/* Capstone Disassembly Engine */ /* By Spike, xwings 2019 */ #include #include // offsetof macro // alternatively #include "../../utils.h" like everyone else #include "WASMDisassembler.h" #include "WASMMapping.h" #include "../../cs_priv.h" static const short opcodes[256] = { WASM_INS_UNREACHABLE, WASM_INS_NOP, WASM_INS_BLOCK, WASM_INS_LOOP, WASM_INS_IF, WASM_INS_ELSE, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, WASM_INS_END, WASM_INS_BR, WASM_INS_BR_IF, WASM_INS_BR_TABLE, WASM_INS_RETURN, WASM_INS_CALL, WASM_INS_CALL_INDIRECT, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, WASM_INS_DROP, WASM_INS_SELECT, -1, -1, -1, -1, WASM_INS_GET_LOCAL, WASM_INS_SET_LOCAL, WASM_INS_TEE_LOCAL, WASM_INS_GET_GLOBAL, WASM_INS_SET_GLOBAL, -1, -1, -1, WASM_INS_I32_LOAD, WASM_INS_I64_LOAD, WASM_INS_F32_LOAD, WASM_INS_F64_LOAD, WASM_INS_I32_LOAD8_S, WASM_INS_I32_LOAD8_U, WASM_INS_I32_LOAD16_S, WASM_INS_I32_LOAD16_U, WASM_INS_I64_LOAD8_S, WASM_INS_I64_LOAD8_U, WASM_INS_I64_LOAD16_S, WASM_INS_I64_LOAD16_U, WASM_INS_I64_LOAD32_S, WASM_INS_I64_LOAD32_U, WASM_INS_I32_STORE, WASM_INS_I64_STORE, WASM_INS_F32_STORE, WASM_INS_F64_STORE, WASM_INS_I32_STORE8, WASM_INS_I32_STORE16, WASM_INS_I64_STORE8, WASM_INS_I64_STORE16, WASM_INS_I64_STORE32, WASM_INS_CURRENT_MEMORY, WASM_INS_GROW_MEMORY, WASM_INS_I32_CONST, WASM_INS_I64_CONST, WASM_INS_F32_CONST, WASM_INS_F64_CONST, WASM_INS_I32_EQZ, WASM_INS_I32_EQ, WASM_INS_I32_NE, WASM_INS_I32_LT_S, WASM_INS_I32_LT_U, WASM_INS_I32_GT_S, WASM_INS_I32_GT_U, WASM_INS_I32_LE_S, WASM_INS_I32_LE_U, WASM_INS_I32_GE_S, WASM_INS_I32_GE_U, WASM_INS_I64_EQZ, WASM_INS_I64_EQ, WASM_INS_I64_NE, WASM_INS_I64_LT_S, WASM_INS_I64_LT_U, WASN_INS_I64_GT_S, WASM_INS_I64_GT_U, WASM_INS_I64_LE_S, WASM_INS_I64_LE_U, WASM_INS_I64_GE_S, WASM_INS_I64_GE_U, WASM_INS_F32_EQ, WASM_INS_F32_NE, WASM_INS_F32_LT, WASM_INS_F32_GT, WASM_INS_F32_LE, WASM_INS_F32_GE, WASM_INS_F64_EQ, WASM_INS_F64_NE, WASM_INS_F64_LT, WASM_INS_F64_GT, WASM_INS_F64_LE, WASM_INS_F64_GE, WASM_INS_I32_CLZ, WASM_INS_I32_CTZ, WASM_INS_I32_POPCNT, WASM_INS_I32_ADD, WASM_INS_I32_SUB, WASM_INS_I32_MUL, WASM_INS_I32_DIV_S, WASM_INS_I32_DIV_U, WASM_INS_I32_REM_S, WASM_INS_I32_REM_U, WASM_INS_I32_AND, WASM_INS_I32_OR, WASM_INS_I32_XOR, WASM_INS_I32_SHL, WASM_INS_I32_SHR_S, WASM_INS_I32_SHR_U, WASM_INS_I32_ROTL, WASM_INS_I32_ROTR, WASM_INS_I64_CLZ, WASM_INS_I64_CTZ, WASM_INS_I64_POPCNT, WASM_INS_I64_ADD, WASM_INS_I64_SUB, WASM_INS_I64_MUL, WASM_INS_I64_DIV_S, WASM_INS_I64_DIV_U, WASM_INS_I64_REM_S, WASM_INS_I64_REM_U, WASM_INS_I64_AND, WASM_INS_I64_OR, WASM_INS_I64_XOR, WASM_INS_I64_SHL, WASM_INS_I64_SHR_S, WASM_INS_I64_SHR_U, WASM_INS_I64_ROTL, WASM_INS_I64_ROTR, WASM_INS_F32_ABS, WASM_INS_F32_NEG, WASM_INS_F32_CEIL, WASM_INS_F32_FLOOR, WASM_INS_F32_TRUNC, WASM_INS_F32_NEAREST, WASM_INS_F32_SQRT, WASM_INS_F32_ADD, WASM_INS_F32_SUB, WASM_INS_F32_MUL, WASM_INS_F32_DIV, WASM_INS_F32_MIN, WASM_INS_F32_MAX, WASM_INS_F32_COPYSIGN, WASM_INS_F64_ABS, WASM_INS_F64_NEG, WASM_INS_F64_CEIL, WASM_INS_F64_FLOOR, WASM_INS_F64_TRUNC, WASM_INS_F64_NEAREST, WASM_INS_F64_SQRT, WASM_INS_F64_ADD, WASM_INS_F64_SUB, WASM_INS_F64_MUL, WASM_INS_F64_DIV, WASM_INS_F64_MIN, WASM_INS_F64_MAX, WASM_INS_F64_COPYSIGN, WASM_INS_I32_WARP_I64, WASP_INS_I32_TRUNC_S_F32, WASM_INS_I32_TRUNC_U_F32, WASM_INS_I32_TRUNC_S_F64, WASM_INS_I32_TRUNC_U_F64, WASM_INS_I64_EXTEND_S_I32, WASM_INS_I64_EXTEND_U_I32, WASM_INS_I64_TRUNC_S_F32, WASM_INS_I64_TRUNC_U_F32, WASM_INS_I64_TRUNC_S_F64, WASM_INS_I64_TRUNC_U_F64, WASM_INS_F32_CONVERT_S_I32, WASM_INS_F32_CONVERT_U_I32, WASM_INS_F32_CONVERT_S_I64, WASM_INS_F32_CONVERT_U_I64, WASM_INS_F32_DEMOTE_F64, WASM_INS_F64_CONVERT_S_I32, WASM_INS_F64_CONVERT_U_I32, WASM_INS_F64_CONVERT_S_I64, WASM_INS_F64_CONVERT_U_I64, WASM_INS_F64_PROMOTE_F32, WASM_INS_I32_REINTERPRET_F32, WASM_INS_I64_REINTERPRET_F64, WASM_INS_F32_REINTERPRET_I32, WASM_INS_F64_REINTERPRET_I64, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, }; // input | code: code pointer start from varuint32 // | code_len: real code len count from varint // | leng: return value, means length of varint. -1 means error // return | varint static uint32_t get_varuint32(const uint8_t *code, size_t code_len, size_t *leng) { uint32_t data = 0; int i; for(i = 0;; i++) { if (code_len < i + 1) { *leng = -1; return 0; } if (i > 4 || (i == 4 && (code[i] & 0x7f) > 0x0f)) { *leng = -1; return 0; } data = data + (((uint32_t) code[i] & 0x7f) << (i * 7)); if (code[i] >> 7 == 0) { break; } } *leng = i + 1; return data; } // input | code : code pointer start from varuint64 // | code_len : real code len count from varint // | leng: return value, means length of varint. -1 means error // return | varint static uint64_t get_varuint64(const uint8_t *code, size_t code_len, size_t *leng) { uint64_t data; int i; data = 0; for(i = 0;; i++){ if (code_len < i + 1) { *leng = -1; return 0; } if (i > 9 || (i == 9 && (code[i] & 0x7f) > 0x01)) { *leng = -1; return 0; } data = data + (((uint64_t) code[i] & 0x7f) << (i * 7)); if (code[i] >> 7 == 0) { break; } } *leng = i + 1; return data; } // input | code : code pointer start from uint32 // | dest : the pointer where we store the uint32 // return | None static void get_uint32(const uint8_t *code, uint32_t *dest) { memcpy(dest, code, 4); } // input | code : code pointer start from uint32 // | dest : the pointer where we store the uint64 // return | None static void get_uint64(const uint8_t *code, uint64_t *dest) { memcpy(dest, code, 8); } // input | code : code pointer start from varint7 // | code_len : start from the code pointer to the end, how long is it // | leng : length of the param , -1 means error // return | data of varint7 static int8_t get_varint7(const uint8_t *code, size_t code_len, size_t *leng) { int8_t data; if (code_len < 1) { *leng = -1; return -1; } *leng = 1; if (code[0] == 0x40) { return -1; } data = code[0] & 0x7f; return data; } // input | code : code pointer start from varuint32 // | code_len : start from the code pointer to the end, how long is it // | param_size : pointer of the param size // | MI : Mcinst handler in this round of disasm // return | true/false if the function successfully finished static bool read_varuint32(const uint8_t *code, size_t code_len, uint16_t *param_size, MCInst *MI) { size_t len = 0; uint32_t data; data = get_varuint32(code, code_len, &len); if (len == -1) { return false; } if (MI->flat_insn->detail) { MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.op_count = 1; MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.operands[0].type = WASM_OP_VARUINT32; MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.operands[0].size= len; MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.operands[0].varuint32= data; } MI->wasm_data.size = len; MI->wasm_data.type = WASM_OP_VARUINT32; MI->wasm_data.uint32 = data; *param_size = len; return true; } // input | code : code pointer start from varuint64 // | code_len : start from the code pointer to the end, how long is it // | param_size : pointer of the param size // | MI : Mcinst handler in this round of disasm // return | true/false if the function successfully finished static bool read_varuint64(const uint8_t *code, size_t code_len, uint16_t *param_size, MCInst *MI) { size_t len = 0; uint64_t data; data = get_varuint64(code, code_len, &len); if (len == -1) { return false; } if (MI->flat_insn->detail) { MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.op_count = 1; MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.operands[0].type = WASM_OP_VARUINT64; MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.operands[0].size = len; MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.operands[0].varuint64 = data; } MI->wasm_data.size = len; MI->wasm_data.type = WASM_OP_VARUINT64; MI->wasm_data.uint64 = data; *param_size = len; return true; } // input | code : code pointer start from memoryimmediate // | code_len : start from the code pointer to the end, how long is it // | param_size : pointer of the param size (sum of two params) // | MI : Mcinst handler in this round of disasm // return | true/false if the function successfully finished static bool read_memoryimmediate(const uint8_t *code, size_t code_len, uint16_t *param_size, MCInst *MI) { size_t tmp, len = 0; uint32_t data[2]; if (MI->flat_insn->detail) { MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.op_count = 2; } data[0] = get_varuint32(code, code_len, &tmp); if (tmp == -1) { return false; } if (MI->flat_insn->detail) { MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.operands[0].type = WASM_OP_VARUINT32; MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.operands[0].size = tmp; MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.operands[0].varuint32 = data[0]; } len = tmp; data[1] = get_varuint32(&code[len], code_len - len, &tmp); if (len == -1) { return false; } if (MI->flat_insn->detail) { MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.operands[1].type = WASM_OP_VARUINT32; MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.operands[1].size = tmp; MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.operands[1].varuint32 = data[1]; } len += tmp; MI->wasm_data.size = len; MI->wasm_data.type = WASM_OP_IMM; MI->wasm_data.immediate[0] = data[0]; MI->wasm_data.immediate[1] = data[1]; *param_size = len; return true; } // input | code : code pointer start from uint32 // | code_len : start from the code pointer to the end, how long is it // | param_size : pointer of the param size // | MI : Mcinst handler in this round of disasm // return | true/false if the function successfully finished static bool read_uint32(const uint8_t *code, size_t code_len, uint16_t *param_size, MCInst *MI) { if (code_len < 4) { return false; } get_uint32(code, &(MI->wasm_data.uint32)); if (MI->flat_insn->detail) { MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.op_count = 1; MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.operands[0].type = WASM_OP_UINT32; MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.operands[0].size = 4; get_uint32(code, &(MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.operands[0].uint32)); } MI->wasm_data.size = 4; MI->wasm_data.type = WASM_OP_UINT32; *param_size = 4; return true; } // input | code : code pointer start from uint64 // | code_len : start from the code pointer to the end, how long is it // | param_size : pointer of the param size // | MI : Mcinst handler in this round of disasm // return | true/false if the function successfully finished static bool read_uint64(const uint8_t *code, size_t code_len, uint16_t *param_size, MCInst *MI) { if (code_len < 8) { return false; } get_uint64(code, &(MI->wasm_data.uint64)); if (MI->flat_insn->detail) { MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.op_count = 1; MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.operands[0].type = WASM_OP_UINT64; MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.operands[0].size = 8; get_uint64(code, &(MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.operands[0].uint64)); } MI->wasm_data.size = 8; MI->wasm_data.type = WASM_OP_UINT64; *param_size = 8; return true; } // input | code : code pointer start from brtable // | code_len : start from the code pointer to the end, how long is it // | param_size : pointer of the param size (sum of all param) // | MI : Mcinst handler in this round of disasm // return | true/false if the function successfully finished static bool read_brtable(const uint8_t *code, size_t code_len, uint16_t *param_size, MCInst *MI) { uint32_t length, default_target; int tmp_len = 0, i; size_t var_len; // read length length = get_varuint32(code, code_len, &var_len); if (var_len == -1) { return false; } tmp_len += var_len; MI->wasm_data.brtable.length = length; if (length >= UINT32_MAX - tmp_len) { // integer overflow check return false; } if (code_len < tmp_len + length) { // safety check that we have minimum enough data to read return false; } // base address + 1 byte opcode + tmp_len for number of cases = start of targets MI->wasm_data.brtable.address = MI->address + 1 + tmp_len; if (MI->flat_insn->detail) { MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.op_count = 1; MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.operands[0].type = WASM_OP_BRTABLE; MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.operands[0].brtable.length = MI->wasm_data.brtable.length; MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.operands[0].brtable.address = MI->wasm_data.brtable.address; } // read data for(i = 0; i < length; i++){ if (code_len < tmp_len) { return false; } get_varuint32(code + tmp_len, code_len - tmp_len, &var_len); if (var_len == -1) { return false; } tmp_len += var_len; } // read default target default_target = get_varuint32(code + tmp_len, code_len - tmp_len, &var_len); if (var_len == -1) { return false; } MI->wasm_data.brtable.default_target = default_target; MI->wasm_data.type = WASM_OP_BRTABLE; *param_size = tmp_len + var_len; if (MI->flat_insn->detail) { MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.operands[0].size = *param_size; MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.operands[0].brtable.default_target = MI->wasm_data.brtable.default_target; } return true; } // input | code : code pointer start from varint7 // | code_len : start from the code pointer to the end, how long is it // | param_size : pointer of the param size // | MI : Mcinst handler in this round of disasm // return | true/false if the function successfully finished static bool read_varint7(const uint8_t *code, size_t code_len, uint16_t *param_size, MCInst *MI) { size_t len = 0; MI->wasm_data.type = WASM_OP_INT7; MI->wasm_data.int7 = get_varint7(code, code_len, &len); if (len == -1) { return false; } if (MI->flat_insn->detail) { MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.op_count = 1; MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.operands[0].type = WASM_OP_INT7; MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.operands[0].size = 1; MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.operands[0].int7 = MI->wasm_data.int7; } *param_size = len; return true; } bool WASM_getInstruction(csh ud, const uint8_t *code, size_t code_len, MCInst *MI, uint16_t *size, uint64_t address, void *inst_info) { unsigned char opcode; uint16_t param_size; if (code_len == 0) return false; opcode = code[0]; if (opcodes[opcode] == -1) { // invalid opcode return false; } // valid opcode MI->address = address; MI->OpcodePub = MI->Opcode = opcode; if (MI->flat_insn->detail) { memset(MI->flat_insn->detail, 0, offsetof(cs_detail, wasm)+sizeof(cs_wasm)); WASM_get_insn_id((cs_struct *)ud, MI->flat_insn, opcode); } // setup groups switch(opcode) { default: return false; case WASM_INS_I32_CONST: if (code_len == 1 || !read_varuint32(&code[1], code_len - 1, ¶m_size, MI)) { return false; } if (MI->flat_insn->detail) { MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.op_count = 1; MI->flat_insn->detail->groups[MI->flat_insn->detail->groups_count] = WASM_GRP_NUMBERIC; MI->flat_insn->detail->groups_count++; } *size = param_size + 1; break; case WASM_INS_I64_CONST: if (code_len == 1 || !read_varuint64(&code[1], code_len - 1, ¶m_size, MI)) { return false; } if (MI->flat_insn->detail) { MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.op_count = 1; MI->flat_insn->detail->groups[MI->flat_insn->detail->groups_count] = WASM_GRP_NUMBERIC; MI->flat_insn->detail->groups_count++; } *size = param_size + 1; break; case WASM_INS_F32_CONST: if (code_len == 1 || !read_uint32(&code[1], code_len - 1, ¶m_size, MI)) { return false; } if (MI->flat_insn->detail) { MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.op_count = 1; MI->flat_insn->detail->groups[MI->flat_insn->detail->groups_count] = WASM_GRP_NUMBERIC; MI->flat_insn->detail->groups_count++; } *size = param_size + 1; break; case WASM_INS_F64_CONST: if (code_len == 1 || !read_uint64(&code[1], code_len - 1, ¶m_size, MI)) { return false; } if (MI->flat_insn->detail) { MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.op_count = 1; MI->flat_insn->detail->groups[MI->flat_insn->detail->groups_count] = WASM_GRP_NUMBERIC; MI->flat_insn->detail->groups_count++; } *size = param_size + 1; break; case WASM_INS_I32_EQZ: case WASM_INS_I32_EQ: case WASM_INS_I32_NE: case WASM_INS_I32_LT_S: case WASM_INS_I32_LT_U: case WASM_INS_I32_GT_S: case WASM_INS_I32_GT_U: case WASM_INS_I32_LE_S: case WASM_INS_I32_LE_U: case WASM_INS_I32_GE_S: case WASM_INS_I32_GE_U: case WASM_INS_I64_EQZ: case WASM_INS_I64_EQ: case WASM_INS_I64_NE: case WASM_INS_I64_LT_S: case WASM_INS_I64_LT_U: case WASN_INS_I64_GT_S: case WASM_INS_I64_GT_U: case WASM_INS_I64_LE_S: case WASM_INS_I64_LE_U: case WASM_INS_I64_GE_S: case WASM_INS_I64_GE_U: case WASM_INS_F32_EQ: case WASM_INS_F32_NE: case WASM_INS_F32_LT: case WASM_INS_F32_GT: case WASM_INS_F32_LE: case WASM_INS_F32_GE: case WASM_INS_F64_EQ: case WASM_INS_F64_NE: case WASM_INS_F64_LT: case WASM_INS_F64_GT: case WASM_INS_F64_LE: case WASM_INS_F64_GE: case WASM_INS_I32_CLZ: case WASM_INS_I32_CTZ: case WASM_INS_I32_POPCNT: case WASM_INS_I32_ADD: case WASM_INS_I32_SUB: case WASM_INS_I32_MUL: case WASM_INS_I32_DIV_S: case WASM_INS_I32_DIV_U: case WASM_INS_I32_REM_S: case WASM_INS_I32_REM_U: case WASM_INS_I32_AND: case WASM_INS_I32_OR: case WASM_INS_I32_XOR: case WASM_INS_I32_SHL: case WASM_INS_I32_SHR_S: case WASM_INS_I32_SHR_U: case WASM_INS_I32_ROTL: case WASM_INS_I32_ROTR: case WASM_INS_I64_CLZ: case WASM_INS_I64_CTZ: case WASM_INS_I64_POPCNT: case WASM_INS_I64_ADD: case WASM_INS_I64_SUB: case WASM_INS_I64_MUL: case WASM_INS_I64_DIV_S: case WASM_INS_I64_DIV_U: case WASM_INS_I64_REM_S: case WASM_INS_I64_REM_U: case WASM_INS_I64_AND: case WASM_INS_I64_OR: case WASM_INS_I64_XOR: case WASM_INS_I64_SHL: case WASM_INS_I64_SHR_S: case WASM_INS_I64_SHR_U: case WASM_INS_I64_ROTL: case WASM_INS_I64_ROTR: case WASM_INS_F32_ABS: case WASM_INS_F32_NEG: case WASM_INS_F32_CEIL: case WASM_INS_F32_FLOOR: case WASM_INS_F32_TRUNC: case WASM_INS_F32_NEAREST: case WASM_INS_F32_SQRT: case WASM_INS_F32_ADD: case WASM_INS_F32_SUB: case WASM_INS_F32_MUL: case WASM_INS_F32_DIV: case WASM_INS_F32_MIN: case WASM_INS_F32_MAX: case WASM_INS_F32_COPYSIGN: case WASM_INS_F64_ABS: case WASM_INS_F64_NEG: case WASM_INS_F64_CEIL: case WASM_INS_F64_FLOOR: case WASM_INS_F64_TRUNC: case WASM_INS_F64_NEAREST: case WASM_INS_F64_SQRT: case WASM_INS_F64_ADD: case WASM_INS_F64_SUB: case WASM_INS_F64_MUL: case WASM_INS_F64_DIV: case WASM_INS_F64_MIN: case WASM_INS_F64_MAX: case WASM_INS_F64_COPYSIGN: case WASM_INS_I32_WARP_I64: case WASP_INS_I32_TRUNC_S_F32: case WASM_INS_I32_TRUNC_U_F32: case WASM_INS_I32_TRUNC_S_F64: case WASM_INS_I32_TRUNC_U_F64: case WASM_INS_I64_EXTEND_S_I32: case WASM_INS_I64_EXTEND_U_I32: case WASM_INS_I64_TRUNC_S_F32: case WASM_INS_I64_TRUNC_U_F32: case WASM_INS_I64_TRUNC_S_F64: case WASM_INS_I64_TRUNC_U_F64: case WASM_INS_F32_CONVERT_S_I32: case WASM_INS_F32_CONVERT_U_I32: case WASM_INS_F32_CONVERT_S_I64: case WASM_INS_F32_CONVERT_U_I64: case WASM_INS_F32_DEMOTE_F64: case WASM_INS_F64_CONVERT_S_I32: case WASM_INS_F64_CONVERT_U_I32: case WASM_INS_F64_CONVERT_S_I64: case WASM_INS_F64_CONVERT_U_I64: case WASM_INS_F64_PROMOTE_F32: case WASM_INS_I32_REINTERPRET_F32: case WASM_INS_I64_REINTERPRET_F64: case WASM_INS_F32_REINTERPRET_I32: case WASM_INS_F64_REINTERPRET_I64: MI->wasm_data.type = WASM_OP_NONE; if (MI->flat_insn->detail) { MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.op_count = 0; MI->flat_insn->detail->groups[MI->flat_insn->detail->groups_count] = WASM_GRP_NUMBERIC; MI->flat_insn->detail->groups_count++; } *size = 1; break; case WASM_INS_DROP: case WASM_INS_SELECT: MI->wasm_data.type = WASM_OP_NONE; if (MI->flat_insn->detail) { MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.op_count = 0; MI->flat_insn->detail->groups[MI->flat_insn->detail->groups_count] = WASM_GRP_PARAMETRIC; MI->flat_insn->detail->groups_count++; } *size = 1; break; case WASM_INS_GET_LOCAL: case WASM_INS_SET_LOCAL: case WASM_INS_TEE_LOCAL: case WASM_INS_GET_GLOBAL: case WASM_INS_SET_GLOBAL: if (code_len == 1 || !read_varuint32(&code[1], code_len - 1, ¶m_size, MI)) { return false; } if (MI->flat_insn->detail) { MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.op_count = 1; MI->flat_insn->detail->groups[MI->flat_insn->detail->groups_count] = WASM_GRP_VARIABLE; MI->flat_insn->detail->groups_count++; } *size = param_size + 1; break; case WASM_INS_I32_LOAD: case WASM_INS_I64_LOAD: case WASM_INS_F32_LOAD: case WASM_INS_F64_LOAD: case WASM_INS_I32_LOAD8_S: case WASM_INS_I32_LOAD8_U: case WASM_INS_I32_LOAD16_S: case WASM_INS_I32_LOAD16_U: case WASM_INS_I64_LOAD8_S: case WASM_INS_I64_LOAD8_U: case WASM_INS_I64_LOAD16_S: case WASM_INS_I64_LOAD16_U: case WASM_INS_I64_LOAD32_S: case WASM_INS_I64_LOAD32_U: case WASM_INS_I32_STORE: case WASM_INS_I64_STORE: case WASM_INS_F32_STORE: case WASM_INS_F64_STORE: case WASM_INS_I32_STORE8: case WASM_INS_I32_STORE16: case WASM_INS_I64_STORE8: case WASM_INS_I64_STORE16: case WASM_INS_I64_STORE32: if (code_len == 1 || !read_memoryimmediate(&code[1], code_len - 1, ¶m_size, MI)) { return false; } if (MI->flat_insn->detail) { MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.op_count = 2; MI->flat_insn->detail->groups[MI->flat_insn->detail->groups_count] = WASM_GRP_MEMORY; MI->flat_insn->detail->groups_count++; } *size = param_size + 1; break; case WASM_INS_CURRENT_MEMORY: case WASM_INS_GROW_MEMORY: MI->wasm_data.type = WASM_OP_NONE; if (MI->flat_insn->detail) { MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.op_count = 0; MI->flat_insn->detail->groups[MI->flat_insn->detail->groups_count] = WASM_GRP_MEMORY; MI->flat_insn->detail->groups_count++; } *size = 1; break; case WASM_INS_UNREACHABLE: case WASM_INS_NOP: case WASM_INS_ELSE: case WASM_INS_END: case WASM_INS_RETURN: MI->wasm_data.type = WASM_OP_NONE; if (MI->flat_insn->detail) { MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.op_count = 0; MI->flat_insn->detail->groups[MI->flat_insn->detail->groups_count] = WASM_GRP_CONTROL; MI->flat_insn->detail->groups_count++; } *size = 1; break; case WASM_INS_BLOCK: case WASM_INS_LOOP: case WASM_INS_IF: if (code_len == 1 || !read_varint7(&code[1], code_len - 1, ¶m_size, MI)) { return false; } if (MI->flat_insn->detail) { MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.op_count = 1; MI->flat_insn->detail->groups[MI->flat_insn->detail->groups_count] = WASM_GRP_CONTROL; MI->flat_insn->detail->groups_count++; } *size = param_size + 1; break; case WASM_INS_BR: case WASM_INS_BR_IF: case WASM_INS_CALL: case WASM_INS_CALL_INDIRECT: if (code_len == 1 || !read_varuint32(&code[1], code_len - 1, ¶m_size, MI)) { return false; } if (MI->flat_insn->detail) { MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.op_count = 1; MI->flat_insn->detail->groups[MI->flat_insn->detail->groups_count] = WASM_GRP_CONTROL; MI->flat_insn->detail->groups_count++; } *size = param_size + 1; break; case WASM_INS_BR_TABLE: if (code_len == 1 || !read_brtable(&code[1], code_len - 1, ¶m_size, MI)) { return false; } if (MI->flat_insn->detail) { MI->flat_insn->detail->wasm.op_count = 1; MI->flat_insn->detail->groups[MI->flat_insn->detail->groups_count] = WASM_GRP_CONTROL; MI->flat_insn->detail->groups_count++; } *size = param_size + 1; break; } return true; }