# Installation based on Virtual Machine appliance ## Virtual Machine appliance prerequisites > VirtualBox is installed on the host machine please refer to [VirtualBox documentation](https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads) for more details. ## Get the appliance Load the pre-build AGL SDK appliance image including `xds-server`: ```bash wget http://iot.bzh/download/public/XDS/appliance/xds-vm-debian9_latest.ova ``` ## Clean old appliance You must have one and one xds appliance only. So, first remove the oldest xds appliance if needed. ```bash # Get the virtual machine name VDS_VMNAME=$(VBoxManage list vms | grep xds-vm-debian | cut -d "\"" -f2) echo ${VDS_VMNAME} # Remove old XDS appliance [ -n ${VDS_VMNAME} ] && VBoxManage controlvm ${VDS_VMNAME} poweroff [ -n ${VDS_VMNAME} ] && VBoxManage unregistervm ${VDS_VMNAME} --delete ``` ## Create and start a new appliance Used provided script to create a new appliance or you can use VirtualBox GUI: ```bash # Import image into VirtualBox VBoxManage import ./xds-vm-debian9_latest.ova # Check import result VDS_VMNAME=$(VBoxManage list vms | grep xds-vm-debian | cut -d "\"" -f2) echo ${VDS_VMNAME} ``` Add share folder to appliance, **mandatory** to use **path-mapping sharing type for projects**: ```bash # Create local share folder mkdir -p $HOME/xds-workspace #Add share folder to appliance vboxmanage sharedfolder add ${VDS_VMNAME} --name XDS-workspace --hostpath $HOME/xds-workspace ``` Start appliance ```bash # Start XDS appliance [ -n ${VDS_VMNAME} ] && VBoxManage startvm ${VDS_VMNAME} ``` ## Appliance settings This image exposes following network ports (NAT mode): - 8000 : `xds-server` to serve XDS basic web page - 69 : TFTP - 2222 : ssh ## Check if xds-server is running `xds-server` is automatically started as a service on container startup. To check if xds-server is correctly install and running, you can access the basic web page that gives you some instructions: ```bash # if container/appliance is running on your local host # (else replace localhost by the name or the ip of the machine running the container) xdg-open http://localhost:8000 ``` `xds-server` is now up and running, you can now install AGL SDKs, please refer to next chapter named [Installing AGL SDKs](./3_install-sdks.html)