**Table of Content** 1. TOC {:toc} ## Information ## How to build waltham-transmitter-plugin 1. Go to AGL build folder and configure your environment. Add 'agl-weston-waltham-remoting' as distro feature. ``` $ cd $AGL_TOP $ source meta-agl/scripts/aglsetup.sh -f -b ${MACHINE_TYPE} [additional_distro_features] agl-weston-waltham-remoting ``` 2. Build agl-demo-platform by using bitbake. 3. Clone/download the waltham-transmitter-plugin on your own and build locally using the build system provided. See README.md file for more information. ## How to configure weston.ini and GStreamer pipeline ### weston.ini Add output name, host IP address, port number, and mode key under '[transmitter-output]' section. You can speficy multiple [transmitter-output] with different output-name. ``` /* Example_weston.ini - single transmitter-output */ [transmitter-output] name=transmitter-1 mode=640x720@30 host= port=5005 agl-shell-app-id= ``` ### GStreamer pipeline You can use GStreamer pipeline as you want. Here are some examples. ``` /* General pipeline which does not use any HW encoder */ appsrc name=src ! videoconvert ! video/x-raw,format=I420 ! jpegenc ! \ rtpjpegpay ! udpsink name=sink host=YOUR_RECIEVER_IP \ port=YOUR_RECIEVER_PORT sync=false async=false /* pipeline to use Intel's HW encoder */ appsrc name=src ! videoconvert ! video/x-raw,format=I420 ! \ mfxh264enc bitrate=3000000 rate-control=1 ! rtph264pay config-interval=1 ! \ udpsink name=sink host=YOUR_RECIEVER_IP port=YOUR_RECIEVER_PORT \ sync=false async=false /* pipeline to use Rcar's HW encoder */ appsrc name=src ! videoconvert ! video/x-raw,format=I420 ! \ omxh264enc bitrate=3000000 control-rate=2 ! rtph264pay ! \ udpsink name=sink host=YOUR_RECIEVER_IP port=YOUR_RECIEVER_PORT \ sync=false async=false ``` ## Connection Establishment 1. Connect two boards over ethernet. 2. Assign IP to both boards. ```Example: transmitter IP: waltham-receiver IP: ``` 3. Check if the simple ping works ``` $ ping (you can also ping vice versa) ``` ## Typical issues & Tips ### help functions You can find the help information of LayerManagerControl command by using ``` $ LayerManagerControl help ``` ### waltham-transmitter and waltham-receiver doesn't not communicate 1. Please check ethernet connection. If you assign and for waltham-transmitter and waltham-receiver, you shall ping vice versa. ``` /* At waltham-transmitter side */ $ ping /* At waltham-receiver side */ $ ping ``` 2. Make sure that IP address specified in the weston.ini under [transmitter-output] matches the waltham-receiver IP address. 3. Make sure that IP address in pipeline.cfg on the transmitter side match the waltham-receiver's IP address.