/** */ package rba.core.impl; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import rba.core.ContentValue; import rba.core.ExpressionType; import rba.core.RBACorePackage; /** * An implementation of the model object 'Content Value'. * * @generated */ public class ContentValueImpl extends AllocatableOperatorImpl implements ContentValue { /** * * @generated */ protected ContentValueImpl() { super(); } /** * * @generated */ @Override protected EClass eStaticClass() { return RBACorePackage.Literals.CONTENT_VALUE; } /** * * @generated */ public String getSymbol() { return ".contentValue()"; } /** * * @generated */ public ExpressionType getUnderlyingType() { return ExpressionType.VALUE; } /** * * @generated */ @Override public Object eInvoke(int operationID, EList arguments) throws InvocationTargetException { switch (operationID) { case RBACorePackage.CONTENT_VALUE___GET_SYMBOL: return getSymbol(); case RBACorePackage.CONTENT_VALUE___GET_UNDERLYING_TYPE: return getUnderlyingType(); } return super.eInvoke(operationID, arguments); } } // ContentValueImpl