/********************************************************************************/ /* */ /* policymakerpcr */ /* Written by Ken Goldman */ /* IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center */ /* */ /* (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2015 - 2019. */ /* */ /* All rights reserved. */ /* */ /* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without */ /* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are */ /* met: */ /* */ /* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, */ /* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. */ /* */ /* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright */ /* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the */ /* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. */ /* */ /* Neither the names of the IBM Corporation nor the names of its */ /* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from */ /* this software without specific prior written permission. */ /* */ /* THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS */ /* "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT */ /* LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR */ /* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT */ /* HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, */ /* SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT */ /* LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, */ /* DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY */ /* THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT */ /* (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE */ /* OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /********************************************************************************/ /* policymakerpcr calculates a policyPCR term suitable for input to policymaker Inputs are: a hash algorithm a byte mask, totally big endian, e.g. 010000 is PCR 16 a file with lines in hexascii representing PCRs, e.g., the output of pcrread -ns removed This assumes that the byte mask and PCR value file are consistent. Outputs are: if specified, a file with a hex ascii policyPCR line suitable for input to policymaker if specified, a print of the hash Example: policymakerpcr -halg sha1 -bm 010000 -if policies/policypcr16aaasha1.txt -v -pr -of policies/policypcr.txt Where policypcr16aaasha1.txt is represents the SHA-1 value of PCR 16 e.g., 1d47f68aced515f7797371b554e32d47981aa0a0 */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef TPM_POSIX #include #endif #ifdef TPM_WINDOWS #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include static void printUsage(void); static void printPolicyPCR(FILE *out, uint32_t sizeInBytes, TPML_PCR_SELECTION *pcrs, TPMT_HA *digest); static int Format_FromHexascii(unsigned char *binary, const char *string, size_t length); static int Format_ByteFromHexascii(unsigned char *byte, const char *string); extern int tssUtilsVerbose; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { TPM_RC rc = 0; int i; /* argc iterator */ char *prc = NULL; /* pointer return code */ const char *inFilename = NULL; const char *outFilename = NULL; FILE *inFile = NULL; FILE *outFile = NULL; /* initialized to suppress false gcc -O3 warning */ uint32_t sizeInBytes = 0; /* hash algorithm mapped to size */ uint32_t pcrmask = 0xffffffff; /* pcr register mask */ TPML_PCR_SELECTION pcrs; unsigned int pcrCount = 0; TPMU_HA pcr[IMPLEMENTATION_PCR]; /* all the PCRs */ int pr = FALSE; TPMT_HA digest; uint8_t pcrBytes[IMPLEMENTATION_PCR * sizeof(TPMU_HA)]; uint16_t pcrLength; setvbuf(stdout, 0, _IONBF, 0); /* output may be going through pipe to log file */ TSS_SetProperty(NULL, TPM_TRACE_LEVEL, "1"); tssUtilsVerbose = FALSE; /* command line defaults */ digest.hashAlg = TPM_ALG_SHA256; for (i=1 ; (i> 0) & 0xff; pcrs.pcrSelections[0].pcrSelect[1] = (pcrmask >> 8) & 0xff; pcrs.pcrSelections[0].pcrSelect[2] = (pcrmask >> 16) & 0xff; } /* read the input file to the PCR array, assumes the PCR select bm has the correct number of bits */ /* iterate through each line */ for (pcrCount = 0 ; (rc == 0) && (pcrCount < IMPLEMENTATION_PCR) && (inFile != NULL) ; pcrCount++) { char lineString[256]; /* returned line in hex ascii */ uint32_t lineLength; if (rc == 0) { prc = fgets(lineString, sizeof(lineString), inFile); } /* no more lines, pcrCount is number of PCRs processed */ if (rc == 0) { if (prc == NULL) { break; } } if (rc == 0) { lineLength = strlen(lineString); if (lineLength == 0) { break; } if (lineString[lineLength-1] == '\n') { lineString[lineLength-1] = '0'; lineLength--; } } if (rc == 0) { if (lineLength != (sizeInBytes *2)) { printf("Line length %u is not twice digest size %u\n", lineLength, sizeInBytes); rc = -1; } } /* convert hex ascii to binary */ if ((rc == 0) && (prc != NULL)) { rc = Format_FromHexascii((uint8_t *)&pcr[pcrCount], lineString, lineLength/2); } if (rc == 0) { if (tssUtilsVerbose) printf("PCR %u\n", pcrCount); if (tssUtilsVerbose) TSS_PrintAll("PCR", (uint8_t *)&pcr[pcrCount], sizeInBytes); } } /* serialize PCRs */ if (rc == 0) { unsigned int pc; uint8_t *buffer = pcrBytes; uint32_t size = IMPLEMENTATION_PCR * sizeof(TPMU_HA); pcrLength = 0; for (pc = 0 ; (rc == 0) && (pc < pcrCount) ; pc++) { rc = TSS_Array_Marshalu((uint8_t *)&pcr[pc], sizeInBytes, &pcrLength, &buffer, &size); } } /* hash the marshaled PCR array */ if (rc == 0) { rc = TSS_Hash_Generate(&digest, pcrLength, pcrBytes, 0, NULL); } if (rc == 0) { if (tssUtilsVerbose) TSS_PrintAll("PCR composite digest", (uint8_t *)&digest.digest, sizeInBytes); } if ((rc == 0) && pr) { printPolicyPCR(stdout, sizeInBytes, &pcrs, &digest); } if (outFilename != NULL) { if (rc == 0) { outFile = fopen(outFilename, "wb"); if (outFile == NULL) { printf("Error opening %s for %s, %s\n", outFilename , "W", strerror(errno)); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (rc == 0) { printPolicyPCR(outFile, sizeInBytes, &pcrs, &digest); } } if (inFile != NULL) { fclose(inFile); } if (outFile != NULL) { fclose(outFile); } if (rc != 0) { rc = EXIT_FAILURE; } return rc; } static void printPolicyPCR(FILE *out, uint32_t sizeInBytes, TPML_PCR_SELECTION *pcrs, TPMT_HA *digest) { unsigned int i; uint8_t *pcrDigest = (uint8_t *)&digest->digest; fprintf(out, "%02x", 0xff & (TPM_CC_PolicyPCR >> 24)); fprintf(out, "%02x", 0xff & (TPM_CC_PolicyPCR >> 16)); fprintf(out, "%02x", 0xff & (TPM_CC_PolicyPCR >> 8)); fprintf(out, "%02x", 0xff & (TPM_CC_PolicyPCR >> 0)); /* NOTE only handles count of 1, 1 hash algorithm */ fprintf(out, "%08x", pcrs->count); fprintf(out, "%02x", 0xff & (pcrs->pcrSelections[0].hash >> 8)); fprintf(out, "%02x", 0xff & (pcrs->pcrSelections[0].hash >> 0)); fprintf(out, "%02x", pcrs->pcrSelections[0].sizeofSelect); fprintf(out, "%02x", pcrs->pcrSelections[0].pcrSelect[0]); fprintf(out, "%02x", pcrs->pcrSelections[0].pcrSelect[1]); fprintf(out, "%02x", pcrs->pcrSelections[0].pcrSelect[2]); for (i = 0 ; i < sizeInBytes ; i++) { fprintf(out, "%02x", pcrDigest[i]); } fprintf(out, "\n"); return; } /* Format_FromHexAscii() converts 'string' in hex ascii to 'binary' of 'length' It assumes that the string has enough bytes to accommodate the length. */ static int Format_FromHexascii(unsigned char *binary, const char *string, size_t length) { int rc = 0; size_t i; for (i = 0 ; (rc == 0) && (i < length) ; i++) { rc = Format_ByteFromHexascii(binary + i, string + (i * 2)); } return rc; } /* Format_ByteFromHexAscii() converts two bytes of hex ascii to one byte of binary */ static int Format_ByteFromHexascii(unsigned char *byte, const char *string) { int rc = 0; size_t i; char c; *byte = 0; for (i = 0 ; (rc == 0) && (i < 2) ; i++) { (*byte) <<= 4; /* big endian, shift up the nibble */ c = *(string + i); /* extract the next character from the string */ if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) { *byte += c - '0'; } else if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'f')) { *byte += c + 10 - 'a'; } else if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'F')) { *byte += c + 10 - 'A'; } else { printf("Format_ByteFromHexascii: " "Error: Line has non hex ascii character: %c\n", c); rc = EXIT_FAILURE; } } return rc; } static void printUsage(void) { printf("\n"); printf("policymakerpcr\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Creates a policyPCR term suitable for input to policymaker (hex ascii)\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Assumes that the byte mask and PCR values are consistent\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\t[-halg\thash algorithm (sha1 sha256 sha384 sha512) (default sha256)]\n"); printf("\t-bm\tpcr byte mask in hex, big endian\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\te.g. 010000 selects PCR 16\n"); printf("\te.g. ffffff selects all 24 PCRs\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\t-if input file - PCR values, hex ascii, one per line, %u max\n", IMPLEMENTATION_PCR); printf("\trequired unless pcr mask is 0\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\t[-of\toutput file - policy hash in binary]\n"); printf("\t[-pr\tstdout - policy hash in hex ascii]\n"); printf("\n"); exit(1); }