, M68K_INS_SF, M68K_INS_SHI, M68K_INS_SLS, M68K_INS_SCC, M68K_INS_SCS, M68K_INS_SNE, M68K_INS_SEQ, M68K_INS_SVC, M68K_INS_SVS, M68K_INS_SPL, M68K_INS_SMI, M68K_INS_SGE, M68K_INS_SLT, M68K_INS_SGT, M68K_INS_SLE, }; static const m68k_insn s_trap_lut[] = { M68K_INS_TRAPT, M68K_INS_TRAPF, M68K_INS_TRAPHI, M68K_INS_TRAPLS, M68K_INS_TRAPCC, M68K_INS_TRAPCS, M68K_INS_TRAPNE, M68K_INS_TRAPEQ, M68K_INS_TRAPVC, M68K_INS_TRAPVS, M68K_INS_TRAPPL, M68K_INS_TRAPMI, M68K_INS_TRAPGE, M68K_INS_TRAPLT, M68K_INS_TRAPGT, M68K_INS_TRAPLE, }; /* ======================================================================== */ /* =========================== UTILITY FUNCTIONS ========================== */ /* ======================================================================== */ #define LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, ALLOWED_CPU_TYPES) \ do { \ if (!(info->type & ALLOWED_CPU_TYPES)) { \ d68000_invalid(info); \ return; \ } \ } while (0) static unsigned int peek_imm_8(const m68k_info *info) { return (m68k_read_safe_16((info), (info)->pc)&0xff); } static unsigned int peek_imm_16(const m68k_info *info) { return m68k_read_safe_16((info), (info)->pc); } static unsigned int peek_imm_32(const m68k_info *info) { return m68k_read_safe_32((info), (info)->pc); } static unsigned long long peek_imm_64(const m68k_info *info) { return m68k_read_safe_64((info), (info)->pc); } static unsigned int read_imm_8(m68k_info *info) { const unsigned int value = peek_imm_8(info); (info)->pc+=2; return value; } static unsigned int read_imm_16(m68k_info *info) { const unsigned int value = peek_imm_16(info); (info)->pc+=2; return value; } static unsigned int read_imm_32(m68k_info *info) { const unsigned int value = peek_imm_32(info); (info)->pc+=4; return value; } static unsigned long long read_imm_64(m68k_info *info) { const unsigned long long value = peek_imm_64(info); (info)->pc+=8; return value; } /* Fake a split interface */ #define get_ea_mode_str_8(instruction) get_ea_mode_str(instruction, 0) #define get_ea_mode_str_16(instruction) get_ea_mode_str(instruction, 1) #define get_ea_mode_str_32(instruction) get_ea_mode_str(instruction, 2) #define get_imm_str_s8() get_imm_str_s(0) #define get_imm_str_s16() get_imm_str_s(1) #define get_imm_str_s32() get_imm_str_s(2) #define get_imm_str_u8() get_imm_str_u(0) #define get_imm_str_u16() get_imm_str_u(1) #define get_imm_str_u32() get_imm_str_u(2) /* 100% portable signed int generators */ static int make_int_8(int value) { return (value & 0x80) ? value | ~0xff : value & 0xff; } static int make_int_16(int value) { return (value & 0x8000) ? value | ~0xffff : value & 0xffff; } static void get_with_index_address_mode(m68k_info *info, cs_m68k_op* op, uint32_t instruction, uint32_t size, bool is_pc) { uint32_t extension = read_imm_16(info); op->address_mode = M68K_AM_AREGI_INDEX_BASE_DISP; if (EXT_FULL(extension)) { uint32_t preindex; uint32_t postindex; op->mem.base_reg = M68K_REG_INVALID; op->mem.index_reg = M68K_REG_INVALID; /* Not sure how to deal with this? if (EXT_EFFECTIVE_ZERO(extension)) { strcpy(mode, "0"); break; } */ op->mem.in_disp = EXT_BASE_DISPLACEMENT_PRESENT(extension) ? (EXT_BASE_DISPLACEMENT_LONG(extension) ? read_imm_32(info) : read_imm_16(info)) : 0; op->mem.out_disp = EXT_OUTER_DISPLACEMENT_PRESENT(extension) ? (EXT_OUTER_DISPLACEMENT_LONG(extension) ? read_imm_32(info) : read_imm_16(info)) : 0; if (EXT_BASE_REGISTER_PRESENT(extension)) { if (is_pc) { op->mem.base_reg = M68K_REG_PC; } else { op->mem.base_reg = M68K_REG_A0 + (instruction & 7); } } if (EXT_INDEX_REGISTER_PRESENT(extension)) { if (EXT_INDEX_AR(extension)) { op->mem.index_reg = M68K_REG_A0 + EXT_INDEX_REGISTER(extension); } else { op->mem.index_reg = M68K_REG_D0 + EXT_INDEX_REGISTER(extension); } op->mem.index_size = EXT_INDEX_LONG(extension) ? 1 : 0; if (EXT_INDEX_SCALE(extension)) { op->mem.scale = 1 << EXT_INDEX_SCALE(extension); } } preindex = (extension & 7) > 0 && (extension & 7) < 4; postindex = (extension & 7) > 4; if (preindex) { op->address_mode = is_pc ? M68K_AM_PC_MEMI_PRE_INDEX : M68K_AM_MEMI_PRE_INDEX; } else if (postindex) { op->address_mode = is_pc ? M68K_AM_PC_MEMI_POST_INDEX : M68K_AM_MEMI_POST_INDEX; } return; } op->mem.index_reg = (EXT_INDEX_AR(extension) ? M68K_REG_A0 : M68K_REG_D0) + EXT_INDEX_REGISTER(extension); op->mem.index_size = EXT_INDEX_LONG(extension) ? 1 : 0; if (EXT_8BIT_DISPLACEMENT(extension) == 0) { if (is_pc) { op->mem.base_reg = M68K_REG_PC; op->address_mode = M68K_AM_PCI_INDEX_BASE_DISP; } else { op->mem.base_reg = M68K_REG_A0 + (instruction & 7); } } else { if (is_pc) { op->mem.base_reg = M68K_REG_PC; op->address_mode = M68K_AM_PCI_INDEX_8_BIT_DISP; } else { op->mem.base_reg = M68K_REG_A0 + (instruction & 7); op->address_mode = M68K_AM_AREGI_INDEX_8_BIT_DISP; } op->mem.disp = (int8_t)(extension & 0xff); } if (EXT_INDEX_SCALE(extension)) { op->mem.scale = 1 << EXT_INDEX_SCALE(extension); } } /* Make string of effective address mode */ static void get_ea_mode_op(m68k_info *info, cs_m68k_op* op, uint32_t instruction, uint32_t size) { // default to memory op->type = M68K_OP_MEM; switch (instruction & 0x3f) { case 0x00: case 0x01: case 0x02: case 0x03: case 0x04: case 0x05: case 0x06: case 0x07: /* data register direct */ op->address_mode = M68K_AM_REG_DIRECT_DATA; op->reg = M68K_REG_D0 + (instruction & 7); op->type = M68K_OP_REG; break; case 0x08: case 0x09: case 0x0a: case 0x0b: case 0x0c: case 0x0d: case 0x0e: case 0x0f: /* address register direct */ op->address_mode = M68K_AM_REG_DIRECT_ADDR; op->reg = M68K_REG_A0 + (instruction & 7); op->type = M68K_OP_REG; break; case 0x10: case 0x11: case 0x12: case 0x13: case 0x14: case 0x15: case 0x16: case 0x17: /* address register indirect */ op->address_mode = M68K_AM_REGI_ADDR; op->reg = M68K_REG_A0 + (instruction & 7); break; case 0x18: case 0x19: case 0x1a: case 0x1b: case 0x1c: case 0x1d: case 0x1e: case 0x1f: /* address register indirect with postincrement */ op->address_mode = M68K_AM_REGI_ADDR_POST_INC; op->reg = M68K_REG_A0 + (instruction & 7); break; case 0x20: case 0x21: case 0x22: case 0x23: case 0x24: case 0x25: case 0x26: case 0x27: /* address register indirect with predecrement */ op->address_mode = M68K_AM_REGI_ADDR_PRE_DEC; op->reg = M68K_REG_A0 + (instruction & 7); break; case 0x28: case 0x29: case 0x2a: case 0x2b: case 0x2c: case 0x2d: case 0x2e: case 0x2f: /* address register indirect with displacement*/ op->address_mode = M68K_AM_REGI_ADDR_DISP; op->mem.base_reg = M68K_REG_A0 + (instruction & 7); op->mem.disp = (int16_t)read_imm_16(info); break; case 0x30: case 0x31: case 0x32: case 0x33: case 0x34: case 0x35: case 0x36: case 0x37: /* address register indirect with index */ get_with_index_address_mode(info, op, instruction, size, false); break; case 0x38: /* absolute short address */ op->address_mode = M68K_AM_ABSOLUTE_DATA_SHORT; op->imm = read_imm_16(info); break; case 0x39: /* absolute long address */ op->address_mode = M68K_AM_ABSOLUTE_DATA_LONG; op->imm = read_imm_32(info); break; case 0x3a: /* program counter with displacement */ op->address_mode = M68K_AM_PCI_DISP; op->mem.disp = (int16_t)read_imm_16(info); break; case 0x3b: /* program counter with index */ get_with_index_address_mode(info, op, instruction, size, true); break; case 0x3c: op->address_mode = M68K_AM_IMMEDIATE; op->type = M68K_OP_IMM; if (size == 1) op->imm = read_imm_8(info) & 0xff; else if (size == 2) op->imm = read_imm_16(info) & 0xffff; else if (size == 4) op->imm = read_imm_32(info); else op->imm = read_imm_64(info); break; default: break; } } static void set_insn_group(m68k_info *info, m68k_group_type group) { info->groups[info->groups_count++] = (uint8_t)group; } static cs_m68k* build_init_op(m68k_info *info, int opcode, int count, int size) { cs_m68k* ext; MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, opcode); ext = &info->extension; ext->op_count = (uint8_t)count; ext->op_size.type = M68K_SIZE_TYPE_CPU; ext->op_size.cpu_size = size; return ext; } static void build_re_gen_1(m68k_info *info, bool isDreg, int opcode, uint8_t size) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, opcode, 2, size); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; if (isDreg) { op0->address_mode = M68K_AM_REG_DIRECT_DATA; op0->reg = M68K_REG_D0 + ((info->ir >> 9 ) & 7); } else { op0->address_mode = M68K_AM_REG_DIRECT_ADDR; op0->reg = M68K_REG_A0 + ((info->ir >> 9 ) & 7); } get_ea_mode_op(info, op1, info->ir, size); } static void build_re_1(m68k_info *info, int opcode, uint8_t size) { build_re_gen_1(info, true, opcode, size); } static void build_er_gen_1(m68k_info *info, bool isDreg, int opcode, uint8_t size) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, opcode, 2, size); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; get_ea_mode_op(info, op0, info->ir, size); if (isDreg) { op1->address_mode = M68K_AM_REG_DIRECT_DATA; op1->reg = M68K_REG_D0 + ((info->ir >> 9) & 7); } else { op1->address_mode = M68K_AM_REG_DIRECT_ADDR; op1->reg = M68K_REG_A0 + ((info->ir >> 9) & 7); } } static void build_rr(m68k_info *info, int opcode, uint8_t size, int imm) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k_op* op2; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, opcode, 2, size); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; op2 = &ext->operands[2]; op0->address_mode = M68K_AM_REG_DIRECT_DATA; op0->reg = M68K_REG_D0 + (info->ir & 7); op1->address_mode = M68K_AM_REG_DIRECT_DATA; op1->reg = M68K_REG_D0 + ((info->ir >> 9) & 7); if (imm > 0) { ext->op_count = 3; op2->type = M68K_OP_IMM; op2->address_mode = M68K_AM_IMMEDIATE; op2->imm = imm; } } static void build_r(m68k_info *info, int opcode, uint8_t size) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, opcode, 2, size); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; op0->address_mode = M68K_AM_REG_DIRECT_DATA; op0->reg = M68K_REG_D0 + ((info->ir >> 9) & 7); op1->address_mode = M68K_AM_REG_DIRECT_DATA; op1->reg = M68K_REG_D0 + (info->ir & 7); } static void build_imm_ea(m68k_info *info, int opcode, uint8_t size, int imm) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, opcode, 2, size); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; op0->type = M68K_OP_IMM; op0->address_mode = M68K_AM_IMMEDIATE; op0->imm = imm; get_ea_mode_op(info, op1, info->ir, size); } static void build_3bit_d(m68k_info *info, int opcode, int size) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, opcode, 2, size); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; op0->type = M68K_OP_IMM; op0->address_mode = M68K_AM_IMMEDIATE; op0->imm = g_3bit_qdata_table[(info->ir >> 9) & 7]; op1->address_mode = M68K_AM_REG_DIRECT_DATA; op1->reg = M68K_REG_D0 + (info->ir & 7); } static void build_3bit_ea(m68k_info *info, int opcode, int size) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, opcode, 2, size); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; op0->type = M68K_OP_IMM; op0->address_mode = M68K_AM_IMMEDIATE; op0->imm = g_3bit_qdata_table[(info->ir >> 9) & 7]; get_ea_mode_op(info, op1, info->ir, size); } static void build_mm(m68k_info *info, int opcode, uint8_t size, int imm) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k_op* op2; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, opcode, 2, size); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; op2 = &ext->operands[2]; op0->address_mode = M68K_AM_REGI_ADDR_PRE_DEC; op0->reg = M68K_REG_A0 + (info->ir & 7); op1->address_mode = M68K_AM_REGI_ADDR_PRE_DEC; op1->reg = M68K_REG_A0 + ((info->ir >> 9) & 7); if (imm > 0) { ext->op_count = 3; op2->type = M68K_OP_IMM; op2->address_mode = M68K_AM_IMMEDIATE; op2->imm = imm; } } static void build_ea(m68k_info *info, int opcode, uint8_t size) { cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, opcode, 1, size); get_ea_mode_op(info, &ext->operands[0], info->ir, size); } static void build_ea_a(m68k_info *info, int opcode, uint8_t size) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, opcode, 2, size); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; get_ea_mode_op(info, op0, info->ir, size); op1->address_mode = M68K_AM_REG_DIRECT_ADDR; op1->reg = M68K_REG_A0 + ((info->ir >> 9) & 7); } static void build_ea_ea(m68k_info *info, int opcode, int size) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, opcode, 2, size); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; get_ea_mode_op(info, op0, info->ir, size); get_ea_mode_op(info, op1, (((info->ir>>9) & 7) | ((info->ir>>3) & 0x38)), size); } static void build_pi_pi(m68k_info *info, int opcode, int size) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, opcode, 2, size); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; op0->address_mode = M68K_AM_REGI_ADDR_POST_INC; op0->reg = M68K_REG_A0 + (info->ir & 7); op1->address_mode = M68K_AM_REGI_ADDR_POST_INC; op1->reg = M68K_REG_A0 + ((info->ir >> 9) & 7); } static void build_imm_special_reg(m68k_info *info, int opcode, int imm, int size, m68k_reg reg) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, opcode, 2, size); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; op0->type = M68K_OP_IMM; op0->address_mode = M68K_AM_IMMEDIATE; op0->imm = imm; op1->address_mode = M68K_AM_NONE; op1->reg = reg; } static void build_relative_branch(m68k_info *info, int opcode, int size, int displacement) { cs_m68k_op* op; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, opcode, 1, size); op = &ext->operands[0]; op->type = M68K_OP_BR_DISP; op->address_mode = M68K_AM_BRANCH_DISPLACEMENT; op->br_disp.disp = displacement; op->br_disp.disp_size = size; set_insn_group(info, M68K_GRP_JUMP); set_insn_group(info, M68K_GRP_BRANCH_RELATIVE); } static void build_absolute_jump_with_immediate(m68k_info *info, int opcode, int size, int immediate) { cs_m68k_op* op; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, opcode, 1, size); op = &ext->operands[0]; op->type = M68K_OP_IMM; op->address_mode = M68K_AM_IMMEDIATE; op->imm = immediate; set_insn_group(info, M68K_GRP_JUMP); } static void build_bcc(m68k_info *info, int size, int displacement) { build_relative_branch(info, s_branch_lut[(info->ir >> 8) & 0xf], size, displacement); } static void build_trap(m68k_info *info, int size, int immediate) { build_absolute_jump_with_immediate(info, s_trap_lut[(info->ir >> 8) & 0xf], size, immediate); } static void build_dbxx(m68k_info *info, int opcode, int size, int displacement) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, opcode, 2, size); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; op0->address_mode = M68K_AM_REG_DIRECT_DATA; op0->reg = M68K_REG_D0 + (info->ir & 7); op1->type = M68K_OP_BR_DISP; op1->address_mode = M68K_AM_BRANCH_DISPLACEMENT; op1->br_disp.disp = displacement; op1->br_disp.disp_size = M68K_OP_BR_DISP_SIZE_LONG; set_insn_group(info, M68K_GRP_JUMP); set_insn_group(info, M68K_GRP_BRANCH_RELATIVE); } static void build_dbcc(m68k_info *info, int size, int displacement) { build_dbxx(info, s_dbcc_lut[(info->ir >> 8) & 0xf], size, displacement); } static void build_d_d_ea(m68k_info *info, int opcode, int size) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k_op* op2; uint32_t extension = read_imm_16(info); cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, opcode, 3, size); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; op2 = &ext->operands[2]; op0->address_mode = M68K_AM_REG_DIRECT_DATA; op0->reg = M68K_REG_D0 + (extension & 7); op1->address_mode = M68K_AM_REG_DIRECT_DATA; op1->reg = M68K_REG_D0 + ((extension >> 6) & 7); get_ea_mode_op(info, op2, info->ir, size); } static void build_bitfield_ins(m68k_info *info, int opcode, int has_d_arg) { uint8_t offset; uint8_t width; cs_m68k_op* op_ea; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, opcode, 1, 0); uint32_t extension = read_imm_16(info); op_ea = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; if (BIT_B(extension)) offset = (extension >> 6) & 7; else offset = (extension >> 6) & 31; if (BIT_5(extension)) width = extension & 7; else width = (uint8_t)g_5bit_data_table[extension & 31]; if (has_d_arg) { ext->op_count = 2; op1->address_mode = M68K_AM_REG_DIRECT_DATA; op1->reg = M68K_REG_D0 + ((extension >> 12) & 7); } get_ea_mode_op(info, op_ea, info->ir, 1); op_ea->mem.bitfield = 1; op_ea->mem.width = width; op_ea->mem.offset = offset; } static void build_d(m68k_info *info, int opcode, int size) { cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, opcode, 1, size); cs_m68k_op* op; op = &ext->operands[0]; op->address_mode = M68K_AM_REG_DIRECT_DATA; op->reg = M68K_REG_D0 + (info->ir & 7); } static uint16_t reverse_bits(uint32_t v) { uint32_t r = v; // r will be reversed bits of v; first get LSB of v uint32_t s = 16 - 1; // extra shift needed at end for (v >>= 1; v; v >>= 1) { r <<= 1; r |= v & 1; s--; } return r <<= s; // shift when v's highest bits are zero } static uint8_t reverse_bits_8(uint32_t v) { uint32_t r = v; // r will be reversed bits of v; first get LSB of v uint32_t s = 8 - 1; // extra shift needed at end for (v >>= 1; v; v >>= 1) { r <<= 1; r |= v & 1; s--; } return r <<= s; // shift when v's highest bits are zero } static void build_movem_re(m68k_info *info, int opcode, int size) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, opcode, 2, size); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; op0->type = M68K_OP_REG_BITS; op0->register_bits = read_imm_16(info); get_ea_mode_op(info, op1, info->ir, size); if (op1->address_mode == M68K_AM_REGI_ADDR_PRE_DEC) op0->register_bits = reverse_bits(op0->register_bits); } static void build_movem_er(m68k_info *info, int opcode, int size) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, opcode, 2, size); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; op1->type = M68K_OP_REG_BITS; op1->register_bits = read_imm_16(info); get_ea_mode_op(info, op0, info->ir, size); } static void build_imm(m68k_info *info, int opcode, int data) { cs_m68k_op* op; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, opcode, 1, 0); MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, opcode); op = &ext->operands[0]; op->type = M68K_OP_IMM; op->address_mode = M68K_AM_IMMEDIATE; op->imm = data; } static void build_illegal(m68k_info *info, int data) { build_imm(info, M68K_INS_ILLEGAL, data); } static void build_invalid(m68k_info *info, int data) { build_imm(info, M68K_INS_INVALID, data); } static void build_cas2(m68k_info *info, int size) { uint32_t word3; uint32_t extension; cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k_op* op2; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_CAS2, 3, size); int reg_0, reg_1; /* cas2 is the only 3 words instruction, word2 and word3 have the same motif bits to check */ word3 = peek_imm_32(info) & 0xffff; if (!instruction_is_valid(info, word3)) return; op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; op2 = &ext->operands[2]; extension = read_imm_32(info); op0->address_mode = M68K_AM_NONE; op0->type = M68K_OP_REG_PAIR; op0->reg_pair.reg_0 = ((extension >> 16) & 7) + M68K_REG_D0; op0->reg_pair.reg_1 = (extension & 7) + M68K_REG_D0; op1->address_mode = M68K_AM_NONE; op1->type = M68K_OP_REG_PAIR; op1->reg_pair.reg_0 = ((extension >> 22) & 7) + M68K_REG_D0; op1->reg_pair.reg_1 = ((extension >> 6) & 7) + M68K_REG_D0; reg_0 = (extension >> 28) & 7; reg_1 = (extension >> 12) & 7; op2->address_mode = M68K_AM_NONE; op2->type = M68K_OP_REG_PAIR; op2->reg_pair.reg_0 = reg_0 + (BIT_1F(extension) ? 8 : 0) + M68K_REG_D0; op2->reg_pair.reg_1 = reg_1 + (BIT_F(extension) ? 8 : 0) + M68K_REG_D0; } static void build_chk2_cmp2(m68k_info *info, int size) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_CHK2, 2, size); uint32_t extension = read_imm_16(info); if (BIT_B(extension)) MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_CHK2); else MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_CMP2); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; get_ea_mode_op(info, op0, info->ir, size); op1->address_mode = M68K_AM_NONE; op1->type = M68K_OP_REG; op1->reg = (BIT_F(extension) ? M68K_REG_A0 : M68K_REG_D0) + ((extension >> 12) & 7); } static void build_move16(m68k_info *info, int data[2], int modes[2]) { cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_MOVE16, 2, 0); int i; for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { cs_m68k_op* op = &ext->operands[i]; const int d = data[i]; const int m = modes[i]; op->type = M68K_OP_MEM; if (m == M68K_AM_REGI_ADDR_POST_INC || m == M68K_AM_REG_DIRECT_ADDR) { op->address_mode = m; op->reg = M68K_REG_A0 + d; } else { op->address_mode = m; op->imm = d; } } } static void build_link(m68k_info *info, int disp, int size) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_LINK, 2, size); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; op0->address_mode = M68K_AM_NONE; op0->reg = M68K_REG_A0 + (info->ir & 7); op1->address_mode = M68K_AM_IMMEDIATE; op1->type = M68K_OP_IMM; op1->imm = disp; } static void build_cpush_cinv(m68k_info *info, int op_offset) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_INVALID, 2, 0); switch ((info->ir >> 3) & 3) { // scope // Invalid case 0: d68000_invalid(info); return; // Line case 1: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, op_offset + 0); break; // Page case 2: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, op_offset + 1); break; // All case 3: ext->op_count = 1; MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, op_offset + 2); break; } op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; op0->address_mode = M68K_AM_IMMEDIATE; op0->type = M68K_OP_IMM; op0->imm = (info->ir >> 6) & 3; op1->type = M68K_OP_MEM; op1->address_mode = M68K_AM_REG_DIRECT_ADDR; op1->imm = M68K_REG_A0 + (info->ir & 7); } static void build_movep_re(m68k_info *info, int size) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_MOVEP, 2, size); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; op0->reg = M68K_REG_D0 + ((info->ir >> 9) & 7); op1->address_mode = M68K_AM_REGI_ADDR_DISP; op1->type = M68K_OP_MEM; op1->mem.base_reg = M68K_REG_A0 + (info->ir & 7); op1->mem.disp = (int16_t)read_imm_16(info); } static void build_movep_er(m68k_info *info, int size) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_MOVEP, 2, size); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; op0->address_mode = M68K_AM_REGI_ADDR_DISP; op0->type = M68K_OP_MEM; op0->mem.base_reg = M68K_REG_A0 + (info->ir & 7); op0->mem.disp = (int16_t)read_imm_16(info); op1->reg = M68K_REG_D0 + ((info->ir >> 9) & 7); } static void build_moves(m68k_info *info, int size) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_MOVES, 2, size); uint32_t extension = read_imm_16(info); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; if (BIT_B(extension)) { op0->reg = (BIT_F(extension) ? M68K_REG_A0 : M68K_REG_D0) + ((extension >> 12) & 7); get_ea_mode_op(info, op1, info->ir, size); } else { get_ea_mode_op(info, op0, info->ir, size); op1->reg = (BIT_F(extension) ? M68K_REG_A0 : M68K_REG_D0) + ((extension >> 12) & 7); } } static void build_er_1(m68k_info *info, int opcode, uint8_t size) { build_er_gen_1(info, true, opcode, size); } /* ======================================================================== */ /* ========================= INSTRUCTION HANDLERS ========================= */ /* ======================================================================== */ /* Instruction handler function names follow this convention: * * d68000_NAME_EXTENSIONS(void) * where NAME is the name of the opcode it handles and EXTENSIONS are any * extensions for special instances of that opcode. * * Examples: * d68000_add_er_8(): add opcode, from effective address to register, * size = byte * * d68000_asr_s_8(): arithmetic shift right, static count, size = byte * * * Common extensions: * 8 : size = byte * 16 : size = word * 32 : size = long * rr : register to register * mm : memory to memory * r : register * s : static * er : effective address -> register * re : register -> effective address * ea : using effective address mode of operation * d : data register direct * a : address register direct * ai : address register indirect * pi : address register indirect with postincrement * pd : address register indirect with predecrement * di : address register indirect with displacement * ix : address register indirect with index * aw : absolute word * al : absolute long */ static void d68000_invalid(m68k_info *info) { build_invalid(info, info->ir); } static void d68000_illegal(m68k_info *info) { build_illegal(info, info->ir); } static void d68000_1010(m68k_info *info) { build_invalid(info, info->ir); } static void d68000_1111(m68k_info *info) { build_invalid(info, info->ir); } static void d68000_abcd_rr(m68k_info *info) { build_rr(info, M68K_INS_ABCD, 1, 0); } static void d68000_abcd_mm(m68k_info *info) { build_mm(info, M68K_INS_ABCD, 1, 0); } static void d68000_add_er_8(m68k_info *info) { build_er_1(info, M68K_INS_ADD, 1); } static void d68000_add_er_16(m68k_info *info) { build_er_1(info, M68K_INS_ADD, 2); } static void d68000_add_er_32(m68k_info *info) { build_er_1(info, M68K_INS_ADD, 4); } static void d68000_add_re_8(m68k_info *info) { build_re_1(info, M68K_INS_ADD, 1); } static void d68000_add_re_16(m68k_info *info) { build_re_1(info, M68K_INS_ADD, 2); } static void d68000_add_re_32(m68k_info *info) { build_re_1(info, M68K_INS_ADD, 4); } static void d68000_adda_16(m68k_info *info) { build_ea_a(info, M68K_INS_ADDA, 2); } static void d68000_adda_32(m68k_info *info) { build_ea_a(info, M68K_INS_ADDA, 4); } static void d68000_addi_8(m68k_info *info) { build_imm_ea(info, M68K_INS_ADDI, 1, read_imm_8(info)); } static void d68000_addi_16(m68k_info *info) { build_imm_ea(info, M68K_INS_ADDI, 2, read_imm_16(info)); } static void d68000_addi_32(m68k_info *info) { build_imm_ea(info, M68K_INS_ADDI, 4, read_imm_32(info)); } static void d68000_addq_8(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_ea(info, M68K_INS_ADDQ, 1); } static void d68000_addq_16(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_ea(info, M68K_INS_ADDQ, 2); } static void d68000_addq_32(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_ea(info, M68K_INS_ADDQ, 4); } static void d68000_addx_rr_8(m68k_info *info) { build_rr(info, M68K_INS_ADDX, 1, 0); } static void d68000_addx_rr_16(m68k_info *info) { build_rr(info, M68K_INS_ADDX, 2, 0); } static void d68000_addx_rr_32(m68k_info *info) { build_rr(info, M68K_INS_ADDX, 4, 0); } static void d68000_addx_mm_8(m68k_info *info) { build_mm(info, M68K_INS_ADDX, 1, 0); } static void d68000_addx_mm_16(m68k_info *info) { build_mm(info, M68K_INS_ADDX, 2, 0); } static void d68000_addx_mm_32(m68k_info *info) { build_mm(info, M68K_INS_ADDX, 4, 0); } static void d68000_and_er_8(m68k_info *info) { build_er_1(info, M68K_INS_AND, 1); } static void d68000_and_er_16(m68k_info *info) { build_er_1(info, M68K_INS_AND, 2); } static void d68000_and_er_32(m68k_info *info) { build_er_1(info, M68K_INS_AND, 4); } static void d68000_and_re_8(m68k_info *info) { build_re_1(info, M68K_INS_AND, 1); } static void d68000_and_re_16(m68k_info *info) { build_re_1(info, M68K_INS_AND, 2); } static void d68000_and_re_32(m68k_info *info) { build_re_1(info, M68K_INS_AND, 4); } static void d68000_andi_8(m68k_info *info) { build_imm_ea(info, M68K_INS_ANDI, 1, read_imm_8(info)); } static void d68000_andi_16(m68k_info *info) { build_imm_ea(info, M68K_INS_ANDI, 2, read_imm_16(info)); } static void d68000_andi_32(m68k_info *info) { build_imm_ea(info, M68K_INS_ANDI, 4, read_imm_32(info)); } static void d68000_andi_to_ccr(m68k_info *info) { build_imm_special_reg(info, M68K_INS_ANDI, read_imm_8(info), 1, M68K_REG_CCR); } static void d68000_andi_to_sr(m68k_info *info) { build_imm_special_reg(info, M68K_INS_ANDI, read_imm_16(info), 2, M68K_REG_SR); } static void d68000_asr_s_8(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_d(info, M68K_INS_ASR, 1); } static void d68000_asr_s_16(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_d(info, M68K_INS_ASR, 2); } static void d68000_asr_s_32(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_d(info, M68K_INS_ASR, 4); } static void d68000_asr_r_8(m68k_info *info) { build_r(info, M68K_INS_ASR, 1); } static void d68000_asr_r_16(m68k_info *info) { build_r(info, M68K_INS_ASR, 2); } static void d68000_asr_r_32(m68k_info *info) { build_r(info, M68K_INS_ASR, 4); } static void d68000_asr_ea(m68k_info *info) { build_ea(info, M68K_INS_ASR, 2); } static void d68000_asl_s_8(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_d(info, M68K_INS_ASL, 1); } static void d68000_asl_s_16(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_d(info, M68K_INS_ASL, 2); } static void d68000_asl_s_32(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_d(info, M68K_INS_ASL, 4); } static void d68000_asl_r_8(m68k_info *info) { build_r(info, M68K_INS_ASL, 1); } static void d68000_asl_r_16(m68k_info *info) { build_r(info, M68K_INS_ASL, 2); } static void d68000_asl_r_32(m68k_info *info) { build_r(info, M68K_INS_ASL, 4); } static void d68000_asl_ea(m68k_info *info) { build_ea(info, M68K_INS_ASL, 2); } static void d68000_bcc_8(m68k_info *info) { build_bcc(info, 1, make_int_8(info->ir)); } static void d68000_bcc_16(m68k_info *info) { build_bcc(info, 2, make_int_16(read_imm_16(info))); } static void d68020_bcc_32(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_bcc(info, 4, read_imm_32(info)); } static void d68000_bchg_r(m68k_info *info) { build_re_1(info, M68K_INS_BCHG, 1); } static void d68000_bchg_s(m68k_info *info) { build_imm_ea(info, M68K_INS_BCHG, 1, read_imm_8(info)); } static void d68000_bclr_r(m68k_info *info) { build_re_1(info, M68K_INS_BCLR, 1); } static void d68000_bclr_s(m68k_info *info) { build_imm_ea(info, M68K_INS_BCLR, 1, read_imm_8(info)); } static void d68010_bkpt(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68010_PLUS); build_absolute_jump_with_immediate(info, M68K_INS_BKPT, 0, info->ir & 7); } static void d68020_bfchg(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_bitfield_ins(info, M68K_INS_BFCHG, false); } static void d68020_bfclr(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_bitfield_ins(info, M68K_INS_BFCLR, false); } static void d68020_bfexts(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_bitfield_ins(info, M68K_INS_BFEXTS, true); } static void d68020_bfextu(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_bitfield_ins(info, M68K_INS_BFEXTU, true); } static void d68020_bfffo(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_bitfield_ins(info, M68K_INS_BFFFO, true); } static void d68020_bfins(m68k_info *info) { cs_m68k* ext = &info->extension; cs_m68k_op temp; LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_bitfield_ins(info, M68K_INS_BFINS, true); // a bit hacky but we need to flip the args on only this instruction temp = ext->operands[0]; ext->operands[0] = ext->operands[1]; ext->operands[1] = temp; } static void d68020_bfset(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_bitfield_ins(info, M68K_INS_BFSET, false); } static void d68020_bftst(m68k_info *info) { build_bitfield_ins(info, M68K_INS_BFTST, false); } static void d68000_bra_8(m68k_info *info) { build_relative_branch(info, M68K_INS_BRA, 1, make_int_8(info->ir)); } static void d68000_bra_16(m68k_info *info) { build_relative_branch(info, M68K_INS_BRA, 2, make_int_16(read_imm_16(info))); } static void d68020_bra_32(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_relative_branch(info, M68K_INS_BRA, 4, read_imm_32(info)); } static void d68000_bset_r(m68k_info *info) { build_re_1(info, M68K_INS_BSET, 1); } static void d68000_bset_s(m68k_info *info) { build_imm_ea(info, M68K_INS_BSET, 1, read_imm_8(info)); } static void d68000_bsr_8(m68k_info *info) { build_relative_branch(info, M68K_INS_BSR, 1, make_int_8(info->ir)); } static void d68000_bsr_16(m68k_info *info) { build_relative_branch(info, M68K_INS_BSR, 2, make_int_16(read_imm_16(info))); } static void d68020_bsr_32(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_relative_branch(info, M68K_INS_BSR, 4, read_imm_32(info)); } static void d68000_btst_r(m68k_info *info) { build_re_1(info, M68K_INS_BTST, 4); } static void d68000_btst_s(m68k_info *info) { build_imm_ea(info, M68K_INS_BTST, 1, read_imm_8(info)); } static void d68020_callm(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_ONLY); build_imm_ea(info, M68K_INS_CALLM, 0, read_imm_8(info)); } static void d68020_cas_8(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_d_d_ea(info, M68K_INS_CAS, 1); } static void d68020_cas_16(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_d_d_ea(info, M68K_INS_CAS, 2); } static void d68020_cas_32(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_d_d_ea(info, M68K_INS_CAS, 4); } static void d68020_cas2_16(m68k_info *info) { build_cas2(info, 2); } static void d68020_cas2_32(m68k_info *info) { build_cas2(info, 4); } static void d68000_chk_16(m68k_info *info) { build_er_1(info, M68K_INS_CHK, 2); } static void d68020_chk_32(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_er_1(info, M68K_INS_CHK, 4); } static void d68020_chk2_cmp2_8(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_chk2_cmp2(info, 1); } static void d68020_chk2_cmp2_16(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_chk2_cmp2(info, 2); } static void d68020_chk2_cmp2_32(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_chk2_cmp2(info, 4); } static void d68040_cinv(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68040_PLUS); build_cpush_cinv(info, M68K_INS_CINVL); } static void d68000_clr_8(m68k_info *info) { build_ea(info, M68K_INS_CLR, 1); } static void d68000_clr_16(m68k_info *info) { build_ea(info, M68K_INS_CLR, 2); } static void d68000_clr_32(m68k_info *info) { build_ea(info, M68K_INS_CLR, 4); } static void d68000_cmp_8(m68k_info *info) { build_er_1(info, M68K_INS_CMP, 1); } static void d68000_cmp_16(m68k_info *info) { build_er_1(info, M68K_INS_CMP, 2); } static void d68000_cmp_32(m68k_info *info) { build_er_1(info, M68K_INS_CMP, 4); } static void d68000_cmpa_16(m68k_info *info) { build_ea_a(info, M68K_INS_CMPA, 2); } static void d68000_cmpa_32(m68k_info *info) { build_ea_a(info, M68K_INS_CMPA, 4); } static void d68000_cmpi_8(m68k_info *info) { build_imm_ea(info, M68K_INS_CMPI, 1, read_imm_8(info)); } static void d68020_cmpi_pcdi_8(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68010_PLUS); build_imm_ea(info, M68K_INS_CMPI, 1, read_imm_8(info)); } static void d68020_cmpi_pcix_8(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68010_PLUS); build_imm_ea(info, M68K_INS_CMPI, 1, read_imm_8(info)); } static void d68000_cmpi_16(m68k_info *info) { build_imm_ea(info, M68K_INS_CMPI, 2, read_imm_16(info)); } static void d68020_cmpi_pcdi_16(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68010_PLUS); build_imm_ea(info, M68K_INS_CMPI, 2, read_imm_16(info)); } static void d68020_cmpi_pcix_16(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68010_PLUS); build_imm_ea(info, M68K_INS_CMPI, 2, read_imm_16(info)); } static void d68000_cmpi_32(m68k_info *info) { build_imm_ea(info, M68K_INS_CMPI, 4, read_imm_32(info)); } static void d68020_cmpi_pcdi_32(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68010_PLUS); build_imm_ea(info, M68K_INS_CMPI, 4, read_imm_32(info)); } static void d68020_cmpi_pcix_32(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68010_PLUS); build_imm_ea(info, M68K_INS_CMPI, 4, read_imm_32(info)); } static void d68000_cmpm_8(m68k_info *info) { build_pi_pi(info, M68K_INS_CMPM, 1); } static void d68000_cmpm_16(m68k_info *info) { build_pi_pi(info, M68K_INS_CMPM, 2); } static void d68000_cmpm_32(m68k_info *info) { build_pi_pi(info, M68K_INS_CMPM, 4); } static void make_cpbcc_operand(cs_m68k_op* op, int size, int displacement) { op->address_mode = M68K_AM_BRANCH_DISPLACEMENT; op->type = M68K_OP_BR_DISP; op->br_disp.disp = displacement; op->br_disp.disp_size = size; } static void d68020_cpbcc_16(m68k_info *info) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k* ext; LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); // these are all in row with the extension so just doing a add here is fine info->inst->Opcode += (info->ir & 0x2f); ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_FBF, 1, 2); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; make_cpbcc_operand(op0, M68K_OP_BR_DISP_SIZE_WORD, make_int_16(read_imm_16(info))); set_insn_group(info, M68K_GRP_JUMP); set_insn_group(info, M68K_GRP_BRANCH_RELATIVE); } static void d68020_cpbcc_32(m68k_info *info) { cs_m68k* ext; cs_m68k_op* op0; LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); // these are all in row with the extension so just doing a add here is fine info->inst->Opcode += (info->ir & 0x2f); ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_FBF, 1, 4); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; make_cpbcc_operand(op0, M68K_OP_BR_DISP_SIZE_LONG, read_imm_32(info)); set_insn_group(info, M68K_GRP_JUMP); set_insn_group(info, M68K_GRP_BRANCH_RELATIVE); } static void d68020_cpdbcc(m68k_info *info) { cs_m68k* ext; cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; uint32_t ext1, ext2; LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); ext1 = read_imm_16(info); ext2 = read_imm_16(info); // these are all in row with the extension so just doing a add here is fine info->inst->Opcode += (ext1 & 0x2f); ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_FDBF, 2, 0); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; op0->reg = M68K_REG_D0 + (info->ir & 7); make_cpbcc_operand(op1, M68K_OP_BR_DISP_SIZE_WORD, make_int_16(ext2) + 2); set_insn_group(info, M68K_GRP_JUMP); set_insn_group(info, M68K_GRP_BRANCH_RELATIVE); } static void fmove_fpcr(m68k_info *info, uint32_t extension) { cs_m68k_op* special; cs_m68k_op* op_ea; int regsel = (extension >> 10) & 0x7; int dir = (extension >> 13) & 0x1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_FMOVE, 2, 4); special = &ext->operands[0]; op_ea = &ext->operands[1]; if (!dir) { cs_m68k_op* t = special; special = op_ea; op_ea = t; } get_ea_mode_op(info, op_ea, info->ir, 4); if (regsel & 4) special->reg = M68K_REG_FPCR; else if (regsel & 2) special->reg = M68K_REG_FPSR; else if (regsel & 1) special->reg = M68K_REG_FPIAR; } static void fmovem(m68k_info *info, uint32_t extension) { cs_m68k_op* op_reglist; cs_m68k_op* op_ea; int dir = (extension >> 13) & 0x1; int mode = (extension >> 11) & 0x3; uint32_t reglist = extension & 0xff; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_FMOVEM, 2, 0); op_reglist = &ext->operands[0]; op_ea = &ext->operands[1]; // flip args around if (!dir) { cs_m68k_op* t = op_reglist; op_reglist = op_ea; op_ea = t; } get_ea_mode_op(info, op_ea, info->ir, 0); switch (mode) { case 1 : // Dynamic list in dn register op_reglist->reg = M68K_REG_D0 + ((reglist >> 4) & 7); break; case 0 : op_reglist->address_mode = M68K_AM_NONE; op_reglist->type = M68K_OP_REG_BITS; op_reglist->register_bits = reglist << 16; break; case 2 : // Static list op_reglist->address_mode = M68K_AM_NONE; op_reglist->type = M68K_OP_REG_BITS; op_reglist->register_bits = ((uint32_t)reverse_bits_8(reglist)) << 16; break; } } static void d68020_cpgen(m68k_info *info) { cs_m68k *ext; cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; bool supports_single_op; uint32_t next; int rm, src, dst, opmode; LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); supports_single_op = true; next = read_imm_16(info); rm = (next >> 14) & 0x1; src = (next >> 10) & 0x7; dst = (next >> 7) & 0x7; opmode = next & 0x3f; // special handling for fmovecr if (BITFIELD(info->ir, 5, 0) == 0 && BITFIELD(next, 15, 10) == 0x17) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_FMOVECR, 2, 0); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; op0->address_mode = M68K_AM_IMMEDIATE; op0->type = M68K_OP_IMM; op0->imm = next & 0x3f; op1->reg = M68K_REG_FP0 + ((next >> 7) & 7); return; } // deal with extended move stuff switch ((next >> 13) & 0x7) { // fmovem fpcr case 0x4: // FMOVEM ea, FPCR case 0x5: // FMOVEM FPCR, ea fmove_fpcr(info, next); return; // fmovem list case 0x6: case 0x7: fmovem(info, next); return; } // See comment bellow on why this is being done if ((next >> 6) & 1) opmode &= ~4; // special handling of some instructions here switch (opmode) { case 0x00: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FMOVE); supports_single_op = false; break; case 0x01: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FINT); break; case 0x02: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FSINH); break; case 0x03: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FINTRZ); break; case 0x04: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FSQRT); break; case 0x06: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FLOGNP1); break; case 0x08: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FETOXM1); break; case 0x09: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FATANH); break; case 0x0a: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FATAN); break; case 0x0c: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FASIN); break; case 0x0d: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FATANH); break; case 0x0e: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FSIN); break; case 0x0f: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FTAN); break; case 0x10: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FETOX); break; case 0x11: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FTWOTOX); break; case 0x12: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FTENTOX); break; case 0x14: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FLOGN); break; case 0x15: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FLOG10); break; case 0x16: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FLOG2); break; case 0x18: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FABS); break; case 0x19: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FCOSH); break; case 0x1a: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FNEG); break; case 0x1c: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FACOS); break; case 0x1d: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FCOS); break; case 0x1e: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FGETEXP); break; case 0x1f: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FGETMAN); break; case 0x20: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FDIV); supports_single_op = false; break; case 0x21: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FMOD); supports_single_op = false; break; case 0x22: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FADD); supports_single_op = false; break; case 0x23: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FMUL); supports_single_op = false; break; case 0x24: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FSGLDIV); supports_single_op = false; break; case 0x25: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FREM); break; case 0x26: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FSCALE); break; case 0x27: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FSGLMUL); break; case 0x28: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FSUB); supports_single_op = false; break; case 0x38: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FCMP); supports_single_op = false; break; case 0x3a: MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_FTST); break; default: break; } // Some trickery here! It's not documented but if bit 6 is set this is a s/d opcode and then // if bit 2 is set it's a d. As we already have set our opcode in the code above we can just // offset it as the following 2 op codes (if s/d is supported) will always be directly after it if ((next >> 6) & 1) { if ((next >> 2) & 1) info->inst->Opcode += 2; else info->inst->Opcode += 1; } ext = &info->extension; ext->op_count = 2; ext->op_size.type = M68K_SIZE_TYPE_CPU; ext->op_size.cpu_size = 0; op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; if (rm == 0 && supports_single_op && src == dst) { ext->op_count = 1; op0->reg = M68K_REG_FP0 + dst; return; } if (rm == 1) { switch (src) { case 0x00 : ext->op_size.cpu_size = M68K_CPU_SIZE_LONG; get_ea_mode_op(info, op0, info->ir, 4); break; case 0x06 : ext->op_size.cpu_size = M68K_CPU_SIZE_BYTE; get_ea_mode_op(info, op0, info->ir, 1); break; case 0x04 : ext->op_size.cpu_size = M68K_CPU_SIZE_WORD; get_ea_mode_op(info, op0, info->ir, 2); break; case 0x01 : ext->op_size.type = M68K_SIZE_TYPE_FPU; ext->op_size.fpu_size = M68K_FPU_SIZE_SINGLE; get_ea_mode_op(info, op0, info->ir, 4); op0->type = M68K_OP_FP_SINGLE; break; case 0x05: ext->op_size.type = M68K_SIZE_TYPE_FPU; ext->op_size.fpu_size = M68K_FPU_SIZE_DOUBLE; get_ea_mode_op(info, op0, info->ir, 8); op0->type = M68K_OP_FP_DOUBLE; break; default : ext->op_size.type = M68K_SIZE_TYPE_FPU; ext->op_size.fpu_size = M68K_FPU_SIZE_EXTENDED; break; } } else { op0->reg = M68K_REG_FP0 + src; } op1->reg = M68K_REG_FP0 + dst; } static void d68020_cprestore(m68k_info *info) { cs_m68k* ext; LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_FRESTORE, 1, 0); get_ea_mode_op(info, &ext->operands[0], info->ir, 1); } static void d68020_cpsave(m68k_info *info) { cs_m68k* ext; LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_FSAVE, 1, 0); get_ea_mode_op(info, &ext->operands[0], info->ir, 1); } static void d68020_cpscc(m68k_info *info) { cs_m68k* ext; LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_FSF, 1, 1); // these are all in row with the extension so just doing a add here is fine info->inst->Opcode += (read_imm_16(info) & 0x2f); get_ea_mode_op(info, &ext->operands[0], info->ir, 1); } static void d68020_cptrapcc_0(m68k_info *info) { uint32_t extension1; LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); extension1 = read_imm_16(info); build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_FTRAPF, 0, 0); // these are all in row with the extension so just doing a add here is fine info->inst->Opcode += (extension1 & 0x2f); } static void d68020_cptrapcc_16(m68k_info *info) { uint32_t extension1, extension2; cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k* ext; LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); extension1 = read_imm_16(info); extension2 = read_imm_16(info); ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_FTRAPF, 1, 2); // these are all in row with the extension so just doing a add here is fine info->inst->Opcode += (extension1 & 0x2f); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op0->address_mode = M68K_AM_IMMEDIATE; op0->type = M68K_OP_IMM; op0->imm = extension2; } static void d68020_cptrapcc_32(m68k_info *info) { uint32_t extension1, extension2; cs_m68k* ext; cs_m68k_op* op0; LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); extension1 = read_imm_16(info); extension2 = read_imm_32(info); ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_FTRAPF, 1, 2); // these are all in row with the extension so just doing a add here is fine info->inst->Opcode += (extension1 & 0x2f); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op0->address_mode = M68K_AM_IMMEDIATE; op0->type = M68K_OP_IMM; op0->imm = extension2; } static void d68040_cpush(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68040_PLUS); build_cpush_cinv(info, M68K_INS_CPUSHL); } static void d68000_dbra(m68k_info *info) { build_dbxx(info, M68K_INS_DBRA, 0, make_int_16(read_imm_16(info))); } static void d68000_dbcc(m68k_info *info) { build_dbcc(info, 0, make_int_16(read_imm_16(info))); } static void d68000_divs(m68k_info *info) { build_er_1(info, M68K_INS_DIVS, 2); } static void d68000_divu(m68k_info *info) { build_er_1(info, M68K_INS_DIVU, 2); } static void d68020_divl(m68k_info *info) { uint32_t extension, insn_signed; cs_m68k* ext; cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; uint32_t reg_0, reg_1; LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); extension = read_imm_16(info); insn_signed = 0; if (BIT_B((extension))) insn_signed = 1; ext = build_init_op(info, insn_signed ? M68K_INS_DIVS : M68K_INS_DIVU, 2, 4); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; get_ea_mode_op(info, op0, info->ir, 4); reg_0 = extension & 7; reg_1 = (extension >> 12) & 7; op1->address_mode = M68K_AM_NONE; op1->type = M68K_OP_REG_PAIR; op1->reg_pair.reg_0 = reg_0 + M68K_REG_D0; op1->reg_pair.reg_1 = reg_1 + M68K_REG_D0; if ((reg_0 == reg_1) || !BIT_A(extension)) { op1->type = M68K_OP_REG; op1->reg = M68K_REG_D0 + reg_1; } } static void d68000_eor_8(m68k_info *info) { build_re_1(info, M68K_INS_EOR, 1); } static void d68000_eor_16(m68k_info *info) { build_re_1(info, M68K_INS_EOR, 2); } static void d68000_eor_32(m68k_info *info) { build_re_1(info, M68K_INS_EOR, 4); } static void d68000_eori_8(m68k_info *info) { build_imm_ea(info, M68K_INS_EORI, 1, read_imm_8(info)); } static void d68000_eori_16(m68k_info *info) { build_imm_ea(info, M68K_INS_EORI, 2, read_imm_16(info)); } static void d68000_eori_32(m68k_info *info) { build_imm_ea(info, M68K_INS_EORI, 4, read_imm_32(info)); } static void d68000_eori_to_ccr(m68k_info *info) { build_imm_special_reg(info, M68K_INS_EORI, read_imm_8(info), 1, M68K_REG_CCR); } static void d68000_eori_to_sr(m68k_info *info) { build_imm_special_reg(info, M68K_INS_EORI, read_imm_16(info), 2, M68K_REG_SR); } static void d68000_exg_dd(m68k_info *info) { build_r(info, M68K_INS_EXG, 4); } static void d68000_exg_aa(m68k_info *info) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_EXG, 2, 4); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; op0->address_mode = M68K_AM_NONE; op0->reg = M68K_REG_A0 + ((info->ir >> 9) & 7); op1->address_mode = M68K_AM_NONE; op1->reg = M68K_REG_A0 + (info->ir & 7); } static void d68000_exg_da(m68k_info *info) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_EXG, 2, 4); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; op0->address_mode = M68K_AM_NONE; op0->reg = M68K_REG_D0 + ((info->ir >> 9) & 7); op1->address_mode = M68K_AM_NONE; op1->reg = M68K_REG_A0 + (info->ir & 7); } static void d68000_ext_16(m68k_info *info) { build_d(info, M68K_INS_EXT, 2); } static void d68000_ext_32(m68k_info *info) { build_d(info, M68K_INS_EXT, 4); } static void d68020_extb_32(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_d(info, M68K_INS_EXTB, 4); } static void d68000_jmp(m68k_info *info) { cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_JMP, 1, 0); set_insn_group(info, M68K_GRP_JUMP); get_ea_mode_op(info, &ext->operands[0], info->ir, 4); } static void d68000_jsr(m68k_info *info) { cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_JSR, 1, 0); set_insn_group(info, M68K_GRP_JUMP); get_ea_mode_op(info, &ext->operands[0], info->ir, 4); } static void d68000_lea(m68k_info *info) { build_ea_a(info, M68K_INS_LEA, 4); } static void d68000_link_16(m68k_info *info) { build_link(info, read_imm_16(info), 2); } static void d68020_link_32(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_link(info, read_imm_32(info), 4); } static void d68000_lsr_s_8(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_d(info, M68K_INS_LSR, 1); } static void d68000_lsr_s_16(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_d(info, M68K_INS_LSR, 2); } static void d68000_lsr_s_32(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_d(info, M68K_INS_LSR, 4); } static void d68000_lsr_r_8(m68k_info *info) { build_r(info, M68K_INS_LSR, 1); } static void d68000_lsr_r_16(m68k_info *info) { build_r(info, M68K_INS_LSR, 2); } static void d68000_lsr_r_32(m68k_info *info) { build_r(info, M68K_INS_LSR, 4); } static void d68000_lsr_ea(m68k_info *info) { build_ea(info, M68K_INS_LSR, 2); } static void d68000_lsl_s_8(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_d(info, M68K_INS_LSL, 1); } static void d68000_lsl_s_16(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_d(info, M68K_INS_LSL, 2); } static void d68000_lsl_s_32(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_d(info, M68K_INS_LSL, 4); } static void d68000_lsl_r_8(m68k_info *info) { build_r(info, M68K_INS_LSL, 1); } static void d68000_lsl_r_16(m68k_info *info) { build_r(info, M68K_INS_LSL, 2); } static void d68000_lsl_r_32(m68k_info *info) { build_r(info, M68K_INS_LSL, 4); } static void d68000_lsl_ea(m68k_info *info) { build_ea(info, M68K_INS_LSL, 2); } static void d68000_move_8(m68k_info *info) { build_ea_ea(info, M68K_INS_MOVE, 1); } static void d68000_move_16(m68k_info *info) { build_ea_ea(info, M68K_INS_MOVE, 2); } static void d68000_move_32(m68k_info *info) { build_ea_ea(info, M68K_INS_MOVE, 4); } static void d68000_movea_16(m68k_info *info) { build_ea_a(info, M68K_INS_MOVEA, 2); } static void d68000_movea_32(m68k_info *info) { build_ea_a(info, M68K_INS_MOVEA, 4); } static void d68000_move_to_ccr(m68k_info *info) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_MOVE, 2, 2); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; get_ea_mode_op(info, op0, info->ir, 1); op1->address_mode = M68K_AM_NONE; op1->reg = M68K_REG_CCR; } static void d68010_move_fr_ccr(m68k_info *info) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext; LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68010_PLUS); ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_MOVE, 2, 2); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; op0->address_mode = M68K_AM_NONE; op0->reg = M68K_REG_CCR; get_ea_mode_op(info, op1, info->ir, 1); } static void d68000_move_fr_sr(m68k_info *info) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_MOVE, 2, 2); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; op0->address_mode = M68K_AM_NONE; op0->reg = M68K_REG_SR; get_ea_mode_op(info, op1, info->ir, 2); } static void d68000_move_to_sr(m68k_info *info) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_MOVE, 2, 2); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; get_ea_mode_op(info, op0, info->ir, 2); op1->address_mode = M68K_AM_NONE; op1->reg = M68K_REG_SR; } static void d68000_move_fr_usp(m68k_info *info) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_MOVE, 2, 0); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; op0->address_mode = M68K_AM_NONE; op0->reg = M68K_REG_USP; op1->address_mode = M68K_AM_NONE; op1->reg = M68K_REG_A0 + (info->ir & 7); } static void d68000_move_to_usp(m68k_info *info) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_MOVE, 2, 0); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; op0->address_mode = M68K_AM_NONE; op0->reg = M68K_REG_A0 + (info->ir & 7); op1->address_mode = M68K_AM_NONE; op1->reg = M68K_REG_USP; } static void d68010_movec(m68k_info *info) { uint32_t extension; m68k_reg reg; cs_m68k* ext; cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68010_PLUS); extension = read_imm_16(info); reg = M68K_REG_INVALID; ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_MOVEC, 2, 0); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; switch (extension & 0xfff) { case 0x000: reg = M68K_REG_SFC; break; case 0x001: reg = M68K_REG_DFC; break; case 0x800: reg = M68K_REG_USP; break; case 0x801: reg = M68K_REG_VBR; break; case 0x002: reg = M68K_REG_CACR; break; case 0x802: reg = M68K_REG_CAAR; break; case 0x803: reg = M68K_REG_MSP; break; case 0x804: reg = M68K_REG_ISP; break; case 0x003: reg = M68K_REG_TC; break; case 0x004: reg = M68K_REG_ITT0; break; case 0x005: reg = M68K_REG_ITT1; break; case 0x006: reg = M68K_REG_DTT0; break; case 0x007: reg = M68K_REG_DTT1; break; case 0x805: reg = M68K_REG_MMUSR; break; case 0x806: reg = M68K_REG_URP; break; case 0x807: reg = M68K_REG_SRP; break; } if (BIT_0(info->ir)) { op0->reg = (BIT_F(extension) ? M68K_REG_A0 : M68K_REG_D0) + ((extension >> 12) & 7); op1->reg = reg; } else { op0->reg = reg; op1->reg = (BIT_F(extension) ? M68K_REG_A0 : M68K_REG_D0) + ((extension >> 12) & 7); } } static void d68000_movem_pd_16(m68k_info *info) { build_movem_re(info, M68K_INS_MOVEM, 2); } static void d68000_movem_pd_32(m68k_info *info) { build_movem_re(info, M68K_INS_MOVEM, 4); } static void d68000_movem_er_16(m68k_info *info) { build_movem_er(info, M68K_INS_MOVEM, 2); } static void d68000_movem_er_32(m68k_info *info) { build_movem_er(info, M68K_INS_MOVEM, 4); } static void d68000_movem_re_16(m68k_info *info) { build_movem_re(info, M68K_INS_MOVEM, 2); } static void d68000_movem_re_32(m68k_info *info) { build_movem_re(info, M68K_INS_MOVEM, 4); } static void d68000_movep_re_16(m68k_info *info) { build_movep_re(info, 2); } static void d68000_movep_re_32(m68k_info *info) { build_movep_re(info, 4); } static void d68000_movep_er_16(m68k_info *info) { build_movep_er(info, 2); } static void d68000_movep_er_32(m68k_info *info) { build_movep_er(info, 4); } static void d68010_moves_8(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68010_PLUS); build_moves(info, 1); } static void d68010_moves_16(m68k_info *info) { //uint32_t extension; LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68010_PLUS); build_moves(info, 2); } static void d68010_moves_32(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68010_PLUS); build_moves(info, 4); } static void d68000_moveq(m68k_info *info) { cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_MOVEQ, 2, 0); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; op0->type = M68K_OP_IMM; op0->address_mode = M68K_AM_IMMEDIATE; op0->imm = (info->ir & 0xff); op1->address_mode = M68K_AM_REG_DIRECT_DATA; op1->reg = M68K_REG_D0 + ((info->ir >> 9) & 7); } static void d68040_move16_pi_pi(m68k_info *info) { int data[] = { info->ir & 7, (read_imm_16(info) >> 12) & 7 }; int modes[] = { M68K_AM_REGI_ADDR_POST_INC, M68K_AM_REGI_ADDR_POST_INC }; LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68040_PLUS); build_move16(info, data, modes); } static void d68040_move16_pi_al(m68k_info *info) { int data[] = { info->ir & 7, read_imm_32(info) }; int modes[] = { M68K_AM_REGI_ADDR_POST_INC, M68K_AM_ABSOLUTE_DATA_LONG }; LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68040_PLUS); build_move16(info, data, modes); } static void d68040_move16_al_pi(m68k_info *info) { int data[] = { read_imm_32(info), info->ir & 7 }; int modes[] = { M68K_AM_ABSOLUTE_DATA_LONG, M68K_AM_REGI_ADDR_POST_INC }; LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68040_PLUS); build_move16(info, data, modes); } static void d68040_move16_ai_al(m68k_info *info) { int data[] = { info->ir & 7, read_imm_32(info) }; int modes[] = { M68K_AM_REG_DIRECT_ADDR, M68K_AM_ABSOLUTE_DATA_LONG }; LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68040_PLUS); build_move16(info, data, modes); } static void d68040_move16_al_ai(m68k_info *info) { int data[] = { read_imm_32(info), info->ir & 7 }; int modes[] = { M68K_AM_ABSOLUTE_DATA_LONG, M68K_AM_REG_DIRECT_ADDR }; LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68040_PLUS); build_move16(info, data, modes); } static void d68000_muls(m68k_info *info) { build_er_1(info, M68K_INS_MULS, 2); } static void d68000_mulu(m68k_info *info) { build_er_1(info, M68K_INS_MULU, 2); } static void d68020_mull(m68k_info *info) { uint32_t extension, insn_signed; cs_m68k* ext; cs_m68k_op* op0; cs_m68k_op* op1; uint32_t reg_0, reg_1; LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); extension = read_imm_16(info); insn_signed = 0; if (BIT_B((extension))) insn_signed = 1; ext = build_init_op(info, insn_signed ? M68K_INS_MULS : M68K_INS_MULU, 2, 4); op0 = &ext->operands[0]; op1 = &ext->operands[1]; get_ea_mode_op(info, op0, info->ir, 4); reg_0 = extension & 7; reg_1 = (extension >> 12) & 7; op1->address_mode = M68K_AM_NONE; op1->type = M68K_OP_REG_PAIR; op1->reg_pair.reg_0 = reg_0 + M68K_REG_D0; op1->reg_pair.reg_1 = reg_1 + M68K_REG_D0; if (!BIT_A(extension)) { op1->type = M68K_OP_REG; op1->reg = M68K_REG_D0 + reg_1; } } static void d68000_nbcd(m68k_info *info) { build_ea(info, M68K_INS_NBCD, 1); } static void d68000_neg_8(m68k_info *info) { build_ea(info, M68K_INS_NEG, 1); } static void d68000_neg_16(m68k_info *info) { build_ea(info, M68K_INS_NEG, 2); } static void d68000_neg_32(m68k_info *info) { build_ea(info, M68K_INS_NEG, 4); } static void d68000_negx_8(m68k_info *info) { build_ea(info, M68K_INS_NEGX, 1); } static void d68000_negx_16(m68k_info *info) { build_ea(info, M68K_INS_NEGX, 2); } static void d68000_negx_32(m68k_info *info) { build_ea(info, M68K_INS_NEGX, 4); } static void d68000_nop(m68k_info *info) { MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_NOP); } static void d68000_not_8(m68k_info *info) { build_ea(info, M68K_INS_NOT, 1); } static void d68000_not_16(m68k_info *info) { build_ea(info, M68K_INS_NOT, 2); } static void d68000_not_32(m68k_info *info) { build_ea(info, M68K_INS_NOT, 4); } static void d68000_or_er_8(m68k_info *info) { build_er_1(info, M68K_INS_OR, 1); } static void d68000_or_er_16(m68k_info *info) { build_er_1(info, M68K_INS_OR, 2); } static void d68000_or_er_32(m68k_info *info) { build_er_1(info, M68K_INS_OR, 4); } static void d68000_or_re_8(m68k_info *info) { build_re_1(info, M68K_INS_OR, 1); } static void d68000_or_re_16(m68k_info *info) { build_re_1(info, M68K_INS_OR, 2); } static void d68000_or_re_32(m68k_info *info) { build_re_1(info, M68K_INS_OR, 4); } static void d68000_ori_8(m68k_info *info) { build_imm_ea(info, M68K_INS_ORI, 1, read_imm_8(info)); } static void d68000_ori_16(m68k_info *info) { build_imm_ea(info, M68K_INS_ORI, 2, read_imm_16(info)); } static void d68000_ori_32(m68k_info *info) { build_imm_ea(info, M68K_INS_ORI, 4, read_imm_32(info)); } static void d68000_ori_to_ccr(m68k_info *info) { build_imm_special_reg(info, M68K_INS_ORI, read_imm_8(info), 1, M68K_REG_CCR); } static void d68000_ori_to_sr(m68k_info *info) { build_imm_special_reg(info, M68K_INS_ORI, read_imm_16(info), 2, M68K_REG_SR); } static void d68020_pack_rr(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_rr(info, M68K_INS_PACK, 0, read_imm_16(info)); } static void d68020_pack_mm(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_mm(info, M68K_INS_PACK, 0, read_imm_16(info)); } static void d68000_pea(m68k_info *info) { build_ea(info, M68K_INS_PEA, 4); } static void d68000_reset(m68k_info *info) { MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_RESET); } static void d68000_ror_s_8(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_d(info, M68K_INS_ROR, 1); } static void d68000_ror_s_16(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_d(info, M68K_INS_ROR, 2); } static void d68000_ror_s_32(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_d(info, M68K_INS_ROR, 4); } static void d68000_ror_r_8(m68k_info *info) { build_r(info, M68K_INS_ROR, 1); } static void d68000_ror_r_16(m68k_info *info) { build_r(info, M68K_INS_ROR, 2); } static void d68000_ror_r_32(m68k_info *info) { build_r(info, M68K_INS_ROR, 4); } static void d68000_ror_ea(m68k_info *info) { build_ea(info, M68K_INS_ROR, 2); } static void d68000_rol_s_8(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_d(info, M68K_INS_ROL, 1); } static void d68000_rol_s_16(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_d(info, M68K_INS_ROL, 2); } static void d68000_rol_s_32(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_d(info, M68K_INS_ROL, 4); } static void d68000_rol_r_8(m68k_info *info) { build_r(info, M68K_INS_ROL, 1); } static void d68000_rol_r_16(m68k_info *info) { build_r(info, M68K_INS_ROL, 2); } static void d68000_rol_r_32(m68k_info *info) { build_r(info, M68K_INS_ROL, 4); } static void d68000_rol_ea(m68k_info *info) { build_ea(info, M68K_INS_ROL, 2); } static void d68000_roxr_s_8(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_d(info, M68K_INS_ROXR, 1); } static void d68000_roxr_s_16(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_d(info, M68K_INS_ROXR, 2); } static void d68000_roxr_s_32(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_d(info, M68K_INS_ROXR, 4); } static void d68000_roxr_r_8(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_d(info, M68K_INS_ROXR, 4); } static void d68000_roxr_r_16(m68k_info *info) { build_r(info, M68K_INS_ROXR, 2); } static void d68000_roxr_r_32(m68k_info *info) { build_r(info, M68K_INS_ROXR, 4); } static void d68000_roxr_ea(m68k_info *info) { build_ea(info, M68K_INS_ROXR, 2); } static void d68000_roxl_s_8(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_d(info, M68K_INS_ROXL, 1); } static void d68000_roxl_s_16(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_d(info, M68K_INS_ROXL, 2); } static void d68000_roxl_s_32(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_d(info, M68K_INS_ROXL, 4); } static void d68000_roxl_r_8(m68k_info *info) { build_r(info, M68K_INS_ROXL, 1); } static void d68000_roxl_r_16(m68k_info *info) { build_r(info, M68K_INS_ROXL, 2); } static void d68000_roxl_r_32(m68k_info *info) { build_r(info, M68K_INS_ROXL, 4); } static void d68000_roxl_ea(m68k_info *info) { build_ea(info, M68K_INS_ROXL, 2); } static void d68010_rtd(m68k_info *info) { set_insn_group(info, M68K_GRP_RET); LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68010_PLUS); build_absolute_jump_with_immediate(info, M68K_INS_RTD, 0, read_imm_16(info)); } static void d68000_rte(m68k_info *info) { set_insn_group(info, M68K_GRP_IRET); MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_RTE); } static void d68020_rtm(m68k_info *info) { cs_m68k* ext; cs_m68k_op* op; set_insn_group(info, M68K_GRP_RET); LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_ONLY); build_absolute_jump_with_immediate(info, M68K_INS_RTM, 0, 0); ext = &info->extension; op = &ext->operands[0]; op->address_mode = M68K_AM_NONE; op->type = M68K_OP_REG; if (BIT_3(info->ir)) { op->reg = M68K_REG_A0 + (info->ir & 7); } else { op->reg = M68K_REG_D0 + (info->ir & 7); } } static void d68000_rtr(m68k_info *info) { set_insn_group(info, M68K_GRP_RET); MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_RTR); } static void d68000_rts(m68k_info *info) { set_insn_group(info, M68K_GRP_RET); MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_RTS); } static void d68000_sbcd_rr(m68k_info *info) { build_rr(info, M68K_INS_SBCD, 1, 0); } static void d68000_sbcd_mm(m68k_info *info) { build_mm(info, M68K_INS_SBCD, 0, read_imm_16(info)); } static void d68000_scc(m68k_info *info) { cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, s_scc_lut[(info->ir >> 8) & 0xf], 1, 1); get_ea_mode_op(info, &ext->operands[0], info->ir, 1); } static void d68000_stop(m68k_info *info) { build_absolute_jump_with_immediate(info, M68K_INS_STOP, 0, read_imm_16(info)); } static void d68000_sub_er_8(m68k_info *info) { build_er_1(info, M68K_INS_SUB, 1); } static void d68000_sub_er_16(m68k_info *info) { build_er_1(info, M68K_INS_SUB, 2); } static void d68000_sub_er_32(m68k_info *info) { build_er_1(info, M68K_INS_SUB, 4); } static void d68000_sub_re_8(m68k_info *info) { build_re_1(info, M68K_INS_SUB, 1); } static void d68000_sub_re_16(m68k_info *info) { build_re_1(info, M68K_INS_SUB, 2); } static void d68000_sub_re_32(m68k_info *info) { build_re_1(info, M68K_INS_SUB, 4); } static void d68000_suba_16(m68k_info *info) { build_ea_a(info, M68K_INS_SUBA, 2); } static void d68000_suba_32(m68k_info *info) { build_ea_a(info, M68K_INS_SUBA, 4); } static void d68000_subi_8(m68k_info *info) { build_imm_ea(info, M68K_INS_SUBI, 1, read_imm_8(info)); } static void d68000_subi_16(m68k_info *info) { build_imm_ea(info, M68K_INS_SUBI, 2, read_imm_16(info)); } static void d68000_subi_32(m68k_info *info) { build_imm_ea(info, M68K_INS_SUBI, 4, read_imm_32(info)); } static void d68000_subq_8(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_ea(info, M68K_INS_SUBQ, 1); } static void d68000_subq_16(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_ea(info, M68K_INS_SUBQ, 2); } static void d68000_subq_32(m68k_info *info) { build_3bit_ea(info, M68K_INS_SUBQ, 4); } static void d68000_subx_rr_8(m68k_info *info) { build_rr(info, M68K_INS_SUBX, 1, 0); } static void d68000_subx_rr_16(m68k_info *info) { build_rr(info, M68K_INS_SUBX, 2, 0); } static void d68000_subx_rr_32(m68k_info *info) { build_rr(info, M68K_INS_SUBX, 4, 0); } static void d68000_subx_mm_8(m68k_info *info) { build_mm(info, M68K_INS_SUBX, 1, 0); } static void d68000_subx_mm_16(m68k_info *info) { build_mm(info, M68K_INS_SUBX, 2, 0); } static void d68000_subx_mm_32(m68k_info *info) { build_mm(info, M68K_INS_SUBX, 4, 0); } static void d68000_swap(m68k_info *info) { build_d(info, M68K_INS_SWAP, 0); } static void d68000_tas(m68k_info *info) { build_ea(info, M68K_INS_TAS, 1); } static void d68000_trap(m68k_info *info) { build_absolute_jump_with_immediate(info, M68K_INS_TRAP, 0, info->ir&0xf); } static void d68020_trapcc_0(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_trap(info, 0, 0); info->extension.op_count = 0; } static void d68020_trapcc_16(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_trap(info, 2, read_imm_16(info)); } static void d68020_trapcc_32(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_trap(info, 4, read_imm_32(info)); } static void d68000_trapv(m68k_info *info) { MCInst_setOpcode(info->inst, M68K_INS_TRAPV); } static void d68000_tst_8(m68k_info *info) { build_ea(info, M68K_INS_TST, 1); } static void d68020_tst_pcdi_8(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_ea(info, M68K_INS_TST, 1); } static void d68020_tst_pcix_8(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_ea(info, M68K_INS_TST, 1); } static void d68020_tst_i_8(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_ea(info, M68K_INS_TST, 1); } static void d68000_tst_16(m68k_info *info) { build_ea(info, M68K_INS_TST, 2); } static void d68020_tst_a_16(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_ea(info, M68K_INS_TST, 2); } static void d68020_tst_pcdi_16(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_ea(info, M68K_INS_TST, 2); } static void d68020_tst_pcix_16(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_ea(info, M68K_INS_TST, 2); } static void d68020_tst_i_16(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_ea(info, M68K_INS_TST, 2); } static void d68000_tst_32(m68k_info *info) { build_ea(info, M68K_INS_TST, 4); } static void d68020_tst_a_32(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_ea(info, M68K_INS_TST, 4); } static void d68020_tst_pcdi_32(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_ea(info, M68K_INS_TST, 4); } static void d68020_tst_pcix_32(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_ea(info, M68K_INS_TST, 4); } static void d68020_tst_i_32(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_ea(info, M68K_INS_TST, 4); } static void d68000_unlk(m68k_info *info) { cs_m68k_op* op; cs_m68k* ext = build_init_op(info, M68K_INS_UNLK, 1, 0); op = &ext->operands[0]; op->address_mode = M68K_AM_REG_DIRECT_ADDR; op->reg = M68K_REG_A0 + (info->ir & 7); } static void d68020_unpk_rr(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_rr(info, M68K_INS_UNPK, 0, read_imm_16(info)); } static void d68020_unpk_mm(m68k_info *info) { LIMIT_CPU_TYPES(info, M68020_PLUS); build_mm(info, M68K_INS_UNPK, 0, read_imm_16(info)); } /* This table is auto-generated. Look in contrib/m68k_instruction_tbl_gen for more info */ #include "M68KInstructionTable.inc" static int instruction_is_valid(m68k_info *info, const unsigned int word_check) { const unsigned int instruction = info->ir; const instruction_struct *i = &g_instruction_table[instruction]; if ( (i->word2_mask && ((word_check & i->word2_mask) != i->word2_match)) || (i->instruction == d68000_invalid) ) { d68000_invalid(info); return 0; } return 1; } static int exists_reg_list(uint16_t *regs, uint8_t count, m68k_reg reg) { uint8_t i; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (regs[i] == (uint16_t)reg) return 1; } return 0; } static void add_reg_to_rw_list(m68k_info *info, m68k_reg reg, int write) { if (reg == M68K_REG_INVALID) return; if (write) { if (exists_reg_list(info->regs_write, info->regs_write_count, reg)) return; info->regs_write[info->regs_write_count] = (uint16_t)reg; info->regs_write_count++; } else { if (exists_reg_list(info->regs_read, info->regs_read_count, reg)) return; info->regs_read[info->regs_read_count] = (uint16_t)reg; info->regs_read_count++; } } static void update_am_reg_list(m68k_info *info, cs_m68k_op *op, int write) { switch (op->address_mode) { case M68K_AM_REG_DIRECT_ADDR: case M68K_AM_REG_DIRECT_DATA: add_reg_to_rw_list(info, op->reg, write); break; case M68K_AM_REGI_ADDR_POST_INC: case M68K_AM_REGI_ADDR_PRE_DEC: add_reg_to_rw_list(info, op->reg, 1); break; case M68K_AM_REGI_ADDR: case M68K_AM_REGI_ADDR_DISP: add_reg_to_rw_list(info, op->reg, 0); break; case M68K_AM_AREGI_INDEX_8_BIT_DISP: case M68K_AM_AREGI_INDEX_BASE_DISP: case M68K_AM_MEMI_POST_INDEX: case M68K_AM_MEMI_PRE_INDEX: case M68K_AM_PCI_INDEX_8_BIT_DISP: case M68K_AM_PCI_INDEX_BASE_DISP: case M68K_AM_PC_MEMI_PRE_INDEX: case M68K_AM_PC_MEMI_POST_INDEX: add_reg_to_rw_list(info, op->mem.index_reg, 0); add_reg_to_rw_list(info, op->mem.base_reg, 0); break; // no register(s) in the other addressing modes default: break; } } static void update_bits_range(m68k_info *info, m68k_reg reg_start, uint8_t bits, int write) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { if (bits & (1 << i)) { add_reg_to_rw_list(info, reg_start + i, write); } } } static void update_reg_list_regbits(m68k_info *info, cs_m68k_op *op, int write) { uint32_t bits = op->register_bits; update_bits_range(info, M68K_REG_D0, bits & 0xff, write); update_bits_range(info, M68K_REG_A0, (bits >> 8) & 0xff, write); update_bits_range(info, M68K_REG_FP0, (bits >> 16) & 0xff, write); } static void update_op_reg_list(m68k_info *info, cs_m68k_op *op, int write) { switch ((int)op->type) { case M68K_OP_REG: add_reg_to_rw_list(info, op->reg, write); break; case M68K_OP_MEM: update_am_reg_list(info, op, write); break; case M68K_OP_REG_BITS: update_reg_list_regbits(info, op, write); break; case M68K_OP_REG_PAIR: add_reg_to_rw_list(info, op->reg_pair.reg_0, write); add_reg_to_rw_list(info, op->reg_pair.reg_1, write); break; } } static void build_regs_read_write_counts(m68k_info *info) { int i; if (!info->extension.op_count) return; if (info->extension.op_count == 1) { update_op_reg_list(info, &info->extension.operands[0], 1); } else { // first operand is always read update_op_reg_list(info, &info->extension.operands[0], 0); // remaning write for (i = 1; i < info->extension.op_count; ++i) update_op_reg_list(info, &info->extension.operands[i], 1); } } static void m68k_setup_internals(m68k_info* info, MCInst* inst, unsigned int pc, unsigned int cpu_type) { info->inst = inst; info->pc = pc; info->ir = 0; info->type = cpu_type; info->address_mask = 0xffffffff; switch(info->type) { case M68K_CPU_TYPE_68000: info->type = TYPE_68000; info->address_mask = 0x00ffffff; break; case M68K_CPU_TYPE_68010: info->type = TYPE_68010; info->address_mask = 0x00ffffff; break; case M68K_CPU_TYPE_68EC020: info->type = TYPE_68020; info->address_mask = 0x00ffffff; break; case M68K_CPU_TYPE_68020: info->type = TYPE_68020; info->address_mask = 0xffffffff; break; case M68K_CPU_TYPE_68030: info->type = TYPE_68030; info->address_mask = 0xffffffff; break; case M68K_CPU_TYPE_68040: info->type = TYPE_68040; info->address_mask = 0xffffffff; break; default: info->address_mask = 0; return; } } /* ======================================================================== */ /* ================================= API ================================== */ /* ======================================================================== */ /* Disasemble one instruction at pc and store in str_buff */ static unsigned int m68k_disassemble(m68k_info *info, uint64_t pc) { MCInst *inst = info->inst; cs_m68k* ext = &info->extension; int i; unsigned int size; inst->Opcode = M68K_INS_INVALID; memset(ext, 0, sizeof(cs_m68k)); ext->op_size.type = M68K_SIZE_TYPE_CPU; for (i = 0; i < M68K_OPERAND_COUNT; ++i) ext->operands[i].type = M68K_OP_REG; info->ir = peek_imm_16(info); if (instruction_is_valid(info, peek_imm_32(info) & 0xffff)) { info->ir = read_imm_16(info); g_instruction_table[info->ir].instruction(info); } size = info->pc - (unsigned int)pc; info->pc = (unsigned int)pc; return size; } bool M68K_getInstruction(csh ud, const uint8_t* code, size_t code_len, MCInst* instr, uint16_t* size, uint64_t address, void* inst_info) { #ifdef M68K_DEBUG SStream ss; #endif int s; int cpu_type = M68K_CPU_TYPE_68000; cs_struct* handle = instr->csh; m68k_info *info = (m68k_info*)handle->printer_info; // code len has to be at least 2 bytes to be valid m68k if (code_len < 2) { *size = 0; return false; } if (instr->flat_insn->detail) { memset(instr->flat_insn->detail, 0, offsetof(cs_detail, m68k)+sizeof(cs_m68k)); } info->groups_count = 0; info->regs_read_count = 0; info->regs_write_count = 0; info->code = code; info->code_len = code_len; info->baseAddress = address; if (handle->mode & CS_MODE_M68K_010) cpu_type = M68K_CPU_TYPE_68010; if (handle->mode & CS_MODE_M68K_020) cpu_type = M68K_CPU_TYPE_68020; if (handle->mode & CS_MODE_M68K_030) cpu_type = M68K_CPU_TYPE_68030; if (handle->mode & CS_MODE_M68K_040) cpu_type = M68K_CPU_TYPE_68040; if (handle->mode & CS_MODE_M68K_060) cpu_type = M68K_CPU_TYPE_68040; // 060 = 040 for now m68k_setup_internals(info, instr, (unsigned int)address, cpu_type); s = m68k_disassemble(info, address); if (s == 0) { *size = 2; return false; } build_regs_read_write_counts(info); #ifdef M68K_DEBUG SStream_Init(&ss); M68K_printInst(instr, &ss, info); #endif // Make sure we always stay within range if (s > (int)code_len) *size = (uint16_t)code_len; else *size = (uint16_t)s; return true; }