# Configuration

Debug configuration (i.e. `xds-gdb`) is defined by variables.
You can see the variables used further down in this section.

You can set these variables using a number of methods:

- Environment variables that are inherited.

- Configuration file pointed to by the `XDS_CONFIG` environment variable
  (e.g. `XDS_CONFIG=/tmp/my_xds_gdb_config.env xds-gdb`).

- A GDB "init" command file.

- A "user" configuration file located in one of the following
  areas, which are order-dependent:

  1. `$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)/.xds-gdb.env`

  1. `$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)/../xds-gdb.env`

  1. `$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)/target/xds-gdb.env`

  1. `$(HOME)/.config/xds/xds-gdb.env`

## Configuration Variables

This section describes the `XDS_*` configuration variables.
As previously mentioned, you can define these variables as
described in the previous section.


  Sets the logging level.
  Levels include "panic", "fatal", "error", "warn", "info", and "debug".


  Sets the logging file.
  The default is `/tmp/xds-gdb.log`.


  Specifies to use native GDB mode rather than remote XDS mode.

- `XDS_PROJECT_ID`  *(mandatory in XDS mode)*

  The project ID you want to build.


  The relative path to the project.

- `XDS_SDK_ID`   *(mandatory in XDS mode)*

  Cross SDK ID to use to build project


  The local XDS agent URL.
  The default is `http://localhost:8800`.

## Configuration Using `XDS_CONFIG`

As mentioned, you can define configuration variables in
a file you point to with the `XDS_CONFIG` variable.
Here is an example:

XDS_CONFIG=/tmp/my_xds_gdb_config.env xds-gdb

Variables defined in this file overwrite any inherited
environment variables.
When you define a variable in the file, you can prefix the
assignment with the "export" string.
Doing so causes the variable to be exported to the environment.

Following is an example of a configuration file pointed
to by the `XDS_CONFIG` variable.
These commands create the `xds-gen3.conf` configuration file
in the `$MY_PROJECT_DIR` directory:

# MY_PROJECT_DIR=/home/seb/xds-workspace/helloworld-native-application
cat > $MY_PROJECT_DIR/xds-gen3.conf << EOF
export XDS_AGENT_URL=localhost:8800
export XDS_PROJECT_ID=4021617e-ced0-11e7-acd2-3c970e49ad9b
export XDS_SDK_ID=c226821b-b5c0-386d-94fe-19f807946d03

## Configuration Using GDB Init

GDB is a versatile debugger and can be run with many options.
One such option is to execute a GDB "init" file upon startup.
You do this by using the "--command" or "-x" command-line options
and providing the name of the init file.

<!-- section-note -->

- For information on debugging with GDB, see
  "[Debugging with GDB](https://www.sourceware.org/gdb/onlinedocs/gdb.html)".

- For information on GDB init files, see
  "[Command files](https://ftp.gnu.org/old-gnu/Manuals/gdb-5.1.1/html_node/gdb_190.html)".
<!-- end-section-note -->

When you create an init file, it must conform to the following
syntax (i.e. inclusion of what are normally commenting characters
as well as use of the `:XDS-ENV:` tag).

Following is an example init file that defines the `XDS_PROJECT_ID`
and `XDS_SDK_ID` variables:

     # :XDS-ENV: XDS_PROJECT_ID=4021617e-ced0-11e7-acd2-3c970e49ad9b
     # :XDS-ENV: XDS_SDK_ID=c226821b-b5c0-386d-94fe-19f807946d03