/* * Copyright (C) 2017 Advanced Driver Information Technology Joint Venture GmbH * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial * portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #include <linux/input.h> #include "compositor.h" #include "weston.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "transmitter_api.h" #include "plugin-registry.h" #include "ivi-layout-export.h" /* waltham */ #include <errno.h> #include <sys/epoll.h> #include <sys/timerfd.h> #include <waltham-object.h> #include <waltham-client.h> #include <waltham-connection.h> #define MAX_EPOLL_WATCHES 2 #define ESTABLISH_CONNECTION_PERIOD 2000 #define RETRY_CONNECTION_PERIOD 5000 /* XXX: all functions and variables with a name, and things marked with a * comment, containing the word "fake" are mockups that need to be * removed from the final implementation. */ /** Send configure event through ivi-shell. * * \param txs The Transmitter surface. * \param width Suggestion for surface width. * \param height Suggestion for surface height. * * When the networking code receives a ivi_surface.configure event, it calls * this function to relay it to the application. * * \c txs cannot be a zombie, because transmitter_surface_zombify() must * tear down the network link, so a zombie cannot receive events. */ void transmitter_surface_ivi_resize(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs, int32_t width, int32_t height) { assert(txs->resize_handler); if (!txs->resize_handler) return; assert(txs->surface); if (!txs->surface) return; txs->resize_handler(txs->resize_handler_data, width, height); } static void transmitter_surface_configure(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs, int32_t dx, int32_t dy) { assert(txs->surface); if (!txs->surface) return; txs->attach_dx += dx; txs->attach_dy += dy; } static void buffer_send_complete(struct wthp_buffer *b, uint32_t serial) { if (b) wthp_buffer_destroy(b); } static const struct wthp_buffer_listener buffer_listener = { buffer_send_complete }; static void transmitter_surface_gather_state(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs) { struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = txs->remote; struct waltham_display *dpy = remote->display; int ret; if(!dpy->running) { if(remote->status != WESTON_TRANSMITTER_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED) { remote->status = WESTON_TRANSMITTER_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED; wth_connection_destroy(remote->display->connection); wl_event_source_remove(remote->source); wl_event_source_timer_update(remote->retry_timer, 1); } } else { /* TODO: transmit surface state to remote */ /* The buffer must be transmitted to remote side */ /* waltham */ struct weston_surface *surf = txs->surface; struct weston_compositor *comp = surf->compositor; int32_t stride, data_sz, width, height; void *data; width = 1; height = 1; stride = width * (PIXMAN_FORMAT_BPP(comp->read_format) / 8); data = malloc(stride * height); data_sz = stride * height; /* fake sending buffer */ txs->wthp_buf = wthp_blob_factory_create_buffer(remote->display->blob_factory, data_sz, data, surf->width, surf->height, stride, PIXMAN_FORMAT_BPP(comp->read_format)); wthp_buffer_set_listener(txs->wthp_buf, &buffer_listener, txs); wthp_surface_attach(txs->wthp_surf, txs->wthp_buf, txs->attach_dx, txs->attach_dy); wthp_surface_damage(txs->wthp_surf, txs->attach_dx, txs->attach_dy, surf->width, surf->height); wthp_surface_commit(txs->wthp_surf); wth_connection_flush(remote->display->connection); free(data); data=NULL; txs->attach_dx = 0; txs->attach_dy = 0; } } /** Mark the weston_transmitter_surface dead. * * Stop all remoting actions on this surface. * * Still keeps the pointer stored by a shell valid, so it can be freed later. */ static void transmitter_surface_zombify(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs) { struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote; /* may be called multiple times */ if (!txs->surface) return; wl_signal_emit(&txs->destroy_signal, txs); wl_list_remove(&txs->surface_destroy_listener.link); txs->surface = NULL; wl_list_remove(&txs->sync_output_destroy_listener.link); remote = txs->remote; if (!remote->display->compositor) weston_log("remote->compositor is NULL\n"); if (txs->wthp_surf) wthp_surface_destroy(txs->wthp_surf); if (txs->wthp_ivi_surface) wthp_ivi_surface_destroy(txs->wthp_ivi_surface); /* In case called from destroy_transmitter() */ txs->remote = NULL; } static void transmitter_surface_destroy(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs) { transmitter_surface_zombify(txs); wl_list_remove(&txs->link); free(txs); } /** weston_surface destroy signal handler */ static void transmitter_surface_destroyed(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) { struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs = wl_container_of(listener, txs, surface_destroy_listener); assert(data == txs->surface); transmitter_surface_zombify(txs); } static void sync_output_destroy_handler(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) { struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs; txs = wl_container_of(listener, txs, sync_output_destroy_listener); wl_list_remove(&txs->sync_output_destroy_listener.link); wl_list_init(&txs->sync_output_destroy_listener.link); weston_surface_force_output(txs->surface, NULL); } static void transmitter_surface_set_ivi_id(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs) { struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = txs->remote; struct waltham_display *dpy = remote->display; struct weston_surface *ws; struct ivi_layout_surface **pp_surface = NULL; struct ivi_layout_surface *ivi_surf = NULL; int32_t surface_length = 0; int32_t ret = 0; int32_t i = 0; ret = txs->lyt->get_surfaces(&surface_length, &pp_surface); if(!ret) weston_log("No ivi_surface\n"); ws = txs->surface; for(i = 0; i < surface_length; i++) { ivi_surf = pp_surface[i]; if (ivi_surf->surface == ws) { assert(txs->surface); if (!txs->surface) return; if(!dpy) weston_log("no content in waltham_display\n"); if(!dpy->compositor) weston_log("no content in compositor object\n"); if(!dpy->seat) weston_log("no content in seat object\n"); if(!dpy->application) weston_log("no content in ivi-application object\n"); txs->wthp_ivi_surface = wthp_ivi_application_surface_create (dpy->application, ivi_surf->id_surface, txs->wthp_surf); wth_connection_flush(remote->display->connection); weston_log("surface ID %d\n", ivi_surf->id_surface); if(!txs->wthp_ivi_surface){ weston_log("Failed to create txs->ivi_surf\n"); } } } free(pp_surface); pp_surface = NULL; } static struct weston_transmitter_surface * transmitter_surface_push_to_remote(struct weston_surface *ws, struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote, struct wl_listener *stream_status) { struct weston_transmitter *txr = remote->transmitter; struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs; bool found = false; if (remote->status != WESTON_TRANSMITTER_CONNECTION_READY) { return NULL; } wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link) { if (txs->surface == ws) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { txs = NULL; txs = zalloc(sizeof (*txs)); if (!txs) return NULL; txs->remote = remote; wl_signal_init(&txs->destroy_signal); wl_list_insert(&remote->surface_list, &txs->link); txs->status = WESTON_TRANSMITTER_STREAM_INITIALIZING; wl_signal_init(&txs->stream_status_signal); if (stream_status) wl_signal_add(&txs->stream_status_signal, stream_status); txs->surface = ws; txs->surface_destroy_listener.notify = transmitter_surface_destroyed; wl_signal_add(&ws->destroy_signal, &txs->surface_destroy_listener); wl_list_init(&txs->sync_output_destroy_listener.link); wl_list_init(&txs->frame_callback_list); wl_list_init(&txs->feedback_list); txs->lyt = weston_plugin_api_get(txr->compositor, IVI_LAYOUT_API_NAME, sizeof(txs->lyt)); } /* TODO: create the content stream connection... */ if (!remote->display->compositor) weston_log("remote->compositor is NULL\n"); if (!txs->wthp_surf) { weston_log("txs->wthp_surf is NULL\n"); txs->wthp_surf = wthp_compositor_create_surface(remote->display->compositor); wth_connection_flush(remote->display->connection); transmitter_surface_set_ivi_id(txs); } return txs; } static enum weston_transmitter_stream_status transmitter_surface_get_stream_status(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs) { return txs->status; } /* waltham */ /* The server advertises a global interface. * We can store the ad for later and/or bind to it immediately * if we want to. * We also need to keep track of the globals we bind to, so that * global_remove can be handled properly (not implemented). */ static void registry_handle_global(struct wthp_registry *registry, uint32_t name, const char *interface, uint32_t version) { struct waltham_display *dpy = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)registry); if (strcmp(interface, "wthp_compositor") == 0) { assert(!dpy->compositor); dpy->compositor = (struct wthp_compositor *)wthp_registry_bind(registry, name, interface, 1); /* has no events to handle */ } else if (strcmp(interface, "wthp_blob_factory") == 0) { assert(!dpy->blob_factory); dpy->blob_factory = (struct wthp_blob_factory *)wthp_registry_bind(registry, name, interface, 1); /* has no events to handle */ } else if (strcmp(interface, "wthp_seat") == 0) { assert(!dpy->seat); dpy->seat = (struct wthp_seat *)wthp_registry_bind(registry, name, interface, 1); wthp_seat_set_listener(dpy->seat, &seat_listener, dpy); } else if (strcmp(interface, "wthp_ivi_application") == 0) { assert(!dpy->application); dpy->application = (struct wthp_ivi_application *)wthp_registry_bind(registry, name, interface, 1); } } /* notify connection ready */ static void conn_ready_notify(struct wl_listener *l, void *data) { struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = wl_container_of(l, remote, establish_listener); struct weston_transmitter_output_info info = { WL_OUTPUT_SUBPIXEL_NONE, WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL, 1, 0, 0, 1024,768, strdup(remote->model), { WL_OUTPUT_MODE_CURRENT | WL_OUTPUT_MODE_PREFERRED, 800, 600, 51519, { NULL, NULL } } }; if(remote->width != 0) { if(remote->height != 0) { info.mode.width = remote->width; info.mode.height = remote->height; info.mode.refresh= 60; } } /* Outputs and seats are dynamic, do not guarantee they are all * present when signalling connection status. */ transmitter_remote_create_output(remote, &info); transmitter_remote_create_seat(remote); } /* waltham */ /* The server removed a global. * We should destroy everything we created through that global, * and destroy the objects we created by binding to it. * The identification happens by global's name, so we need to keep * track what names we bound. * (not implemented) */ static void registry_handle_global_remove(struct wthp_registry *wthp_registry, uint32_t name) { if (wthp_registry) wthp_registry_free(wthp_registry); } static const struct wthp_registry_listener registry_listener = { registry_handle_global, registry_handle_global_remove }; static void connection_handle_data(struct watch *w, uint32_t events) { struct waltham_display *dpy = wl_container_of(w, dpy, conn_watch); struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = dpy->remote; int ret; if (!dpy->running) { weston_log("This server is not running yet. %s:%s\n", remote->addr, remote->port); return; } if (events & EPOLLERR) { weston_log("Connection errored out.\n"); dpy->running = false; remote->status = WESTON_TRANSMITTER_CONNECTION_INITIALIZING; return; } if (events & EPOLLOUT) { /* Flush out again. If the flush completes, stop * polling for writable as everything has been written. */ ret = wth_connection_flush(dpy->connection); } if (events & EPOLLIN) { /* Do not ignore EPROTO */ ret = wth_connection_read(dpy->connection); if (ret < 0) { weston_log("Connection read error %s:%s\n", remote->addr, remote->port); perror("Connection read error\n"); dpy->running = false; remote->status = WESTON_TRANSMITTER_CONNECTION_INITIALIZING; perror("EPOLL_CTL_DEL\n"); return; } } if (events & EPOLLHUP) { weston_log("Connection hung up.\n"); dpy->running = false; remote->status = WESTON_TRANSMITTER_CONNECTION_INITIALIZING; return; } } static void waltham_mainloop(int fd, uint32_t mask, void *data) { struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = data; struct watch *w; int ret; int running_display; running_display = 0; struct waltham_display *dpy = remote->display; w = &dpy->conn_watch; if (!dpy) goto not_running; if (!dpy->connection) dpy->running = false; if (!dpy->running) goto not_running; running_display++; /* Dispatch queued events. */ ret = wth_connection_dispatch(dpy->connection); if (ret < 0) { dpy->running = false; remote->status = WESTON_TRANSMITTER_CONNECTION_INITIALIZING; } if (!dpy->running) goto not_running; /* Run any application idle tasks at this point. */ /* (nothing to run so far) */ /* Flush out buffered requests. If the Waltham socket is * full, poll it for writable too, and continue flushing then. */ ret = wth_connection_flush(dpy->connection); if (0 < running_display) { /* Waltham events only read in the callback, not dispatched, * if the Waltham socket signalled readable. If it signalled * writable, flush more. See connection_handle_data(). */ w->cb(w, mask); } not_running: ; } static int waltham_client_init(struct waltham_display *dpy) { if (!dpy) return -1; /* * get server_address from controller (adrress is set to weston.ini) */ dpy->connection = wth_connect_to_server(dpy->remote->addr, dpy->remote->port); if(!dpy->connection) { return -2; } else { dpy->remote->status = WESTON_TRANSMITTER_CONNECTION_READY; wl_signal_emit(&dpy->remote->connection_status_signal, dpy->remote); } dpy->conn_watch.display = dpy; dpy->conn_watch.cb = connection_handle_data; dpy->conn_watch.fd = wth_connection_get_fd(dpy->connection); dpy->remote->source = wl_event_loop_add_fd(dpy->remote->transmitter->loop, dpy->conn_watch.fd, WL_EVENT_READABLE, waltham_mainloop, dpy->remote); dpy->display = wth_connection_get_display(dpy->connection); /* wth_display_set_listener() is already done by waltham, as * all the events are just control messaging. */ /* Create a registry so that we will get advertisements of the * interfaces implemented by the server. */ dpy->registry = wth_display_get_registry(dpy->display); wthp_registry_set_listener(dpy->registry, ®istry_listener, dpy); /* Roundtrip ensures all globals' ads have been received. */ if (wth_connection_roundtrip(dpy->connection) < 0) { weston_log("Roundtrip failed.\n"); return -1; } if (!dpy->compositor) { weston_log("Did not find wthp_compositor, quitting.\n"); return -1; } dpy->running = true; return 0; } static int establish_timer_handler(void *data) { struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = data; int ret; ret = waltham_client_init(remote->display); if(ret == -2) { wl_event_source_timer_update(remote->establish_timer, ESTABLISH_CONNECTION_PERIOD); return 0; } remote->status = WESTON_TRANSMITTER_CONNECTION_READY; wl_signal_emit(&remote->connection_status_signal, remote); return 0; } static void init_globals(struct waltham_display *dpy) { dpy->compositor = NULL; dpy->blob_factory = NULL; dpy->seat = NULL; dpy->application = NULL; dpy->pointer = NULL; dpy->keyboard = NULL; dpy->touch = NULL; } static void disconnect_surface(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote) { struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs; wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link) { free(txs->wthp_ivi_surface); txs->wthp_ivi_surface = NULL; free(txs->wthp_surf); txs->wthp_surf = NULL; } } static int retry_timer_handler(void *data) { struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote = data; struct waltham_display *dpy = remote->display; if(!dpy->running) { registry_handle_global_remove(dpy->registry, 1); init_globals(dpy); disconnect_surface(remote); wl_event_source_timer_update(remote->establish_timer, ESTABLISH_CONNECTION_PERIOD); return 0; } else wl_event_source_timer_update(remote->retry_timer, RETRY_CONNECTION_PERIOD); return 0; } static struct weston_transmitter_remote * transmitter_connect_to_remote(struct weston_transmitter *txr) { struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote; struct wl_event_loop *loop_est, *loop_retry; int ret; wl_list_for_each_reverse(remote, &txr->remote_list, link) { /* XXX: actually start connecting */ /* waltham */ remote->display = zalloc(sizeof *remote->display); if (!remote->display) return NULL; remote->display->remote = remote; /* set connection establish timer */ loop_est = wl_display_get_event_loop(txr->compositor->wl_display); remote->establish_timer = wl_event_loop_add_timer(loop_est, establish_timer_handler, remote); wl_event_source_timer_update(remote->establish_timer, 1); /* set connection retry timer */ loop_retry = wl_display_get_event_loop(txr->compositor->wl_display); remote->retry_timer = wl_event_loop_add_timer(loop_retry, retry_timer_handler, remote); if (ret < 0) { weston_log("Fatal: Transmitter waltham connecting failed.\n"); return NULL; } wl_signal_emit(&remote->conn_establish_signal, NULL); } return remote; } static enum weston_transmitter_connection_status transmitter_remote_get_status(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote) { return remote->status; } static void transmitter_remote_destroy(struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote) { struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs; struct weston_transmitter_output *output, *otmp; struct weston_transmitter_seat *seat, *stmp; /* Do not emit connection_status_signal. */ /* * Must not touch remote->transmitter as it may be stale: * the desctruction order between the shell and Transmitter is * undefined. */ if (!wl_list_empty(&remote->surface_list)) weston_log("Transmitter warning: surfaces remain in %s.\n", __func__); wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link) txs->remote = NULL; wl_list_remove(&remote->surface_list); wl_list_for_each_safe(seat, stmp, &remote->seat_list, link) transmitter_seat_destroy(seat); wl_list_for_each_safe(output, otmp, &remote->output_list, link) transmitter_output_destroy(output); free(remote->addr); wl_list_remove(&remote->link); wl_event_source_remove(remote->source); free(remote); } /** Transmitter is destroyed on compositor shutdown. */ static void transmitter_compositor_destroyed(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) { struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote; struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs; struct weston_transmitter *txr = wl_container_of(listener, txr, compositor_destroy_listener); assert(data == txr->compositor); /* may be called before or after shell cleans up */ wl_list_for_each(remote, &txr->remote_list, link) { wl_list_for_each(txs, &remote->surface_list, link) { transmitter_surface_zombify(txs); } } /* * Remove the head in case the list is not empty, to avoid * transmitter_remote_destroy() accessing freed memory if the shell * cleans up after Transmitter. */ wl_list_remove(&txr->remote_list); free(txr); } static struct weston_transmitter * transmitter_get(struct weston_compositor *compositor) { struct wl_listener *listener; struct weston_transmitter *txr; listener = wl_signal_get(&compositor->destroy_signal, transmitter_compositor_destroyed); if (!listener) return NULL; txr = wl_container_of(listener, txr, compositor_destroy_listener); assert(compositor == txr->compositor); return txr; } static void transmitter_register_connection_status(struct weston_transmitter *txr, struct wl_listener *connected_listener) { wl_signal_add(&txr->connected_signal, connected_listener); } static struct weston_surface * transmitter_get_weston_surface(struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs) { return txs->surface; } static const struct weston_transmitter_api transmitter_api_impl = { transmitter_get, transmitter_connect_to_remote, transmitter_remote_get_status, transmitter_remote_destroy, transmitter_surface_push_to_remote, transmitter_surface_get_stream_status, transmitter_surface_destroy, transmitter_surface_configure, transmitter_surface_gather_state, transmitter_register_connection_status, transmitter_get_weston_surface, }; static void transmitter_surface_set_resize_callback( struct weston_transmitter_surface *txs, weston_transmitter_ivi_resize_handler_t cb, void *data) { txs->resize_handler = cb; txs->resize_handler_data = data; } static const struct weston_transmitter_ivi_api transmitter_ivi_api_impl = { transmitter_surface_set_resize_callback, }; static int transmitter_create_remote(struct weston_transmitter *txr, const char *model, const char *addr, const char *port, const char *width, const char *height) { struct weston_transmitter_remote *remote; remote = zalloc(sizeof (*remote)); if (!remote) return -1; remote->transmitter = txr; wl_list_insert(&txr->remote_list, &remote->link); remote->model = strdup(model); remote->addr = strdup(addr); remote->port = strdup(port); remote->width = atoi(width); remote->height = atoi(height); remote->status = WESTON_TRANSMITTER_CONNECTION_INITIALIZING; wl_signal_init(&remote->connection_status_signal); wl_list_init(&remote->output_list); wl_list_init(&remote->surface_list); wl_list_init(&remote->seat_list); wl_signal_init(&remote->conn_establish_signal); remote->establish_listener.notify = conn_ready_notify; wl_signal_add(&remote->conn_establish_signal, &remote->establish_listener); return 0; } struct wet_compositor { struct weston_config *config; struct wet_output_config *parsed_options; struct wl_listener pending_output_listener; bool drm_use_current_mode; }; static void transmitter_get_server_config(struct weston_transmitter *txr) { struct wet_compositor *compositor = (struct wet_compositor *)weston_compositor_get_user_data(txr->compositor); struct weston_config *config = wet_get_config(txr->compositor); struct weston_config_section *section; const char *name = NULL; char *model = NULL; char *addr = NULL; char *port = NULL; char *width = '0'; char *height = '0'; int ret; section = weston_config_get_section(config, "remote", NULL, NULL); while (weston_config_next_section(config, §ion, &name)) { if (0 == strcmp(name, "transmitter-output")) { if (0 != weston_config_section_get_string(section, "output-name", &model, 0)) continue; if (0 != weston_config_section_get_string(section, "server-address", &addr, 0)) continue; if (0 != weston_config_section_get_string(section, "port", &port, 0)) continue; if (0 != weston_config_section_get_string(section, "width", &width, 0)) continue; if (0 != weston_config_section_get_string(section, "height", &height, 0)) continue; ret = transmitter_create_remote(txr, model, addr, port, width, height); if (ret < 0) { weston_log("Fatal: Transmitter create_remote failed.\n"); } } } } WL_EXPORT int wet_module_init(struct weston_compositor *compositor, int *argc, char *argv[]) { struct weston_transmitter *txr; int ret; txr = zalloc(sizeof *txr); if (!txr){ weston_log("Transmitter disabled\n"); return -1; } wl_list_init(&txr->remote_list); txr->compositor = compositor; txr->compositor_destroy_listener.notify = transmitter_compositor_destroyed; wl_signal_add(&compositor->destroy_signal, &txr->compositor_destroy_listener); ret = weston_plugin_api_register(compositor, WESTON_TRANSMITTER_API_NAME, &transmitter_api_impl, sizeof(transmitter_api_impl)); if (ret < 0) { weston_log("Fatal: Transmitter API registration failed.\n"); goto fail; } ret = weston_plugin_api_register(compositor, WESTON_TRANSMITTER_IVI_API_NAME, &transmitter_ivi_api_impl, sizeof(transmitter_ivi_api_impl)); if (ret < 0) { weston_log("Fatal: Transmitter IVI API registration failed.\n"); goto fail; } /* Loading a waltham renderer library */ txr->waltham_renderer = weston_load_module("waltham-renderer.so","waltham_renderer_interface"); if (txr->waltham_renderer == NULL) { weston_log("Failed to load waltham-renderer\n"); goto fail; } weston_log("Transmitter initialized.\n"); txr->loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(compositor->wl_display); transmitter_get_server_config(txr); transmitter_connect_to_remote(txr); return 0; fail: wl_list_remove(&txr->compositor_destroy_listener.link); free(txr); return -1; }