/********************************************************************************/ /* */ /* IMA Routines */ /* Written by Ken Goldman */ /* IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center */ /* */ /* (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2016 - 2019. */ /* */ /* All rights reserved. */ /* */ /* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without */ /* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are */ /* met: */ /* */ /* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, */ /* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. */ /* */ /* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright */ /* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the */ /* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. */ /* */ /* Neither the names of the IBM Corporation nor the names of its */ /* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from */ /* this software without specific prior written permission. */ /* */ /* THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS */ /* "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT */ /* LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR */ /* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT */ /* HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, */ /* SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT */ /* LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, */ /* DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY */ /* THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT */ /* (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE */ /* OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /********************************************************************************/ /* imalib is a set of utility functions to handle IMA (Integrity Measurement Architecture) event logs. */ #include #include #include #include #ifdef TPM_POSIX #include #endif #ifdef TPM_WINDOWS #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "imalib.h" #define IMA_PARSE_FUNCTIONS_MAX 128 static uint32_t IMA_Uint32_Convert(const uint8_t *stream, int littleEndian); static uint32_t IMA_Strn2cpy(char *dest, const uint8_t *src, size_t destLength, size_t srcLength); static void IMA_Event_ParseName(ImaEvent *imaEvent); static uint32_t IMA_TemplateData_ReadFile(ImaEvent *imaEvent, int *endOfFile, FILE *inFile, int littleEndian); static uint32_t IMA_TemplateDataIma_ReadFile(ImaEvent *imaEvent, int *endOfFile, FILE *inFile, int littleEndian); /* callback to parse a template data field */ typedef uint32_t (*TemplateDataParseFunction_t)(ImaTemplateData *imaTemplateData, uint8_t **buffer, size_t *length, int littleEndian); static uint32_t IMA_TemplateName_Parse(TemplateDataParseFunction_t templateDataParseFunctions[], size_t templateDataParseFunctionsSize, ImaEvent *imaEvent); static uint32_t IMA_TemplateName_ParseCustom(TemplateDataParseFunction_t templateDataParseFunctions[], size_t templateDataParseFunctionsSize, ImaEvent *imaEvent); static uint32_t IMA_ParseD(ImaTemplateData *imaTemplateData, uint8_t **buffer, size_t *length, int littleEndian); static uint32_t IMA_ParseDNG(ImaTemplateData *imaTemplateData, uint8_t **buffer, size_t *length, int littleEndian); static uint32_t IMA_ParseNNG(ImaTemplateData *imaTemplateData, uint8_t **buffer, size_t *length, int littleEndian); static uint32_t IMA_ParseSIG(ImaTemplateData *imaTemplateData, uint8_t **buffer, size_t *length, int littleEndian); static uint32_t IMA_ParseDMODSIG(ImaTemplateData *imaTemplateData, uint8_t **buffer, size_t *length, int littleEndian); static uint32_t IMA_ParseMODSIG(ImaTemplateData *imaTemplateData, uint8_t **buffer, size_t *length, int littleEndian); static uint32_t IMA_ParseBUF(ImaTemplateData *imaTemplateData, uint8_t **buffer, size_t *length, int littleEndian); extern int tssUtilsVerbose; /* IMA_Event_Init() initializes the ImaEvent structure so that IMA_Event_Free() is safe. */ void IMA_Event_Init(ImaEvent *imaEvent) { if (imaEvent != NULL) { imaEvent->nameInt = IMA_UNSUPPORTED; imaEvent->template_data = NULL; } return; } /* IMA_Event_Free() frees any memory allocated for the ImaEvent structure. */ void IMA_Event_Free(ImaEvent *imaEvent) { if (imaEvent != NULL) { free(imaEvent->template_data); imaEvent->template_data = NULL; } return; } /* IMA_Event_Trace() traces the ImaEvent structure. If traceTemplate is FALSE, template data is not traced. This handles the case where template data is not unmarshaled. */ void IMA_Event_Trace(ImaEvent *imaEvent, int traceTemplate) { printf("IMA_Event_Trace: PCR index %u\n", imaEvent->pcrIndex); TSS_PrintAll("IMA_Event_Trace: hash", imaEvent->digest, sizeof(((ImaEvent *)NULL)->digest)); printf("IMA_Event_Trace: name length %u\n", imaEvent->name_len); printf("IMA_Event_Trace: name %s\n", imaEvent->name); printf("IMA_Event_Trace: name integer %u\n", imaEvent->nameInt); printf("IMA_Event_Trace: template data length %u\n", imaEvent->template_data_len); /* in some use cases, the template_data field is not populated. In those cases, do not trace it. */ if (traceTemplate) { TSS_PrintAll("IMA_Event_Trace: template data", imaEvent->template_data, imaEvent->template_data_len); } return; } /* IMA_Event_ParseName() parses the Template Name and sets the nameInt field */ static void IMA_Event_ParseName(ImaEvent *imaEvent) { if (strcmp(imaEvent->name, "ima-ng") == 0) { imaEvent->nameInt = IMA_FORMAT_IMA_NG; } else if (strcmp(imaEvent->name, "ima-sig") == 0) { imaEvent->nameInt = IMA_FORMAT_IMA_SIG; } else if (strcmp(imaEvent->name, "ima") == 0) { imaEvent->nameInt = IMA_FORMAT_IMA; } else if (strcmp(imaEvent->name, "ima-modsig") == 0) { imaEvent->nameInt = IMA_FORMAT_MODSIG; } else if (strcmp(imaEvent->name, "ima-buf") == 0) { imaEvent->nameInt = IMA_FORMAT_BUF; } /* the template data parser currently supports only these formats. */ else { imaEvent->nameInt = IMA_UNSUPPORTED; } return; } void IMA_TemplateData_Init(ImaTemplateData *imaTemplateData) { imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.hashLength = 0; imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.fileDataHashLength = 0; imaTemplateData->imaTemplateNNG.fileNameLength = 0; imaTemplateData->imaTemplateNNG.fileName[0] = '\0'; imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.sigLength = 0; imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.sigHeaderLength = 0; imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.signatureSize = 0; imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigHashLength = 0; imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigFileDataHashLength = 0; imaTemplateData->imaTemplateMODSIG.modSigLength = 0; imaTemplateData->imaTemplateBUF.bufLength = 0; return; } /* IMA_TemplateData_Trace() traces the ImaTemplateData structure. nameInt maps to the template name. */ void IMA_TemplateData_Trace(ImaTemplateData *imaTemplateData, unsigned int nameInt) { nameInt = nameInt; /* obsolete now that custom templates are supported */ /* d-ng */ printf("IMA_TemplateData_Trace: DNG hashLength %u\n", imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.hashLength); printf("IMA_TemplateData_Trace: DNG hashAlg %s\n", imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.hashAlg); TSS_PrintAll("IMA_Template_Trace: DNG file data hash", imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.fileDataHash, imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.fileDataHashLength); /* n-ng */ printf("IMA_TemplateData_Trace: NNG fileNameLength %u\n", imaTemplateData->imaTemplateNNG.fileNameLength); if (imaTemplateData->imaTemplateNNG.fileNameLength > 0) { printf("IMA_TemplateData_Trace: NNG fileName %s\n", imaTemplateData->imaTemplateNNG.fileName); } /* sig */ printf("IMA_TemplateData_Trace: SIG sigLength %u\n", imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.sigLength); if (imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.sigLength != 0) { TSS_PrintAll("IMA_TemplateData_Trace: sigHeader", imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.sigHeader, imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.sigHeaderLength); printf("IMA_TemplateData_Trace: SIG signatureSize %u\n", imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.signatureSize); TSS_PrintAll("IMA_TemplateData_Trace: SIG signature", imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.signature, imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.signatureSize); } /* d-modsig */ printf("IMA_TemplateData_Trace: DMODSIG dModSigHashLength %u\n", imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigHashLength); if (imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigHashLength != 0) { printf("IMA_TemplateData_Trace: DMODSIG dModSigHashAlg %s\n", imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigHashAlg); TSS_PrintAll("IMA_Template_Trace: DMODSIG file data hash", imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigFileDataHash, imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigFileDataHashLength); } /* modsig */ printf("IMA_TemplateData_Trace: MODSIG modSigLength %u\n", imaTemplateData->imaTemplateMODSIG.modSigLength); if (imaTemplateData->imaTemplateMODSIG.modSigLength != 0) { TSS_PrintAll("IMA_TemplateData_Trace: MODSIG modSigData", imaTemplateData->imaTemplateMODSIG.modSigData, imaTemplateData->imaTemplateMODSIG.modSigLength); #ifndef TPM_TSS_MBEDTLS { PKCS7 *pkcs7 = NULL; unsigned char *tmpData = NULL; /* tmp pointer because d2i moves the pointer */ tmpData = imaTemplateData->imaTemplateMODSIG.modSigData; pkcs7 = d2i_PKCS7(NULL, /* freed @1 */ (const unsigned char **)&tmpData, imaTemplateData->imaTemplateMODSIG.modSigLength); if (pkcs7 != NULL) { BIO *bio = NULL; bio = BIO_new_fd(fileno(stdout), BIO_NOCLOSE); /* freed @2 */ if (bio != NULL) { PKCS7_print_ctx(bio, pkcs7, 4, NULL); BIO_free(bio); /* @2 */ } else { printf("IMA_TemplateData_Trace: MODSIG Could not create BIO for PKCS7\n"); } PKCS7_free(pkcs7); /* @1 */ } else { printf("IMA_TemplateData_Trace: MODSIG Could not trace modSigData as PKCS7\n"); } } #endif /* TPM_TSS_MBEDTLS */ } /* buf */ printf("IMA_TemplateData_Trace: BUF bufLength %u\n", imaTemplateData->imaTemplateBUF.bufLength); if (imaTemplateData->imaTemplateBUF.bufLength != 0) { TSS_PrintAll("IMA_TemplateData_Trace: BUF bufData", imaTemplateData->imaTemplateBUF.bufData, imaTemplateData->imaTemplateBUF.bufLength); #ifndef TPM_TSS_MBEDTLS if ((strcmp((const char *)imaTemplateData->imaTemplateNNG.fileName, ".builtin_trusted_keys") == 0) || (strcmp((const char *)imaTemplateData->imaTemplateNNG.fileName, ".ima") == 0)) { { X509 *x509 = NULL; unsigned char *tmpData = NULL; /* tmp pointer because d2i moves the pointer */ tmpData = imaTemplateData->imaTemplateBUF.bufData; x509 = d2i_X509(NULL, /* freed @1 */ (const unsigned char **)&tmpData, imaTemplateData->imaTemplateBUF.bufLength); if (x509 != NULL) { X509_print_fp(stdout, x509); X509_free(x509); /* @1 */ } else { printf("IMA_TemplateData_Trace: BUF Could not trace bufData as X509\n"); } } } #endif /* TPM_TSS_MBEDTLS */ } return; } /* IMA_Event_ReadFile() reads one IMA event from a file. It currently supports these template formats: ima, ima-ng, ima-sig. This is typically used at the client, reading from the pseudofile. */ uint32_t IMA_Event_ReadFile(ImaEvent *imaEvent, /* freed by caller */ int *endOfFile, FILE *inFile, int littleEndian) { int rc = 0; size_t readSize; *endOfFile = FALSE; imaEvent->template_data = NULL; /* for free */ /* read the IMA PCR index */ if ((rc == 0) && !(*endOfFile)) { readSize = fread(&(imaEvent->pcrIndex), sizeof(((ImaEvent *)NULL)->pcrIndex), 1, inFile); if (readSize != 1) { if (feof(inFile)) { *endOfFile = TRUE; } else { printf("ERROR: IMA_Event_ReadFile: could not read pcrIndex, returned %lu\n", (unsigned long)readSize); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } } } /* PCR index endian convert */ if ((rc == 0) && !(*endOfFile)) { imaEvent->pcrIndex = IMA_Uint32_Convert((uint8_t *)&imaEvent->pcrIndex, littleEndian); /* range check the PCR index */ if (imaEvent->pcrIndex >= IMPLEMENTATION_PCR) { printf("ERROR: IMA_Event_ReadFile: PCR index %u %08x out of range\n", imaEvent->pcrIndex, imaEvent->pcrIndex); rc = TSS_RC_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE; } } /* read the IMA digest, this is hard coded to SHA-1 */ if ((rc == 0) && !(*endOfFile)) { readSize = fread(&(imaEvent->digest), sizeof(((ImaEvent *)NULL)->digest), 1, inFile); if (readSize != 1) { if (feof(inFile)) { *endOfFile = TRUE; } else { printf("ERROR: IMA_Event_ReadFile: could not read digest, returned %lu\n", (unsigned long)readSize); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } } } /* read the IMA name length */ if ((rc == 0) && !(*endOfFile)) { readSize = fread(&(imaEvent->name_len), sizeof(((ImaEvent *)NULL)->name_len), 1, inFile); if (readSize != 1) { if (feof(inFile)) { *endOfFile = TRUE; } else { printf("ERROR: IMA_Event_ReadFile: could not read name_len, returned %lu\n", (unsigned long)readSize); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } } } if ((rc == 0) && !(*endOfFile)) { imaEvent->name_len = IMA_Uint32_Convert((uint8_t *)&imaEvent->name_len, littleEndian); } /* bounds check the name length, leave a byte for the nul terminator */ if ((rc == 0) && !(*endOfFile)) { if (imaEvent->name_len > (sizeof(((ImaEvent *)NULL)->name)) -1) { printf("ERROR: IMA_Event_ReadFile: template name length too big: %u\n", imaEvent->name_len); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } } /* read the template name */ if ((rc == 0) && !(*endOfFile)) { /* nul terminate first */ memset(imaEvent->name, 0, sizeof(((ImaEvent *)NULL)->name)); readSize = fread(&(imaEvent->name), imaEvent->name_len, 1, inFile); if (readSize != 1) { if (feof(inFile)) { *endOfFile = TRUE; } else { printf("ERROR: IMA_Event_ReadFile: could not read template name, returned %lu\n", (unsigned long)readSize); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } } } /* record the template name as an int */ if ((rc == 0) && !(*endOfFile)) { IMA_Event_ParseName(imaEvent); } if ((rc == 0) && !(*endOfFile)) { if (imaEvent->nameInt != IMA_FORMAT_IMA) { /* standard format */ rc = IMA_TemplateData_ReadFile(imaEvent, endOfFile, inFile, littleEndian); } else { /* unique 'ima' format */ rc = IMA_TemplateDataIma_ReadFile(imaEvent, endOfFile, inFile, littleEndian); } } return rc; } /* IMA_TemplateData_ReadFile() reads the template data as a pure array. It handles the normal case of template data length plus template data. */ static uint32_t IMA_TemplateData_ReadFile(ImaEvent *imaEvent, /* freed by caller */ int *endOfFile, FILE *inFile, int littleEndian) { int rc = 0; size_t readSize; /* read template data length */ if ((rc == 0) && !(*endOfFile)) { readSize = fread(&(imaEvent->template_data_len), sizeof(((ImaEvent *)NULL)->template_data_len ), 1, inFile); if (readSize != 1) { if (feof(inFile)) { *endOfFile = TRUE; } else { printf("ERROR: IMA_TemplateData_ReadFile: could not read template_data_len, " " returned %lu\n", (unsigned long)readSize); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } } } if ((rc == 0) && !(*endOfFile)) { imaEvent->template_data_len = IMA_Uint32_Convert((uint8_t *)&imaEvent->template_data_len, littleEndian); } /* bounds check the template data length */ if ((rc == 0) && !(*endOfFile)) { if (imaEvent->template_data_len > TCG_TEMPLATE_DATA_LEN_MAX) { printf("ERROR: IMA_TemplateData_ReadFile: template data length too big: %u\n", imaEvent->template_data_len); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } } if ((rc == 0) && !(*endOfFile)) { imaEvent->template_data = malloc(imaEvent->template_data_len); if (imaEvent->template_data == NULL) { printf("ERROR: IMA_TemplateData_ReadFile: " "could not allocate template data, size %u\n", imaEvent->template_data_len); rc = TSS_RC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } if ((rc == 0) && !(*endOfFile)) { readSize = fread(imaEvent->template_data, imaEvent->template_data_len, 1, inFile); if (readSize != 1) { if (feof(inFile)) { *endOfFile = TRUE; } else { printf("ERROR: IMA_Event_ReadFile: could not read template_data, " "returned %lu\n", (unsigned long)readSize); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } } } return rc; } /* IMA_TemplateDataIma_ReadFile() reads the template data. It handles the special case of the template name 'ima', which does not have a template data length. 'ima' has a 20 byte file data hash, a 4 byte file name length, and a file name. */ static uint32_t IMA_TemplateDataIma_ReadFile(ImaEvent *imaEvent, /* freed by caller */ int *endOfFile, FILE *inFile, int littleEndian) { int rc = 0; size_t readSize; uint8_t fileDataHash[SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE]; /* IMA hard coded to SHA-1 */ uint32_t fileNameLengthIbo; /* ima log byte order */ uint32_t fileNameLength; /* host byte order */ /* read the fileDataHash digest, this is hard coded to SHA-1 */ if ((rc == 0) && !(*endOfFile)) { readSize = fread(&fileDataHash, sizeof(fileDataHash), 1, inFile); if (readSize != 1) { if (feof(inFile)) { *endOfFile = TRUE; } else { printf("ERROR: IMA_TemplateDataIma_ReadFile: " "could not read fileDataHash, returned %lu\n", (unsigned long)readSize); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } } } /* read the IMA name length */ if ((rc == 0) && !(*endOfFile)) { readSize = fread(&fileNameLengthIbo, sizeof(fileNameLength), 1, inFile); if (readSize != 1) { if (feof(inFile)) { *endOfFile = TRUE; } else { printf("ERROR: IMA_TemplateDataIma_ReadFile: " "could not read fileNameLength, returned %lu\n", (unsigned long)readSize); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } } } if ((rc == 0) && !(*endOfFile)) { fileNameLength = IMA_Uint32_Convert((uint8_t *)&fileNameLengthIbo, littleEndian); /* should check for addition overflowing a uint32_t */ if (fileNameLength > (0xffffffff - (uint32_t)(sizeof(fileDataHash) + sizeof(fileNameLength)))) { printf("ERROR: IMA_TemplateDataIma_ReadFile: file name length too big: %u\n", fileNameLength); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } } if ((rc == 0) && !(*endOfFile)) { /* addition is safe because of above check */ imaEvent->template_data_len = sizeof(fileDataHash) + sizeof(fileNameLength) + fileNameLength; } /* bounds check the template data length */ if ((rc == 0) && !(*endOfFile)) { if (imaEvent->template_data_len > TCG_TEMPLATE_DATA_LEN_MAX) { printf("ERROR: IMA_TemplateDataIma_ReadFile: template data length too big: %u\n", imaEvent->template_data_len); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } } if ((rc == 0) && !(*endOfFile)) { imaEvent->template_data = malloc(imaEvent->template_data_len); if (imaEvent->template_data == NULL) { printf("ERROR: IMA_TemplateData_ReadFile: " "could not allocate template data, size %u\n", imaEvent->template_data_len); rc = TSS_RC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } /* copy results to template_data */ if ((rc == 0) && !(*endOfFile)) { /* copy file data hash */ memcpy(imaEvent->template_data, fileDataHash, sizeof(fileDataHash)); /* copy file name length */ memcpy(imaEvent->template_data + sizeof(fileDataHash), &fileNameLength, sizeof(fileNameLength)); /* read and copy the file name */ readSize = fread(imaEvent->template_data + sizeof(fileDataHash) + sizeof(fileNameLength), fileNameLength, 1, inFile); if (readSize != 1) { if (feof(inFile)) { *endOfFile = TRUE; } else { printf("ERROR: IMA_TemplateDataIma_ReadFile: " "could not read fileNameLength, returned %lu\n", (unsigned long)readSize); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } } } return rc; } /* IMA_Event_ReadBuffer() reads one IMA event from a buffer. This is typically used at the server, reading from a client connection. Although the raw IMA event log 'ima' template does not have a template data length, this function at the server assumes it has been inserted by the client. If getTemplate is TRUE, the template data is copied to a malloced imaEvent->template_data. If FALSE, template data is skipped. FALSE is used for the first pass, where the template data is not needed until the hash is validated. */ uint32_t IMA_Event_ReadBuffer(ImaEvent *imaEvent, /* freed by caller */ size_t *length, uint8_t **buffer, int *endOfBuffer, int littleEndian, int getTemplate) { int rc = 0; imaEvent->template_data = NULL; /* for free */ if (*length == 0) { *endOfBuffer = 1; } else { /* read the IMA pcr index */ if (rc == 0) { /* bounds check the length */ if (*length < sizeof(uint32_t)) { printf("ERROR: IMA_Event_ReadBuffer: buffer too small for PCR index\n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else { imaEvent->pcrIndex = IMA_Uint32_Convert(*buffer, littleEndian); *buffer += sizeof(uint32_t); *length -= sizeof(uint32_t); } } /* sanity check the PCR index */ if (rc == 0) { if (imaEvent->pcrIndex != IMA_PCR) { printf("ERROR: IMA_Event_ReadBuffer: PCR index %u not PCR %u\n", IMA_PCR, imaEvent->pcrIndex); rc = TSS_RC_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE; } } /* read the IMA digest, this is hard coded to SHA-1 */ if (rc == 0) { /* bounds check the length */ if (*length < sizeof(((ImaEvent *)NULL)->digest)) { printf("ERROR: IMA_Event_ReadBuffer: buffer too small for IMA digest\n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else { memcpy(&(imaEvent->digest), *buffer, sizeof(((ImaEvent *)NULL)->digest)); *buffer += sizeof(((ImaEvent *)NULL)->digest); *length -= sizeof(((ImaEvent *)NULL)->digest); } } /* read the IMA name length */ if (rc == 0) { /* bounds check the length */ if (*length < sizeof(uint32_t)) { printf("ERROR: IMA_Event_ReadBuffer: " "buffer too small for IMA template name length\n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else { imaEvent->name_len = IMA_Uint32_Convert(*buffer, littleEndian); *buffer += sizeof(uint32_t); *length -= sizeof(uint32_t); } } /* read the template name */ if (rc == 0) { /* bounds check the name length */ if (imaEvent->name_len > TCG_EVENT_NAME_LEN_MAX) { printf("ERROR: IMA_Event_ReadBuffer: Error, template name length too big: %u\n", imaEvent->name_len); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else if (*length < imaEvent->name_len) { printf("ERROR: IMA_Event_ReadBuffer: buffer too small for template name\n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else { /* nul terminate first */ memset(imaEvent->name, 0, sizeof(((ImaEvent *)NULL)->name)); memcpy(&(imaEvent->name), *buffer, imaEvent->name_len); *buffer += imaEvent->name_len; *length -= imaEvent->name_len; } } /* record the template name as an int */ if (rc == 0) { IMA_Event_ParseName(imaEvent); } /* read the template data length */ if (rc == 0) { /* bounds check the length */ if (*length < sizeof(uint32_t)) { printf("ERROR: IMA_Event_ReadBuffer: buffer too small for template data length\n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else { imaEvent->template_data_len = IMA_Uint32_Convert(*buffer, littleEndian); *buffer += sizeof(uint32_t); *length -= sizeof(uint32_t); } } /* allocate for the template data */ if (rc == 0) { if (getTemplate) { /* bounds check the template data length */ if (imaEvent->template_data_len > TCG_TEMPLATE_DATA_LEN_MAX) { printf("ERROR: IMA_Event_ReadBuffer: template data length too big: %u\n", imaEvent->template_data_len); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else if (*length < imaEvent->template_data_len) { printf("ERROR: IMA_Event_ReadBuffer: buffer too small for template data\n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else { if (rc == 0) { imaEvent->template_data = malloc(imaEvent->template_data_len); if (imaEvent->template_data == NULL) { printf("ERROR: IMA_Event_ReadBuffer: " "could not allocate template data, size %u\n", imaEvent->template_data_len); rc = TSS_RC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } if (rc == 0) { memcpy(imaEvent->template_data, *buffer, imaEvent->template_data_len); } } } /* move the buffer even if getTemplate is false */ if (rc == 0) { *buffer += imaEvent->template_data_len; *length -= imaEvent->template_data_len; } } } return rc; } /* IMA_TemplateName_Parse() parses the template name and registers the template data callbacks */ static uint32_t IMA_TemplateName_Parse(TemplateDataParseFunction_t templateDataParseFunctions[], size_t templateDataParseFunctionsSize, ImaEvent *imaEvent) { uint32_t rc = 0; size_t i; /* initialize all the function pointers to NULL */ for (i = 0 ; (rc == 0) && (i < templateDataParseFunctionsSize) ; i++) { templateDataParseFunctions[i] = NULL; } /* parse the name into the callback structure */ if (rc == 0) { switch (imaEvent->nameInt) { /* these are the pre-defined formats */ case IMA_FORMAT_IMA_NG: /* d-ng | n-ng */ templateDataParseFunctions[0] = (TemplateDataParseFunction_t)IMA_ParseDNG; templateDataParseFunctions[1] = (TemplateDataParseFunction_t)IMA_ParseNNG; break; case IMA_FORMAT_IMA_SIG: /* d-ng | n-ng | sig */ templateDataParseFunctions[0] = (TemplateDataParseFunction_t)IMA_ParseDNG; templateDataParseFunctions[1] = (TemplateDataParseFunction_t)IMA_ParseNNG; templateDataParseFunctions[2] = (TemplateDataParseFunction_t)IMA_ParseSIG; break; case IMA_FORMAT_IMA: templateDataParseFunctions[0] = (TemplateDataParseFunction_t)IMA_ParseD; templateDataParseFunctions[1] = (TemplateDataParseFunction_t)IMA_ParseNNG; break; case IMA_FORMAT_MODSIG: /* d-ng | n-ng | sig | d-modsig | modsig */ templateDataParseFunctions[0] = (TemplateDataParseFunction_t)IMA_ParseDNG; templateDataParseFunctions[1] = (TemplateDataParseFunction_t)IMA_ParseNNG; templateDataParseFunctions[2] = (TemplateDataParseFunction_t)IMA_ParseSIG; templateDataParseFunctions[3] = (TemplateDataParseFunction_t)IMA_ParseDMODSIG; templateDataParseFunctions[4] = (TemplateDataParseFunction_t)IMA_ParseMODSIG; break; case IMA_FORMAT_BUF: /* d-ng | n-ng | buf */ templateDataParseFunctions[0] = (TemplateDataParseFunction_t)IMA_ParseDNG; templateDataParseFunctions[1] = (TemplateDataParseFunction_t)IMA_ParseNNG; templateDataParseFunctions[2] = (TemplateDataParseFunction_t)IMA_ParseBUF; break; /* these are potentially the custom templates */ default: rc = IMA_TemplateName_ParseCustom(templateDataParseFunctions, templateDataParseFunctionsSize, imaEvent); } } return rc; } /* the mapping between a format string and the template data parse function */ typedef struct { const char *formatString; TemplateDataParseFunction_t parseFunction; } ImaFormatMap; static ImaFormatMap imaFormatMap[] = { {"d", (TemplateDataParseFunction_t)IMA_ParseD}, {"n", (TemplateDataParseFunction_t)IMA_ParseNNG}, {"d-ng", (TemplateDataParseFunction_t)IMA_ParseDNG}, {"n-ng", (TemplateDataParseFunction_t)IMA_ParseNNG}, {"sig", (TemplateDataParseFunction_t)IMA_ParseSIG}, {"d-modsig", (TemplateDataParseFunction_t)IMA_ParseDMODSIG}, {"modsig", (TemplateDataParseFunction_t)IMA_ParseMODSIG}, {"buf", (TemplateDataParseFunction_t)IMA_ParseBUF} }; static uint32_t IMA_TemplateName_ParseCustom(TemplateDataParseFunction_t templateDataParseFunctions[], size_t templateDataParseFunctionsSize, ImaEvent *imaEvent) { uint32_t rc = 0; size_t i; /* index into templateDataParseFunctions table */ size_t j; /* index into imaFormatMap table */ char *startName; char *endName; char templateName[TCG_EVENT_NAME_LEN_MAX + 1]; /* one | separated item with nul */ /* parse the custom templates */ strcpy(templateName, imaEvent->name); /* modify'able */ startName = templateName; for (i = 0 ; (rc == 0) && (i < templateDataParseFunctionsSize) ; i++) { endName = strchr(startName, '|'); if (endName != NULL) { /* found a | character */ *endName = '\0'; /* nul terminate the next format string */ } printf("item %lu : %s\n", (unsigned long)i, startName); /* search the table for the format string */ for (j = 0 ; j < (sizeof(imaFormatMap) / sizeof(ImaFormatMap)) ; j++) { int irc; irc = strcmp(startName, imaFormatMap[j].formatString); if (irc == 0) { templateDataParseFunctions[i] = imaFormatMap[j].parseFunction; } } /* if no format string found */ if (templateDataParseFunctions[i] == NULL) { printf("ERROR: IMA_TemplateName_ParseCustom: unknown format string %s\n", startName); rc = TSS_RC_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE; } /* if found an item, move the pointer */ if (rc == 0) { startName = endName + 1; } if (endName == NULL) { /* no | character, last entry */ break; } } return rc; } /* template data callbacks */ /* IMA_ParseD() parses a d : digest (no length or algorithm) */ static uint32_t IMA_ParseD(ImaTemplateData *imaTemplateData, uint8_t **buffer, size_t *length, int littleEndian) { uint32_t rc = 0; littleEndian = littleEndian; /* unised */ /* fileDataHash */ if (rc == 0) { /* bounds check the length */ if (*length < SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE) { printf("ERROR: IMA_ParseD: buffer too small for file data hash\n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else { imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.fileDataHashLength = SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE; memcpy(&(imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.fileDataHash), *buffer, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE); *buffer += SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE; *length -= SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE; } } return rc; } /* IMA_ParseDNG parses a d-ng : hash length + hash algorithm string + digest The digest is a file data hash. */ static uint32_t IMA_ParseDNG(ImaTemplateData *imaTemplateData, uint8_t **buffer, size_t *length, int littleEndian) { uint32_t rc = 0; size_t hashAlgSize; /* read the hash length, algorithm + hash */ if (rc == 0) { /* bounds check the length */ if (*length < sizeof(uint32_t)) { printf("ERROR: IMA_ParseDNG: buffer too small for hash length\n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else { imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.hashLength = IMA_Uint32_Convert(*buffer, littleEndian); *buffer += sizeof(uint32_t); *length -= sizeof(uint32_t); } } /* read the hash algorithm, nul terminated string */ if (rc == 0) { /* NUL terminate first */ memset(imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.hashAlg, 0, sizeof(((ImaTemplateData *)NULL)->imaTemplateDNG.hashAlg)); rc = IMA_Strn2cpy(imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.hashAlg, *buffer, sizeof(((ImaTemplateData *)NULL)->imaTemplateDNG.hashAlg), /* destLength */ imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.hashLength); /* srcLength */ if (rc != 0) { printf("ERROR: IMA_ParseDNG: buffer too small for hash algorithm\n" "\tor hash algorithm exceeds maximum size\n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else { hashAlgSize = strlen(imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.hashAlg) + 1; *buffer += hashAlgSize; *length -= hashAlgSize; } } /* fileDataHashLength */ if (rc == 0) { if (strcmp(imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.hashAlg, "sha1:") == 0) { imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.fileDataHashLength = SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE; imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.hashAlgId = TPM_ALG_SHA1; } else if (strcmp(imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.hashAlg, "sha256:") == 0) { imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.fileDataHashLength = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE; imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.hashAlgId = TPM_ALG_SHA256; } else { printf("ERROR: IMA_ParseDNG: Unknown file data hash algorithm: %s\n", imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.hashAlg); rc = TSS_RC_BAD_HASH_ALGORITHM; } } /* consistency check hashLength vs contents */ if (rc == 0) { if ((hashAlgSize + imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.fileDataHashLength) != imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.hashLength) { printf("ERROR: IMA_ParseDNG: " "hashLength %u inconsistent with hashAlgSize %lu and fileDataHashLength %u\n", imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.hashLength, (unsigned long)hashAlgSize, imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.fileDataHashLength); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } } /* fileDataHash */ if (rc == 0) { /* bounds check the length */ if (*length < imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.fileDataHashLength) { printf("ERROR: IMA_ParseDNG: buffer too small for file data hash\n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else if (imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.fileDataHashLength > sizeof(((ImaTemplateData *)NULL)->imaTemplateDNG.fileDataHash)) { printf("ERROR: IMA_ParseDNG: " "file data hash length exceeds maximum size\n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else { memcpy(&(imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.fileDataHash), *buffer, imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.fileDataHashLength); *buffer += imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.fileDataHashLength; *length -= imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.fileDataHashLength; /* FIXME remove */ TSS_PrintAll("IMA_ParseDNG: file data hash", imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.fileDataHash, imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.fileDataHashLength); } } return rc; } /* IMA_ParseNNG() parses a n-ng : length + filename */ static uint32_t IMA_ParseNNG(ImaTemplateData *imaTemplateData, uint8_t **buffer, size_t *length, int littleEndian) { uint32_t rc = 0; /* fileNameLength (length includes the nul terminator) */ if (rc == 0) { /* bounds check the length */ if (*length < sizeof(uint32_t)) { printf("ERROR: IMA_ParseNNG: buffer too small for file name length\n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else { imaTemplateData->imaTemplateNNG.fileNameLength = IMA_Uint32_Convert(*buffer, littleEndian); *buffer += sizeof(uint32_t); *length -= sizeof(uint32_t); } } /* fileName */ if (rc == 0) { /* bounds check the length */ if (*length < imaTemplateData->imaTemplateNNG.fileNameLength) { printf("ERROR: IMA_ParseNNG: buffer too small for file name\n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } /* leave one byte for the nul terminator */ else if (imaTemplateData->imaTemplateNNG.fileNameLength > (sizeof(imaTemplateData->imaTemplateNNG.fileName)-1)) { printf("ERROR: IMA_ParseNNG: file name length exceeds maximum size\n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else { memcpy(&(imaTemplateData->imaTemplateNNG.fileName), *buffer, imaTemplateData->imaTemplateNNG.fileNameLength); /* ima template does not nul terminate the file name */ imaTemplateData->imaTemplateNNG.fileName[imaTemplateData->imaTemplateNNG.fileNameLength] = '\0'; *buffer += imaTemplateData->imaTemplateNNG.fileNameLength; *length -= imaTemplateData->imaTemplateNNG.fileNameLength; } } return rc; } /* IMA_ParseSIG() parses a sig : signature header + signature */ static uint32_t IMA_ParseSIG(ImaTemplateData *imaTemplateData, uint8_t **buffer, size_t *length, int littleEndian) { uint32_t rc = 0; /* sigLength */ if (rc == 0) { /* bounds check the length */ if (*length < sizeof(uint32_t)) { printf("ERROR: IMA_ParseSIG: " "buffer too small for signature length\n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else { imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.sigLength = IMA_Uint32_Convert(*buffer, littleEndian); *buffer += sizeof(uint32_t); *length -= sizeof(uint32_t); /* FIXME remove */ printf("IMA_ParseSIG: sigLength %u\n", imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.sigLength); } } /* sigHeader - only parsed if its length is not zero */ if (imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.sigLength != 0) { if (rc == 0) { imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.sigHeaderLength = sizeof((ImaTemplateData *)NULL)->imaTemplateSIG.sigHeader; /* bounds check the length */ if (*length < imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.sigHeaderLength) { printf("ERROR: IMA_ParseSIG: " "buffer too small for signature header\n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else { memcpy(&(imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.sigHeader), *buffer, imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.sigHeaderLength); *buffer += imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.sigHeaderLength; *length -= imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.sigHeaderLength; } } /* get signature length from last two bytes */ if (rc == 0) { /* magic number for offset: type(1) version(1) hash alg (1) pubkey id (4) */ imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.signatureSize = ntohs(*(uint16_t *)(imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.sigHeader + 7)); } /* consistency check signature header contents */ if (rc == 0) { int goodHashAlgo = (((imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.sigHeader[2] == HASH_ALGO_SHA1) && (imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.hashAlgId == TPM_ALG_SHA1)) || ((imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.sigHeader[2] == HASH_ALGO_SHA256) && (imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDNG.hashAlgId == TPM_ALG_SHA256))); int goodSigSize = ((imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.signatureSize == 128) || (imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.signatureSize == 256)); /* xattr type */ if ( (imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.sigHeader[0] != EVM_IMA_XATTR_DIGSIG) || /* [0] type */ (imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.sigHeader[1] != 2) || /* [1] version */ !goodHashAlgo || /* [2] hash algorithm */ /* [3]-[6] are the public key fingerprint. Any value is legal. */ !goodSigSize /* [7][8] sig size */ ) { printf("ERROR: IMA_ParseSIG: invalid sigHeader\n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } } /* signature */ if (rc == 0) { /* bounds check the length */ if (*length < imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.signatureSize) { printf("ERROR: IMA_ParseSIG: " "buffer too small for signature \n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } /* sanity check the signatureSize against the sigLength */ else if (imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.sigLength != (sizeof((ImaTemplateData *)NULL)->imaTemplateSIG.sigHeader + imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.signatureSize)) { printf("ERROR: IMA_ParseSIG: " "sigLength inconsistent with signatureSize\n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else { memcpy(&(imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.signature), *buffer, imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.signatureSize); *buffer += imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.signatureSize; *length -= imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.signatureSize; /* FIXME remove */ TSS_PrintAll("IMA_ParseSIG: file data hash", imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.signature, imaTemplateData->imaTemplateSIG.signatureSize); } } } return rc; } /* IMA_ParseDMODSIG parses a d-ng : hash length + hash algorithm string + digest The digest is a file data hash omitting the appended modsig signature. NOTE: This is currently thre same as IMA_ParseDNG but may have different processing in the future. */ static uint32_t IMA_ParseDMODSIG(ImaTemplateData *imaTemplateData, uint8_t **buffer, size_t *length, int littleEndian) { uint32_t rc = 0; size_t hashAlgSize; /* read the hash length, algorithm + hash */ if (rc == 0) { /* bounds check the length */ if (*length < sizeof(uint32_t)) { printf("ERROR: IMA_ParseDMODSIG: buffer too small for hash length\n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else { imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigHashLength = IMA_Uint32_Convert(*buffer, littleEndian); *buffer += sizeof(uint32_t); *length -= sizeof(uint32_t); } } /* FIXME is zero length an error? */ if (imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigHashLength != 0) { /* read the hash algorithm, nul terminated string */ if (rc == 0) { /* NUL terminate first */ memset(imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigHashAlg, 0, sizeof(((ImaTemplateData *)NULL)->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigHashAlgId)); rc = IMA_Strn2cpy(imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigHashAlg, *buffer, /* destLength */ sizeof(((ImaTemplateData *)NULL)->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigHashAlg), /* srcLength */ imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigHashLength); if (rc != 0) { printf("ERROR: IMA_ParseDMODSIG: buffer too small for hash algorithm\n" "\tor hash algorithm exceeds maximum size\n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else { hashAlgSize = strlen(imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigHashAlg) + 1; *buffer += hashAlgSize; *length -= hashAlgSize; } } /* dModSigFileDataHashLength */ if (rc == 0) { if (strcmp(imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigHashAlg, "sha1:") == 0) { imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigFileDataHashLength = SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE; imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigHashAlgId = TPM_ALG_SHA1; } else if (strcmp(imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigHashAlg, "sha256:") == 0) { imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigFileDataHashLength = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE; imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigHashAlgId = TPM_ALG_SHA256; } else { printf("ERROR: IMA_ParseDMODSIG: Unknown file data hash algorithm: %s\n", imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigHashAlg); rc = TSS_RC_BAD_HASH_ALGORITHM; } } /* consistency check dModSigFileDataHashLength vs contents */ if (rc == 0) { if ((hashAlgSize + imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigFileDataHashLength) != imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigHashLength) { printf("ERROR: IMA_ParseDMODSIG: " "dModSigFileDataHashLength %u inconsistent with hashAlgSize %lu " "and dModSigFileDataHashLength %u\n", imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigFileDataHashLength, (unsigned long)hashAlgSize, imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigHashLength); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } } /* dModSigFileDataHashLength */ if (rc == 0) { /* bounds check the length */ if (*length < imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigFileDataHashLength ) { printf("ERROR: IMA_ParseDMODSIG: buffer too small for file data hash\n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else if (imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigFileDataHashLength > sizeof(((ImaTemplateData *)NULL)->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigFileDataHash)) { printf("ERROR: IMA_ParseDMODSIG: " "file data hash length exceeds maximum size\n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else { memcpy(&(imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigFileDataHash), *buffer, imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigFileDataHashLength); *buffer += imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigFileDataHashLength ; *length -= imaTemplateData->imaTemplateDMODSIG.dModSigFileDataHashLength ; } } } return rc; } /* IMA_ParseMODSIG parses a modsig : 4 byte length + DER encoded CMS document, RFC 5652 */ static uint32_t IMA_ParseMODSIG(ImaTemplateData *imaTemplateData, uint8_t **buffer, size_t *length, int littleEndian) { uint32_t rc = 0; /* read the length */ if (rc == 0) { /* bounds check the length */ if (*length < sizeof(uint32_t)) { printf("ERROR: IMA_ParseMODSIG: buffer too small for length\n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else { imaTemplateData->imaTemplateMODSIG.modSigLength = IMA_Uint32_Convert(*buffer, littleEndian); *buffer += sizeof(uint32_t); *length -= sizeof(uint32_t); } } /* read the DER */ if (rc == 0) { /* bounds check the length */ if (*length < imaTemplateData->imaTemplateMODSIG.modSigLength) { printf("ERROR: IMA_ParseMODSIG: buffer too small for modSig data\n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else if (imaTemplateData->imaTemplateMODSIG.modSigLength > sizeof(((ImaTemplateData *)NULL)->imaTemplateMODSIG.modSigData)) { printf("ERROR: IMA_ParseMODSIG: " "modSigData length exceeds maximum size\n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else { memcpy(&(imaTemplateData->imaTemplateMODSIG.modSigData), *buffer, imaTemplateData->imaTemplateMODSIG.modSigLength); *buffer += imaTemplateData->imaTemplateMODSIG.modSigLength; *length -= imaTemplateData->imaTemplateMODSIG.modSigLength; } } return rc; } /* IMA_ParseBUF parses a modsig : 4 byte length + DER encoded CMS document, RFC 5652 */ static uint32_t IMA_ParseBUF(ImaTemplateData *imaTemplateData, uint8_t **buffer, size_t *length, int littleEndian) { uint32_t rc = 0; /* FIXME factor reading a 4 byte length plus data stream */ /* read the length */ if (rc == 0) { /* bounds check the length */ if (*length < sizeof(uint32_t)) { printf("ERROR: IMA_ParseBUF: buffer too small for length\n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else { imaTemplateData->imaTemplateBUF.bufLength = IMA_Uint32_Convert(*buffer, littleEndian); *buffer += sizeof(uint32_t); *length -= sizeof(uint32_t); } } /* read the DER */ if (rc == 0) { /* bounds check the length */ if (*length < imaTemplateData->imaTemplateBUF.bufLength) { printf("ERROR: IMA_ParseBUF: buffer too small for buf data\n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else if (imaTemplateData->imaTemplateBUF.bufLength > sizeof(((ImaTemplateData *)NULL)->imaTemplateBUF.bufData)) { printf("ERROR: IMA_ParseBUF: " "bufData length exceeds maximum size\n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else { memcpy(&(imaTemplateData->imaTemplateBUF.bufData), *buffer, imaTemplateData->imaTemplateBUF.bufLength); *buffer += imaTemplateData->imaTemplateBUF.bufLength; *length -= imaTemplateData->imaTemplateBUF.bufLength; } } return rc; } /* IMA_TemplateData_ReadBuffer() unmarshals the template data fields from the template data byte array. */ uint32_t IMA_TemplateData_ReadBuffer(ImaTemplateData *imaTemplateData, ImaEvent *imaEvent, int littleEndian) { uint32_t rc = 0; size_t length = imaEvent->template_data_len; uint8_t *buffer = imaEvent->template_data; TemplateDataParseFunction_t templateDataParseFunctions[IMA_PARSE_FUNCTIONS_MAX]; size_t i; /* initialize all fields, since not all fields are included in all templates */ if (rc == 0) { IMA_TemplateData_Init(imaTemplateData); } if (rc == 0) { rc = IMA_TemplateName_Parse(templateDataParseFunctions, IMA_PARSE_FUNCTIONS_MAX, imaEvent); } for (i = 0 ; (rc == 0) && (templateDataParseFunctions[i] != NULL) ; i++) { rc = templateDataParseFunctions[i](imaTemplateData, &buffer, &length, littleEndian); } /* length should now be zero */ if (rc == 0) { if (length != 0) { printf("ERROR: IMA_TemplateData_ReadBuffer: " "buffer too large (bytes remaining after unmarshaling)\n"); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } } return rc; } /* IMA_Event_Write() writes an event line to a binary file outFile. The write is always big endian, network byte order. */ uint32_t IMA_Event_Write(ImaEvent *imaEvent, FILE *outFile) { int rc = 0; size_t writeSize; uint32_t nbo32; /* network byte order */ if (rc == 0) { /* do the endian conversion */ nbo32 = htonl(imaEvent->pcrIndex); /* write the IMA pcr index */ writeSize = fwrite(&nbo32, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, outFile); if (writeSize != 1) { printf("ERROR: IMA_Event_Write: could not write pcrIndex, returned %lu\n", (unsigned long)writeSize); rc = TSS_RC_FILE_WRITE; } } /* write the IMA digest, name length */ if (rc == 0) { writeSize = fwrite(&(imaEvent->digest), sizeof(((ImaEvent *)NULL)->digest), 1, outFile); if (writeSize != 1) { printf("ERROR: IMA_Event_Write: could not write digest, returned %lu\n", (unsigned long)writeSize); rc = TSS_RC_FILE_WRITE; } } /* write the IMA name length */ if (rc == 0) { /* do the endian conversion */ nbo32 = htonl(imaEvent->name_len); /* write the IMA name length */ writeSize = fwrite(&nbo32, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, outFile); if (writeSize != 1) { printf("ERROR: IMA_Event_Write: could not write name length, returned %lu\n", (unsigned long)writeSize); rc = TSS_RC_FILE_WRITE; } } /* write the name */ if (rc == 0) { writeSize = fwrite(&(imaEvent->name), imaEvent->name_len, 1, outFile); if (writeSize != 1) { printf("ERROR: IMA_Event_Write: could not write name, returned %lu\n", (unsigned long)writeSize); rc = TSS_RC_FILE_WRITE; } } /* write the template data length */ if (rc == 0) { /* do the endian conversion */ nbo32 = htonl(imaEvent->template_data_len); /* write the IMA template data length */ writeSize = fwrite(&nbo32, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, outFile); if (writeSize != 1) { printf("ERROR: IMA_Event_Write: could not template data length , returned %lu\n", (unsigned long)writeSize); rc = TSS_RC_FILE_WRITE; } } /* write the template data */ if (rc == 0) { writeSize = fwrite(&(imaEvent->template_data), imaEvent->template_data_len, 1, outFile); if (writeSize != 1) { printf("ERROR: IMA_Event_Write: could not write template data, returned %lu\n", (unsigned long)writeSize); rc = TSS_RC_FILE_WRITE; } } return rc; } /* IMA_Extend() extends the event into the imaPcr. An IMA quirk is that, if the event is all zero, all ones is extended into the SHA-1 bank. Since the SHA-256 bank currently gets the SHA-1 value zero extended, it will get 20 ff's and 12 00's. halg indicates whether to calculate the digest for the SHA-1 or SHA-256 PCR bank. The IMA event log itself is always SHA-1. This function assumes that the same hash algorithm / PCR bank is used for all calls. */ uint32_t IMA_Extend(TPMT_HA *imapcr, ImaEvent *imaEvent, TPMI_ALG_HASH hashAlg) { uint32_t rc = 0; uint16_t digestSize; uint16_t zeroPad; int notAllZero; unsigned char zeroDigest[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE]; unsigned char oneDigest[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE]; /* FIXME sanity check TPM_IMA_PCR imaEvent->pcrIndex */ /* extend based on the previous IMA PCR value */ if (rc == 0) { memset(zeroDigest, 0, SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE); memset(oneDigest, 0xff, SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE); if (hashAlg == TPM_ALG_SHA1) { digestSize = SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE; zeroPad = 0; } else if (hashAlg == TPM_ALG_SHA256) { digestSize = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE; /* pad the SHA-1 event with zeros for the SHA-256 bank */ zeroPad = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE - SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE; } else { printf("ERROR: IMA_Extend: Unsupported hash algorithm: %04x\n", hashAlg); rc = TSS_RC_BAD_HASH_ALGORITHM; } } if (rc == 0) { notAllZero = memcmp(imaEvent->digest, zeroDigest, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE); imapcr->hashAlg = hashAlg; #if 1 TSS_PrintAll("IMA_Extend: Start PCR", (uint8_t *)&imapcr->digest, digestSize); TSS_PrintAll("IMA_Extend: SHA-256 Pad", zeroDigest, zeroPad); #endif if (notAllZero) { TSS_PrintAll("IMA_Extend: Extend", (uint8_t *)&imaEvent->digest, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE); rc = TSS_Hash_Generate(imapcr, digestSize, (uint8_t *)&imapcr->digest, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE, &imaEvent->digest, /* SHA-1 PCR extend gets zero padded */ zeroPad, zeroDigest, 0, NULL); #if 1 TSS_PrintAll("IMA_Extend: notAllZero End PCR", (uint8_t *)&imapcr->digest, digestSize); #endif } /* IMA has a quirk where, when it places all all zero digest into the measurement log, it extends all ones into IMA PCR */ else { TSS_PrintAll("IMA_Extend: Extend", (uint8_t *)oneDigest, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE); rc = TSS_Hash_Generate(imapcr, digestSize, (uint8_t *)&imapcr->digest, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE, oneDigest, /* SHA-1 gets zero padded */ zeroPad, zeroDigest, 0, NULL); #if 1 TSS_PrintAll("IMA_Extend: allZero End PCR", (uint8_t *)&imapcr->digest, digestSize); #endif } } if (rc != 0) { printf("ERROR: IMA_Extend: could not extend imapcr, rc %08x\n", rc); } return rc; } /* IMA_VerifyImaDigest() verifies the IMA digest against the hash of the template data. This handles the SHA-1 IMA event log. */ uint32_t IMA_VerifyImaDigest(uint32_t *badEvent, /* TRUE if hash does not match */ ImaEvent *imaEvent, /* the current IMA event being processed */ int eventNum) /* the current IMA event number being processed */ { uint32_t rc = 0; int irc; TPMT_HA calculatedImaDigest; /* calculate the hash of the template data */ if (rc == 0) { calculatedImaDigest.hashAlg = TPM_ALG_SHA1; /* standard case, hash of entire template data */ if (imaEvent->nameInt != IMA_FORMAT_IMA) { rc = TSS_Hash_Generate(&calculatedImaDigest, imaEvent->template_data_len, imaEvent->template_data, 0, NULL); } /* special case of "ima" template, hash of File Data Hash || File Name padded with zeros to 256 bytes */ else { ImaTemplateData imaTemplateData; int zeroPadLength; uint8_t zeroPad[256]; if (rc == 0) { rc = IMA_TemplateData_ReadBuffer(&imaTemplateData, imaEvent, TRUE); /* FIXME littleEndian */ } if (rc == 0) { if (imaTemplateData.imaTemplateNNG.fileNameLength > sizeof(zeroPad)) { printf("ERROR: IMA_VerifyImaDigest: ima template file name length %lu > %lu\n", (unsigned long)imaTemplateData.imaTemplateNNG.fileNameLength, (unsigned long)sizeof(zeroPad)); rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } } if (rc == 0) { memset(zeroPad, 0, sizeof(zeroPad)); /* subtract safe after above length check */ zeroPadLength = sizeof(zeroPad) - imaTemplateData.imaTemplateNNG.fileNameLength; } if (rc == 0) { rc = TSS_Hash_Generate(&calculatedImaDigest, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE, &imaTemplateData.imaTemplateDNG.fileDataHash, imaTemplateData.imaTemplateNNG.fileNameLength, &imaTemplateData.imaTemplateNNG.fileName, zeroPadLength, zeroPad, 0, NULL); } } } /* compare the calculated hash to the event digest received from the client */ if (rc == 0) { if (tssUtilsVerbose) TSS_PrintAll("IMA_VerifyImaDigest: Received IMA digest", imaEvent->digest, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE); if (tssUtilsVerbose) TSS_PrintAll("IMA_VerifyImaDigest: Calculated IMA digest", (uint8_t *)&calculatedImaDigest.digest, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE); irc = memcmp(imaEvent->digest, &calculatedImaDigest.digest, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE); if (irc == 0) { if (tssUtilsVerbose) printf("IMA_VerifyImaDigest: IMA digest verified, event %u\n", eventNum); *badEvent = FALSE; } else { printf("ERROR: IMA_VerifyImaDigest: IMA digest did not verify, event %u\n", eventNum); *badEvent = TRUE; } } return rc; } /* IMA_Uint32_Convert() converts a uint8_t (from an input stream) to host byte order */ static uint32_t IMA_Uint32_Convert(const uint8_t *stream, int littleEndian) { uint32_t out = 0; /* little endian input */ if (littleEndian) { out = (stream[0] << 0) | (stream[1] << 8) | (stream[2] << 16) | (stream[3] << 24); } /* big endian input */ else { out = (stream[0] << 24) | (stream[1] << 16) | (stream[2] << 8) | (stream[3] << 0); } return out; } /* IMA_Strn2cpy() copies src to dest, including a NUL terminator It checks that src is nul terminated within srcLength bytes. It checks that src fits into dest within destLength bytes Returns error if either the src is not nul terminated or will not fit in dest. */ static uint32_t IMA_Strn2cpy(char *dest, const uint8_t *src, size_t destLength, size_t srcLength) { uint32_t rc = 0; int done = 0; while ((destLength > 0) && (srcLength > 0)) { *dest = *src; if (*dest == '\0') { done = 1; break; } else { dest++; src++; destLength--; srcLength--; } } if (!done) { rc = TSS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } return rc; } /* IMA_Event_Marshal() marshals an ImaEvent structure */ TPM_RC IMA_Event_Marshal(ImaEvent *source, uint16_t *written, uint8_t **buffer, uint32_t *size) { TPM_RC rc = 0; if (rc == 0) { rc = TSS_UINT32_Marshalu(&source->pcrIndex, written, buffer, size); } if (rc == 0) { rc = TSS_Array_Marshalu(source->digest, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE, written, buffer, size); } if (rc == 0) { rc = TSS_UINT32_Marshalu(&source->name_len, written, buffer, size); } if (rc == 0) { rc = TSS_Array_Marshalu((uint8_t *)source->name, source->name_len, written, buffer, size); } if (rc == 0) { rc = TSS_UINT32_Marshalu(&source->template_data_len, written, buffer, size); } if (rc == 0) { rc = TSS_Array_Marshalu(source->template_data, source->template_data_len, written, buffer, size); } return rc; } /* IMA_Event_PcrExtend() extends PCR digests with the digest from the ImaEvent event log entry. Bank 0 is SHA-1. Bank 1 is SHA-256. The function supports all PCRs, even though the PCRs are limited in practice. */ uint32_t IMA_Event_PcrExtend(TPMT_HA pcrs[IMA_PCR_BANKS][IMPLEMENTATION_PCR], ImaEvent *imaEvent) { TPM_RC rc = 0; uint8_t eventData[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE]; /* validate PCR number */ if (rc == 0) { if (imaEvent->pcrIndex >= IMPLEMENTATION_PCR) { printf("ERROR: IMA_Event_PcrExtend: PCR number %u %08x out of range\n", imaEvent->pcrIndex, imaEvent->pcrIndex); rc = TSS_RC_BAD_PROPERTY; } } /* process each event hash algorithm */ if (rc == 0) { unsigned char zeroDigest[SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE]; int notAllZero; memset(zeroDigest, 0, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE); notAllZero = memcmp(imaEvent->digest, zeroDigest, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE); /* for the SHA-256 zero extend */ memset(eventData, 0, SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE); /* IMA has a quirk where some measurements store a zero digest in the event log, but extend ones into PCR 10 */ if (notAllZero) { memcpy(eventData, imaEvent->digest, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE); } else { memset(eventData, 0xff, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE); } } /* SHA-1 */ if (rc == 0) { rc = TSS_Hash_Generate(&pcrs[0][imaEvent->pcrIndex], SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE, (uint8_t *)&pcrs[0][imaEvent->pcrIndex].digest, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE, eventData, 0, NULL); } /* SHA-256 */ if (rc == 0) { rc = TSS_Hash_Generate(&pcrs[1][imaEvent->pcrIndex], SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE, (uint8_t *)&pcrs[1][imaEvent->pcrIndex].digest, SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE, eventData, 0, NULL); } return rc; } #if 0 /* IMA_Event_ToString() converts the ImaEvent structure to a hexascii string, big endian. */ uint32_t IMA_Event_ToString(char **eventString, /* freed by caller */ ImaEvent *imaEvent) { int rc = 0; size_t length; /* calculate size of string, from ImaEvent structure */ if (rc == 0) { length = ((sizeof(uint32_t) + SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE + sizeof(uint32_t) + TCG_EVENT_NAME_LEN_MAX + 1 + sizeof(uint32_t) + imaEvent->template_data_len) * 2) + 1; } if (rc == 0) { *eventString = malloc(length); if (*eventString == NULL) { printf("ERROR: IMA_Event_ToString: error allocating %lu bytes\n", length); rc = TSS_RC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } if (rc == 0) { memset(*eventString, '\0', length); char *p = *eventString; sprintf(p, "%08lx", (long unsigned int)imaEvent->pcrIndex); p += sizeof(uint32_t)* 2; Array_Print(p, NULL, imaEvent->digest, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE); p += SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE * 2; sprintf(p, "%08lx", (long unsigned int)imaEvent->name_len); p += sizeof(uint32_t) * 2; Array_Print(p, NULL, FALSE, (uint8_t *)imaEvent->name, imaEvent->name_len); p += imaEvent->name_len * 2; sprintf(p, "%08lx", (long unsigned int)imaEvent->template_data_len); p += sizeof(uint32_t) * 2; Array_Print(p, NULL, FALSE, imaEvent->template_data, imaEvent->template_data_len); p += imaEvent->template_data_len * 2; /* printf("IMA_Event_ToString: result\n:%s:\n", *eventString); */ } return rc; } #endif