/** * @licence app begin@ * * * TBD * * * @licence end@ */ /******************************************************************************* ** ** ** SRC-MODULE: ** ** ** ** TARGET : linux ** ** ** ** PROJECT : waltham-server ** ** ** ** AUTHOR : ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** PURPOSE : This file acts as interface to waltham IPC library ** ** ** ** REMARKS : ** ** ** ** PLATFORM DEPENDANT [yes/no]: yes ** ** ** ** TO BE CHANGED BY USER [yes/no]: no ** ** ** *******************************************************************************/ #include "wth-server-waltham-comm.h" extern int wth_server_weston_main(struct window *); extern void wth_server_weston_shm_attach(struct window *, uint32_t data_sz, void * data, int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t stride, uint32_t format); extern void wth_server_weston_shm_damage(struct window *); extern void wth_server_weston_shm_commit(struct window *); extern bool get_verbosity(void); extern int verbose; /* * utility functions */ static int watch_ctl(struct watch *w, int op, uint32_t events) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct epoll_event ee; ee.events = events; ee.data.ptr = w; wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); return epoll_ctl(w->server->epoll_fd, op, w->fd, &ee); } static void client_post_out_of_memory(struct client *c) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct wth_display *disp; disp = wth_connection_get_display(c->connection); wth_object_post_error((struct wth_object *)disp, 1, "out of memory"); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); } /* * waltham surface implementation */ static void surface_destroy(struct surface *surface) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); wth_verbose("surface %p destroy\n", surface->obj); wthp_surface_free(surface->obj); wl_list_remove(&surface->link); free(surface); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); } static void surface_handle_destroy(struct wthp_surface *wthp_surface) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct surface *surface = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_surface); assert(wthp_surface == surface->obj); surface_destroy(surface); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); } static void surface_handle_attach(struct wthp_surface *wthp_surface, struct wthp_buffer *wthp_buffer, int32_t x, int32_t y) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct buffer *buffr = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_buffer); struct surface *surf = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_surface); struct buffer *buf = NULL; buf = container_of(wthp_buffer, struct buffer, obj); if (surf->ivi_id != 0) { wth_server_weston_shm_attach(surf->shm_window, buf->data_sz, buf->data, buf->width, buf->height, buf->stride, buf->format); wthp_buffer_send_complete(wthp_buffer, 0); } wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); } static void surface_handle_damage(struct wthp_surface *wthp_surface, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); wth_verbose("surface %p damage(%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", wthp_surface, x, y, width, height); struct surface *surf = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_surface); if (surf->ivi_id != 0) { wth_server_weston_shm_damage(surf->shm_window); } wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); } static void surface_handle_frame(struct wthp_surface *wthp_surface, struct wthp_callback *callback) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct surface *surf = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_surface); wth_verbose("surface %p callback(%p)\n",wthp_surface, callback); surf->cb = callback; wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); } static void surface_handle_set_opaque_region(struct wthp_surface *wthp_surface, struct wthp_region *region) { wth_verbose("surface %p set_opaque_region(%p)\n", wthp_surface, region); } static void surface_handle_set_input_region(struct wthp_surface *wthp_surface, struct wthp_region *region) { wth_verbose("surface %p set_input_region(%p)\n", wthp_surface, region); } static void surface_handle_commit(struct wthp_surface *wthp_surface) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct surface *surf = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_surface); wth_verbose("commit %p\n",wthp_surface); if (surf->ivi_id != 0) { wth_server_weston_shm_commit(surf->shm_window); } wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); } static void surface_handle_set_buffer_transform(struct wthp_surface *wthp_surface, int32_t transform) { wth_verbose("surface %p et_buffer_transform(%d)\n", wthp_surface, transform); } static void surface_handle_set_buffer_scale(struct wthp_surface *wthp_surface, int32_t scale) { wth_verbose("surface %p set_buffer_scale(%d)\n", wthp_surface, scale); } static void surface_handle_damage_buffer(struct wthp_surface *wthp_surface, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height) { wth_verbose("surface %p damage_buffer(%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", wthp_surface, x, y, width, height); } static const struct wthp_surface_interface surface_implementation = { surface_handle_destroy, surface_handle_attach, surface_handle_damage, surface_handle_frame, surface_handle_set_opaque_region, surface_handle_set_input_region, surface_handle_commit, surface_handle_set_buffer_transform, surface_handle_set_buffer_scale, surface_handle_damage_buffer }; /* BEGIN wthp_region implementation */ static void buffer_handle_destroy(struct wthp_buffer *wthp_buffer) { struct buffer *buf = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_buffer); wthp_buffer_free(wthp_buffer); wl_list_remove(&buf->link); free(buf); } static const struct wthp_buffer_interface buffer_implementation = { buffer_handle_destroy }; /* END wthp_region implementation */ /* BEGIN wthp_blob_factory implementation */ static void blob_factory_create_buffer(struct wthp_blob_factory *blob_factory, struct wthp_buffer *wthp_buffer, uint32_t data_sz, void *data, int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t stride, uint32_t format) { struct blob_factory *blob = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)blob_factory); struct buffer *buffer; wth_verbose("wthp_blob_factory %p create_buffer(%p, %d, %p, %d, %d, %d, %d)\n", blob_factory, wthp_buffer, data_sz, data, width, height, stride, format); buffer = zalloc(sizeof *buffer); if (!buffer) { client_post_out_of_memory(blob->client); return; } wl_list_insert(&blob->client->buffer_list, &buffer->link); buffer->data_sz = data_sz; buffer->data = data; buffer->width = width; buffer->height = height; buffer->stride = stride; buffer->format = format; buffer->obj = wthp_buffer; wthp_buffer_set_interface(wthp_buffer, &buffer_implementation, buffer); } static const struct wthp_blob_factory_interface blob_factory_implementation = { blob_factory_create_buffer }; static void client_bind_blob_factory(struct client *c, struct wthp_blob_factory *obj) { struct blob_factory *blob; blob = zalloc(sizeof *blob); if (!blob) { client_post_out_of_memory(c); return; } blob->obj = obj; blob->client = c; wl_list_insert(&c->compositor_list, &blob->link); wthp_blob_factory_set_interface(obj, &blob_factory_implementation, blob); fprintf(stderr, "client %p bound wthp_blob_factory\n", c); } /* * waltam ivi surface implementation */ static void wthp_ivi_surface_destroy(struct wthp_ivi_surface * ivi_surface) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct ivisurface *ivisurf = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)ivi_surface); free(ivisurf); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); } static const struct wthp_ivi_surface_interface wthp_ivi_surface_implementation = { wthp_ivi_surface_destroy, }; /* * waltham ivi application implementation */ static void wthp_ivi_application_surface_create(struct wthp_ivi_application * ivi_application, uint32_t ivi_id, struct wthp_surface * wthp_surface, struct wthp_ivi_surface *obj) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); wth_verbose("ivi_application %p surface_create(%d, %p, %p)\n", ivi_application, ivi_id, wthp_surface, obj); struct application *app = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)ivi_application); struct surface *surface = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_surface); wth_verbose("----------------------------------\n\n\n"); wth_verbose("surface [%p]\n", surface); wth_verbose("shm_window [%p]\n\n\n", surface->shm_window); wth_verbose("----------------------------------\n"); surface->ivi_id = ivi_id + 100; surface->shm_window->id_ivisurf = surface->ivi_id; struct ivisurface *ivisurf; ivisurf = zalloc(sizeof *ivisurf); if (!ivisurf) { return; } ivisurf->obj = obj; ivisurf->surf = surface; wth_server_weston_main(surface->shm_window); while (!surface->shm_window->ready) usleep(1); wthp_ivi_surface_set_interface(obj, &wthp_ivi_surface_implementation, ivisurf); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); } static const struct wthp_ivi_application_interface wthp_ivi_application_implementation = { wthp_ivi_application_surface_create, }; static void client_bind_wthp_ivi_application(struct client *c, struct wthp_ivi_application *obj) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct application *app; app = zalloc(sizeof *app); if (!app) { client_post_out_of_memory(c); return; } app->obj = obj; app->client = c; wl_list_insert(&c->compositor_list, &app->link); wthp_ivi_application_set_interface(obj, &wthp_ivi_application_implementation, app); wth_verbose("client %p bound wthp_ivi_application\n", c); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); } /* * APIs to send pointer events to waltham client */ void waltham_pointer_enter(struct window *window, uint32_t serial, wl_fixed_t sx, wl_fixed_t sy) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct surface *surface = window->server_surf; struct seat *seat = window->server_seat; struct pointer *pointer = seat->pointer; wth_verbose("waltham_pointer_enter [%d]\n", window->server_surf->ivi_id); wthp_pointer_send_enter (pointer->obj, serial, surface->obj, sx, sy); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); return; } void waltham_pointer_leave(struct window *window, uint32_t serial) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct surface *surface = window->server_surf; struct seat *seat = window->server_seat; struct pointer *pointer = seat->pointer; wth_verbose("waltham_pointer_leave [%d]\n", window->server_surf->ivi_id); wthp_pointer_send_leave (pointer->obj, serial, surface->obj); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); return; } void waltham_pointer_motion(struct window *window, uint32_t time, wl_fixed_t sx, wl_fixed_t sy) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct surface *surface = window->server_surf; struct seat *seat = window->server_seat; struct pointer *pointer = seat->pointer; wthp_pointer_send_motion (pointer->obj, time, sx, sy); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); return; } void waltham_pointer_button(struct window *window, uint32_t serial, uint32_t time, uint32_t button, uint32_t state) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct surface *surface = window->server_surf; struct seat *seat = window->server_seat; struct pointer *pointer = seat->pointer; wthp_pointer_send_button (pointer->obj, serial, time, button, state); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); return; } void waltham_pointer_axis(struct window *window, uint32_t time, uint32_t axis, wl_fixed_t value) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct surface *surface = window->server_surf; struct seat *seat = window->server_seat; struct pointer *pointer = seat->pointer; wthp_pointer_send_axis (pointer->obj, time, axis, value); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); return; } /* * waltham pointer implementation */ static void pointer_set_cursor(struct wthp_pointer *wthp_pointer, int32_t serial, struct wthp_surface *surface, int32_t hotspot_x, int32_t hotspot_y) { struct pointer *pointer = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_pointer); wth_verbose("wthp_pointer %p (%d, %p, %d, %d)\n", wthp_pointer, serial, surface, hotspot_x, hotspot_y); } static void pointer_release(struct wthp_pointer *wthp_pointer) { struct pointer *pointer = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_pointer); wth_verbose("wthp_pointer %p\n",wthp_pointer); } static const struct wthp_pointer_interface pointer_implementation = { pointer_set_cursor, pointer_release }; /* * APIs to send touch events to waltham client */ void waltham_touch_down(struct window *window, uint32_t serial, uint32_t time, int32_t id, wl_fixed_t x_w, wl_fixed_t y_w) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct surface *surface = window->server_surf; struct seat *seat = window->server_seat; struct touch *touch = seat->touch; wth_verbose("touch_handle_down surface [%d]\n", surface->ivi_id); wthp_touch_send_down(touch->obj, serial, time, surface->obj, id, x_w, y_w); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); return; } void waltham_touch_up(struct window *window, uint32_t serial, uint32_t time, int32_t id) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct seat *seat = window->server_seat; struct touch *touch = seat->touch; wthp_touch_send_up(touch->obj, serial, time, id); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); return; } void waltham_touch_motion(struct window *window, uint32_t time, int32_t id, wl_fixed_t x_w, wl_fixed_t y_w) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct seat *seat = window->server_seat; struct touch *touch = seat->touch; wthp_touch_send_motion(touch->obj, time, id, x_w, y_w); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); return; } void waltham_touch_frame(struct window *window) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct seat *seat = window->server_seat; struct touch *touch = seat->touch; wthp_touch_send_frame(touch->obj); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); return; } void waltham_touch_cancel(struct window *window) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct seat *seat = window->server_seat; struct touch *touch = seat->touch; wthp_touch_send_cancel(touch->obj); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); return; } /* * waltham touch implementation */ static void touch_release(struct wthp_touch *wthp_touch) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct touch *touch = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_touch); wth_verbose("%p\n",wthp_touch); } static const struct wthp_touch_interface touch_implementation = { touch_release, }; /* * waltham seat implementation */ static void seat_get_pointer(struct wthp_seat *wthp_seat, struct wthp_pointer *wthp_pointer) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); wth_verbose("wthp_seat %p get_pointer(%p)\n", wthp_seat, wthp_pointer); struct seat *seat = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_seat); struct pointer *pointer; pointer = zalloc(sizeof *pointer); if (!pointer) { client_post_out_of_memory(seat->client); return; } pointer->obj = wthp_pointer; pointer->seat = seat; seat->pointer = pointer; wl_list_insert(&seat->client->pointer_list, &pointer->link); wthp_pointer_set_interface(wthp_pointer, &pointer_implementation, pointer); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); } static void seat_get_touch(struct wthp_seat *wthp_seat, struct wthp_touch *wthp_touch) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); wth_verbose("wthp_seat %p get_touch(%p)\n", wthp_seat, wthp_touch); struct seat *seat = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_seat); struct touch *touch; touch = zalloc(sizeof *touch); if (!touch) { client_post_out_of_memory(seat->client); return; } touch->obj = wthp_touch; touch->seat = seat; seat->touch = touch; wl_list_insert(&seat->client->touch_list, &touch->link); wthp_touch_set_interface(wthp_touch, &touch_implementation, touch); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); } static void seat_release(struct wthp_seat *wthp_seat) { } static const struct wthp_seat_interface seat_implementation = { seat_get_pointer, NULL, seat_get_touch, seat_release, NULL }; static void seat_send_updated_caps(struct seat *seat) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); enum wthp_seat_capability caps = 0; caps |= WTHP_SEAT_CAPABILITY_POINTER; wth_verbose("WTHP_SEAT_CAPABILITY_POINTER %d\n", caps); caps |= WTHP_SEAT_CAPABILITY_TOUCH; wth_verbose("WTHP_SEAT_CAPABILITY_TOUCH %d\n", caps); wthp_seat_send_capabilities(seat->obj, caps); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); } static void client_bind_seat(struct client *c, struct wthp_seat *obj) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct seat *seat; seat = zalloc(sizeof *seat); if (!seat) { client_post_out_of_memory(c); return; } seat->obj = obj; seat->client = c; wl_list_insert(&c->seat_list, &seat->link); wth_verbose("wthp_seat object=%p and seat=%p\n",obj,seat); wthp_seat_set_interface(obj, &seat_implementation, seat); wth_verbose("client %p bound wthp_seat\n", c); seat_send_updated_caps(seat); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); } /* * waltham region implementation */ static void region_destroy(struct region *region) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); wth_verbose("region %p destroy\n", region->obj); wthp_region_free(region->obj); wl_list_remove(®ion->link); free(region); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); } static void region_handle_destroy(struct wthp_region *wthp_region) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct region *region = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wthp_region); assert(wthp_region == region->obj); region_destroy(region); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); } static void region_handle_add(struct wthp_region *wthp_region, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height) { wth_verbose("region %p add(%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", wthp_region, x, y, width, height); } static void region_handle_subtract(struct wthp_region *wthp_region, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height) { wth_verbose("region %p subtract(%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", wthp_region, x, y, width, height); } static const struct wthp_region_interface region_implementation = { region_handle_destroy, region_handle_add, region_handle_subtract }; /* * waltham compositor implementation */ static void compositor_destroy(struct compositor *comp) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); wth_verbose("%s: %p\n", __func__, comp->obj); wthp_compositor_free(comp->obj); wl_list_remove(&comp->link); free(comp); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); } static void compositor_handle_create_surface(struct wthp_compositor *compositor, struct wthp_surface *id) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct compositor *comp = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)compositor); struct client *client = comp->client; struct surface *surface; struct seat *seat, *tmp; wth_verbose("client %p create surface %p\n", comp->client, id); surface = zalloc(sizeof *surface); if (!surface) { client_post_out_of_memory(comp->client); return; } surface->obj = id; wl_list_insert(&comp->client->surface_list, &surface->link); wthp_surface_set_interface(id, &surface_implementation, surface); surface->shm_window = calloc(1, sizeof *surface->shm_window); if (!surface->shm_window) return; surface->shm_window->server_surf = surface; surface->shm_window->ready = false; surface->ivi_id = 0; wl_list_for_each_safe(seat, tmp, &client->seat_list, link) { surface->shm_window->server_seat = seat; } wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); } static void compositor_handle_create_region(struct wthp_compositor *compositor, struct wthp_region *id) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct compositor *comp = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)compositor); struct region *region; wth_verbose("client %p create region %p\n", comp->client, id); region = zalloc(sizeof *region); if (!region) { client_post_out_of_memory(comp->client); return; } region->obj = id; wl_list_insert(&comp->client->region_list, ®ion->link); wthp_region_set_interface(id, ®ion_implementation, region); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); } static const struct wthp_compositor_interface compositor_implementation = { compositor_handle_create_surface, compositor_handle_create_region }; static void client_bind_compositor(struct client *c, struct wthp_compositor *obj) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct compositor *comp; comp = zalloc(sizeof *comp); if (!comp) { client_post_out_of_memory(c); return; } comp->obj = obj; comp->client = c; wl_list_insert(&c->compositor_list, &comp->link); wthp_compositor_set_interface(obj, &compositor_implementation, comp); wth_verbose("client %p bound wthp_compositor\n", c); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); } /* * waltham registry implementation */ static void registry_destroy(struct registry *reg) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); wth_verbose("%s: %p\n", __func__, reg->obj); wthp_registry_free(reg->obj); wl_list_remove(®->link); free(reg); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); } static void registry_handle_destroy(struct wthp_registry *registry) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct registry *reg = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)registry); registry_destroy(reg); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); } static void registry_handle_bind(struct wthp_registry *registry, uint32_t name, struct wth_object *id, const char *interface, uint32_t version) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct registry *reg = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)registry); wth_verbose("Recieved registry : %s\n", interface); if (strcmp(interface, "wthp_compositor") == 0) { client_bind_compositor(reg->client, (struct wthp_compositor *)id); } else if (strcmp(interface, "wthp_blob_factory") == 0) { client_bind_blob_factory(reg->client, (struct wthp_blob_factory *)id); struct client *client = reg->client; struct seat *seat, *tmp,*get_seat; wl_list_for_each_safe(seat, tmp, &client->seat_list, link) { get_seat = seat; } wth_verbose("get_seat : %p\n", get_seat); seat_send_updated_caps(get_seat); } else if (strcmp(interface, "wthp_ivi_application") == 0) { client_bind_wthp_ivi_application(reg->client, (struct wthp_ivi_application *)id); } else if (strcmp(interface, "wthp_seat") == 0) { client_bind_seat(reg->client, (struct wthp_seat *)id); } else { wth_object_post_error((struct wth_object *)registry, 0, "%s: unknown name %u", __func__, name); wth_object_delete(id); } wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); } static const struct wthp_registry_interface registry_implementation = { registry_handle_destroy, registry_handle_bind }; /* * waltham display implementation */ static void display_handle_client_version(struct wth_display *wth_display, uint32_t client_version) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); wth_object_post_error((struct wth_object *)wth_display, 0, "unimplemented: %s", __func__); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); } static void display_handle_sync(struct wth_display * wth_display, struct wthp_callback * callback) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct client *c = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wth_display); wth_verbose("Client %p requested wth_display.sync\n", c); wthp_callback_send_done(callback, 0); wthp_callback_free(callback); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); } static void display_handle_get_registry(struct wth_display *wth_display, struct wthp_registry *registry) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct client *c = wth_object_get_user_data((struct wth_object *)wth_display); struct registry *reg; reg = zalloc(sizeof *reg); if (!reg) { client_post_out_of_memory(c); return; } reg->obj = registry; reg->client = c; wl_list_insert(&c->registry_list, ®->link); wthp_registry_set_interface(registry, ®istry_implementation, reg); wthp_registry_send_global(registry, 1, "wthp_compositor", 4); wthp_registry_send_global(registry, 1, "wthp_ivi_application", 1); wthp_registry_send_global(registry, 1, "wthp_seat", 4); wthp_registry_send_global(registry, 1, "wthp_blob_factory", 4); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); } const struct wth_display_interface display_implementation = { display_handle_client_version, display_handle_sync, display_handle_get_registry }; /* * functions to handle waltham client connections */ static void connection_handle_data(struct watch *w, uint32_t events) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct client *c = container_of(w, struct client, conn_watch); int ret; if (events & EPOLLERR) { wth_error("Client %p errored out.\n", c); client_destroy(c); return; } if (events & EPOLLHUP) { wth_error("Client %p hung up.\n", c); client_destroy(c); return; } if (events & EPOLLOUT) { ret = wth_connection_flush(c->connection); if (ret == 0) watch_ctl(&c->conn_watch, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, EPOLLIN); else if (ret < 0 && errno != EAGAIN){ wth_error("Client %p flush error.\n", c); client_destroy(c); return; } } if (events & EPOLLIN) { ret = wth_connection_read(c->connection); if (ret < 0) { wth_error("Client %p read error.\n", c); client_destroy(c); return; } ret = wth_connection_dispatch(c->connection); if (ret < 0 && errno != EPROTO) { wth_error("Client %p dispatch error.\n", c); client_destroy(c); return; } } wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); } /** * client_create * * Create new client connection * * @param srv Server structure * @param wth_connection Waltham connection handle * @return Pointer to client structure */ static struct client * client_create(struct server *srv, struct wth_connection *conn) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct client *c; struct wth_display *disp; c = zalloc(sizeof *c); if (!c) return NULL; c->server = srv; c->connection = conn; c->conn_watch.server = srv; c->conn_watch.fd = wth_connection_get_fd(conn); c->conn_watch.cb = connection_handle_data; if (watch_ctl(&c->conn_watch, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, EPOLLIN) < 0) { free(c); return NULL; } wth_verbose("Client %p connected.\n", c); wl_list_insert(&srv->client_list, &c->link); wl_list_init(&c->registry_list); wl_list_init(&c->compositor_list); wl_list_init(&c->seat_list); wl_list_init(&c->pointer_list); wl_list_init(&c->touch_list); wl_list_init(&c->region_list); wl_list_init(&c->surface_list); wl_list_init(&c->buffer_list); disp = wth_connection_get_display(c->connection); wth_display_set_interface(disp, &display_implementation, c); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); return c; } /** * client_destroy * * Destroy client connection * * @param names struct client *c * @param value client data * @return none */ void client_destroy(struct client *c) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct region *region; struct compositor *comp; struct registry *reg; struct surface *surface; wth_verbose("Client %p disconnected.\n", c); /* clean up remaining client resources in case the client * did not. */ wl_list_last_until_empty(region, &c->region_list, link) region_destroy(region); wl_list_last_until_empty(comp, &c->compositor_list, link) compositor_destroy(comp); wl_list_last_until_empty(reg, &c->registry_list, link) registry_destroy(reg); wl_list_last_until_empty(surface, &c->surface_list, link) surface_destroy(surface); wl_list_remove(&c->link); watch_ctl(&c->conn_watch, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, 0); wth_connection_destroy(c->connection); free(c); wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); } /** * server_flush_clients * * write all the pending requests from the clients to socket * * @param names struct server *srv * @param value socket connection info and client data * @return none */ void server_flush_clients(struct server *srv) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct client *c, *tmp; int ret; wl_list_for_each_safe(c, tmp, &srv->client_list, link) { /* Flush out buffered requests. If the Waltham socket is * full, poll it for writable too. */ ret = wth_connection_flush(c->connection); if (ret < 0 && errno == EAGAIN) { watch_ctl(&c->conn_watch, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT); } else if (ret < 0) { perror("Connection flush failed"); client_destroy(c); return; } } wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); } /** * server_accept_client * * Accepts new waltham client connection and instantiates client structure * * @param names struct server *srv * @param value socket connection info and client data * @return none */ void server_accept_client(struct server *srv) { wth_verbose("%s >>> \n",__func__); struct client *client; struct wth_connection *conn; struct sockaddr_in addr; socklen_t len; len = sizeof addr; conn = wth_accept(srv->listen_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &len); if (!conn) { wth_error("Failed to accept a connection.\n"); return; } client = client_create(srv, conn); if (!client) { wth_error("Failed client_create().\n"); return; } wth_verbose(" <<< %s \n",__func__); }