package apiv1

import (




// MakeArgs is the parameters (json format) of /make command
type MakeArgs struct {
	ID         string `json:"id"`
	RPath      string `json:"rpath"`   // relative path into project
	Args       string `json:"args"`    // args to pass to make command
	SdkID      string `json:"sdkid"`   // sdk ID to use for setting env
	CmdTimeout int    `json:"timeout"` // command completion timeout in Second

// MakeOutMsg Message send on each output (stdout+stderr) of make command
type MakeOutMsg struct {
	CmdID     string `json:"cmdID"`
	Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"`
	Stdout    string `json:"stdout"`
	Stderr    string `json:"stderr"`

// MakeExitMsg Message send on make command exit
type MakeExitMsg struct {
	CmdID     string `json:"cmdID"`
	Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"`
	Code      int    `json:"code"`
	Error     error  `json:"error"`

// MakeOutEvent Event send in WS when characters are received on stdout/stderr
const MakeOutEvent = "make:output"

// MakeExitEvent Event send in WS when command exited
const MakeExitEvent = "make:exit"

var makeCommandID = 1

func (s *APIService) buildMake(c *gin.Context) {
	var args MakeArgs

	if c.BindJSON(&args) != nil {
		common.APIError(c, "Invalid arguments")

	sess := s.sessions.Get(c)
	if sess == nil {
		common.APIError(c, "Unknown sessions")
	sop := sess.IOSocket
	if sop == nil {
		common.APIError(c, "Websocket not established")

	// Allow to pass id in url (/make/:id) or as JSON argument
	id := c.Param("id")
	if id == "" {
		id = args.ID
	if id == "" {
		common.APIError(c, "Invalid id")

	prj := s.mfolder.GetFolderFromID(id)
	if prj == nil {
		common.APIError(c, "Unknown id")

	execTmo := args.CmdTimeout
	if execTmo == 0 {
		// TODO get default timeout from config.json file
		execTmo = 24 * 60 * 60 // 1 day

	cmd := "cd " + prj.GetFullPath(args.RPath) + " && make"
	if args.Args != "" {
		cmd += " " + args.Args

	// Define callback for output
	var oCB common.EmitOutputCB
	oCB = func(sid string, id int, stdout, stderr string) {
		// IO socket can be nil when disconnected
		so := s.sessions.IOSocketGet(sid)
		if so == nil {
			s.log.Infof("%s not emitted: WS closed - sid: %s - msg id:%d", MakeOutEvent, sid, id)
		s.log.Debugf("%s emitted - WS sid %s - id:%d", MakeOutEvent, sid, id)

		// FIXME replace by .BroadcastTo a room
		err := (*so).Emit(MakeOutEvent, MakeOutMsg{
			CmdID:     strconv.Itoa(id),
			Timestamp: time.Now().String(),
			Stdout:    stdout,
			Stderr:    stderr,
		if err != nil {
			s.log.Errorf("WS Emit : %v", err)

	// Define callback for output
	eCB := func(sid string, id int, code int, err error) {
		s.log.Debugf("Command [Cmd ID %d] exited: code %d, error: %v", id, code, err)

		// IO socket can be nil when disconnected
		so := s.sessions.IOSocketGet(sid)
		if so == nil {
			s.log.Infof("%s not emitted - WS closed (id:%d", MakeExitEvent, id)

		// FIXME replace by .BroadcastTo a room
		e := (*so).Emit(MakeExitEvent, MakeExitMsg{
			CmdID:     strconv.Itoa(id),
			Timestamp: time.Now().String(),
			Code:      code,
			Error:     err,
		if e != nil {
			s.log.Errorf("WS Emit : %v", e)

	cmdID := makeCommandID

	// Retrieve env command regarding Sdk ID
	if envCmd := s.sdks.GetEnvCmd(args.SdkID, prj.DefaultSdk); envCmd != "" {
		cmd = envCmd + " && " + cmd

	s.log.Debugf("Execute [Cmd ID %d]: %v", cmdID, cmd)
	err := common.ExecPipeWs(cmd, sop, sess.ID, cmdID, execTmo, s.log, oCB, eCB)
	if err != nil {
		common.APIError(c, err.Error())

			"status": "OK",
			"cmdID":  cmdID,