# Setup

Let's use _helloworld-native-application_ project as example, so you need first to clone
this project into a directory that will be accessible by `xds-server`.

Depending of the project sharing method:

- Cloud sync: you can clone project anywhere on your local disk,
- Path mapping: you must clone project into `$HOME/xds-workspace` directory.

<!-- section-note -->
**Note:** : [helloworld-native-application](https://github.com/iotbzh/helloworld-native-application) project is an AGL
project based on [app-templates](https://git.automotivelinux.org/apps/app-templates/)
(included as a git submodule). This CMake templating, used to develop application
with the AGL Application Framework, will automatically generate makefile rules
(eg. `remote-target-populate`) or scripts (eg. `build/target/xxx` scripts).

For more info about app-template, please refer to [this documentation](http://docs.automotivelinux.org/docs/devguides/en/dev/reference/sdk-devkit/docs/part-2/2_4-Use-app-templates.html).
<!-- end-section-note -->

## Clone project

cd $HOME/xds-workspace
git clone --recursive https://github.com/iotbzh/helloworld-native-application.git