#! /bin/sh EXPECTED="ID=01 FIRST 0x00000400..0x00000500 (actual=0x00000100) [----------]" FFSIMG=$DATA_DIR/$CUR_TEST.gen command -v pflash > /dev/null || echo "skipping test: pflash required but not found in PATH" && exit 0 # https://github.com/open-power/skiboot/issues/205 touch $FFSIMG # Use a block size that works with the existing codebase run_binary "./ffspart" "-s 0x100 -c 10 -i $DATA_DIR/$CUR_TEST.in -p $FFSIMG" if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] ; then fail_test fi CONTENTS=$(pflash -i -F $FFSIMG | grep FIRST) if [ "$CONTENTS" != "$EXPECTED" ]; then echo "Actual: $CONTENTS" echo "Expected: $EXPECTED" fail_test fi # Use a block size that fails with the existing codebase. This test is expected # to fail; change it to expect pass when the issue is fixed. # https://github.com/open-power/skiboot/issues/202 run_binary "./ffspart" "-s 0x1000 -c 10 -i $DATA_DIR/$CUR_TEST.in -p $FFSIMG" if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] ; then fail_test fi CONTENTS=$(pflash -i -F $FFSIMG | grep FIRST) if [ "$CONTENTS" != "$EXPECTED" ]; then echo "This case should be marked as fail but ffspart has bugs" echo "https://github.com/open-power/skiboot/issues/202" echo "Actual: $CONTENTS" echo "Expected: $EXPECTED" pass_test fi pass_test