/* * module-agl-audio -- PulseAudio module for providing audio routing support * (forked from "module-murphy-ivi" - https://github.com/otcshare ) * Copyright (c) 2012, Intel Corporation. * Copyright (c) 2016, IoT.bzh * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License, * version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301 USA. * */ #include /* required for "core-util.h" */ #include /* requred for "pa_streq" */ #include /* required for "card.h" */ #include /* for "struct pa_card", "struct pa_card_profile" */ #include "discover.h" #include "node.h" #include "utils.h" #include "classify.h" #include "router.h" #define MAX_CARD_TARGET 4 /* max number of managed sinks/sources per card */ #define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 256 /* max sink/source name length */ static void handle_alsa_card (struct userdata *, pa_card *); static void handle_alsa_card_sinks_and_sources (struct userdata *, pa_card *, agl_node *, const char *); static void get_sinks_and_sources_from_profile (pa_card_profile *, char **, char **, char *, int); static char *get_sink_or_source_from_str (char **, int); static void handle_card_ports (struct userdata *, agl_node *, pa_card *, pa_card_profile *); static const char *node_key (struct userdata *, agl_direction, void *, pa_device_port *, char *, size_t); static agl_node *create_node (struct userdata *, agl_node *, bool *); struct pa_discover *pa_discover_init (struct userdata *u) { pa_discover *discover = pa_xnew0 (pa_discover, 1); discover->chmin = 1; discover->chmax = 2; discover->selected = true; discover->nodes.byname = pa_hashmap_new (pa_idxset_string_hash_func, pa_idxset_string_compare_func); discover->nodes.byptr = pa_hashmap_new (pa_idxset_trivial_hash_func, pa_idxset_trivial_compare_func); return discover; } void pa_discover_done (struct userdata *u) { pa_discover *discover; void *state; agl_node *node; if (u && (discover = u->discover)) { /*PA_HASHMAP_FOREACH(node, discover->nodes.byname, state) { agl_node_destroy(u, node); }*/ pa_hashmap_free (discover->nodes.byname); pa_hashmap_free (discover->nodes.byptr); pa_xfree (discover); u->discover = NULL; } } void pa_discover_add_card (struct userdata *u, pa_card *card) { const char *bus; pa_assert(u); pa_assert(card); if (!(bus = pa_utils_get_card_bus (card))) { pa_log_debug ("ignoring card '%s' due to lack of '%s' property", pa_utils_get_card_name (card), PA_PROP_DEVICE_BUS); return; } if (pa_streq(bus, "pci") || pa_streq(bus, "usb") || pa_streq(bus, "platform")) { pa_log_debug ("adding card '%s' thanks to its '%s' property", pa_utils_get_card_name (card), PA_PROP_DEVICE_BUS); pa_log_debug ("card type is '%s'", bus); handle_alsa_card (u, card); return; } /* this never happens, because "pa_utils_get_card_bus()" never returns "bluetooth", * but have this here as a reminder */ #if 0 else if (pa_streq(bus, "bluetooth")) { handle_bluetooth_card(u, card); return; } #endif pa_log_debug ("ignoring card '%s' due to unsupported bus type '%s'", pa_utils_get_card_name (card), bus); } void pa_discover_remove_card (struct userdata *u, pa_card *card) { const char *bus; pa_discover *discover; agl_node *node; void *state; pa_assert (u); pa_assert (card); pa_assert_se (discover = u->discover); if (!(bus = pa_utils_get_card_bus(card))) bus = ""; /*PA_HASHMAP_FOREACH(node, discover->nodes.byname, state) { if (node->implement == agl_device && node->pacard.index == card->index) { if (pa_streq(bus, "pci") || pa_streq(bus, "usb") || pa_streq(bus, "platform")) agl_constrain_destroy (u, node->paname); destroy_node(u, node); }*/ /* this never happens, because "pa_utils_get_card_bus()" never returns "bluetooth", * but have this here as a reminder */ #if 0 if (pa_streq(bus, "bluetooth")) agl_constrain_destroy(u, card->name); #endif } void pa_discover_add_sink (struct userdata *u, pa_sink *sink, bool route) { pa_core *core; pa_discover *discover; pa_module *module; pa_card *card; char kbf[256]; const char *key; agl_node *node; pa_source *null_source; pa_assert (u); pa_assert (sink); pa_assert_se (core = u->core); pa_assert_se (discover = u->discover); module = sink->module; card = sink->card; if (card) { /* helper function verifying that sink direction is input/output */ key = node_key (u, agl_output, sink, NULL, kbf, sizeof(kbf)); if (!key) return; pa_log_debug ("Sink key: %s", key); node = pa_discover_find_node_by_key (u, key); if (!node) { /* ALWAYS NULL, IF CALL "handle_card_ports" FROM "handle_alsa_card" !!! */ if (u->state.profile) pa_log_debug ("can't find node for sink (key '%s')", key); else { /* how do we get here ? not in initial setup */ u->state.sink = sink->index; pa_log_debug ("BUG ! Did you call handle_card_ports() ?"); } return; } pa_log_debug("node for '%s' found (key %s). Updating with sink data", node->paname, node->key); node->paidx = sink->index; node->available = true; pa_discover_add_node_to_ptr_hash (u, sink, node); #if 0 /* loopback part : it is a device node, use "module-loopback" to make its */ if (node->implement == agl_device) { null_source = pa_utils_get_null_source (u); if (!null_source) { pa_log ("Can't load loopback module: no initial null source"); return; } } #endif } } static void handle_alsa_card (struct userdata *u, pa_card *card) { agl_node data; const char *cnam; /* PulseAudio name */ const char *cid; /* short PulseAudio name (with "alsa_name." stripped) */ const char *alsanam; /* ALSA name */ const char *udd; /* managed by udev ("1" = yes) */ memset (&data, 0, sizeof(data)); data.zone = pa_utils_get_zone (card->proplist, NULL); data.visible = true; data.amid = AM_ID_INVALID; data.implement = agl_device; /* this node is a physical device */ data.paidx = PA_IDXSET_INVALID; data.stamp = pa_utils_get_stamp (); /* each time incremented by one */ cnam = pa_utils_get_card_name (card); /* PulseAudio name */ cid = cnam + 10; /* PulseAudio short name, with "alsa_card." prefix removed */ alsanam = pa_proplist_gets (card->proplist, "alsa.card_name"); /* ALSA name */ udd = pa_proplist_gets (card->proplist, "module-udev-detect.discovered"); data.amdescr = (char *)alsanam; data.pacard.index = card->index; pa_log_debug ("Sound card zone: %s", data.zone); pa_log_debug ("Sound card stamp: %d", data.stamp); pa_log_debug ("PulseAudio card name: %s", cnam); pa_log_debug ("PulseAudio short card name: %s", cid); pa_log_debug ("ALSA card name: %s", alsanam); if (udd) pa_log_debug ("ALSA card detected by udev: %s", udd); /* WITH THE TIZEN MODULE, ONLY UDEV-MANAGED CARDS ARE ACCEPTED * NO MATTER, TREAT STATIC CARDS THE SAME WAY HERE.. */ /*if (!udd || (udd && !pa_streq(udd, "1")) pa_log_debug ("Card not accepted, not managed by udev\n");*/ handle_alsa_card_sinks_and_sources (u, card, &data, cid); } ; static void handle_alsa_card_sinks_and_sources (struct userdata *u, pa_card *card, agl_node *data, const char *cardid) { pa_discover *discover; /* discovery restrictions (max channels...) */ pa_card_profile *prof; void *state; char *sinks[MAX_CARD_TARGET+1]; /* discovered sinks array */ char *sources[MAX_CARD_TARGET+1]; /* discovered sources array */ char namebuf[MAX_NAME_LENGTH+1]; /* discovered sink/source name buf.*/ const char *alsanam; char paname[MAX_NAME_LENGTH+1]; char amname[MAX_NAME_LENGTH+1]; int i, j, k; pa_assert (card); pa_assert (card->profiles); pa_assert_se (discover = u->discover); alsanam = pa_proplist_gets (card->proplist, "alsa.card_name"); data->paname = paname; data->amname = amname; data->amdescr = (char *)alsanam; data->pacard.index = card->index; PA_HASHMAP_FOREACH(prof, card->profiles, state) { /* TODO : skip selected profile here */ /* skip profiles withoutqx sinks/sources */ if (!prof->n_sinks && !prof->n_sources) continue; /* skip profiles with too few/many channels */ if (prof->n_sinks && (prof->max_sink_channels < discover->chmin || prof->max_sink_channels > discover->chmax)) continue; if (prof->n_sources && (prof->max_source_channels < discover->chmin || prof->max_source_channels > discover->chmax)) continue; /* VALID PROFILE, STORE IT */ pa_log_debug ("Discovered valid profile: %s", prof->name); data->pacard.profile = prof->name; /* NOW FILLING SINKS/SOURCE ARRAYS WITH PROFILE DATA */ get_sinks_and_sources_from_profile (prof, sinks, sources, namebuf, sizeof(namebuf)); /* OUTPUT DIRECTION, SINKS */ data->direction = agl_output; data->channels = prof->max_sink_channels; for (i = 0; sinks[i]; i++) { pa_log_debug ("Discovered valid sink #%s on card %s", sinks[i], cardid); snprintf(paname, sizeof(paname), "alsa_output.%s.%s", cardid, sinks[i]); handle_card_ports(u, data, card, prof); } /* INPUT DIRECTION, SOURCES */ data->direction = agl_input; data->channels = prof->max_source_channels; for (i = 0; sources[i]; i++) { pa_log_debug ("Discovered valid source #%s on card %s", sources[i], cardid); snprintf(paname, sizeof(paname), "alsa_input.%s.%s", cardid, sinks[i]); handle_card_ports(u, data, card, prof); } } } static void get_sinks_and_sources_from_profile (pa_card_profile *prof, char **sinks, char **sources, char *buf, int buflen) { char *p = buf; int i = 0; int j = 0; pa_assert (prof->name); strncpy (buf, prof->name, (size_t)buflen); buf[buflen-1] = '\0'; memset (sinks, 0, sizeof(char *) * (MAX_CARD_TARGET+1)); memset (sources, 0, sizeof(char *) * (MAX_CARD_TARGET+1)); do { if (!strncmp (p, "output:", 7)) { if (i >= MAX_CARD_TARGET) { pa_log_debug ("number of outputs exeeds the maximum %d in " "profile name '%s'", MAX_CARD_TARGET, prof->name); return; } sinks[i++] = get_sink_or_source_from_str (&p, 7); } else if (!strncmp (p, "input:", 6)) { if (j >= MAX_CARD_TARGET) { pa_log_debug ("number of inputs exeeds the maximum %d in " "profile name '%s'", MAX_CARD_TARGET, prof->name); return; } sources[j++] = get_sink_or_source_from_str (&p, 6); } else { pa_log ("%s: failed to parse profile name '%s'", __FILE__, prof->name); return; } } while (*p); } static char *get_sink_or_source_from_str (char **string_ptr, int offs) { char c, *name, *end; name = *string_ptr + offs; for (end = name; (c = *end); end++) { if (c == '+') { *end++ = '\0'; break; } } *string_ptr = end; return name; } static void handle_card_ports (struct userdata *u, agl_node *data, pa_card *card, pa_card_profile *prof) { agl_node *node = NULL; pa_device_port *port; void *state; bool created; bool have_ports = false; char key[MAX_NAME_LENGTH+1]; const char *amname = data->amname; pa_assert (u); pa_assert (data); pa_assert (card); pa_assert (prof); if (card->ports) { PA_HASHMAP_FOREACH (port, card->ports, state) { if (port->profiles && pa_hashmap_get (port->profiles, prof->name) && ((port->direction == PA_DIRECTION_INPUT && data->direction == agl_input)|| (port->direction == PA_DIRECTION_OUTPUT && data->direction == agl_output))) { have_ports = true; snprintf (key, sizeof(key), "%s@%s", data->paname, port->name); data->key = key; data->available = (port->available != PA_AVAILABLE_NO); data->type = 0; data->amname = amname; data->paport = port->name; printf ("Key : %s\n", key); /* this is needed to fill the "port->type" field */ //pa_classify_node_by_card (data, card, prof, port); /* this is needed to complete the "pa_discover_add_sink" first pass */ node = create_node (u, data, &created); } } } amname = ""; data->amname = amname; } static const char *node_key (struct userdata *u, agl_direction direction, void *data, pa_device_port *port, char *buf, size_t len) { char *type; /* "sink" or "source" */ const char *name; /* sink or source name */ pa_card *card; pa_card_profile *profile; const char *profile_name; const char *bus; char *key = NULL; pa_assert (u); pa_assert (data); pa_assert (buf); pa_assert (direction == agl_input || direction == agl_output); if (direction == agl_output) { pa_sink *sink = data; type = pa_xstrdup ("sink"); name = pa_utils_get_sink_name (sink); card = sink->card; if (!port) port = sink->active_port; } else { pa_source *source = data; type = pa_xstrdup ("source"); name = pa_utils_get_source_name (source); card = source->card; if (!port) port = source->active_port; } pa_log_debug ("Node type (sink/source): %s", type); pa_log_debug ("Node name: %s", name); if (!card) return NULL; pa_assert_se (profile = card->active_profile); if (!u->state.profile) { pa_log_debug ("profile is now '%s'", profile->name); profile_name = profile->name; } else { pa_log_debug ("state.profile is not null. '%s' supresses '%s'", u->state.profile, profile->name); profile_name = u->state.profile; } if (!(bus = pa_utils_get_card_bus (card))) { pa_log_debug ("ignoring card '%s' due to lack of '%s' property", pa_utils_get_card_name (card), PA_PROP_DEVICE_BUS); return NULL; } if (pa_streq(bus, "pci") || pa_streq(bus, "usb") || pa_streq(bus, "platform")) { if (!port) key = (char *)name; else { key = buf; snprintf (buf, len, "%s@%s", name, port->name); } } /* we do not handle Bluetooth yet, and the function never returns it */ /*else if (pa_streq(bus, "bluetooth")) { }*/ return (const char *)key; } agl_node *pa_discover_find_node_by_key (struct userdata *u, const char *key) { pa_discover *discover; agl_node *node; pa_assert (u); pa_assert_se (discover = u->discover); if (key) node = pa_hashmap_get (discover->nodes.byname, key); else node = NULL; return node; } void pa_discover_add_node_to_ptr_hash (struct userdata *u, void *ptr, agl_node *node) { pa_discover *discover; pa_assert (u); pa_assert (ptr); pa_assert (node); pa_assert_se (discover = u->discover); pa_hashmap_put (discover->nodes.byptr, ptr, node); } static agl_node *create_node (struct userdata *u, agl_node *data, bool *created_ret) { pa_discover *discover; agl_node *node; bool created; pa_assert (u); pa_assert (data); pa_assert (data->key); pa_assert (data->paname); pa_assert_se (discover = u->discover); if ((node = pa_hashmap_get (discover->nodes.byname, data->key))) { pa_log_debug ("No need to create this node"); created = false; } else { pa_log_debug ("Creating new node"); node = agl_node_create (u, data); pa_hashmap_put (discover->nodes.byname, node->key, node); /* TODO: registering the new node to the Optional router daemon */ /* if (node->available) pa_audiomgr_register_node (u, node); */ created = true; } if (created_ret) *created_ret = created; return node; } void pa_discover_add_source (struct userdata *u, pa_source *source) { static pa_nodeset_resdef def_resdef = {0, {0, 0}}; pa_core *core; pa_discover *discover; pa_module *module; pa_card *card; const char *key; char kbf[256]; agl_node *node; pa_assert (u); pa_assert (source); pa_assert_se (core = u->core); pa_assert_se (discover = u->discover); module = source->module; card = source->card; if (card) { /* helper function verifying that sink direction is input/output */ key = node_key (u, agl_input, source, NULL, kbf, sizeof(kbf)); if (!key) return; pa_log_debug ("Source key: %s", key); node = pa_discover_find_node_by_key (u, key); if (!node) { /* VERIFY IF THIS WORKS */ if (u->state.profile) pa_log_debug ("can't find node for source (key '%s')", key); else { /* how do we get here ? not in initial setup */ u->state.source = source->index; pa_log_debug ("BUG !"); } return; } pa_log_debug("node for '%s' found (key %s). Updating with source data", node->paname, node->key); node->paidx = source->index; node->available = true; pa_discover_add_node_to_ptr_hash (u, source, node); } } bool pa_discover_preroute_sink_input(struct userdata *u, pa_sink_input_new_data *data) { pa_core *core; pa_sink *sink; pa_source *source; pa_discover *discover; pa_nodeset *nodeset; pa_proplist *pl; agl_node *node; pa_assert (u); pa_assert (data); pa_assert_se (core = u->core); pa_assert_se (discover = u->discover); pa_assert_se (nodeset = u->nodeset); pa_assert_se (pl = data->proplist); /* is there an existing matching node ? */ node = agl_node_get_from_data (u, agl_input, data); if (!node) { /* create node */ node = agl_node_create (u, NULL); node->direction = agl_input; node->implement = agl_stream; node->type = pa_classify_guess_stream_node_type (u, pl); node->visible = true; node->available = true; node->ignore = true; /* gets ignored initially */ node->paname = pa_proplist_gets (pl, PA_PROP_APPLICATION_NAME); node->client = data->client; /* add to global nodeset */ pa_idxset_put (nodeset->nodes, node, &node->index); } /* create NULL sink */ if (!node->nullsink) node->nullsink = pa_utils_create_null_sink (u, u->nsnam); if (!node->nullsink) return false; /* redirect sink input to NULL sink */ sink = pa_utils_get_null_sink (u, node->nullsink); if (pa_sink_input_new_data_set_sink (data, sink, false)) pa_log_debug ("set sink %u for new sink-input", sink->index); else pa_log ("can't set sink %u for new sink-input", sink->index); return true; } void pa_discover_register_sink_input (struct userdata *u, pa_sink_input *sinp) { pa_core *core; pa_discover *discover; pa_proplist *pl, *client_proplist; const char *media; const char *name; const char *role; agl_node_type type; agl_node node_data, *node; char key[256]; pa_sink *sink; pa_assert (u); pa_assert (sinp); pa_assert_se (core = u->core); pa_assert_se (discover = u->discover); pa_assert_se (pl = sinp->proplist); media = pa_proplist_gets (sinp->proplist, PA_PROP_MEDIA_NAME); if (media) { /* special treatment for combine/loopback streams */ pa_log_debug ("Stream may me combine/loopback, in this case we should ignore it, but use it for now"); /* return; */ } name = pa_utils_get_sink_input_name (sinp); client_proplist = sinp->client ? sinp->client->proplist : NULL; pa_log_debug ("registering input stream '%s'", name); /* we could autodetect sink type by using: * - PA_PROP_APPLICATION_PROCESS_ID; * - PA_PROP_APPLICATION_PROCESS_BINARY; * - PA_PROP_APPLICATION_NAME; * - ... but let us assume "agl_player" for now */ type = agl_player; /* this sets our routing properties on the sink, which are : * #define PA_PROP_ROUTING_CLASS_NAME "routing.class.name" * #define PA_PROP_ROUTING_CLASS_ID "routing.class.id" * #define PA_PROP_ROUTING_METHOD "routing.method" */ pa_utils_set_stream_routing_properties (pl, type, NULL); /* we now create a new node for this sink */ memset (&node_data, 0, sizeof(node_data)); node_data.key = key; node_data.direction = agl_input; node_data.implement = agl_stream; node_data.channels = sinp->channel_map.channels; node_data.type = type; node_data.zone = pa_utils_get_zone (sinp->proplist, client_proplist); node_data.visible = true; node_data.available = true; node_data.amname = pa_proplist_gets (pl, "resource.set.appid"); node_data.amdescr = pa_proplist_gets (pl, PA_PROP_MEDIA_NAME); node_data.amid = AM_ID_INVALID; node_data.paname = (char *)name; node_data.paidx = sinp->index; /*node_data.rset.id = pa_utils_get_rsetid (pl, idbuf, sizeof(idbuf));*/ role = pa_proplist_gets (sinp->proplist, PA_PROP_MEDIA_ROLE); /* MAIN PREROUTING DONE HERE ! (this was failing in the samples) */ /*sink = mir_router_make_prerouting (u, &data, &sinp->channel_map, role, &target);*/ node = create_node (u, &node_data, NULL); pa_assert (node); pa_discover_add_node_to_ptr_hash (u, sinp, node); /* if (sink && target) { pa_log_debug ("move stream to sink %u (%s)", sink->index, sink->name); if (pa_sink_input_move_to (sinp, sink, false) < 0) pa_log ("failed to route '%s' => '%s'",node->amname,target->amname); else pa_audiomgr_add_default_route (u, node, target); }*/ } void pa_discover_register_source_output (struct userdata *u, pa_source_output *sout) { pa_core *core; pa_discover *discover; pa_proplist *pl, *client_proplist; const char *media; const char *name; const char *role; agl_node_type type; agl_node node_data, *node; char key[256]; pa_source *source; pa_assert (u); pa_assert (sout); pa_assert_se (core = u->core); pa_assert_se (discover = u->discover); pa_assert_se (pl = sout->proplist); media = pa_proplist_gets (sout->proplist, PA_PROP_MEDIA_NAME); if (media) { /* special treatment for loopback streams (not combine as with sinks !) */ pa_log_debug ("Stream may me loopback, in this case we should ignore it, but use it for now"); /* return; */ } /* TODO : contrary to "pa_discover_register_sink_input", this function is always called * even if we do not find PA_PROP_MEDIA_NAME (see above). */ //pa_utils_set_stream_routing_properties (pl, type, NULL); name = pa_utils_get_source_output_name (sout); client_proplist = sout->client ? sout->client->proplist : NULL; pa_log_debug("registering output stream '%s'", name); } void pa_discover_add_sink_input (struct userdata *u, pa_sink_input *sinp) { pa_core *core; agl_node *node; pa_assert (u); pa_assert (sinp); pa_assert_se (core = u->core); if (!sinp->client) return; /* is there an existing matching node ? */ node = agl_node_get_from_client (u, sinp->client); if (!node) return; /* start the default routing */ implement_default_route (u, node, NULL, pa_utils_new_stamp ()); }