/* * Video On Demand Samples * * Copyright (C) 2015 Microchip Technology Germany II GmbH & Co. KG * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * You may also obtain this software under a propriety license from Microchip. * Please contact Microchip for further information. * */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \file * \brief This file contains the CStream class. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef STREAM_H #define STREAM_H #include "MacAddr.h" #include "RingBuffer.h" #include "Source.h" #define PID_VIDEO(x) ( 0x100 + (x) ) #define PID_AUDIO(x) ( 0x200 + (x) ) #define PID_PMT(x) ( 0x300 + (x) ) #define mPID_VIDEO ( PID_VIDEO((*m_MacAddr)[5]) ) #define mPID_AUDIO ( PID_AUDIO((*m_MacAddr)[5]) ) #define mPID_PMT ( PID_PMT((*m_MacAddr)[5]) ) class CSource; /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief Class representing a single transport stream for multiplexing. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ class CStream : public CRingBuffer { static const uint32_t NUM_PACKETS_BUFFERED = 64; // the number has to be set that the total buffer is bigger than the buffer used by the driver. Otherwise streams might run dry or get overflows static uint32_t m_nInstCnt; uint32_t m_nInst; CMacAddr *m_MacAddr; CSource *m_pCurrSource; CSource *m_pNextSource; uint64_t m_nBytesSent; uint32_t m_nErrBufOvfl; uint8_t m_TsPmt[188]; /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief switch to a new source file */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ void Switch(); /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief calculates a PMT packet */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ void CalcPmt(); public: /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief constructs CStream instance */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ CStream(); /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief de-constructs CStream instance */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ ~CStream(); /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief gets the current mac address for the stream * \return Pointer to the assigned MAC address */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ CMacAddr *GetMacAddr() { return m_MacAddr; }; /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief Statistic function: gets the amount of Bytes sent. * \note Calling this method will clear this value to 0. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ uint64_t GetBytesSent() { uint64_t nTmp = m_nBytesSent; m_nBytesSent = 0; return nTmp; }; /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief Statistic function: gets the amount of Bytes read. * \note Calling this method will clear this value to 0. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ uint64_t GetBytesRead(); /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief number of PCR errors since last call */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ uint64_t GetErrPcr(); /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief number of source buffer underflows since last call */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ uint64_t GetErrBufUnderflow(); /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief number of send buffer overflows since last call */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ uint32_t GetErrBufOverflow(); /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief Statistic function: gets the amount of erroneous transport streams packets. * \note Calling this method will clear this value to 0. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ uint64_t GetErrTs(); /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief unique ID for each stream */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ uint32_t GetInstId() { return m_nInst; }; void SendPmt(); void SendAudio(uint8_t *pTs); void SendVideo(uint8_t *pTs); /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief set a new source * \param pSource - pointer to source object */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ void SetSource(CSource *pSource) { m_pNextSource = pSource; } /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief sets a new mac address for the stream * \param pMacAddr - The new MAC address assigned to this stream. * \note This method performs a deep copy of the pMacAddr, so you are free to delete the variable at any time. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ void SetMacAddr(CMacAddr *pMacAddr); /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief set pause on/off * \param bPause - true, to pause the stream. false, to play the stream. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ void SetPause(bool bPause); /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief set repeat mode * \param bRepetition - if true stream will repeated for ever */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ void SetRepetition(bool bRepetition); /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief Sets the new time position in the stream. * \param nPos - The new time positon to set. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ void SetPos(uint16_t nPos); /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief Read from HDD to fill ring buffer * * \return true, if something was read from file. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ bool ReadHdd(); /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief gets next TS packet to be sent * * \return true, if a packet was available */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ bool GetTsPacket(uint8_t *pTrg); /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \brief Trace stream properties to console */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ void PrintStream(); }; #endif