/** @file
  X.509 Certificate Handler Wrapper Implementation which does not provide
  real capabilities.

Copyright (c) 2012 - 2020, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent


#include "InternalCryptLib.h"

  Construct a X509 object from DER-encoded certificate data.

  Return FALSE to indicate this interface is not supported.

  @param[in]  Cert            Pointer to the DER-encoded certificate data.
  @param[in]  CertSize        The size of certificate data in bytes.
  @param[out] SingleX509Cert  The generated X509 object.

  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.

X509ConstructCertificate (
  IN   CONST UINT8  *Cert,
  IN   UINTN        CertSize,
  OUT  UINT8        **SingleX509Cert
  return FALSE;

  Construct a X509 stack object from a list of DER-encoded certificate data.

  If X509Stack is NULL, then return FALSE.
  If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

  @param[in, out]  X509Stack  On input, pointer to an existing or NULL X509 stack object.
                              On output, pointer to the X509 stack object with new
                              inserted X509 certificate.
  @param[in]       Args       VA_LIST marker for the variable argument list.
                              A list of DER-encoded single certificate data followed
                              by certificate size. A NULL terminates the list. The
                              pairs are the arguments to X509ConstructCertificate().

  @retval     TRUE            The X509 stack construction succeeded.
  @retval     FALSE           The construction operation failed.
  @retval     FALSE           This interface is not supported.

X509ConstructCertificateStackV (
  IN OUT  UINT8    **X509Stack,
  IN      VA_LIST  Args
  return FALSE;

  Construct a X509 stack object from a list of DER-encoded certificate data.

  Return FALSE to indicate this interface is not supported.

  @param[in, out]  X509Stack  On input, pointer to an existing or NULL X509 stack object.
                              On output, pointer to the X509 stack object with new
                              inserted X509 certificate.
  @param           ...        A list of DER-encoded single certificate data followed
                              by certificate size. A NULL terminates the list. The
                              pairs are the arguments to X509ConstructCertificate().

  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.

X509ConstructCertificateStack (
  IN OUT  UINT8  **X509Stack,
  return FALSE;

  Release the specified X509 object.

  If the interface is not supported, then ASSERT().

  @param[in]  X509Cert  Pointer to the X509 object to be released.

X509Free (
  IN  VOID  *X509Cert

  Release the specified X509 stack object.

  If the interface is not supported, then ASSERT().

  @param[in]  X509Stack  Pointer to the X509 stack object to be released.

X509StackFree (
  IN  VOID  *X509Stack

  Retrieve the subject bytes from one X.509 certificate.

  Return FALSE to indicate this interface is not supported.

  @param[in]      Cert         Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
  @param[in]      CertSize     Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
  @param[out]     CertSubject  Pointer to the retrieved certificate subject bytes.
  @param[in, out] SubjectSize  The size in bytes of the CertSubject buffer on input,
                               and the size of buffer returned CertSubject on output.

  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.

X509GetSubjectName (
  IN      CONST UINT8  *Cert,
  IN      UINTN        CertSize,
  OUT     UINT8        *CertSubject,
  IN OUT  UINTN        *SubjectSize
  return FALSE;

  Retrieve the common name (CN) string from one X.509 certificate.

  Return RETURN_UNSUPPORTED to indicate this interface is not supported.

  @param[in]      Cert             Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
  @param[in]      CertSize         Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
  @param[out]     CommonName       Buffer to contain the retrieved certificate common
                                   name string (UTF8). At most CommonNameSize bytes will be
                                   written and the string will be null terminated. May be
                                   NULL in order to determine the size buffer needed.
  @param[in,out]  CommonNameSize   The size in bytes of the CommonName buffer on input,
                                   and the size of buffer returned CommonName on output.
                                   If CommonName is NULL then the amount of space needed
                                   in buffer (including the final null) is returned.

  @retval RETURN_UNSUPPORTED       The operation is not supported.

X509GetCommonName (
  IN      CONST UINT8  *Cert,
  IN      UINTN        CertSize,
  OUT     CHAR8        *CommonName,  OPTIONAL
  IN OUT  UINTN        *CommonNameSize

  Retrieve the organization name (ON) string from one X.509 certificate.

  Return RETURN_UNSUPPORTED to indicate this interface is not supported.

  @param[in]      Cert             Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
  @param[in]      CertSize         Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
  @param[out]     NameBuffer       Buffer to contain the retrieved certificate organization
                                   name string. At most NameBufferSize bytes will be
                                   written and the string will be null terminated. May be
                                   NULL in order to determine the size buffer needed.
  @param[in,out]  NameBufferSize   The size in bytes of the Name buffer on input,
                                   and the size of buffer returned Name on output.
                                   If NameBuffer is NULL then the amount of space needed
                                   in buffer (including the final null) is returned.

  @retval RETURN_UNSUPPORTED       The operation is not supported.

X509GetOrganizationName (
  IN      CONST UINT8   *Cert,
  IN      UINTN         CertSize,
  OUT     CHAR8         *NameBuffer,  OPTIONAL
  IN OUT  UINTN         *NameBufferSize

  Retrieve the RSA Public Key from one DER-encoded X509 certificate.

  Return FALSE to indicate this interface is not supported.

  @param[in]  Cert         Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
  @param[in]  CertSize     Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
  @param[out] RsaContext   Pointer to new-generated RSA context which contain the retrieved
                           RSA public key component. Use RsaFree() function to free the

  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.

RsaGetPublicKeyFromX509 (
  IN   CONST UINT8  *Cert,
  IN   UINTN        CertSize,
  OUT  VOID         **RsaContext
  return FALSE;

  Verify one X509 certificate was issued by the trusted CA.

  Return FALSE to indicate this interface is not supported.

  @param[in]      Cert         Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate to be verified.
  @param[in]      CertSize     Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
  @param[in]      CACert       Pointer to the DER-encoded trusted CA certificate.
  @param[in]      CACertSize   Size of the CA Certificate in bytes.

  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.

X509VerifyCert (
  IN  CONST UINT8  *Cert,
  IN  UINTN        CertSize,
  IN  UINTN        CACertSize
  return FALSE;

  Retrieve the TBSCertificate from one given X.509 certificate.

  Return FALSE to indicate this interface is not supported.

  @param[in]      Cert         Pointer to the given DER-encoded X509 certificate.
  @param[in]      CertSize     Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
  @param[out]     TBSCert      DER-Encoded To-Be-Signed certificate.
  @param[out]     TBSCertSize  Size of the TBS certificate in bytes.

  @retval  FALSE  This interface is not supported.

X509GetTBSCert (
  IN  CONST UINT8  *Cert,
  IN  UINTN        CertSize,
  OUT UINT8        **TBSCert,
  OUT UINTN        *TBSCertSize
  return FALSE;