## @file # This file contained the parser for [Guids], [Ppis], [Protocols] sections in INF file # # Copyright (c) 2011 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent # ''' InfGuidPpiProtocolSectionParser ''' ## # Import Modules # import Logger.Log as Logger from Logger import StringTable as ST from Logger.ToolError import FORMAT_INVALID from Parser.InfParserMisc import InfExpandMacro from Library import DataType as DT from Library import GlobalData from Library.Parsing import MacroParser from Library.Misc import GetSplitValueList from Library.ParserValidate import IsValidIdString from Library.ParserValidate import IsValidUserId from Library.ParserValidate import IsValidArch from Parser.InfParserMisc import InfParserSectionRoot class InfGuidPpiProtocolSectionParser(InfParserSectionRoot): ## InfGuidParser # # def InfGuidParser(self, SectionString, InfSectionObject, FileName): # # Macro defined in this section # SectionMacros = {} ValueList = [] GuidList = [] CommentsList = [] CurrentLineVar = None # # Parse section content # for Line in SectionString: LineContent = Line[0] LineNo = Line[1] if LineContent.strip() == '': CommentsList = [] continue if LineContent.strip().startswith(DT.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT): CommentsList.append(Line) continue else: # # Encounter a GUID entry # if LineContent.find(DT.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT) > -1: CommentsList.append(( LineContent[LineContent.find(DT.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT):], LineNo)) LineContent = \ LineContent[:LineContent.find(DT.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT)] if LineContent != '': # # Find Macro # Name, Value = MacroParser((LineContent, LineNo), FileName, DT.MODEL_EFI_GUID, self.FileLocalMacros) if Name is not None: SectionMacros[Name] = Value CommentsList = [] ValueList = [] continue TokenList = GetSplitValueList(LineContent, DT.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT, 1) ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList # # Replace with Local section Macro and [Defines] section Macro. # ValueList = [InfExpandMacro(Value, (FileName, LineContent, LineNo), self.FileLocalMacros, SectionMacros, True) for Value in ValueList] CurrentLineVar = (LineContent, LineNo, FileName) if len(ValueList) >= 1: GuidList.append((ValueList, CommentsList, CurrentLineVar)) CommentsList = [] ValueList = [] continue # # Current section archs # ArchList = [] LineIndex = -1 for Item in self.LastSectionHeaderContent: LineIndex = Item[3] if Item[1] not in ArchList: ArchList.append(Item[1]) if not InfSectionObject.SetGuid(GuidList, Arch=ArchList): Logger.Error('InfParser', FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_MODULE_SECTION_TYPE_ERROR % ("[Guid]"), File=FileName, Line=LineIndex) ## InfPpiParser # # def InfPpiParser(self, SectionString, InfSectionObject, FileName): # # Macro defined in this section # SectionMacros = {} ValueList = [] PpiList = [] CommentsList = [] CurrentLineVar = None # # Parse section content # for Line in SectionString: LineContent = Line[0] LineNo = Line[1] if LineContent.strip() == '': CommentsList = [] continue if LineContent.strip().startswith(DT.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT): CommentsList.append(Line) continue else: # # Encounter a PPI entry # if LineContent.find(DT.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT) > -1: CommentsList.append(( LineContent[LineContent.find(DT.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT):], LineNo)) LineContent = \ LineContent[:LineContent.find(DT.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT)] if LineContent != '': # # Find Macro # Name, Value = MacroParser((LineContent, LineNo), FileName, DT.MODEL_EFI_PPI, self.FileLocalMacros) if Name is not None: SectionMacros[Name] = Value ValueList = [] CommentsList = [] continue TokenList = GetSplitValueList(LineContent, DT.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT, 1) ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList # # Replace with Local section Macro and [Defines] section Macro. # ValueList = [InfExpandMacro(Value, (FileName, LineContent, LineNo), self.FileLocalMacros, SectionMacros) for Value in ValueList] CurrentLineVar = (LineContent, LineNo, FileName) if len(ValueList) >= 1: PpiList.append((ValueList, CommentsList, CurrentLineVar)) ValueList = [] CommentsList = [] continue # # Current section archs # ArchList = [] LineIndex = -1 for Item in self.LastSectionHeaderContent: LineIndex = Item[3] if Item[1] not in ArchList: ArchList.append(Item[1]) if not InfSectionObject.SetPpi(PpiList, Arch=ArchList): Logger.Error('InfParser', FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_MODULE_SECTION_TYPE_ERROR % ("[Ppis]"), File=FileName, Line=LineIndex) ## InfUserExtensionParser # # def InfUserExtensionParser(self, SectionString, InfSectionObject, FileName): UserExtensionContent = '' # # Parse section content # for Line in SectionString: LineContent = Line[0] # Comment the code to support user extension without any statement just the section header in [] # if LineContent.strip() == '': # continue UserExtensionContent += LineContent + DT.END_OF_LINE continue # # Current section UserId, IdString # IdContentList = [] LastItem = '' SectionLineNo = None for Item in self.LastSectionHeaderContent: UserId = Item[1] IdString = Item[2] Arch = Item[3] SectionLineNo = Item[4] if not IsValidArch(Arch): Logger.Error( 'InfParser', FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_DEFINE_FROMAT_INVALID % (Arch), File=GlobalData.gINF_MODULE_NAME, Line=SectionLineNo, ExtraData=None) if (UserId, IdString, Arch) not in IdContentList: # # To check the UserId and IdString valid or not. # if not IsValidUserId(UserId): Logger.Error('InfParser', FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_UE_SECTION_USER_ID_ERROR % (Item[1]), File=GlobalData.gINF_MODULE_NAME, Line=SectionLineNo, ExtraData=None) if not IsValidIdString(IdString): Logger.Error('InfParser', FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_UE_SECTION_ID_STRING_ERROR % (IdString), File=GlobalData.gINF_MODULE_NAME, Line=SectionLineNo, ExtraData=None) IdContentList.append((UserId, IdString, Arch)) else: # # Each UserExtensions section header must have a unique set # of UserId, IdString and Arch values. # This means that the same UserId can be used in more than one # section header, provided the IdString or Arch values are # different. The same IdString values can be used in more than # one section header if the UserId or Arch values are # different. The same UserId and the same IdString can be used # in a section header if the Arch values are different in each # of the section headers. # Logger.Error('InfParser', FORMAT_INVALID, ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_UE_SECTION_DUPLICATE_ERROR % ( IdString), File=GlobalData.gINF_MODULE_NAME, Line=SectionLineNo, ExtraData=None) LastItem = Item if not InfSectionObject.SetUserExtension(UserExtensionContent, IdContent=IdContentList, LineNo=SectionLineNo): Logger.Error\ ('InfParser', FORMAT_INVALID, \ ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_MODULE_SECTION_TYPE_ERROR % ("[UserExtension]"), \ File=FileName, Line=LastItem[4]) def InfProtocolParser(self, SectionString, InfSectionObject, FileName): # # Macro defined in this section # SectionMacros = {} ValueList = [] ProtocolList = [] CommentsList = [] CurrentLineVar = None # # Parse section content # for Line in SectionString: LineContent = Line[0] LineNo = Line[1] if LineContent.strip() == '': CommentsList = [] continue if LineContent.strip().startswith(DT.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT): CommentsList.append(Line) continue else: # # Encounter a Protocol entry # if LineContent.find(DT.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT) > -1: CommentsList.append(( LineContent[LineContent.find(DT.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT):], LineNo)) LineContent = \ LineContent[:LineContent.find(DT.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT)] if LineContent != '': # # Find Macro # Name, Value = MacroParser((LineContent, LineNo), FileName, DT.MODEL_EFI_PROTOCOL, self.FileLocalMacros) if Name is not None: SectionMacros[Name] = Value ValueList = [] CommentsList = [] continue TokenList = GetSplitValueList(LineContent, DT.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT, 1) ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList # # Replace with Local section Macro and [Defines] section Macro. # ValueList = [InfExpandMacro(Value, (FileName, LineContent, LineNo), self.FileLocalMacros, SectionMacros) for Value in ValueList] CurrentLineVar = (LineContent, LineNo, FileName) if len(ValueList) >= 1: ProtocolList.append((ValueList, CommentsList, CurrentLineVar)) ValueList = [] CommentsList = [] continue # # Current section archs # ArchList = [] LineIndex = -1 for Item in self.LastSectionHeaderContent: LineIndex = Item[3] if Item[1] not in ArchList: ArchList.append(Item[1]) if not InfSectionObject.SetProtocol(ProtocolList, Arch=ArchList): Logger.Error\ ('InfParser', FORMAT_INVALID, \ ST.ERR_INF_PARSER_MODULE_SECTION_TYPE_ERROR % ("[Protocol]"), \ File=FileName, Line=LineIndex)