/** @file Copyright (c) 2017-2018, Arm Limited. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent System Control and Management Interface V1.0 http://infocenter.arm.com/help/topic/com.arm.doc.den0056a/ DEN0056A_System_Control_and_Management_Interface.pdf **/ #include <Library/BaseLib.h> #include <Library/DebugLib.h> #include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h> #include <Protocol/ArmScmiClockProtocol.h> #include <Protocol/ArmScmiClock2Protocol.h> #include "ArmScmiClockProtocolPrivate.h" #include "ScmiPrivate.h" /** Convert to 64 bit value from two 32 bit words. @param[in] Low Lower 32 bits. @param[in] High Higher 32 bits. @retval UINT64 64 bit value. **/ STATIC UINT64 ConvertTo64Bit ( IN UINT32 Low, IN UINT32 High ) { return (Low | ((UINT64)High << 32)); } /** Return version of the clock management protocol supported by SCP firmware. @param[in] This A Pointer to SCMI_CLOCK_PROTOCOL Instance. @param[out] Version Version of the supported SCMI Clock management protocol. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The version is returned. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR SCP returns an SCMI error. @retval !(EFI_SUCCESS) Other errors. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS ClockGetVersion ( IN SCMI_CLOCK_PROTOCOL *This, OUT UINT32 *Version ) { return ScmiGetProtocolVersion (SCMI_PROTOCOL_ID_CLOCK, Version); } /** Return total number of clock devices supported by the clock management protocol. @param[in] This A Pointer to SCMI_CLOCK_PROTOCOL Instance. @param[out] TotalClocks Total number of clocks supported. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Total number of clocks supported is returned. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR SCP returns an SCMI error. @retval !(EFI_SUCCESS) Other errors. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS ClockGetTotalClocks ( IN SCMI_CLOCK_PROTOCOL *This, OUT UINT32 *TotalClocks ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT32 *ReturnValues; Status = ScmiGetProtocolAttributes (SCMI_PROTOCOL_ID_CLOCK, &ReturnValues); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } *TotalClocks = SCMI_CLOCK_PROTOCOL_TOTAL_CLKS (ReturnValues[0]); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Return attributes of a clock device. @param[in] This A Pointer to SCMI_CLOCK_PROTOCOL Instance. @param[in] ClockId Identifier for the clock device. @param[out] Enabled If TRUE, the clock device is enabled. @param[out] ClockAsciiName A NULL terminated ASCII string with the clock name, of up to 16 bytes. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Clock device attributes are returned. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR SCP returns an SCMI error. @retval !(EFI_SUCCESS) Other errors. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS ClockGetClockAttributes ( IN SCMI_CLOCK_PROTOCOL *This, IN UINT32 ClockId, OUT BOOLEAN *Enabled, OUT CHAR8 *ClockAsciiName ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT32 *MessageParams; CLOCK_ATTRIBUTES *ClockAttributes; SCMI_COMMAND Cmd; UINT32 PayloadLength; Status = ScmiCommandGetPayload (&MessageParams); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } *MessageParams = ClockId; Cmd.ProtocolId = SCMI_PROTOCOL_ID_CLOCK; Cmd.MessageId = SCMI_MESSAGE_ID_CLOCK_ATTRIBUTES; PayloadLength = sizeof (ClockId); Status = ScmiCommandExecute ( &Cmd, &PayloadLength, (UINT32**)&ClockAttributes ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // TRUE if bit 0 of ClockAttributes->Attributes is set. *Enabled = CLOCK_ENABLED (ClockAttributes->Attributes); AsciiStrCpyS ( ClockAsciiName, SCMI_MAX_STR_LEN, (CONST CHAR8*)ClockAttributes->ClockName ); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Return list of rates supported by a given clock device. @param[in] This A pointer to SCMI_CLOCK_PROTOCOL Instance. @param[in] ClockId Identifier for the clock device. @param[out] Format SCMI_CLOCK_RATE_FORMAT_DISCRETE: Clock device supports range of clock rates which are non-linear. SCMI_CLOCK_RATE_FORMAT_LINEAR: Clock device supports range of linear clock rates from Min to Max in steps. @param[out] TotalRates Total number of rates. @param[in,out] RateArraySize Size of the RateArray. @param[out] RateArray List of clock rates. @retval EFI_SUCCESS List of clock rates is returned. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR SCP returns an SCMI error. @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL RateArraySize is too small for the result. It has been updated to the size needed. @retval !(EFI_SUCCESS) Other errors. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS ClockDescribeRates ( IN SCMI_CLOCK_PROTOCOL *This, IN UINT32 ClockId, OUT SCMI_CLOCK_RATE_FORMAT *Format, OUT UINT32 *TotalRates, IN OUT UINT32 *RateArraySize, OUT SCMI_CLOCK_RATE *RateArray ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT32 PayloadLength; SCMI_COMMAND Cmd; UINT32 *MessageParams; CLOCK_DESCRIBE_RATES *DescribeRates; CLOCK_RATE_DWORD *Rate; UINT32 RequiredArraySize = 0; UINT32 RateIndex = 0; UINT32 RateNo; UINT32 RateOffset; *TotalRates = 0; Status = ScmiCommandGetPayload (&MessageParams); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Cmd.ProtocolId = SCMI_PROTOCOL_ID_CLOCK; Cmd.MessageId = SCMI_MESSAGE_ID_CLOCK_DESCRIBE_RATES; *MessageParams++ = ClockId; do { *MessageParams = RateIndex; // Set Payload length, note PayloadLength is a IN/OUT parameter. PayloadLength = sizeof (ClockId) + sizeof (RateIndex); // Execute and wait for response on a SCMI channel. Status = ScmiCommandExecute ( &Cmd, &PayloadLength, (UINT32**)&DescribeRates ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (*TotalRates == 0) { // In the first iteration we will get number of returned rates and number // of remaining rates. With this information calculate required size // for rate array. If provided RateArraySize is less, return an // error. *Format = RATE_FORMAT (DescribeRates->NumRatesFlags); *TotalRates = NUM_RATES (DescribeRates->NumRatesFlags) + NUM_REMAIN_RATES (DescribeRates->NumRatesFlags); if (*Format == SCMI_CLOCK_RATE_FORMAT_DISCRETE) { RequiredArraySize = (*TotalRates) * sizeof (UINT64); } else { // We need to return triplet of 64 bit value for each rate RequiredArraySize = (*TotalRates) * 3 * sizeof (UINT64); } if (RequiredArraySize > (*RateArraySize)) { *RateArraySize = RequiredArraySize; return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } } RateOffset = 0; if (*Format == SCMI_CLOCK_RATE_FORMAT_DISCRETE) { for (RateNo = 0; RateNo < NUM_RATES (DescribeRates->NumRatesFlags); RateNo++) { Rate = &DescribeRates->Rates[RateOffset++]; // Non-linear discrete rates. RateArray[RateIndex++].Rate = ConvertTo64Bit (Rate->Low, Rate->High); } } else { for (RateNo = 0; RateNo < NUM_RATES (DescribeRates->NumRatesFlags); RateNo++) { // Linear clock rates from minimum to maximum in steps // Minimum clock rate. Rate = &DescribeRates->Rates[RateOffset++]; RateArray[RateIndex].Min = ConvertTo64Bit (Rate->Low, Rate->High); Rate = &DescribeRates->Rates[RateOffset++]; // Maximum clock rate. RateArray[RateIndex].Max = ConvertTo64Bit (Rate->Low, Rate->High); Rate = &DescribeRates->Rates[RateOffset++]; // Step. RateArray[RateIndex++].Step = ConvertTo64Bit (Rate->Low, Rate->High); } } } while (NUM_REMAIN_RATES (DescribeRates->NumRatesFlags) != 0); // Update RateArraySize with RequiredArraySize. *RateArraySize = RequiredArraySize; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Get clock rate. @param[in] This A Pointer to SCMI_CLOCK_PROTOCOL Instance. @param[in] ClockId Identifier for the clock device. @param[out] Rate Clock rate. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Clock rate is returned. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR SCP returns an SCMI error. @retval !(EFI_SUCCESS) Other errors. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS ClockRateGet ( IN SCMI_CLOCK_PROTOCOL *This, IN UINT32 ClockId, OUT UINT64 *Rate ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT32 *MessageParams; CLOCK_RATE_DWORD *ClockRate; SCMI_COMMAND Cmd; UINT32 PayloadLength; Status = ScmiCommandGetPayload (&MessageParams); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // Fill arguments for clock protocol command. *MessageParams = ClockId; Cmd.ProtocolId = SCMI_PROTOCOL_ID_CLOCK; Cmd.MessageId = SCMI_MESSAGE_ID_CLOCK_RATE_GET; PayloadLength = sizeof (ClockId); // Execute and wait for response on a SCMI channel. Status = ScmiCommandExecute ( &Cmd, &PayloadLength, (UINT32**)&ClockRate ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } *Rate = ConvertTo64Bit (ClockRate->Low, ClockRate->High); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Set clock rate. @param[in] This A Pointer to SCMI_CLOCK_PROTOCOL Instance. @param[in] ClockId Identifier for the clock device. @param[in] Rate Clock rate. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Clock rate set success. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR SCP returns an SCMI error. @retval !(EFI_SUCCESS) Other errors. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS ClockRateSet ( IN SCMI_CLOCK_PROTOCOL *This, IN UINT32 ClockId, IN UINT64 Rate ) { EFI_STATUS Status; CLOCK_RATE_SET_ATTRIBUTES *ClockRateSetAttributes; SCMI_COMMAND Cmd; UINT32 PayloadLength; Status = ScmiCommandGetPayload ((UINT32**)&ClockRateSetAttributes); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // Fill arguments for clock protocol command. ClockRateSetAttributes->ClockId = ClockId; ClockRateSetAttributes->Flags = CLOCK_SET_DEFAULT_FLAGS; ClockRateSetAttributes->Rate.Low = (UINT32)Rate; ClockRateSetAttributes->Rate.High = (UINT32)(Rate >> 32); Cmd.ProtocolId = SCMI_PROTOCOL_ID_CLOCK; Cmd.MessageId = SCMI_MESSAGE_ID_CLOCK_RATE_SET; PayloadLength = sizeof (CLOCK_RATE_SET_ATTRIBUTES); // Execute and wait for response on a SCMI channel. Status = ScmiCommandExecute ( &Cmd, &PayloadLength, NULL ); return Status; } /** Enable/Disable specified clock. @param[in] This A Pointer to SCMI_CLOCK_PROTOCOL Instance. @param[in] ClockId Identifier for the clock device. @param[in] Enable TRUE to enable, FALSE to disable. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Clock enable/disable successful. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR SCP returns an SCMI error. @retval !(EFI_SUCCESS) Other errors. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS ClockEnable ( IN SCMI_CLOCK2_PROTOCOL *This, IN UINT32 ClockId, IN BOOLEAN Enable ) { EFI_STATUS Status; CLOCK_CONFIG_SET_ATTRIBUTES *ClockConfigSetAttributes; SCMI_COMMAND Cmd; UINT32 PayloadLength; Status = ScmiCommandGetPayload ((UINT32**)&ClockConfigSetAttributes); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // Fill arguments for clock protocol command. ClockConfigSetAttributes->ClockId = ClockId; ClockConfigSetAttributes->Attributes = Enable ? BIT0 : 0; Cmd.ProtocolId = SCMI_PROTOCOL_ID_CLOCK; Cmd.MessageId = SCMI_MESSAGE_ID_CLOCK_CONFIG_SET; PayloadLength = sizeof (CLOCK_CONFIG_SET_ATTRIBUTES); // Execute and wait for response on a SCMI channel. Status = ScmiCommandExecute ( &Cmd, &PayloadLength, NULL ); return Status; } // Instance of the SCMI clock management protocol. STATIC CONST SCMI_CLOCK_PROTOCOL ScmiClockProtocol = { ClockGetVersion, ClockGetTotalClocks, ClockGetClockAttributes, ClockDescribeRates, ClockRateGet, ClockRateSet }; // Instance of the SCMI clock management protocol. STATIC CONST SCMI_CLOCK2_PROTOCOL ScmiClock2Protocol = { (SCMI_CLOCK2_GET_VERSION)ClockGetVersion, (SCMI_CLOCK2_GET_TOTAL_CLOCKS)ClockGetTotalClocks, (SCMI_CLOCK2_GET_CLOCK_ATTRIBUTES)ClockGetClockAttributes, (SCMI_CLOCK2_DESCRIBE_RATES)ClockDescribeRates, (SCMI_CLOCK2_RATE_GET)ClockRateGet, (SCMI_CLOCK2_RATE_SET)ClockRateSet, SCMI_CLOCK2_PROTOCOL_VERSION, ClockEnable }; /** Initialize clock management protocol and install protocol on a given handle. @param[in] Handle Handle to install clock management protocol. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Clock protocol interface installed successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS ScmiClockProtocolInit ( IN EFI_HANDLE* Handle ) { return gBS->InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces ( Handle, &gArmScmiClockProtocolGuid, &ScmiClockProtocol, &gArmScmiClock2ProtocolGuid, &ScmiClock2Protocol, NULL ); }