########################################################################### # Copyright 2017-2019 IoT.bzh # # author: Sebastien Douheret <sebastien@iot.bzh> # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ########################################################################### # Application Name TARGET=xds-gdb # Retrieve git tag/commit to set version & sub-version strings GIT_DESC := $(shell git describe --always --tags --match "[0-9]*") VERSION := $(firstword $(subst -, ,$(GIT_DESC))) ifeq (-,$(findstring -,$(GIT_DESC))) SUB_VERSION := $(subst $(VERSION)-,,$(GIT_DESC)) endif ifeq ($(VERSION), ) VERSION := unknown-dev endif ifeq ($(SUB_VERSION), ) SUB_VERSION := $(shell date +'%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S') endif # Configurable variables for installation (default /opt/AGL/...) ifeq ($(origin DESTDIR), undefined) DESTDIR := /opt/AGL/xds/gdb endif HOST_GOOS=$(shell go env GOOS) HOST_GOARCH=$(shell go env GOARCH) ARCH=$(HOST_GOOS)-$(HOST_GOARCH) REPOPATH=gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/src/xds/$(TARGET) EXT= ifeq ($(HOST_GOOS), windows) EXT=.exe endif mkfile_path := $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) ROOT_SRCDIR := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(mkfile_path))) ROOT_GOPRJ := $(abspath $(ROOT_SRCDIR)/../../../../../..) LOCAL_BINDIR := $(ROOT_SRCDIR)/bin LOCAL_TOOLSDIR := $(ROOT_SRCDIR)/tools/${HOST_GOOS} PACKAGE_DIR := $(ROOT_SRCDIR)/package PACKAGE_LIST=. export GO111MODULE=on export GOPATH := $(ROOT_GOPRJ):$(shell go env GOPATH) export PATH := $(PATH):$(LOCAL_TOOLSDIR) # Check Go version GOVERSION := $(shell go version |grep -o '[0-9\.]*'|head -n 1) GOVERMAJ := $(shell echo $(GOVERSION) |cut -f1 -d.) GOVERMIN := $(shell echo $(GOVERSION) |cut -f2 -d.) CHECKGOVER := $(shell [ $(GOVERMAJ) -gt 1 -o \( $(GOVERMAJ) -eq 1 -a $(GOVERMIN) -ge 12 \) ] && echo true) CHECKERRMSG := "ERROR: Go version 1.12 or higher is requested (current detected version: $(GOVERSION))." VERBOSE_1 := -v VERBOSE_2 := -v -x # Release or Debug mode ifeq ($(filter 1,$(RELEASE) $(REL)),) GO_LDFLAGS= # disable compiler optimizations and inlining GO_GCFLAGS=-N -l BUILD_MODE="Debug mode" else # optimized code without debug info GO_LDFLAGS=-s -w GO_GCFLAGS= BUILD_MODE="Release mode" endif # Build Package name (model: <target>_<arch>-<version>.<nb_commit_from_last_tag>.zip) ifeq (-g,$(findstring -g,$(GIT_DESC))) NB_COMMIT=$(firstword $(subst -, ,$(SUB_VERSION))) else NB_COMMIT=0 endif PACKAGE_ZIPFILE := $(TARGET)_$(ARCH)-$(VERSION).$(NB_COMMIT).zip .PHONY: all all: gomod build .PHONY: build build: checkgover @echo "### Build $(TARGET) (version $(VERSION), subversion $(SUB_VERSION) - $(BUILD_MODE))"; @cd $(ROOT_SRCDIR); $(BUILD_ENV_FLAGS) go build $(VERBOSE_$(V)) -i -o $(LOCAL_BINDIR)/$(TARGET)$(EXT) -ldflags "$(GO_LDFLAGS) -X main.AppVersion=$(VERSION) -X main.AppSubVersion=$(SUB_VERSION)" -gcflags "$(GO_GCFLAGS)" . .PHONY: test test: checkgorace go test --race . -v vet: go vet $(PACKAGE_LIST) fmt: go fmt $(PACKAGE_LIST) .PHONY: clean clean: rm -rf $(LOCAL_BINDIR)/* $(ROOT_SRCDIR)/debug $(ROOT_GOPRJ)/pkg/*/$(REPOPATH) $(PACKAGE_DIR) .PHONY: distclean distclean: clean (cd $(ROOT_SRCDIR) && rm -rf $(LOCAL_BINDIR) ./tools ./vendor ./*.zip) go clean -modcache .PHONY: clean-lock clean-lock: distclean (cd $(ROOT_SRCDIR) && rm -f ./go.sum) .PHONY: scripts scripts: @mkdir -p $(LOCAL_BINDIR) && cp -rf scripts/*.sh scripts/xds-utils $(LOCAL_BINDIR) .PHONY: release release: RELEASE=1 make -f $(ROOT_SRCDIR)/Makefile clean build package: clean vendor build @mkdir -p $(PACKAGE_DIR)/$(TARGET) @cp -a $(LOCAL_BINDIR)/*gdb$(EXT) $(PACKAGE_DIR)/$(TARGET) ifneq ($(GOOS), windows) @cp -r $(ROOT_SRCDIR)/conf.d $(ROOT_SRCDIR)/scripts $(PACKAGE_DIR)/$(TARGET) endif cd $(PACKAGE_DIR) && zip -r $(ROOT_SRCDIR)/$(PACKAGE_ZIPFILE) ./$(TARGET) .PHONY: package-all package-all: @echo "# Build linux amd64..." GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 RELEASE=1 make -f $(ROOT_SRCDIR)/Makefile package @echo "# Build windows amd64..." GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 RELEASE=1 make -f $(ROOT_SRCDIR)/Makefile package @echo "# Build darwin amd64..." GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 RELEASE=1 make -f $(ROOT_SRCDIR)/Makefile package make -f $(ROOT_SRCDIR)/Makefile clean .PHONY: install install: @test -e $(LOCAL_BINDIR)/$(TARGET)$(EXT) || { echo "Please execute first: make all\n"; exit 1; } export DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) && $(ROOT_SRCDIR)/scripts/install.sh .PHONY: uninstall uninstall: export DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) && $(ROOT_SRCDIR)/scripts/install.sh uninstall .PHONY: gomod gomod: go get gomod/debug: @echo "replace gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/src/xds/xds-common.git => $(ROOT_SRCDIR)/../xds-common" >> $(ROOT_SRCDIR)/go.mod @echo "replace gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/src/xds/xds-agent.git => $(ROOT_SRCDIR)/../xds-agent" >> $(ROOT_SRCDIR)/go.mod @echo "Add replace in go.mod file - done." vendor: gomod go mod vendor vendor/debug: vendor (cd vendor/gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/src/xds && \ rm -rf xds-common.git && ln -s ../../../../../../xds-common xds-common.git && \ rm -rf xds-agent.git && ln -s ../../../../../../xds-agent xds-agent.git) .PHONY: checkgover: @test "$(CHECKGOVER)" = "true" || { echo -e $(CHECKERRMSG); exit 1; } .PHONY: checkgorace: checkgover @ls $(shell go env GOROOT)/src/runtime/race/*.syso 1> /dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "ERROR: go-race package mandatory to run test. Please install it, for example: zypper install go-race"; exit 1; } .PHONY: help help: @echo "Main supported rules:" @echo " all (default)" @echo " build" @echo " release" @echo " package" @echo " install" @echo " uninstall" @echo " clean" @echo " distclean" @echo "" @echo "Influential make variables:" @echo " V - Build verbosity {0,1,2}." @echo " BUILD_ENV_FLAGS - Environment added to 'go build'."