/** */ package rba.sound; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EFactory; /** * * The Factory for the model. * It provides a create method for each non-abstract class of the model. * * @see rba.sound.RBASoundPackage * @generated */ public interface RBASoundFactory extends EFactory { /** * The singleton instance of the factory. * * * @generated */ RBASoundFactory eINSTANCE = rba.sound.impl.RBASoundFactoryImpl.init(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Sound Content'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Sound Content'. * @generated */ SoundContent createSoundContent(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Sound Content Set'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Sound Content Set'. * @generated */ SoundContentSet createSoundContentSet(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Sound Content State'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Sound Content State'. * @generated */ SoundContentState createSoundContentState(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Zone'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Zone'. * @generated */ Zone createZone(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Zone Set'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Zone Set'. * @generated */ ZoneSet createZoneSet(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Is Sounding'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Is Sounding'. * @generated */ IsSounding createIsSounding(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Is Outputted'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Is Outputted'. * @generated */ IsOutputted createIsOutputted(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Is Muted'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Is Muted'. * @generated */ IsMuted createIsMuted(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Is Attenuated'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Is Attenuated'. * @generated */ IsAttenuated createIsAttenuated(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Outputting Sound'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Outputting Sound'. * @generated */ OutputtingSound createOutputtingSound(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'All Instance Of Zone'. * * * @return a new object of class 'All Instance Of Zone'. * @generated */ AllInstanceOfZone createAllInstanceOfZone(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'All Instance Of Sound Content'. * * * @return a new object of class 'All Instance Of Sound Content'. * @generated */ AllInstanceOfSoundContent createAllInstanceOfSoundContent(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Is Outputted On'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Is Outputted On'. * @generated */ IsOutputtedOn createIsOutputtedOn(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Is Changed Output'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Is Changed Output'. * @generated */ IsChangedOutput createIsChangedOutput(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Is Translated Sound To'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Is Translated Sound To'. * @generated */ IsTranslatedSoundTo createIsTranslatedSoundTo(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Mute Lower Priority'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Mute Lower Priority'. * @generated */ MuteLowerPriority createMuteLowerPriority(); /** * Returns the package supported by this factory. * * * @return the package supported by this factory. * @generated */ RBASoundPackage getRBASoundPackage(); } //RBASoundFactory