/** @file Copyright (c) 2007 - 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include "Edb.h" /** Get file name from full path. @param FullPath - full file path @return file name **/ CHAR16 * GetFileNameFromFullPath ( IN CHAR16 *FullPath ) { CHAR16 *FileName; CHAR16 *TempFileName; FileName = FullPath; TempFileName = StrGetNewTokenLine (FullPath, L"\\"); while (TempFileName != NULL) { FileName = TempFileName; TempFileName = StrGetNextTokenLine (L"\\"); PatchForStrTokenBefore (TempFileName, L'\\'); } return FileName; } /** Get dir name from full path. @param FullPath - full file path @return dir name **/ CHAR16 * GetDirNameFromFullPath ( IN CHAR16 *FullPath ) { CHAR16 *FileName; FileName = GetFileNameFromFullPath (FullPath); if (FileName != FullPath) { *(FileName - 1) = 0; return FullPath; } return L""; } /** Construct full path according to dir and file path. @param DirPath - dir path @param FilePath - file path @param Size - dir max size @return Full file name **/ CHAR16 * ConstructFullPath ( IN CHAR16 *DirPath, IN CHAR16 *FilePath, IN UINTN Size ) { UINTN DirPathSize; DirPathSize = StrLen(DirPath); *(DirPath + DirPathSize) = L'\\'; StrnCatS (DirPath, DirPathSize + Size + 1, FilePath, Size); *(DirPath + DirPathSize + Size + 1) = 0; return DirPath; } CHAR16 *mSymbolTypeStr[] = { L"( F)", L"(SF)", L"(GV)", L"(SV)", }; /** Comvert Symbol Type to string. @param Type - Symbol Type @return String **/ CHAR16 * EdbSymbolTypeToStr ( IN EFI_DEBUGGER_SYMBOL_TYPE Type ) { if (Type < 0 || Type >= EfiDebuggerSymbolTypeMax) { return L"(?)"; } return mSymbolTypeStr [Type]; } /** Find the symbol according to address and display symbol. @param Address - SymbolAddress @param DebuggerPrivate - EBC Debugger private data structure @retval EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE - formal return value **/ EFI_DEBUG_STATUS DebuggerDisplaySymbolAccrodingToAddress ( IN UINTN Address, IN EFI_DEBUGGER_PRIVATE_DATA *DebuggerPrivate ) { EFI_DEBUGGER_SYMBOL_OBJECT *Object; EFI_DEBUGGER_SYMBOL_ENTRY *Entry; UINTN CandidateAddress; // // Find the nearest symbol address // CandidateAddress = EbdFindSymbolAddress (Address, EdbMatchSymbolTypeNearestAddress, &Object, &Entry); if (CandidateAddress == 0 || CandidateAddress == (UINTN) -1 || Entry == NULL) { EDBPrint (L"Symbole at Address not found!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } else if (Address != CandidateAddress) { EDBPrint (L"Symbole at Address not found, print nearest one!\n"); } // // Display symbol // EDBPrint (L"Symbol File Name: %s\n", Object->Name); if (sizeof(UINTN) == sizeof(UINT64)) { EDBPrint (L" Address Type Symbol\n"); EDBPrint (L" ================== ==== ========\n"); // EDBPrint (L" 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ( F) TestMain\n"); EDBPrint ( L" 0x%016lx %s %a\n", (UINT64)Entry->Rva + Object->BaseAddress, EdbSymbolTypeToStr (Entry->Type), Entry->Name ); } else { EDBPrint (L" Address Type Symbol\n"); EDBPrint (L" ========== ==== ========\n"); // EDBPrint (L" 0xFFFF0000 ( F) TestMain\n"); EDBPrint ( L" 0x%08x %s %a\n", Entry->Rva + Object->BaseAddress, EdbSymbolTypeToStr (Entry->Type), Entry->Name ); } // // Done // return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } /** Find the symbol according to name and display symbol. @param SymbolFileName - The Symbol File Name, NULL means for all @param SymbolName - The Symbol Name, NULL means for all @param DebuggerPrivate - EBC Debugger private data structure @retval EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE - formal return value **/ EFI_DEBUG_STATUS DebuggerDisplaySymbolAccrodingToName ( IN CHAR16 *SymbolFileName, IN CHAR16 *SymbolName, IN EFI_DEBUGGER_PRIVATE_DATA *DebuggerPrivate ) { UINTN Index; UINTN SubIndex; EFI_DEBUGGER_SYMBOL_OBJECT *Object; EFI_DEBUGGER_SYMBOL_ENTRY *Entry; if (DebuggerPrivate->DebuggerSymbolContext.ObjectCount == 0) { EDBPrint (L"No Symbol File!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } // // Go throuth each symbol file // Object = DebuggerPrivate->DebuggerSymbolContext.Object; for (Index = 0; Index < DebuggerPrivate->DebuggerSymbolContext.ObjectCount; Index++, Object++) { if ((SymbolFileName != NULL) && (StriCmp (SymbolFileName, Object->Name) != 0)) { continue; } // // Break each symbol file // if (Index != 0) { if (SetPageBreak ()) { break; } } EDBPrint (L"Symbol File Name: %s\n", Object->Name); if (Object->EntryCount == 0) { EDBPrint (L"No Symbol!\n"); continue; } Entry = Object->Entry; if (sizeof(UINTN) == sizeof(UINT64)) { EDBPrint (L" Address Type Symbol\n"); EDBPrint (L" ================== ==== ========\n"); // EDBPrint (L" 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ( F) TestMain (EbcTest.obj)\n"); } else { EDBPrint (L" Address Type Symbol\n"); EDBPrint (L" ========== ==== ========\n"); // EDBPrint (L" 0xFFFF0000 ( F) TestMain (EbcTest.obj)\n"); } // // Go through each symbol name // for (SubIndex = 0; SubIndex < Object->EntryCount; SubIndex++, Entry++) { if ((SymbolName != NULL) && (StrCmpUnicodeAndAscii (SymbolName, Entry->Name) != 0)) { continue; } // // Break symbol // if (((SubIndex % EFI_DEBUGGER_LINE_NUMBER_IN_PAGE) == 0) && (SubIndex != 0)) { if (SetPageBreak ()) { break; } } if (sizeof(UINTN) == sizeof(UINT64)) { EDBPrint ( L" 0x%016lx %s %a (%a)\n", (UINT64)Entry->Rva + Object->BaseAddress, EdbSymbolTypeToStr (Entry->Type), Entry->Name, Entry->ObjName ); } else { EDBPrint ( L" 0x%08x %s %a (%a)\n", Entry->Rva + Object->BaseAddress, EdbSymbolTypeToStr (Entry->Type), Entry->Name, Entry->ObjName ); } } } // // Done // return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } /** DebuggerCommand - ListSymbol. @param CommandArg - The argument for this command @param DebuggerPrivate - EBC Debugger private data structure @param ExceptionType - Exception type. @param SystemContext - EBC system context. @retval EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE - formal return value **/ EFI_DEBUG_STATUS DebuggerListSymbol ( IN CHAR16 *CommandArg, IN EFI_DEBUGGER_PRIVATE_DATA *DebuggerPrivate, IN EFI_EXCEPTION_TYPE ExceptionType, IN OUT EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext ) { CHAR16 *SymbolFileName; CHAR16 *SymbolName; CHAR16 *CommandStr; UINTN Address; SymbolFileName = NULL; SymbolName = NULL; CommandStr = CommandArg; // // display symbol according to address // if (CommandStr != NULL) { if ((StriCmp (CommandStr, L"F") != 0) && (StriCmp (CommandStr, L"S") != 0)) { Address = Xtoi (CommandStr); return DebuggerDisplaySymbolAccrodingToAddress (Address, DebuggerPrivate); } } // // Get SymbolFileName // if (CommandStr != NULL) { if (StriCmp (CommandStr, L"F") == 0) { CommandStr = StrGetNextTokenLine (L" "); if (CommandStr == NULL) { EDBPrint (L"Symbol File Name missing!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } else { SymbolFileName = CommandStr; CommandStr = StrGetNextTokenLine (L" "); } } } // // Get SymbolName // if (CommandStr != NULL) { if (StriCmp (CommandStr, L"S") == 0) { CommandStr = StrGetNextTokenLine (L" "); if (CommandStr == NULL) { EDBPrint (L"Symbol Name missing!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } else { SymbolName = CommandStr; CommandStr = StrGetNextTokenLine (L" "); } } } if (CommandStr != NULL) { EDBPrint (L"Argument error!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } // // display symbol according to name // return DebuggerDisplaySymbolAccrodingToName (SymbolFileName, SymbolName, DebuggerPrivate); } /** DebuggerCommand - LoadSymbol. @param CommandArg - The argument for this command @param DebuggerPrivate - EBC Debugger private data structure @param ExceptionType - Exception type. @param SystemContext - EBC system context. @retval EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE - formal return value **/ EFI_DEBUG_STATUS DebuggerLoadSymbol ( IN CHAR16 *CommandArg, IN EFI_DEBUGGER_PRIVATE_DATA *DebuggerPrivate, IN EFI_EXCEPTION_TYPE ExceptionType, IN OUT EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext ) { UINTN BufferSize; VOID *Buffer; EFI_STATUS Status; CHAR16 *FileName; CHAR16 *CommandArg2; BOOLEAN IsLoadCode; CHAR16 *DirName; CHAR16 CodFile[EFI_DEBUGGER_SYMBOL_NAME_MAX]; CHAR16 *CodFileName; UINTN Index; // // Check the argument // if (CommandArg == NULL) { EDBPrint (L"SymbolFile not found!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } IsLoadCode = FALSE; CommandArg2 = StrGetNextTokenLine (L" "); if (CommandArg2 != NULL) { if (StriCmp (CommandArg2, L"a") == 0) { IsLoadCode = TRUE; } else { EDBPrint (L"Argument error!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } } if (StrLen (CommandArg) <= 4) { EDBPrint (L"SymbolFile name error!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } if (StriCmp (CommandArg + (StrLen (CommandArg) - 4), L".map") != 0) { EDBPrint (L"SymbolFile name error!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } // // Read MAP file to memory // Status = ReadFileToBuffer (DebuggerPrivate, CommandArg, &BufferSize, &Buffer, TRUE); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { EDBPrint (L"SymbolFile read error!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } FileName = GetFileNameFromFullPath (CommandArg); // // Load Symbol // Status = EdbLoadSymbol (DebuggerPrivate, FileName, BufferSize, Buffer); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { EDBPrint (L"LoadSymbol error!\n"); gBS->FreePool (Buffer); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } gBS->FreePool (Buffer); // // Patch Symbol for RVA // Status = EdbPatchSymbolRVA (DebuggerPrivate, FileName, EdbEbcImageRvaSearchTypeLast); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { EDBPrint (L"PatchSymbol RVA - %r! Using the RVA in symbol file.\n", Status); } else { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "PatchSymbol RVA successfully!\n")); } if (!IsLoadCode) { return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } // // load each cod file // DirName = GetDirNameFromFullPath (CommandArg); ZeroMem (CodFile, sizeof(CodFile)); if (StrCmp (DirName, L"") != 0) { StrCpyS (CodFile, sizeof(CodFile), DirName); } else { DirName = L"\\"; } // // Go throuth each file under this dir // Index = 0; CodFileName = GetFileNameUnderDir (DebuggerPrivate, DirName, L".cod", &Index); while (CodFileName != NULL) { ZeroMem (CodFile, sizeof(CodFile)); if (StrCmp (DirName, L"\\") != 0) { StrCpyS (CodFile, sizeof(CodFile), DirName); } // // read cod file to memory // Status = ReadFileToBuffer (DebuggerPrivate, ConstructFullPath (CodFile, CodFileName, EFI_DEBUGGER_SYMBOL_NAME_MAX - StrLen (CodFile) - 2), &BufferSize, &Buffer, FALSE); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { EDBPrint (L"CodeFile read error!\n"); CodFileName = GetFileNameUnderDir (DebuggerPrivate, DirName, L".cod", &Index); continue; } // // Load Code // Status = EdbLoadCode (DebuggerPrivate, FileName, CodFileName, BufferSize, Buffer); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { EDBPrint (L"LoadCode error!\n"); gBS->FreePool (Buffer); CodFileName = GetFileNameUnderDir (DebuggerPrivate, DirName, L".cod", &Index); continue; } // // Record the buffer // Status = EdbAddCodeBuffer (DebuggerPrivate, FileName, CodFileName, BufferSize, Buffer); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { EDBPrint (L"AddCodeBuffer error!\n"); gBS->FreePool (Buffer); CodFileName = GetFileNameUnderDir (DebuggerPrivate, DirName, L".cod", &Index); continue; } // // Get next file // CodFileName = GetFileNameUnderDir (DebuggerPrivate, DirName, L".cod", &Index); } // // Done // return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } /** DebuggerCommand - UnloadSymbol @param CommandArg - The argument for this command @param DebuggerPrivate - EBC Debugger private data structure @param ExceptionType - Exception type. @param SystemContext - EBC system context. @retval EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE - formal return value **/ EFI_DEBUG_STATUS DebuggerUnloadSymbol ( IN CHAR16 *CommandArg, IN EFI_DEBUGGER_PRIVATE_DATA *DebuggerPrivate, IN EFI_EXCEPTION_TYPE ExceptionType, IN OUT EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext ) { EFI_STATUS Status; CHAR16 *FileName; CHAR16 *DirName; CHAR16 CodFile[EFI_DEBUGGER_SYMBOL_NAME_MAX]; CHAR16 *CodFileName; UINTN Index; VOID *BufferPtr; // // Check the argument // if (CommandArg == NULL) { EDBPrint (L"SymbolFile not found!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } FileName = GetFileNameFromFullPath (CommandArg); // // Unload Code // DirName = GetDirNameFromFullPath (CommandArg); ZeroMem (CodFile, sizeof(CodFile)); if (StrCmp (DirName, L"") != 0) { StrCpyS (CodFile, sizeof(CodFile), DirName); } else { DirName = L"\\"; } // // Go through each file under this dir // Index = 0; CodFileName = GetFileNameUnderDir (DebuggerPrivate, DirName, L".cod", &Index); while (CodFileName != NULL) { ZeroMem (CodFile, sizeof(CodFile)); if (StrCmp (DirName, L"\\") != 0) { StrCpyS (CodFile, sizeof(CodFile), DirName); } // // Unload Code // Status = EdbUnloadCode (DebuggerPrivate, FileName, CodFileName, &BufferPtr); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { EDBPrint (L"UnloadCode error!\n"); CodFileName = GetFileNameUnderDir (DebuggerPrivate, DirName, L".cod", &Index); continue; } // // Delete the code buffer // Status = EdbDeleteCodeBuffer (DebuggerPrivate, FileName, CodFileName, BufferPtr); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { EDBPrint (L"DeleteCodeBuffer error!\n"); CodFileName = GetFileNameUnderDir (DebuggerPrivate, DirName, L".cod", &Index); continue; } // // Get next file // CodFileName = GetFileNameUnderDir (DebuggerPrivate, DirName, L".cod", &Index); } // // Unload Symbol // Status = EdbUnloadSymbol (DebuggerPrivate, FileName); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { EDBPrint (L"UnloadSymbol error!\n"); } // // Done // return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } /** DebuggerCommand - DisplaySymbol. @param CommandArg - The argument for this command @param DebuggerPrivate - EBC Debugger private data structure @param ExceptionType - Exception type. @param SystemContext - EBC system context. @retval EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE - formal return value **/ EFI_DEBUG_STATUS DebuggerDisplaySymbol ( IN CHAR16 *CommandArg, IN EFI_DEBUGGER_PRIVATE_DATA *DebuggerPrivate, IN EFI_EXCEPTION_TYPE ExceptionType, IN OUT EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext ) { if (CommandArg == NULL) { DebuggerPrivate->DebuggerSymbolContext.DisplaySymbol = !DebuggerPrivate->DebuggerSymbolContext.DisplaySymbol; EdbShowDisasm (DebuggerPrivate, SystemContext); } else if (StriCmp (CommandArg, L"on") == 0) { DebuggerPrivate->DebuggerSymbolContext.DisplaySymbol = TRUE; EdbShowDisasm (DebuggerPrivate, SystemContext); } else if (StriCmp (CommandArg, L"off") == 0) { DebuggerPrivate->DebuggerSymbolContext.DisplaySymbol = FALSE; EdbShowDisasm (DebuggerPrivate, SystemContext); } else { EDBPrint (L"DisplaySymbol - argument error\n"); } return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } /** DebuggerCommand - LoadCode. @param CommandArg - The argument for this command @param DebuggerPrivate - EBC Debugger private data structure @param ExceptionType - Exception type. @param SystemContext - EBC system context. @retval EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE - formal return value **/ EFI_DEBUG_STATUS DebuggerLoadCode ( IN CHAR16 *CommandArg, IN EFI_DEBUGGER_PRIVATE_DATA *DebuggerPrivate, IN EFI_EXCEPTION_TYPE ExceptionType, IN OUT EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext ) { UINTN BufferSize; VOID *Buffer; EFI_STATUS Status; CHAR16 *CommandArg2; CHAR16 *FileName; CHAR16 *MapFileName; // // Check the argument // if (CommandArg == NULL) { EDBPrint (L"CodeFile not found!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } CommandArg2 = StrGetNextTokenLine (L" "); if (CommandArg2 == NULL) { EDBPrint (L"SymbolFile not found!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } if (StrLen (CommandArg) <= 4) { EDBPrint (L"CodeFile name error!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } if (StriCmp (CommandArg + (StrLen (CommandArg) - 4), L".cod") != 0) { EDBPrint (L"CodeFile name error!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } if (StrLen (CommandArg2) <= 4) { EDBPrint (L"SymbolFile name error!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } if (StriCmp (CommandArg2 + (StrLen (CommandArg2) - 4), L".map") != 0) { EDBPrint (L"SymbolFile name error!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } // // read cod file to memory // Status = ReadFileToBuffer (DebuggerPrivate, CommandArg, &BufferSize, &Buffer, TRUE); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { EDBPrint (L"CodeFile read error!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } FileName = GetFileNameFromFullPath (CommandArg); MapFileName = GetFileNameFromFullPath (CommandArg2); // // Load Code // Status = EdbLoadCode (DebuggerPrivate, MapFileName, FileName, BufferSize, Buffer); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { EDBPrint (L"LoadCode error!\n"); gBS->FreePool (Buffer); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } // // Record the buffer // Status = EdbAddCodeBuffer (DebuggerPrivate, MapFileName, FileName, BufferSize, Buffer); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { EDBPrint (L"AddCodeBuffer error!\n"); gBS->FreePool (Buffer); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } // // Done // return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } /** DebuggerCommand - UnloadCode. @param CommandArg - The argument for this command @param DebuggerPrivate - EBC Debugger private data structure @param ExceptionType - Exception type. @param SystemContext - EBC system context. @retval EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE - formal return value **/ EFI_DEBUG_STATUS DebuggerUnloadCode ( IN CHAR16 *CommandArg, IN EFI_DEBUGGER_PRIVATE_DATA *DebuggerPrivate, IN EFI_EXCEPTION_TYPE ExceptionType, IN OUT EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext ) { CHAR16 *CommandArg2; CHAR16 *FileName; CHAR16 *MapFileName; EFI_STATUS Status; VOID *BufferPtr; // // Check the argument // if (CommandArg == NULL) { EDBPrint (L"CodeFile not found!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } CommandArg2 = StrGetNextTokenLine (L" "); if (CommandArg2 == NULL) { EDBPrint (L"SymbolFile not found!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } FileName = GetFileNameFromFullPath (CommandArg); MapFileName = GetFileNameFromFullPath (CommandArg2); // // Unload Code // Status = EdbUnloadCode (DebuggerPrivate, MapFileName, FileName, &BufferPtr); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { EDBPrint (L"UnloadCode error!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } // // Delete Code buffer // Status = EdbDeleteCodeBuffer (DebuggerPrivate, MapFileName, FileName, BufferPtr); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { EDBPrint (L"DeleteCodeBuffer error!\n"); } // // Done // return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } /** DebuggerCommand - DisplayCode. @param CommandArg - The argument for this command @param DebuggerPrivate - EBC Debugger private data structure @param ExceptionType - Exception type. @param SystemContext - EBC system context. @retval EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE - formal return value **/ EFI_DEBUG_STATUS DebuggerDisplayCode ( IN CHAR16 *CommandArg, IN EFI_DEBUGGER_PRIVATE_DATA *DebuggerPrivate, IN EFI_EXCEPTION_TYPE ExceptionType, IN OUT EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext ) { if (CommandArg == NULL) { DebuggerPrivate->DebuggerSymbolContext.DisplayCodeOnly = !DebuggerPrivate->DebuggerSymbolContext.DisplayCodeOnly; EdbShowDisasm (DebuggerPrivate, SystemContext); } else if (StriCmp (CommandArg, L"on") == 0) { DebuggerPrivate->DebuggerSymbolContext.DisplayCodeOnly = TRUE; EdbShowDisasm (DebuggerPrivate, SystemContext); } else if (StriCmp (CommandArg, L"off") == 0) { DebuggerPrivate->DebuggerSymbolContext.DisplayCodeOnly = FALSE; EdbShowDisasm (DebuggerPrivate, SystemContext); } else { EDBPrint (L"DisplayCode - argument error\n"); } return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; }