package eows

import (

// scanBlocks - gain character by character (or as soon as one or more characters are available)
func scanBlocks(data []byte, atEOF bool) (advance int, token []byte, err error) {
	if atEOF && len(data) == 0 {
		return 0, nil, nil
	return len(data), data, nil

// cmdPumpStdout is in charge to forward stdout in websocket
func (e *ExecOverWS) cmdPumpStdout(r io.Reader, done chan struct{}) {

	defer func() {

	sc := bufio.NewScanner(r)

	// else use default sc.ScanLines
	if e.OutSplit == SplitChar {

	for sc.Scan() {
		e.OutputCB(e, sc.Text(), "")
	if sc.Err() != nil && !strings.Contains(sc.Err().Error(), "file already closed") {
		e.logError("stdout scan: %v", sc.Err())


// cmdPumpStderr is in charge to forward stderr in websocket
func (e *ExecOverWS) cmdPumpStderr(r io.Reader) {

	defer func() {
	sc := bufio.NewScanner(r)

	// else use default sc.ScanLines
	if e.OutSplit == SplitChar {

	for sc.Scan() {
		e.OutputCB(e, "", sc.Text())
	if sc.Err() != nil && !strings.Contains(sc.Err().Error(), "file already closed") {
		e.logError("stderr scan: %v", sc.Err())