# XDS - X(cross) Development System Server `xds-server` is a web server that allows user to remotely cross build applications. The first goal is to provide a multi-platform cross development tool with near-zero installation. The second goal is to keep application sources locally (on user's machine) to make it compatible with existing IT policies (e.g. corporate backup or SCM), and let user to continue to work as usual (use his favorite editor, keep performance while editing/browsing sources). This powerful and portable webserver (written in [Go](https://golang.org)) exposes a REST interface over HTTP and also provides a Web dashboard to configure projects and execute _(for now)_ only basics commands. `xds-server` uses [Syncthing](https://syncthing.net/) tool to synchronize projects files from user machine to build server machine or container. > **NOTE**: For now, only Syncthing sharing method is supported to synchronize projects files. But in a near future and for restricted configurations, `xds-server` will also support "standard" folder sharing (eg. nfs mount points or docker volumes). > **SEE ALSO**: [xds-exec](https://github.com/iotbzh/xds-exec), wrappers on `exec` commands that allows you to send commands to `xds-server` and for example build your application from command-line or from your favorite IDE (such as Netbeans or Visual Studio Code) through `xds-server`. ## How to run `xds-server` has been designed to easily compile and debug [AGL](https://www.automotivelinux.org/) applications. That's why `xds-server` has been integrated into AGL SDK docker container. >**NOTE** For more info about AGL SDK docker container, please refer to [AGL SDK Quick Setup](http://docs.automotivelinux.org/docs/getting_started/en/dev/reference/setup-sdk-environment.html) ### Get the container Load the pre-build AGL SDK docker image including `xds-server`: ```bash seb@laptop ~$ wget -O - http://iot.bzh/download/public/2017/XDS/docker/docker_agl_worker-xds-latest.tar.xz | docker load ``` ### List container You should get `docker.automotivelinux.org/agl/worker-xds:X.Y` image ```bash # List image that we just built seb@laptop ~$ docker images | grep worker-xds docker.automotivelinux.org/agl/worker-xds 3.99.1 786d65b2792c 6 days ago 602MB ``` ### Start xds-server within the container Use provided script to create a new docker image and start a new container: ```bash # Get script seb@laptop ~$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iotbzh/xds-server/master/scripts/xds-docker-create-container.sh # Create new XDS worker container seb@laptop ~$ bash ./xds-docker-create-container.sh # Check that new container is running seb@laptop ~$ docker ps | grep worker-xds b985d81af40c docker.automotivelinux.org/agl/worker-xds:3.99.1 "/usr/bin/wait_for..." 6 days ago Up 4 hours>8000/tcp,>69/udp,>10809/tcp,>22/tcp agl-xds-seb@laptop-0-seb ``` This container (ID=0) exposes following ports: - 8000 : `xds-server` to serve XDS Dashboard - 69 : TFTP - 2222 : ssh #### Manually setup docker user id If you plan to **use path-mapping sharing type for your projects**, you need to have the same user id and group id inside and outside docker. By default user and group name inside docker is set `devel` (id `1664`), use following commands to replace id `1664` with your user/group id: ```bash # Set docker container name to use (usually agl-xds-xxx where xxx is USERNAME@MACHINENAME-IDX-NAME) seb@laptop ~$ export CONTAINER_NAME=agl-xds-seb@laptop-0-seb # First stop xds-server seb@laptop ~$ docker exec ${CONTAINER_NAME} bash -c "systemctl stop xds-server" # Change user and group id inside docker to match your ids seb@laptop ~$ docker exec ${CONTAINER_NAME} bash -c "usermod -u $(id -u) devel" seb@laptop ~$ docker exec ${CONTAINER_NAME} bash -c "groupmod -g $(id -g) devel" # Update some files ownership seb@laptop ~$ docker exec ${CONTAINER_NAME} bash -c "chown -R devel:devel /home/devel /tmp/xds*" # Restart xds-server seb@laptop ~$ docker exec ${CONTAINER_NAME} bash -c "systemctl start xds-server" ``` ## Check if xds-server is running (open XDS Dashboard) **`xds-server` is automatically started** as a service on container startup. If the container is running on your localhost, you can access the web interface (what we call the "Dashboard"): ```bash seb@laptop ~$ xdg-open http://localhost:8000 ``` If needed you can status / stop / start it manually using following commands: ```bash # Log into docker container seb@laptop ~$ ssh -p 2222 devel@localhost # Status XDS server: devel@docker ~$ sudo systemctl status xds-server.service # Stop XDS server devel@docker ~$ sudo systemctl stop xds-server.service # Start XDS server devel@docker ~$ sudo systemctl start xds-server.service # Get XDS server logs devel@docker ~$ sudo journalctl --unit=xds-server.service --output=cat ``` ### Manually Start XDS server XDS server is started as a service by Systemd. ```bash /lib/systemd/system/xds-server.service ``` This Systemd service starts a bash script `/opt/AGL/xds/server/xds-server-start.sh` If you needed you can change default setting by defining specific environment variables in `/etc/default/xds-server`. For example to control log level, just set LOG_LEVEL env variable knowing that supported *level* are: panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug. ```bash seb@laptop ~$ ssh -p 2222 devel@localhost devel@docker ~$ echo 'LOG_LEVEL=debug' | sudo tee --append /etc/default/xds-server > /dev/null devel@docker ~$ sudo systemctl restart xds-server.service devel@docker ~$ tail -f /tmp/xds-server/logs/xds-server.log ``` ### Install SDK cross-toolchain `xds-server` uses cross-toolchain install into directory pointed by `sdkRootDir` setting (see configuration section below for more details). For now, you need to install manually SDK cross toolchain. There are not embedded into docker image by default because the size of these tarballs is too big. Use provided `install-agl-sdks` script, for example to install SDK for ARM64 and Intel corei7-64: ```bash seb@laptop ~$ ssh -p 2222 devel@localhost # Install ARM64 SDK (automatic download) devel@docker ~$ sudo /opt/AGL/xds/server/xds-utils/install-agl-sdks.sh --arch aarch64 # Install Intel corei7-64 SDK (using an SDK tarball that has been built or downloaded manually) devel@docker ~$ sudo /opt/AGL/xds/server/xds-utils/install-agl-sdks.sh --arch corei7-64 --file /tmp/poky-agl-glibc-x86_64-agl-demo-platform-crosssdk-corei7-64-toolchain- 3.99.1+snapshot.sh ``` ### XDS Dashboard `xds-server` serves a web-application at [http://localhost:8000](http://localhost:8000) when XDS server is running on your host. Just replace `localhost` by the host name or ip when XDS server is running on another host. So you can now connect your browser to this url and use what we call the **XDS dashboard**. ```bash xdg-open http://localhost:8000 ``` Then follow instructions provided by this dashboard, knowing that the first time you need to download and start `xds-agent` on your local machine. To download this tool, just click on download icon in dashboard configuration page or download one of `xds-agent` released tarball: [https://github.com/iotbzh/xds-agent/releases](https://github.com/iotbzh/xds-agent/releases). See also `xds-agent` [README file](https://github.com/iotbzh/xds-agent) for more details. ## Build xds-server from scratch ### Dependencies - Install and setup [Go](https://golang.org/doc/install) version 1.7 or higher to compile this tool. - Install [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/) - Install [gulp](http://gulpjs.com/) Ubuntu: ```bash sudo apt-get install golang npm curl git zip sudo npm install -g gulp-cli ``` openSUSE: ```bash sudo zypper install go npm git curl zip sudo npm install -g gulp-cli ``` Don't forget to open new user session after installing the packages. ### Building #### Native build Create a GOPATH variable(must be a full path): ```bash export GOPATH=$(realpath ~/workspace_go) ``` Clone this repo into your `$GOPATH/src/github.com/iotbzh` and use delivered Makefile: ```bash mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/iotbzh cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/iotbzh git clone https://github.com/iotbzh/xds-server.git cd xds-server make all ``` And to install `xds-server` (by default in `/opt/AGL/xds/server`): ```bash make install ``` >**NOTE:** Used `DESTDIR` to specify another install directory >```bash >make install DESTDIR=$HOME/opt/xds-server >``` #### XDS docker image As an alternative to a pre-build image, you can rebuild the container from scratch. `xds-server` has been integrated as a flavour of AGL SDK docker image. So to rebuild docker image just execute following commands: ```bash # Clone docker-worker-generator git repo git clone https://git.automotivelinux.org/AGL/docker-worker-generator # Start build that will create a docker image cd docker-worker-generator make build FLAVOUR=xds ``` ### Configuration `xds-server` configuration is driven by a JSON config file (`config.json`). Here is the logic to determine which `config.json` file will be used: 1. from command line option: `--config myConfig.json` 1. `$HOME/.xds-server/config.json` file 1. `/etc/xds-server/config.json` file 1. `/config.json` file Supported fields in configuration file are (all fields are optional and example below corresponds to the default values): - **httpPort** : HTTP port of client webapp / dashboard - **webAppDir** : location of client dashboard (default: webapp/dist) - **shareRootDir** : root directory where projects will be copied - **logsDir** : directory to store logs (eg. syncthing output) - **sdkRootDir** : root directory where cross SDKs are installed - **syncthing.binDir** : syncthing binaries directory (default: executable directory) - **syncthing.home"** : syncthing home directory (usually .../syncthing-config) - **syncthing.gui-address** : syncthing gui url (default http://localhost:8384) - **syncthing.gui-apikey** : syncthing api-key to use (default auto-generated) ```json { "httpPort": 8000, "webAppDir": "webapp/dist", "shareRootDir": "${HOME}/.xds-server/projects", "logsDir": "/tmp/logs", "sdkRootDir": "/xdt/sdk", "syncthing": { "binDir": "./bin", "home": "${HOME}/.xds-server/syncthing-config", "gui-address": "http://localhost:8384", "gui-apikey": "123456789", } } ``` >**NOTE:** environment variables are supported by using `${MY_VAR}` syntax. ## Debugging ### XDS server architecture The server part is written in *Go* and web app / dashboard (client part) in *Angular2*. ``` | +-- bin/ where xds-server binary file will be built | +-- agent-config.json.in example of config.json file | +-- glide.yaml Go package dependency file | +-- lib/ sources of server part (Go) | +-- main.go main entry point of of Web server (Go) | +-- Makefile makefile including | +-- README.md this readme | +-- scripts/ hold various scripts used for installation or startup | +-- tools/ temporary directory to hold development tools (like glide) | +-- vendor/ temporary directory to hold Go dependencies packages | +-- webapp/ source client dashboard (Angular2 app) ``` Visual Studio Code launcher settings can be found into `.vscode/launch.json`. ## TODO - replace makefile by build.go to make Windows build support easier - add more tests - add more documentation - add authentication / login (oauth) + HTTPS - enable syncthing user/password + HTTPS