// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT /* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project */ #include "avb_cmdline.h" #include "avb_sha.h" #include "avb_util.h" #include "avb_version.h" #include <log.h> #include <malloc.h> #define NUM_GUIDS 3 /* Substitutes all variables (e.g. $(ANDROID_SYSTEM_PARTUUID)) with * values. Returns NULL on OOM, otherwise the cmdline with values * replaced. */ char* avb_sub_cmdline(AvbOps* ops, const char* cmdline, const char* ab_suffix, bool using_boot_for_vbmeta, const AvbCmdlineSubstList* additional_substitutions) { const char* part_name_str[NUM_GUIDS] = {"system", "boot", "vbmeta"}; const char* replace_str[NUM_GUIDS] = {"$(ANDROID_SYSTEM_PARTUUID)", "$(ANDROID_BOOT_PARTUUID)", "$(ANDROID_VBMETA_PARTUUID)"}; char* ret = NULL; AvbIOResult io_ret; size_t n; /* Special-case for when the top-level vbmeta struct is in the boot * partition. */ if (using_boot_for_vbmeta) { part_name_str[2] = "boot"; } /* Replace unique partition GUIDs */ for (n = 0; n < NUM_GUIDS; n++) { char part_name[AVB_PART_NAME_MAX_SIZE]; char guid_buf[37]; /* Don't attempt to query the partition guid unless its search string is * present in the command line. Note: the original cmdline is used here, * not the replaced one. See b/116010959. */ if (avb_strstr(cmdline, replace_str[n]) == NULL) { continue; } if (!avb_str_concat(part_name, sizeof part_name, part_name_str[n], avb_strlen(part_name_str[n]), ab_suffix, avb_strlen(ab_suffix))) { avb_error("Partition name and suffix does not fit.\n"); goto fail; } io_ret = ops->get_unique_guid_for_partition( ops, part_name, guid_buf, sizeof guid_buf); if (io_ret == AVB_IO_RESULT_ERROR_OOM) { goto fail; } else if (io_ret != AVB_IO_RESULT_OK) { avb_error("Error getting unique GUID for partition.\n"); goto fail; } if (ret == NULL) { ret = avb_replace(cmdline, replace_str[n], guid_buf); } else { char* new_ret = avb_replace(ret, replace_str[n], guid_buf); avb_free(ret); ret = new_ret; } if (ret == NULL) { goto fail; } } /* It's possible there is no _PARTUUID for replacement above. * Duplicate cmdline to ret for additional substitutions below. */ if (ret == NULL) { ret = avb_strdup(cmdline); if (ret == NULL) { goto fail; } } /* Replace any additional substitutions. */ if (additional_substitutions != NULL) { for (n = 0; n < additional_substitutions->size; ++n) { char* new_ret = avb_replace(ret, additional_substitutions->tokens[n], additional_substitutions->values[n]); avb_free(ret); ret = new_ret; if (ret == NULL) { goto fail; } } } return ret; fail: if (ret != NULL) { avb_free(ret); } return NULL; } static int cmdline_append_option(AvbSlotVerifyData* slot_data, const char* key, const char* value) { size_t offset, key_len, value_len; char* new_cmdline; key_len = avb_strlen(key); value_len = avb_strlen(value); offset = 0; if (slot_data->cmdline != NULL) { offset = avb_strlen(slot_data->cmdline); if (offset > 0) { offset += 1; } } new_cmdline = avb_calloc(offset + key_len + value_len + 2); if (new_cmdline == NULL) { return 0; } if (offset > 0) { avb_memcpy(new_cmdline, slot_data->cmdline, offset - 1); new_cmdline[offset - 1] = ' '; } avb_memcpy(new_cmdline + offset, key, key_len); new_cmdline[offset + key_len] = '='; avb_memcpy(new_cmdline + offset + key_len + 1, value, value_len); if (slot_data->cmdline != NULL) { avb_free(slot_data->cmdline); } slot_data->cmdline = new_cmdline; return 1; } #define AVB_MAX_DIGITS_UINT64 32 /* Writes |value| to |digits| in base 10 followed by a NUL byte. * Returns number of characters written excluding the NUL byte. */ static size_t uint64_to_base10(uint64_t value, char digits[AVB_MAX_DIGITS_UINT64]) { char rev_digits[AVB_MAX_DIGITS_UINT64]; size_t n, num_digits; for (num_digits = 0; num_digits < AVB_MAX_DIGITS_UINT64 - 1;) { rev_digits[num_digits++] = avb_div_by_10(&value) + '0'; if (value == 0) { break; } } for (n = 0; n < num_digits; n++) { digits[n] = rev_digits[num_digits - 1 - n]; } digits[n] = '\0'; return n; } static int cmdline_append_version(AvbSlotVerifyData* slot_data, const char* key, uint64_t major_version, uint64_t minor_version) { char major_digits[AVB_MAX_DIGITS_UINT64]; char minor_digits[AVB_MAX_DIGITS_UINT64]; char combined[AVB_MAX_DIGITS_UINT64 * 2 + 1]; size_t num_major_digits, num_minor_digits; num_major_digits = uint64_to_base10(major_version, major_digits); num_minor_digits = uint64_to_base10(minor_version, minor_digits); avb_memcpy(combined, major_digits, num_major_digits); combined[num_major_digits] = '.'; avb_memcpy(combined + num_major_digits + 1, minor_digits, num_minor_digits); combined[num_major_digits + 1 + num_minor_digits] = '\0'; return cmdline_append_option(slot_data, key, combined); } static int cmdline_append_uint64_base10(AvbSlotVerifyData* slot_data, const char* key, uint64_t value) { char digits[AVB_MAX_DIGITS_UINT64]; uint64_to_base10(value, digits); return cmdline_append_option(slot_data, key, digits); } static int cmdline_append_hex(AvbSlotVerifyData* slot_data, const char* key, const uint8_t* data, size_t data_len) { int ret; char* hex_data = avb_bin2hex(data, data_len); if (hex_data == NULL) { return 0; } ret = cmdline_append_option(slot_data, key, hex_data); avb_free(hex_data); return ret; } AvbSlotVerifyResult avb_append_options( AvbOps* ops, AvbSlotVerifyFlags flags, AvbSlotVerifyData* slot_data, AvbVBMetaImageHeader* toplevel_vbmeta, AvbAlgorithmType algorithm_type, AvbHashtreeErrorMode hashtree_error_mode, AvbHashtreeErrorMode resolved_hashtree_error_mode) { AvbSlotVerifyResult ret; const char* verity_mode; bool is_device_unlocked; AvbIOResult io_ret; /* Add androidboot.vbmeta.device option... except if not using a vbmeta * partition since it doesn't make sense in that case. */ if (!(flags & AVB_SLOT_VERIFY_FLAGS_NO_VBMETA_PARTITION)) { if (!cmdline_append_option(slot_data, "androidboot.vbmeta.device", "PARTUUID=$(ANDROID_VBMETA_PARTUUID)")) { ret = AVB_SLOT_VERIFY_RESULT_ERROR_OOM; goto out; } } /* Add androidboot.vbmeta.avb_version option. */ if (!cmdline_append_version(slot_data, "androidboot.vbmeta.avb_version", AVB_VERSION_MAJOR, AVB_VERSION_MINOR)) { ret = AVB_SLOT_VERIFY_RESULT_ERROR_OOM; goto out; } /* Set androidboot.avb.device_state to "locked" or "unlocked". */ io_ret = ops->read_is_device_unlocked(ops, &is_device_unlocked); if (io_ret == AVB_IO_RESULT_ERROR_OOM) { ret = AVB_SLOT_VERIFY_RESULT_ERROR_OOM; goto out; } else if (io_ret != AVB_IO_RESULT_OK) { avb_error("Error getting device state.\n"); ret = AVB_SLOT_VERIFY_RESULT_ERROR_IO; goto out; } if (!cmdline_append_option(slot_data, "androidboot.vbmeta.device_state", is_device_unlocked ? "unlocked" : "locked")) { ret = AVB_SLOT_VERIFY_RESULT_ERROR_OOM; goto out; } /* Set androidboot.vbmeta.{hash_alg, size, digest} - use same hash * function as is used to sign vbmeta. */ switch (algorithm_type) { /* Explicit fallthrough. */ case AVB_ALGORITHM_TYPE_NONE: case AVB_ALGORITHM_TYPE_SHA256_RSA2048: case AVB_ALGORITHM_TYPE_SHA256_RSA4096: case AVB_ALGORITHM_TYPE_SHA256_RSA8192: { size_t n, total_size = 0; uint8_t vbmeta_digest[AVB_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE]; avb_slot_verify_data_calculate_vbmeta_digest( slot_data, AVB_DIGEST_TYPE_SHA256, vbmeta_digest); for (n = 0; n < slot_data->num_vbmeta_images; n++) { total_size += slot_data->vbmeta_images[n].vbmeta_size; } if (!cmdline_append_option( slot_data, "androidboot.vbmeta.hash_alg", "sha256") || !cmdline_append_uint64_base10( slot_data, "androidboot.vbmeta.size", total_size) || !cmdline_append_hex(slot_data, "androidboot.vbmeta.digest", vbmeta_digest, AVB_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE)) { ret = AVB_SLOT_VERIFY_RESULT_ERROR_OOM; goto out; } } break; /* Explicit fallthrough. */ case AVB_ALGORITHM_TYPE_SHA512_RSA2048: case AVB_ALGORITHM_TYPE_SHA512_RSA4096: case AVB_ALGORITHM_TYPE_SHA512_RSA8192: { size_t n, total_size = 0; uint8_t vbmeta_digest[AVB_SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE]; avb_slot_verify_data_calculate_vbmeta_digest( slot_data, AVB_DIGEST_TYPE_SHA512, vbmeta_digest); for (n = 0; n < slot_data->num_vbmeta_images; n++) { total_size += slot_data->vbmeta_images[n].vbmeta_size; } if (!cmdline_append_option( slot_data, "androidboot.vbmeta.hash_alg", "sha512") || !cmdline_append_uint64_base10( slot_data, "androidboot.vbmeta.size", total_size) || !cmdline_append_hex(slot_data, "androidboot.vbmeta.digest", vbmeta_digest, AVB_SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE)) { ret = AVB_SLOT_VERIFY_RESULT_ERROR_OOM; goto out; } } break; case _AVB_ALGORITHM_NUM_TYPES: avb_assert_not_reached(); break; } /* Set androidboot.veritymode and androidboot.vbmeta.invalidate_on_error */ if (toplevel_vbmeta->flags & AVB_VBMETA_IMAGE_FLAGS_HASHTREE_DISABLED) { verity_mode = "disabled"; } else { const char* dm_verity_mode; char* new_ret; switch (resolved_hashtree_error_mode) { case AVB_HASHTREE_ERROR_MODE_RESTART_AND_INVALIDATE: if (!cmdline_append_option( slot_data, "androidboot.vbmeta.invalidate_on_error", "yes")) { ret = AVB_SLOT_VERIFY_RESULT_ERROR_OOM; goto out; } verity_mode = "enforcing"; dm_verity_mode = "restart_on_corruption"; break; case AVB_HASHTREE_ERROR_MODE_RESTART: verity_mode = "enforcing"; dm_verity_mode = "restart_on_corruption"; break; case AVB_HASHTREE_ERROR_MODE_EIO: verity_mode = "eio"; /* For now there's no option to specify the EIO mode. So * just use 'ignore_zero_blocks' since that's already set * and dm-verity-target.c supports specifying this multiple * times. */ dm_verity_mode = "ignore_zero_blocks"; break; case AVB_HASHTREE_ERROR_MODE_LOGGING: verity_mode = "logging"; dm_verity_mode = "ignore_corruption"; break; case AVB_HASHTREE_ERROR_MODE_MANAGED_RESTART_AND_EIO: // Should never get here because MANAGED_RESTART_AND_EIO is // remapped by avb_manage_hashtree_error_mode(). avb_assert_not_reached(); ret = AVB_SLOT_VERIFY_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; goto out; default: ret = AVB_SLOT_VERIFY_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; goto out; } new_ret = avb_replace( slot_data->cmdline, "$(ANDROID_VERITY_MODE)", dm_verity_mode); avb_free(slot_data->cmdline); slot_data->cmdline = new_ret; if (slot_data->cmdline == NULL) { ret = AVB_SLOT_VERIFY_RESULT_ERROR_OOM; goto out; } } if (!cmdline_append_option( slot_data, "androidboot.veritymode", verity_mode)) { ret = AVB_SLOT_VERIFY_RESULT_ERROR_OOM; goto out; } if (hashtree_error_mode == AVB_HASHTREE_ERROR_MODE_MANAGED_RESTART_AND_EIO) { if (!cmdline_append_option( slot_data, "androidboot.veritymode.managed", "yes")) { ret = AVB_SLOT_VERIFY_RESULT_ERROR_OOM; goto out; } } ret = AVB_SLOT_VERIFY_RESULT_OK; out: return ret; } AvbCmdlineSubstList* avb_new_cmdline_subst_list() { return (AvbCmdlineSubstList*)avb_calloc(sizeof(AvbCmdlineSubstList)); } void avb_free_cmdline_subst_list(AvbCmdlineSubstList* cmdline_subst) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < cmdline_subst->size; ++i) { avb_free(cmdline_subst->tokens[i]); avb_free(cmdline_subst->values[i]); } cmdline_subst->size = 0; avb_free(cmdline_subst); } AvbSlotVerifyResult avb_add_root_digest_substitution( const char* part_name, const uint8_t* digest, size_t digest_size, AvbCmdlineSubstList* out_cmdline_subst) { const char* kDigestSubPrefix = "$(AVB_"; const char* kDigestSubSuffix = "_ROOT_DIGEST)"; size_t part_name_len = avb_strlen(part_name); size_t list_index = out_cmdline_subst->size; avb_assert(part_name_len < AVB_PART_NAME_MAX_SIZE); avb_assert(digest_size <= AVB_SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE); if (part_name_len >= AVB_PART_NAME_MAX_SIZE || digest_size > AVB_SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE) { return AVB_SLOT_VERIFY_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_METADATA; } if (out_cmdline_subst->size >= AVB_MAX_NUM_CMDLINE_SUBST) { /* The list is full. Currently dynamic growth of this list is not supported. */ return AVB_SLOT_VERIFY_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_METADATA; } /* Construct the token to replace in the command line based on the partition * name. For partition 'foo', this will be '$(AVB_FOO_ROOT_DIGEST)'. */ out_cmdline_subst->tokens[list_index] = avb_strdupv(kDigestSubPrefix, part_name, kDigestSubSuffix, NULL); if (out_cmdline_subst->tokens[list_index] == NULL) { goto fail; } avb_uppercase(out_cmdline_subst->tokens[list_index]); /* The digest value is hex encoded when inserted in the command line. */ out_cmdline_subst->values[list_index] = avb_bin2hex(digest, digest_size); if (out_cmdline_subst->values[list_index] == NULL) { goto fail; } out_cmdline_subst->size++; return AVB_SLOT_VERIFY_RESULT_OK; fail: if (out_cmdline_subst->tokens[list_index]) { avb_free(out_cmdline_subst->tokens[list_index]); } if (out_cmdline_subst->values[list_index]) { avb_free(out_cmdline_subst->values[list_index]); } return AVB_SLOT_VERIFY_RESULT_ERROR_OOM; }