# Configuration Debug configuration (i.e. `xds-gdb`) is defined by variables. You can see the variables used further down in this section. You can set these variables using a number of methods: - Environment variables that are inherited. - Configuration file pointed to by the `XDS_CONFIG` environment variable (e.g. `XDS_CONFIG=/tmp/my_xds_gdb_config.env xds-gdb`). - A GDB "init" command file. - A "user" configuration file located in one of the following areas, which are order-dependent: 1. `$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)/.xds-gdb.env` 1. `$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)/../xds-gdb.env` 1. `$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)/target/xds-gdb.env` 1. `$(HOME)/.config/xds/xds-gdb.env` ## Configuration Variables This section describes the `XDS_*` configuration variables. As previously mentioned, you can define these variables as described in the previous section. - `XDS_LOGLEVEL` Sets the logging level. Levels include "panic", "fatal", "error", "warn", "info", and "debug". - `XDS_LOGFILE` Sets the logging file. The default is `/tmp/xds-gdb.log`. - `XDS_NATIVE_GDB` Specifies to use native GDB mode rather than remote XDS mode. - `XDS_PROJECT_ID` *(mandatory in XDS mode)* The project ID you want to build. - `XDS_RPATH` The relative path to the project. - `XDS_SDK_ID` *(mandatory in XDS mode)* Cross SDK ID to use to build project - `XDS_AGENT_URL` The local XDS agent URL. The default is `http://localhost:8800`. ## Configuration Using `XDS_CONFIG` As mentioned, you can define configuration variables in a file you point to with the `XDS_CONFIG` variable. Here is an example: ```bash XDS_CONFIG=/tmp/my_xds_gdb_config.env xds-gdb ``` Variables defined in this file overwrite any inherited environment variables. When you define a variable in the file, you can prefix the assignment with the "export" string. Doing so causes the variable to be exported to the environment. Following is an example of a configuration file pointed to by the `XDS_CONFIG` variable. These commands create the `xds-gen3.conf` configuration file in the `$MY_PROJECT_DIR` directory: ```bash # MY_PROJECT_DIR=/home/seb/xds-workspace/helloworld-native-application cat > $MY_PROJECT_DIR/xds-gen3.conf << EOF export XDS_AGENT_URL=localhost:8800 export XDS_PROJECT_ID=4021617e-ced0-11e7-acd2-3c970e49ad9b export XDS_SDK_ID=c226821b-b5c0-386d-94fe-19f807946d03 EOF ``` ## Configuration Using GDB Init GDB is a versatile debugger and can be run with many options. One such option is to execute a GDB "init" file upon startup. You do this by using the "--command" or "-x" command-line options and providing the name of the init file. <!-- section-note --> **NOTES:** - For information on debugging with GDB, see "[Debugging with GDB](https://www.sourceware.org/gdb/onlinedocs/gdb.html)". - For information on GDB init files, see "[Command files](https://ftp.gnu.org/old-gnu/Manuals/gdb-5.1.1/html_node/gdb_190.html)". <!-- end-section-note --> When you create an init file, it must conform to the following syntax (i.e. inclusion of what are normally commenting characters as well as use of the `:XDS-ENV:` tag). Following is an example init file that defines the `XDS_PROJECT_ID` and `XDS_SDK_ID` variables: ```bash # :XDS-ENV: XDS_PROJECT_ID=4021617e-ced0-11e7-acd2-3c970e49ad9b # :XDS-ENV: XDS_SDK_ID=c226821b-b5c0-386d-94fe-19f807946d03 ```