# XDS - X(cross) Development System Agent XDS-agent is an agent that should run on your local machine when you use XDS. This agent takes care of starting [Syncthing](https://syncthing.net/) tool to synchronize your projects files from your local machine to build server machine or container. > **SEE ALSO**: [xds-server](https://github.com/iotbzh/xds-server), a web server used to remotely cross build applications. ## How to build ### Dependencies - Install and setup [Go](https://golang.org/doc/install) version 1.8 or higher to compile this tool. ### Building Clone this repo into your `$GOPATH/src/github.com/iotbzh` and use delivered Makefile: ```bash mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/iotbzh cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/iotbzh git clone https://github.com/iotbzh/xds-agent.git cd xds-agent make all ``` And to install xds-agent in /usr/local/bin: ```bash make install ``` > **NOTE**: To cross build for example for Windows, just execute: ```bash export GOOS=windows export GOARCH=amd64 make all make package ``` ## How to run ## Configuration xds-agent configuration is driven by a JSON config file (`agent-config.json`). Here is the logic to determine which `agent-config.json` file will be used: 1. from command line option: `--config myConfig.json` 2. `$HOME/.xds/agent-config.json` file 3. `<current dir>/agent-config.json` file 4. `<xds-agent executable dir>/agent-config.json` file Supported fields in configuration file are: ```json { "httpPort": "http port of agent REST interface", "logsDir": "directory to store logs (eg. syncthing output)", "syncthing": { "binDir": "syncthing binaries directory (use xds-agent executable dir when not set)", "home": "syncthing home directory (usually .../syncthing-config)", "gui-address": "syncthing gui url (default http://localhost:8384)", "gui-apikey": "syncthing api-key to use (default auto-generated)" } } ``` >**NOTE:** environment variables are supported by using `${MY_VAR}` syntax. ## Start-up ```bash ./bin/xds-agent.sh # OR if you have install agent /usr/local/bin/xds-agent.sh ``` >**NOTE** you can define some environment variables to setup for example config file `XDS_CONFIGFILE` or change logs level `LOG_LEVEL`.