# Debugging

## XDS gdb architecture

This tool is written in *Go*.

+-- bin/                # where xds-gdb binary will be built
+-- gdb-XXX.go          # xds-gdb Go sources
+-- conf.d/             # Linux configuration and startup files (systemd user service)
+-- glide.yaml          # Go package dependency file
+-- LICENSE             # XDS gdb license
+-- main.go             # main entry point (Go)
+-- Makefile            # makefile including
+-- README.md           # readme
+-- scripts/            # hold various scripts used for installation
+-- vendor/             # temporary directory to hold Go dependencies packages

## Debug

Install first [Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/) and
[Go plugin](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=lukehoban.Go)
(`ext install lukehoban.Go`)

Visual Studio Code launcher settings can be found into `.vscode/launch.json`.

Please follow instructions of xds-agent [debugging chapter](../2_xds-agent/4_debug.html#debug-xds-agent-go-code),
knowing that you execute these same instructions in `xds-gdb` repo, in other words
by replacing *xds-agent* references by *xds-gdb*.