/** @file Copyright (c) 2020, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #ifndef _MTRR_SUPPORT_H_ #define _MTRR_SUPPORT_H_ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <setjmp.h> #include <cmocka.h> #include <time.h> #include <Uefi.h> #include <Library/BaseLib.h> #include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h> #include <Library/DebugLib.h> #include <Library/UnitTestLib.h> #include <Library/MtrrLib.h> #include <Library/UnitTestHostBaseLib.h> #include <Register/ArchitecturalMsr.h> #include <Register/Cpuid.h> #include <Register/Msr.h> #define UNIT_TEST_APP_NAME "MtrrLib Unit Tests" #define UNIT_TEST_APP_VERSION "1.0" #define SCRATCH_BUFFER_SIZE SIZE_16KB typedef struct { UINT8 PhysicalAddressBits; BOOLEAN MtrrSupported; BOOLEAN FixedMtrrSupported; MTRR_MEMORY_CACHE_TYPE DefaultCacheType; UINT32 VariableMtrrCount; } MTRR_LIB_SYSTEM_PARAMETER; extern UINT32 mFixedMtrrsIndex[]; extern BOOLEAN mRandomInput; /** Initialize the MTRR registers. @param SystemParameter System parameter that controls the MTRR registers initialization. **/ UNIT_TEST_STATUS EFIAPI InitializeMtrrRegs ( IN MTRR_LIB_SYSTEM_PARAMETER *SystemParameter ); /** Initialize the MTRR registers. @param Context System parameter that controls the MTRR registers initialization. **/ UNIT_TEST_STATUS EFIAPI InitializeSystem ( IN UNIT_TEST_CONTEXT Context ); /** Return a random memory cache type. **/ MTRR_MEMORY_CACHE_TYPE GenerateRandomCacheType ( VOID ); /** Generate random MTRRs. @param PhysicalAddressBits Physical address bits. @param RawMemoryRanges Return the randomly generated MTRRs. @param UcCount Count of Uncacheable MTRRs. @param WtCount Count of Write Through MTRRs. @param WbCount Count of Write Back MTRRs. @param WpCount Count of Write Protected MTRRs. @param WcCount Count of Write Combining MTRRs. **/ VOID GenerateValidAndConfigurableMtrrPairs ( IN UINT32 PhysicalAddressBits, IN OUT MTRR_MEMORY_RANGE *RawMemoryRanges, IN UINT32 UcCount, IN UINT32 WtCount, IN UINT32 WbCount, IN UINT32 WpCount, IN UINT32 WcCount ); /** Convert the MTRR BASE/MASK array to memory ranges. @param DefaultType Default memory type. @param PhysicalAddressBits Physical address bits. @param RawMemoryRanges Raw memory ranges. @param RawMemoryRangeCount Count of raw memory ranges. @param MemoryRanges Memory ranges. @param MemoryRangeCount Count of memory ranges. **/ VOID GetEffectiveMemoryRanges ( IN MTRR_MEMORY_CACHE_TYPE DefaultType, IN UINT32 PhysicalAddressBits, IN MTRR_MEMORY_RANGE *RawMemoryRanges, IN UINT32 RawMemoryRangeCount, OUT MTRR_MEMORY_RANGE *MemoryRanges, OUT UINTN *MemoryRangeCount ); /** Generate random MTRR BASE/MASK for a specified type. @param PhysicalAddressBits Physical address bits. @param CacheType Cache type. @param MtrrPair Return the random MTRR. @param MtrrMemoryRange Return the random memory range. **/ VOID GenerateRandomMtrrPair ( IN UINT32 PhysicalAddressBits, IN MTRR_MEMORY_CACHE_TYPE CacheType, OUT MTRR_VARIABLE_SETTING *MtrrPair, OPTIONAL OUT MTRR_MEMORY_RANGE *MtrrMemoryRange OPTIONAL ); /** Collect the test result. @param DefaultType Default memory type. @param PhysicalAddressBits Physical address bits. @param VariableMtrrCount Count of variable MTRRs. @param Mtrrs MTRR settings to collect from. @param Ranges Return the memory ranges. @param RangeCount Return the count of memory ranges. @param MtrrCount Return the count of variable MTRRs being used. **/ VOID CollectTestResult ( IN MTRR_MEMORY_CACHE_TYPE DefaultType, IN UINT32 PhysicalAddressBits, IN UINT32 VariableMtrrCount, IN MTRR_SETTINGS *Mtrrs, OUT MTRR_MEMORY_RANGE *Ranges, IN OUT UINTN *RangeCount, OUT UINT32 *MtrrCount ); /** Return a 64bit random number. @param Start Start of the random number range. @param Limit Limit of the random number range. @return 64bit random number **/ UINT64 Random64 ( UINT64 Start, UINT64 Limit ); /** Return a 32bit random number. @param Start Start of the random number range. @param Limit Limit of the random number range. @return 32bit random number **/ UINT32 Random32 ( UINT32 Start, UINT32 Limit ); /** Generate Count random numbers in FilePath. @param FilePath The file path to put the generated random numbers. @param Count Count of random numbers. **/ VOID GenerateRandomNumbers ( CHAR8 *FilePath, UINTN Count ); #endif