# RBA Interface Specification ### Version 1.0 ### 2020/02/28
### Table of Contents ​[**1. Purpose of this document**](#anchor0) ​[**2. Arbitration Policy Type class**](#anchor1) 2.1. Definition name 2.2. Overview 2.3. Class member [**3. Arbitrator Logic class**](#anchor2) 3.1. Definition name 3.2. Overview 3.3. Class member [**4. Area class**](#anchor3) 4.1. Definition name 4.2. Overview 4.3. Class member [**5. Base Point class**](#anchor4) 5.1. Definition name 5.2. Overview 5.3. Class member [**6. Content Loser Type class**](#anchor5) 6.1. Definition name 6.2. Overview 6.3. Class member [**7. Display class**](#anchor6) 7.1. Definition name 7.2. Overview 7.3. Class member [**8. Json Parser class**](#anchor7) 8.1. Definition name 8.2. Overview 8.3. Class member [**9. Model class**](#anchor8) 9.1. Definition name 9.2. Overview 9.3. Class member [**10. Position Container class**](#anchor9) 10.1. Definition name 10.2. Overview 10.3. Class member [**11. Result class**](#anchor10) 11.1. Definition name 11.2. Overview 11.3. Class member [**12. Arbitration Result Status Type class**](#anchor11) 12.1. Definition name 12.2. Overview 12.3. Class member [**13. Scene class**](#anchor12) 13.1. Definition name 13.2. Overview 13.3. Class member [**14. Size class**](#anchor13) 14.1. Definition name 14.2. Overview 14.3. Class member [**15. Sound Content class**](#anchor14) 15.1. Definition name 15.2. Overview 15.3. Class member [**16. Sound Content State class**](#anchor15) 16.1. Definition name 16.2. Overview 16.3. Class member [**17. View Action class**](#anchor16) 17.1. Definition name 17.2. Overview 17.3. Class member [**18. View Action Type class**](#anchor17) 18.1. Definition name 18.2. Overview 18.3. Class member [**19. View Content class**](#anchor18) 19.1. Definition name 19.2. Overview 19.3. Class member [**20. View Content State class**](#anchor19) 20.1. Definition name 20.2. Overview 20.3. Class member [**21. Zone class**](#anchor20) 21.1. Definition name 21.2. Overview 21.3. Class member
# **1. Purpose** This document describes the interface specifications for RBA(Rule -based Arbitration). Chapter 2 explains each interface.
# **2. Arbitration Policy Type class** **2.1. Definition name** RBAArbitrationPolicy : std::uint8_t **2.2. Overview** Type of arbitration policy. **2.3. Class member** **DEFAULT** @brief Same as PRIORITY_LAST_COME_FIRST. **FIRST_COME_FIRST** @brief First Come First Arbitration. @details Give priority to first come request. **LAST_COME_FIRST** @brief Last Come First Arbitration. @details Give priority to last come request. **PRIORITY_FIRST_COME_FIRST** @brief Priority and First Come First Arbitration. @details Follow the Priority of Contents. If same priority then give priority to first come request. **PRIORITY_LAST_COME_FIRST** @brief Priority and Last Come First Arbitration. @details Follow the Priority of Contents. If same priority then give priority to last come request.
# **3. Arbitrator Logic class** **3.1. Definition name** DLL_EXPORT RBAArbitrator **3.2. Overview** An object that performs arbitration processing based on rules generated from a model. Set the model generated using rba::RBAJsonParser in the constructor. **3.3. Class member** **RBAArbitrator(RBAModel\* newModel);** @brief Arbitrator logic constructor. @param newModel Processing model. The model is generated by rba::RBAJsonParser. **virtual ~RBAArbitrator() noexcept;** @brief Arbitrator logic destructor. **void setModel(RBAModel\* newModel);** @brief Sets the model for arbitration. The model is generated by rba::RBAJsonParser. @param newModel The model for arbitration. @details Replace the model with newModel. An arbitrator has only one model at all times. Model can be generated by using rba::RBAJsonParser. nullptr can not be set. **const RBAModel\* getModel() const;** @brief Returns the model for arbitration. @return The model for arbitration. @details Because the arbitrator always has a model, this API never returns nullptr. **void initialize(std::list\& contexts);** @brief Set initial requirements of contents and scenes. @param contexts Context list of contents and scenes requests. Following is the structure of context name. / Example of context name: TEL/Calling TPMS/NORMAL AutoDriveScene You can omit "/ " if content has only one state. @details After arbitrator creation or calling clearArbitration(), you can set initial state of contents and scenes for first arbitration. This API does not execute arbitration. The information of arbitration result will be empty. Don't call this API after starting arbitration until calling clearArbitration(). **Example** ```cpp RBAJsonParser parser; rba::RBAModel* model = parser.parse(JSONFILE_PATH); rba::RBAArbitrator* arb = new rba::RBAArbitrator(model); std::list\ defaultContents = { "CONTENT_A/NORMAL", "CONTENT_B/NORMAL", "CONTENT_C/NORMAL", "CONTENT_D/NORMAL", }; arb->initialize(defaultContents); std::unique_ptr\ result = arb->execute(); ``` **std::unique_ptr\ execute(const std::string& contextName="", bool require=true);** @brief Executes arbitration with one requirement. @param contextName Context string of arbitration request. Display request or sound request : "/" If the content has only one state, the \ can be omitted. Scene request : "" @param require true : request displaying / outputting content or scene on (default) false : withdraw a request or scene off. @return The result of arbitration. @details Execute Arbitration with one requirement of a content or scene without properties. The arbitration result as the return value will be generated at every arbitration and will not be changed by another arbitration. Context indicates a content state or a scene. If the content or scene is not defined in the model, the arbitration will not executed and the state of the arbitration result will be UNKNWON_CONTENT_STATE. In this case, other property values are undefined. If the context is empty, this API just execute arbitration. **Exapmle** ```cpp RBAJsonParser parser; rba::RBAModel* model = parser.parse(JSONFILE_PATH); rba::RBAArbitrator* arb = new rba::RBAArbitrator(model); std::unique_ptr\ result = arb->execute("CONTENT_A/NORMAL", true); if (result->getStatusType() != rba::RBAResultStatusType::SUCCESS) { std::cout << "ERROR: Unknown context" << std::endl; } ``` **std::unique_ptr\ execute(std::list\& contexts, bool require=true);** @brief Executes arbitration with multiple requirements. @param contexts List of contexts. @param require true : request displaying / outputting content or scene on (default) false : withdraw a request or scene off. @return The result of arbitration. @details Execute Arbitration with multiple requirements of contents or scenes. Contents and Scenes can be mixed in the list. Display / Outputting request and withdraw request, scene on and scene off request can not be mixed. The arbitration result as the return value will be generated at every arbitration and will not be changed by another arbitration. Context indicates a content state or a scene. If the content or scene is not defined in the model, the arbitration will not executed and the state of the arbitration result will be UNKNWON_CONTENT_STATE. In this case, other property values are undefined. If the context is empty, this API just execute arbitration. Request order is the with the list. Beginning of the list will be treated as the first coming request. **Exapmle** ```cpp RBAJsonParser parser; rba::RBAModel* model = parser.parse(JSONFILE_PATH); rba::RBAArbitrator* arb = new rba::RBAArbitrator(model); std::list\ contents = { "CONTENT_A/NORMAL", "CONTENT_B/NORMAL", "CONTENT_C/NORMAL", "CONTENT_D/NORMAL", }; std::unique_ptr\ result = arb->execute(contents, true); if (result->getStatusType() != rba::RBAResultStatusType::SUCCESS) { std::cout << "ERROR: Unknown context" << std::endl; } ``` **std::unique_ptr\ execute(const std::string& sceneName, std::list\>& properties);** @brief Executes arbitration with a requirement of scene and scene properties. @param sceneName The Scene name of arbitration reauest. @param properties The list of pairs of property name and value. @return The result of arbitration. @details Sets the scene indicated by sceneName to the property specified by properties, and execute arbitration processing. If sceneName is empty, this API just execute arbitration. If the required scene is not defined in the model, the arbitration will not executed and the state of the arbitration result will be UNKNWON_CONTENT_STATE. Even If there is a property not defined in the model, the arbitration will be executed. @note You cannot set scene off and property at the same time, by this API. Use setScene() to set scene off and properties, and then call execute(const std::string&,bool) without specifying arguments. Or Use setScene() to set properties, and then call execute(scene name,false). **Example** ```cpp RBAJsonParser parser; rba::RBAModel* model = parser.parse(JSONFILE_PATH); rba::RBAArbitrator* arb = new rba::RBAArbitrator(model); std::list> properties; properties.push_back(std::make_pair("Prop1", 10)); properties.push_back(std::make_pair("Prop2", 20)); std::unique_ptr result = arb->execute("Scene1", properties); if (result->getStatusType() != rba::RBAResultStatusType::SUCCESS) { std::cout << "ERROR: Unknown context" << std::endl; } ``` **std::unique_ptr\ setResultContentState(const std::string& allocatableName, const std::string& contextName);** @brief Replaces the result of arbitration. @param allocatableName Area or zone name. @param contextName Context string of arbitration request. @return The result of arbitration. @details Replace allocated a content state to area or zone of the last arbitration result. If the allocatableName or contextName is undefined, return the errror code from the method getStatusType() of result. If the contextName is non-active, activate the content request. This API execute the "Request handling on lost" process and the "Execution expression" process, and doesn't execute the check of constraint expression process. Therefore, this API can lead the result that does not satisfy the constraints. If the specified area or zone by allocatableName is hidden, mute or attenuated, these statuses will be kept. @deprecated Because there is a possibility that the result does not satisfy the constraints, please use execute() instead of this API. **Example** ```cpp RBAJsonParser parser; rba::RBAModel* model = parser.parse(JSONFILE_PATH); rba::RBAArbitrator* arb = new rba::RBAArbitrator(model); std::unique_ptr\ result = arb->execute("CONTENT_A/NORMAL", true); std::unique_ptr\ result_replaced = arb->setResultContentState("AREA_A", "CONTENT_B/NORMAL"); if (result_replaced->getStatusType() != rba::RBAResultStatusType::SUCCESS) { std::cout << "ERROR" << std::endl; } ``` **std::unique_ptr\ cancelArbitration();** @brief Cancel last arbitration. @return The result of arbitration. @details Cancel last arbitration and restore internal state immediately. This API returns the restored result but the ViewActions will be empty. Do not execute this function more than once continuously. In that case, an error occurs. Even when executed without performing arbitration processing, an error occurs. In case of error, the status of the arbitration result is set to CANCEL_ERROR. **Example** ```cpp RBAJsonParser parser; rba::RBAModel* model = parser.parse(JSONFILE_PATH); rba::RBAArbitrator* arb = new rba::RBAArbitrator(model); std::unique_ptr\ result = arb->execute("CONTENT_A/NORMAL", true); std::unique_ptr\ result_back = arb->cancelArbitration(); if (result_replaced->getStatusType() != rba::RBAResultStatusType::SUCCESS) { std::cout << "ERROR" << std::endl; } ``` **void clearArbitration();** @brief Clear internal states of arbitration. @details Initialize internal states of arbitration (ex. Previous arbitration result, request of content states, etc...) and set to the initial state. @note This API is intended for setting up initial state of unit tests. **Example** ```cpp std::unique_ptr\ result1 = arb->execute("CONTENT_A/NORMAL", true); std::unique_ptr\ result2 = arb->execute("CONTENT_B/NORMAL", true); // reset display requests arb->clearArbitration(); std::unique_ptr\ result2 = arb->execute("CONTENT_C/NORMAL", true); std::unique_ptr\ result3 = arb->execute("CONTENT_D/NORMAL", true); ``` **bool setScene(const std::string& sceneName, bool require, std::list>& properties);** @brief Sets scene ON/OFF requests and properties. @param sceneName The Scene name of arbitration reauest. @param require true : Valid request false : Invalid request @param properties The pair of property name and value. @return true: Success false: Unknown scene @details Sets the scene indicated by sceneName to the property specified by properties, and without execute arbitration processing. Returns true if the scene set succeeded. If an unknown scene name is specified, false is returned. @note This API is intended for setting up initial state of unit tests or setting global scene and scene properties. **Example** ```cpp std::list> props; props.push_back(std::make_pair("PropertyA", 10); props.push_back(std::make_pair("PropertyB", -3); res = arb->setScene("SCENE_A", true, props); if (res == false) { // Unknwon scene } ``` **bool setContentState(const std::string& contextName, bool require);** @brief Sets content requests or scene ON/OFF request. @param contextName Context string of arbitration request. @param require true : request displaying / outputting content or scene on (default) false : withdraw a request or scene off. @return true: Success false: Unknown context @details Sets a display request for the context without arbitration. Returns true if the request setting is succeeded. If an unknown context name is specified, false is returned. @note This API is intended for setting up initial state of unit tests. While initialize() has only the function to turn on the request, this API can turn off the request. It is used for switch of each requests when initialization setting of unit test. **Example** ```cpp res = arb->setContentState("ContentA/NORMAL", true); if (res == false) { // Unknwon context } ``` **bool setAllocatableResult(const std::string& allocatableName, const std::string& contextName);** @brief Allocates content state to area or zone. @param allocatableName Name of area or zone. @param contextName Context string of content state. contextName : "/" If the content has only one state, the \ can be omitted. @return true: Success false: Unknown area, zone or context @details Allocates the content state to the area or zone. Arbitration and post arbitration will not be executed. The display / outputting request of the specified content state will be active. The statuses of hidden, mute and attenuated will not be changed. Returns true if the request setting is succeeded. If an unknown context name is specified, false is returned. @note This API is intended for setting up initial state of unit tests. In setResultContentState(), in addition to content state assignment, evaluation of the action determination process at the time of arbitration losing and control execution expression is performed, whereas in this API only content state assignment is performed. @deprecated Since there is a possibility of contradiction with the constraint, it is recommended not to use it except unit test. **Example** ```cpp res = arb->setAllocatableResult("AreaA", "ContentA/NORMAL"); if (res == false) { // Unknwon area, zone or context } ```
# **4. Area class** **4.1. Definition name** DLL_EXPORT RBAArea **4.2. Overview** Defines a Frame for displaying the view content. At run time, at most one view content is allocated to one area. **4.3. Class member** **virtual std::string getName() const=0;** @brief Returns the name of the area. @return Area name. **virtual std::int32_t getX() const=0;** @brief Returns the x-axis value of the base point of the area. @return X-axis Value of the base point. **virtual std::int32_t getY() const=0;** @brief Returns the y-axis value of the base point of the area. @return Y-axis Value of the base point. **virtual std::int32_t getZorder() const=0;** @brief Returns the z-order value. An area with a large z-order value is displayed on the front of an area with small z-order value. @return Z-order value. **virtual const std::list& getContents() const=0;** @brief Returns the list of content which can be displayed on this area. @return List of content. **virtual const std::list& getSizes() const=0;** @brief Returns the list of size defined to this area. Since multiple size can be defined, returns a list of size. @return List of size. **virtual RBAArbitrationPolicy getArbitrationPolicy() const=0;** @brief Returns the arbitration policy value defined to this area. @return Arbitration policy value.
# **5. Base Point class** **5.1. Definition name** RBABasePoint : std::uint8_t **5.2. Overview** Base point for object having size. For example Area. **5.3. Class member** **LEFT_TOP** @brief Defines Left-Top coordinate as the base point of (x, y) The rectangle is represented by (x, y)-(x+width, y+height) **LEFT_MIDDLE** @brief Defines Left-Middle coordinate as the base point of (x, y) The rectangle is represented by (x, y-height/2)-(x+width, y+height/2) **LEFT_BOTTOM** @brief Defines Left-Bottom coordinate as the base point of (x, y) The rectangle is represented by (x, y-height)-(x+width, y) **RIGHT_TOP** @brief Defines Right-Top coordinate as the base point of (x, y) The rectangle is represented by (x-width, y)-(x, y+height) **RIGHT_MIDDLE** @brief Defines Right-Middle coordinate as the base point of (x, y) The rectangle is represented by (x-width, y-height/2)-(x, y+height/2) **RIGHT_BOTTOM** @brief Defines Right-Bottom coordinate as the base point of (x, y) The rectangle is represented by (x-width, y-height)-(x, y) **CENTER_TOP** @brief Defines Center-Top coordinate as the base point of (x, y) The rectangle is represented by (x-width/2, y)-(x+width/2, y+height) **CENTER_MIDDLE** @brief Defines Center-Middle coordinate as the base point of (x, y) The rectangle is represented by (x-width/2, y-height/2)- (x+width/2, y+height/2) **CENTER_BOTTOM** @brief Defines Center-Bottom coordinate as the base point of (x, y) The rectangle is represented by (x-width/2, y-height)-(x+width/2, y)
# **6. Content Loser Type class** **6.1. Definition name** RBAContentLoserType : std::uint8_t **6.2. Overview** Type of behavior when content loses the arbitration. **6.3. Class member** **GOOD_LOSER=0** @brief Always cancels its request when losing arbitration. **DO_NOT_GIVEUP_UNTIL_WIN** @brief Cancels its request only if it lost the arbitration in the displaying state. **NEVER_GIVEUP** @brief Never cancels its request.
# **7. Display class** **7.1. Definition name** RBADisplay **7.2. Overview** Defines a screen layout of the display. You can define multiple displays for Multi-Display products. Display defines a set of areas which are laid out on it. **7.3. Class member** **virtual std::string getName() const=0;** @brief Returns the name of display. @return Display name. **virtual const RBASize\* getSize() const=0;** @brief Returns the size of display. @return Size **virtual const std::list& getAreas() const=0;** @brief Returns areas which are allocated to the display. @return List of area.
# **8. Json Parser class** **8.1. Definition name** DLL_EXPORT RBAJsonParser **8.2. Overview** Provides the facility that loads a model file in JSON format and generate a Model object. **8.3. Class member** **RBAModel\* parse(const std::string& filename);** @brief Loads a JSON file and generates a model object. @param filename Path of JSON file. @return Model If the file is not found, returns nullptr. **Example** ```cpp rba::RBAJsonParser parser; rba::RBAModel* model = parser.parse("RBAModel.json"); if (model == nullptr) { std::cout << "ERRROR: Could not read JSON file" << std::endl; return 1; } rba::RBAArbitrator* arb = new rba::RBAArbitrator(model); ```
# **9. Model class** **9.1. Definition name** DLL_EXPORT RBAModel **9.2. Overview** Defines the arbitration rule model which is used by Arbitrator. The model consists of model elements such as areas, zones, contens, scenes, constraint expressions, and so on. Elements can be searched by name, and the list of elements for each type can be retrieved. **9.3. Class member** **virtual const RBAArea\* findArea(const std::string& areaName) const=0;** @brief Search for area with a name. @param areaName Area name. @return Area @details If the area name does not exist, returns nullptr. **virtual const RBAViewContent\* findViewContent(const std::string& contName) const=0;** @brief Search for view content with a name. @param contName Content name. @return Content @details If the content name does not exist, returns nullptr. **virtual const RBAViewContentState\* findViewContentState(const std::string& stateName) const=0;** @brief Search for view content state with a name. @param stateName Content state name. @return State of view content. @details If the content state name does not exist, returns nullptr. **virtual const RBASize\* findSize(const std::string& sizeName) const=0;** @brief Search for size with a name. @param sizeName Name of the search size. @return Size @details Specify the name of the search size as follows. In the case of the size linked to the area: / In the case of the size linked to the content: / If the name of the search size does not exist, returns nullptr. **virtual const RBAZone\* findZone(const std::string& zoneName) const=0;** @brief Search for zone with a name. @param zoneName Zone name. @return Zone @details If the zone name does not exist, returns nullptr. **virtual const RBASoundContent\* findSoundContent(const std::string& contName) const=0;** @brief Search for sound content with a name. @param stateName Content state name. @return Sound content state. @details If the content name does not exist, returns nullptr. **virtual const RBASoundContentState\* findSoundContentState(const std::string& stateName) const=0;** @brief Search for sound content state with a name. @param stateName Content state name. @return Sound content state. @details If the content state name does not exist, returns nullptr. **virtual const RBAScene\* findScene(const std::string& sceneName) const=0;** @brief Search for scene with a name. @param sceneName Scene name. @return Scene @details If the scene name does not exist, returns nullptr. **virtual const RBADisplay\* findDisplay(const std::string& displayName) const=0;** @brief Search for display with a name. @param displayName Display name. @return Display @details If the display name does not exist, returns nullptr. **virtual const std::list& getAreas() const=0;** @brief Returns all the areas. @return List of areas. **virtual const std::list& getViewContents() const=0;** @brief Returns all the view contents. @return List of contents. **virtual const std::list& getViewContentStates() const=0;** @brief Returns all the view content states. @return List of view content states. **virtual const std::list& getSizes() const=0;** @brief Returns all the sizes. @return List of sizes. **virtual const std::list& getZones() const=0;** @brief Returns all the zones. @return List of zones. **virtual const std::list& getSoundContents() const=0;** @brief Returns all the sound contents. @return List of sound contents. **virtual const std::list& getSoundContentStates() const=0;** @brief Returns all the sound content states. @return List of sound content states. **virtual const std::list& getScenes() const=0;** @brief Returns all the scenes. @return List of scenes. **virtual const std::list& getDisplays() const=0;** @brief Returns all the displays. @return List of displays. **virtual const RBAModelElement\* findModelElement(const std::string& elementName) const=0;** @brief Search for Model element with a name. @param elementName Model element name. @return Model element. @details If the Model element name does not exist, returns nullptr. **virtual const std::list& getAreaSets() const=0;** @brief Returns all the sets of areas. @return List of sets of areas. **virtual const std::list& getViewContentSets() const=0;** @brief Returns all the sets of view contents. @return List of sets of view contents. **virtual const std::list& getPositionContainers() const=0;** @brief Returns all the position containers. @return List of sets of position containers. **virtual std::list& getConstraints()=0;** @brief Returns all the constraints. @return List of constraints. **virtual std::list& getPostConstraints()=0;** @brief Returns all the post constraints. @return List of post constraints.
# **10. Position Container class** **10.1. Definition name** RBAPositionContainer **10.2. Overview** Get the type and position of the area to be displayed. **10.3. Class member** **virtual std::int32_t getX() const=0;** @brief Get X coordinate. @return X coordinate value. **virtual std::int32_t getY() const=0;** @brief Get Y coordinate. @return Y coordinate value. **virtual RBABasePoint getBasePoint() const=0;** @brief Get a base point. @return Base point. **virtual const RBAArea\* getArea() const=0;** @brief Get allocated area. @return Assigned area. **const static std::int32_t X_EDEFAULT=0;** @brief Default value of X coordinate. **const static std::int32_t Y_EDEFAULT=0;** @brief Default value of Y coordinate. **const static RBABasePoint BASE_POINT_EDEFAULT= RBABasePoint::LEFT_TOP;** @brief Base point default value.
# **11. Result class** **11.1. Definition name** DLL_EXPORT RBAResult **11.2. Overview** Stores an arbitration result. The Arbitrator allocates Contents to Areas. Related information of those can be acquired from RBAResult. The arbitration result indicates which content is allocated to each area / zone. Also, snapshot information and view action information (only display results) indicating the difference from the last arbitration are included. **11.3. Class member** **virtual const std::list& getVisibleAreas() const=0;** @brief Returns the displaying areas determined by the last arbitration. @return List of visible areas. **virtual const std::list& getSoundingZones() const=0;** @brief Returns the outputting zones determined by the last arbitration. @return List of sounding zones. **virtual const std::list& getVisibleContentStates() const=0;** @brief Returns the view content states to be displayed determined by the last arbitration. @return List of visible view content states. **virtual const std::list& getSoundingContentStates() const=0;** @brief Returns the sound content states to be output determined by the last arbitration. @return List of sound content states to be output. @details The list contains sound contents to be attenuated. **virtual const std::list& getActiveViewContentStates() const=0;** @brief Returns the active view content states at the last arbitration result. @return List of active view content states. @details The active view content states are those that have been requested to display so far. They do not include the view content state whose request has been withdrawn or canceled. **virtual const std::list& getActiveSoundContentStates() const=0;** @brief Returns the active sound content states at the last arbitration result. @return List of active sound content states. @details The active sound content states are those that have been requested to output so far. They do not include the sound content state whose request has been withdrawn or canceled. **virtual const std::list& getActiveScenes() const=0;** @brief Returns the active scenes at the last arbitration. @return List of active scenes. @details The active scenes are those that have been requested for ON so far. They do not include scenes requested for OFF afterwards. **virtual const std::list& getInvisibleAreas() const=0;** @brief Returns the invisible areas determined by the last arbitration. @return List of invisible areas. @details Returns the areas which are not displayed out of all areas. The list contains areas to be hidden. **virtual const std::list& getUnsoundingZones() const=0;** @brief Returns the unsounding zones determined by the last arbitration. @return List of unsounding zones. @details Returns the zones which are not output out of all zones. The list contains zones to be muted. **virtual const std::list& getHiddenAreas() const=0;** @brief Returns the area that is hidden state and content has been allocated. @return List of areas. @details Returns the area which become to be invisible. The area invisible in the previous time is not included. The hidden state is a state in which the area must be hidden by a constraint expression. **virtual const std::list& getMuteZones() const=0;** @brief Returns the zone that is muted state and content has been allocated. @return List of muted zones. @details Retuens the zones that is defeted and canceled sound contents. The muted state is a state in which the zone must be muted by a constraint expression. **virtual const std::list& getAttenuatedZones() const=0;** @brief Returns the attenuated zones determined by the last arbitration. @return List of attenuated zones. **virtual const std::list& getCanceledViewContents() const=0;** @brief Returns the canceled view contents determined by the last arbitration. @return List of canceled view contents. @details Reterns list of view contents which are canceled by Request handling on lost definition such as Loser Type and Post Constraints. The list does not contain contents which are withdrawn. **virtual const std::list& getCanceledSoundContents() const=0;** @brief Returns the canceled sound contents determined by the last arbitration. @return List of canceled sound contents. @details Reterns list of sound contents which are canceled by Request handling on lost definition such as Loser Type and Post Constraints. The list does not contain contents which are withdrawn. **virtual const std::list& getStandbyViewContents() const=0;** @brief Returns the stand by view contents due to defeated at the last arbitration. @return List of stand by view contents. @details Returns list of view contents which are active but not allocated to any area. The list does not contains which are canceled contents or are allocated to hidden area. **virtual const std::list& getStandbySoundContents() const=0;** @brief Returns the stand by sound contents due to defeated at the last arbitration. @return List of stand by sound contents. @details Returns list of sound contents which are active but not allocated to any area. The list does not contains which are canceled contents or are allocated to muted area. **virtual const RBAViewContentState\* getContentState(const RBAArea\* area) const=0;** @brief Returns the view content state assigned to the area of the last arbitration. @param area Area @return The view content state assign to the area. @details If no view content state is allocated to the area, nullptr is returnd. If area is not defined in the Model or nullptr, nullptr is returnd. **virtual const RBASoundContentState\* getContentState(const RBAZone\* zone) const=0;** @brief Returns the sound content state assigned to the zone of the last arbitration. @param zone Zone @return The sound content state assign to the zone. @details If no sound content state is allocated to the zone, nullptr is returned. If zone is not defined in the Model or nullptr, nullptr is returnd. **virtual const std::list getArea(const RBAViewContentState\* state) const=0;** @brief Returns the area to which the view content state is allocated at the last arbitration. @param state View content state. @return The areas to which the view content state. @details If the view content state is not assigned to any area, empty list is returned. If state is not defined in the Model or nullptr, empty list is returned. **virtual const std::list getZone(const RBASoundContentState\* state) const=0;** @brief Get the zone to which the sound content state is allocated of the last arbitration. @param state Sound content state. @return The zones to which the sound content state is allocated. @details If the sound content state is not assigned to any zone, empty list is retuened. If state is not defined in the Model or nullptr, empty list is returned. **virtual const std::list getArea(const RBAViewContent\* content)const=0;** @brief Returns the area to which the view content is allocated of the last arbitration. @param content View content. @return The areas to which the view content is allocated. @details If the view content is not assigned to any area, empty list is returned. If content is not defined in the Model or nullptr, empty list is returned. This API is the same as getArea(RBAViewContentState*) except for the type of argument. **virtual const std::list getZone(const RBASoundContent\* content) const=0;** @brief Returns the zone to which the sound content state is allocated of the last arbitration. @param content Sound content. @return The zones to which the sound content is allocated. @details If the sound content is not assigned to any area, nullptr is returned. If content is not defined in the Model or nullptr, empty list is returned. This API is the same as getZone(RBASoundContentState*) except for the type of argument. **virtual const RBASize\* getSize(const RBAArea\* area) const=0;** @brief Returns the size of the area determined in the last arbitration. @param area Area @return The size of the area. @details Area may have multiple sizes and its size will vary by the allocated content. This API returns the size which are matched with allocated content. If no content is allocated to the area, returns nullptr. If area is not defined in the Model or nullptr, returns nullptr. Returns nullptr if nullptr is specified for area. **virtual bool isActive(const RBAScene\* scene) const=0;** @brief Returns true if the scene is ON at the last arbitration. @param scene Reference scene to be checked. @return true: the scene is ON false: the scene is OFF @details If scene is not defined in the Model or nullptr, returns false. Returns false if nullptr is specified for scene. **virtual bool isActive(const RBAViewContent\* content) const=0;** @brief Returns true if the view content is active. @param state Reference view content to be checked. @return true: Active false: Not active @details If content is not defined in the Model or nullptr, returns false. Returns false if nullptr is specified for content. **virtual bool isActive(const RBASoundContent\* content) const=0;** @brief Returns true if the sound content is active. @param state Reference sound content to be checked. @return true: Active false: Not active @details If content is not defined in the Model or nullptr, returns false. Returns false if nullptr is specified for content. **virtual bool isVisible(const RBAArea\* area) const=0;** @brief Returns true if the area is visible of the last arbitration. @param area Reference area to be checked. @return true: Visible false: Not visible @details Returns false if the area is hidden. If area is not defined in the Model or nullptr, returns false. Returns false if nullptr is specified for area. **virtual bool isSounding(const RBAZone\* zone) const=0;** @brief Returns true if the zone is sounding of the last arbitration. @param zone Reference zone to be checked. @return true: Sounding false: Not sounding @details Returns false if the zone is muted. If zone is not defined in the Model or nullptr, returns false. Returns false if nullptr is specified for zone. **virtual bool isVisible(const RBAViewContentState\* state) const=0;** @brief Returns true if the view content state is visible of the last arbitration. @param state Reference view content state to be checked. @return true: state is allocated to visible area. false: state is not allocated to visible area. @details If all of the areas to which the content is allocated are hidden, returns false. If state is not defined in the Model or nullptr, returns false. Returns false if nullptr is specified for state. **virtual bool isSounding(const RBASoundContentState\* state) const=0;** @brief Returns true if the sound content state is sounding of the last arbitration. @param state Reference sound content state to be check. @return true: state is allocated to outputting zone. false: state is not allocated to outputting zone. @details If all of the zones to which the content is allocated are muted, returns false. If state is not defined in the Model or nullptr, returns false. Returns false if nullptr is specified for state. **virtual const RBAViewContentState\* getViewContentState(const RBAArea\* area) const=0;** @brief Returns the view content state allocated to the area of the last arbitration. @param area Area @return The view content state allocated to the area. @details Even if the area is hidden, Returns the allocated content state. If no visible view content state is allocated the area, nullptr is returnd. If area is not defined in the Model or nullptr, returns nullptr. Returns nullptr if nullptr is specified for area. **virtual const RBASoundContentState\* getSoundContentState(const RBAZone\* zone) const=0;** @brief Returns the sounding sound content state assigned to the zone of the last arbitration. @param zone Zone @return The sounding sound content state assign to the zone. @details Even if the zone is muted, Returns the allocated content state. If no sounding sound content state is allocated the area, nullptr is returnd. If zone is not defined in the Model or nullptr, returns nullptr. Returns nullptr if nullptr is specified for zone. **virtual bool isHidden(const RBAArea\* area) const=0;** @brief Returns true if the area is hidden state of the last arbitration. @param area Reference area to be checked. @return true: Hidden false: Not hidden @Details The hidden state is a state in which the area must be hidden by a constraint expression. In the hidden state, it returns true even if the content is not assigned. If area is not defined in the Model or nullptr, returns false. Returns false if nullptr is specified for area. **virtual bool isMute(const RBAZone\* zone) const=0;** @brief Returns true if the zone is muted state of the last arbitration. @param zone Reference zone to be checked. @return true: Muted false: Not muted @details The muted state is a state in which the zone must be muted by a constraint expression. In the muted state, it returns true even if the content is not assigned. If zone is not defined in the Model or nullptr, returns nullptr. Returns false if nullptr is specified for zone. **virtual bool isAttenuated(const RBAZone\* zone) const=0;** @brief Returns true if the zone is attenuated of the last arbitration. @param zone Reference zone to be check. @return true: Attenuated false: Not attenuated @details If zone is not defined in the Model or nullptr, returns nullptr. Returns false if nullptr is specified for zone. **virtual bool isCancel(const RBAViewContentState\* state) const=0;** @brief Returns true if the view content state is canceled at the last arbitration. @param state Reference view content state to be checked. @return true: Canceled false: Not canceled or Not request view content state @details If state is not active, returns false. If state is not defined in the Model or nullptr, returns false. Returns false if nullptr is specified for state. **virtual bool isCancel(const RBASoundContentState\* state) const=0;** @brief Returns true if the sound content state is canceled at the last arbitration. @param state Reference view content state to be checked. @return true: Canceled false: Not canceled @details If state is not active, returns false. If state is not defined in the Model or nullptr, returns false. Returns false if nullptr is specified for state. **virtual const std::list& getViewActions() const=0;** @brief Returns information of view status changes (the view actions) of the last arbitration. @return List of view actions. @details ViewAction is an information of differences between the last arbitration result and its previous result. There is no difference between hidden and not displayed for visible status. **virtual RBAResultStatusType getStatusType() const=0;** @brief Returns the result status type of the last arbitration. @return SUCCESS: Success UNKNOWN_CONTENT_STATE: Failed (The reuqest is unknown) CANCEL_ERROR: Cancel arbitrration error **virtual bool satisfiesConstraints() const=0;** @brief Returns satisfied status of all online constraints. @return true: All online constraints check result is OK, and arbitration finished. false: All online constraints check result is NG, and arbitration finished. **virtual std::int32_t getSceneProperty(const RBAScene\* scene, const std::string& propertyName) const=0;** @brief Returns the property value of scene. @return Property value. @details If the scene or propertyName is not defined in the Model, returns -99. Returns -99 if a property name not defined in the model is specified in propertyName. **virtual const std::list& getPreVisibleAreas() const=0;** @brief Returns the displaying areas of the previous arbitration. @return List of visible areas. **virtual const std::list& getPreSoundingZones() const=0;** @brief Returns the outputting sounding zones of the previous arbitration. @return List of sounding zones. **virtual const std::list& getPreVisibleContentStates() const=0;** @brief Returns the view content states to be displayed of the previous arbitration. @return List of visible view content states. **virtual const std::list& getPreSoundingContentStates() const=0;** @brief Returns the sound content states to be outputted of the previous arbitration. @return List of sounding sound content states. @details The list contains attenuated content states. **virtual const std::list& getPreActiveViewContentStates() const=0;** @brief Returns the active view content states of the previous arbitration result. @return List of active view content states. @details The active view content states are those that have been requested to display so far. They do not include the view content state whose request has been withdrawn or canceled. **virtual const std::list& getPreActiveSoundContentStates() const=0;** @brief Returns the active sound content states of the previous arbitration result. @return List of active sound content states. @details The active sound content states are those that have been requested to output so far. They do not include the sound content state whose request has been withdrawn or canceled. **virtual const std::list& getPreActiveScenes() const=0;** @brief Returns the active scenes of the previous arbitration. @return List of active scenes. @details The active scenes are those that have been requested for ON so far. They do not include scenes requested for OFF afterwards. **virtual const std::list& getPreInvisibleAreas() const=0;** @brief Returns the invisible areas of the previous arbitration. @return List of invisible areas. @details Returns the areas which are not displayed out of all areas. The hidden area is also acquired. **virtual const std::list& getPreUnsoundingZones() const=0;** @brief Returns the unsounding zones of the previous arbitration. @return List of unsounding zones. @details Returns the zones which are not outputted out of all zones. Muted zones are also acquired. **virtual const std::list& getPreHiddenAreas() const=0;** @brief Returns the areas which have become invisible at the previous arbitration. @return List of areas. @details Returns the area which become to be invisible. **virtual const std::list& getPreMuteZones() const=0;** @brief Get the muted zones of the previous arbitration. @return List of muted zones. @details Retuens the zones that is defeted and canceled sound contents. **virtual const std::list& getPreAttenuatedZones() const=0;** @brief Returns the attenuated zones of the previous arbitration. @return List of attenuated zones. **virtual const std::list& getPreCanceledViewContents() const=0;** @brief Returns the canceled view contents of the previous arbitration. @return List of canceled view contents. @details In the previous arbitration process, the display content that has been canceled by the losing action is acquired. Due to the display withdrawal request, those for which the display request has been withdrawn are not acquired. **virtual const std::list& getPreCanceledSoundContents() const=0;** @brief Returns the canceled sound contents of the previous arbitration. @return List of canceled sound contents. @details In the previous arbitration process, the voice content that has been canceled by the losing action is acquired. A request whose output request has been withdrawn by the output withdrawal request is not acquired. **virtual const std::list& getPreStandbyViewContents() const=0;** @brief Returns the stand by view contents due to defeated at the previous arbitration. @return List of stand by view contents. @details There is a display request, and the display content that has not been allocated to the area is acquired. Due to the losing action, the display content whose request has been canceled or the display content which has been allocated to the area but has the area hidden is not obtained. **virtual const std::list& getPreStandbySoundContents() const=0;** @brief Returns the stand by sound contents due to defeated at previous arbitration. @return List of stand by sound contents. @details There is an output request, and the audio content not assigned to the zone is acquired. Due to the losing action, the audio content whose request has been canceled or the audio content assigned to the zone but the zone has been muted are not obtained. **virtual const RBAViewContentState\* getPreContentState(const RBAArea\* area) const=0;** @brief Returns the view content state assigned to the area of the previous arbitration. @param area Area @return The view content state assign to the area. @details If no view content state is allocated to the area, nullptr is returnd. If an area that is not defined in the model set in the arbitration FW that has performed arbitration processing is specified, nullptr is returned. If nullptr is specified in area, nullptr is returned. **virtual const RBASoundContentState\* getPreContentState(const RBAZone\* zone) const=0;** @brief Returns the sound content state assigned to the zone of the previous arbitration. @param zone Zone @return The sound content state assign to the zone. @details If no sound content state is allocated to the zone, nullptr is returned. If a zone that is not defined in the model set in the arbitration FW that has performed arbitration processing is specified, nullptr is returned. If nullptr is specified in zone, nullptr is returned. **virtual const std::list getPreArea(const RBAViewContentState\* state) const=0;** @brief Returns the area to which the view content state is allocated of the previous arbitration. @param state View content state. @return The areas to which the view content state. @details If no display content state has been assigned to the area, an empty list is returned. If a state that is not defined in the model set in the arbitration FW that has performed arbitration processing is specified, an empty list is returned. If nullptr is specified for state, an empty list is returned. **virtual const std::list getPreZone(const RBASoundContentState\* state) const=0;** @brief Get the zone to which the sound content state is allocated of the previous arbitration. @param state Sound content state. @return The zones to which the sound content state is allocated. @details Returns an empty list if no audio content state has been assigned to the zone. If a state that is not defined in the model set in the arbitration FW that has performed arbitration processing is specified, an empty list is returned. If nullptr is specified for state, an empty list is returned. **virtual const std::list getPreArea(const RBAViewContent\* content) const=0;** @brief Returns the area to which the view content is allocated of the previous arbitration. @param content View content. @return The areas to which the view content is allocated. @details If no display content has been assigned to the area, an empty list is returned. If content that has no definition is specified in the model set in the arbitration FW that has performed arbitration processing, an empty list is returned. If nullptr is specified for content, an empty list is returned. The only difference from getArea (RBAViewContentState *) is the type of the argument. If the request is for the same content, the return value always matches. **virtual const std::list getPreZone(const RBASoundContent\* content) const=0;** @brief Returns the zone to which the sound content state is allocated of the previous arbitration. @param content Sound content. @return The zones to which the sound content is allocated. @details If no audio content has been assigned to the zone, return an empty list. If content that has no definition is specified in the model set in the arbitration FW that has performed arbitration processing, an empty list is returned. If nullptr is specified for content, an empty list is returned. The only difference from getZone (RBASoundContentState *) is the type of the argument. If the request is for the same content, the return value always matches. **virtual const RBASize\* getPreSize(const RBAArea\* area) const=0;** @brief Returns the size of the area determined in the previous arbitration. @param area Area @return The size of the area. @details A plurality of sizes can be defined for the area, and the size changes according to the display content. Respond the size according to the display content allocated to the area. Returns nullptr if no display content has been assigned to the area. If an area that is not defined in the model set in the arbitration FW that has performed arbitration processing is specified, nullptr is returned. If nullptr is specified in area, nullptr is returned. **virtual bool isPreActive(const RBAScene\* scene) const=0;** @brief Returns true if the scene is active of the previous arbitration. @param scene Reference scene to be checked. @return true: Active false: Not active @details The active scene is the scene requested to ON. If a scene with no definition in the model set in the arbitration FW that has performed the arbitration process is specified, false is returned. Returns false if nullptr is specified in scene. **virtual bool isPreActive(const RBAViewContent\* content) const=0;** @brief Returns true if the view content is active of the previous arbitration. @param state Reference view content to be checked. @return true: Active false: Not active @details The active view content is the content requested to be displayed. If a display content with no definition in the model set in the arbitration FW that performed the arbitration process is specified, false is returned. Returns false if nullptr is specified for content. **virtual bool isPreActive(const RBASoundContent\* content) const=0;** @brief Returns true if the sound content is active of the previous arbitration. @param state Reference sound content to be checked. @return true: Active false: Not active @details The active sound content is the content requested to be outputted. If an audio content that is not defined in the model set in the arbitration FW that has performed arbitration processing is specified, false is returned. Returns false if nullptr is specified for content. **virtual bool isPreVisible(const RBAArea\* area) const=0;** @brief Returns true if the area is visible of the previous arbitration. @param area Reference area to be checked. @return true: Visible false: Not visible @details The concealed area returns false. If an area that is not defined in the model set in the arbitration FW that has performed arbitration processing is specified, false is returned. Returns false if nullptr is specified for area. **virtual bool isPreSounding(const RBAZone\* zone) const=0;** @brief Returns true if the zone is sounding of the previous arbitration. @param zone Reference zone to be checked. @return true: Sounding false: Not sounding @details Areas that have been muted return false. If a zone that is not defined in the model set in the arbitration FW that performed the arbitration process is specified, false is returned. Returns false if nullptr is specified in zone. **virtual bool isPreVisible(const RBAViewContentState\* state) const=0;** @brief Returns true if the view content state is visible of the previous arbitration. @param state Reference view content state to be checked. @return true: state is allocated to visible area. false: state is not allocated to visible area. @details Returns false if it is only assigned to a hidden area. If an area that is not defined in the model set in the arbitration FW that has performed arbitration processing is specified, false is returned. Returns false if nullptr is specified for state. **virtual bool isPreSounding(const RBASoundContentState\* state) const=0;** @brief Returns true if the sound content state is sounding of the previous arbitration. @param state Reference sound content state to check. @return true: state is allocated to outputting zone. false: state is not allocated to outputting zone. @details Returns false if assigned only to a muted zone. If a state that is not defined in the model set in the arbitration FW that performed the arbitration process is specified, false is returned. Returns false if nullptr is specified for state. **virtual const RBASoundContentState\* getPreSoundContentState(const RBAZone\* zone) const=0;** @brief Returns the sounding sound content state assigned to the zone of the previous arbitration. @param zone Zone @return The sounding sound content state assign to the zone. @details When a zone is muted, Returns the content state. If no sounding sound content state is allocated the area, nullptr is returnd. If a zone that is not defined in the model set in the arbitration FW that has performed arbitration processing is specified, nullptr is returned. If nullptr is specified in zone, nullptr is returned. **virtual bool isPreHidden(const RBAArea\* area) const=0;** @brief Returns true if the area is hidden of the previous arbitration. @param area Reference area to be checked. @return true: Hidden false: Not hidden @details If an area that is not defined in the model set in the arbitration FW that has performed arbitration processing is specified, false is returned. Returns false if nullptr is specified for area. **virtual bool isPreMute(const RBAZone\* zone) const=0;** @brief Returns true if the zone is muted of the previous arbitration. @param zone Reference zone to be checked. @return true: Muted false: Not muted @details If a zone that is not defined in the model set in the arbitration FW that performed the arbitration process is specified, false is returned. Returns false if nullptr is specified in zone. **virtual bool isPreAttenuated(const RBAZone\* zone) const=0;** @brief Returns true if the zone is attenuated of the previous arbitration. @param zone Reference zone to be checked. @return true: Attenuated false: Not attenuated @details If a zone that is not defined in the model set in the arbitration FW that performed the arbitration process is specified, false is returned. Returns false if nullptr is specified in zone. **virtual bool isPreCancel(const RBAViewContentState\* state) const=0;** @brief Returns true if the view content state is canceled of the previous arbitration. @param state Reference view content state to be checked. @return true: Canceled false: Not canceled or Not request view content state @details If the display content state for which there was no display request before the arbitration process is specified in state, false is returned. If a state that is not defined in the model set in the arbitration FW that performed the arbitration process is specified, false is returned. Returns false if nullptr is specified for state. **virtual bool isPreCancel(const RBASoundContentState\* state) const=0;** @brief Returns true if the sound content state is canceled of the previous arbitration. @param state Reference view content state to be checked. @return true: Canceled false: Not canceled @details If the audio content state for which no output request was made before the arbitration process is specified in state, false is returned. If a state that is not defined in the model set in the arbitration FW that performed the arbitration process is specified, false is returned. Returns false if nullptr is specified for state. **virtual std::string getLog() const=0;** @brief Returns the log of the last arbitration. @return Log string. **virtual bool hasDisplayingArea(const RBADisplay\* display) const=0;** @brief Get the display state of the display. @param display Display to check. @return true: Something is displayed false: Nothing is displayed
# **12. Arbitration Result Status Type class** **12.1. Definition name** RBAResultStatusType : std::uint8_t **12.2. Overview** Status of the arbitration result. **12.3. Class member** **SUCCESS** @brief Success **FAILED** @brief Failed **UNKNOWN_CONTENT_STATE** @brief Unknown context or content state. **CANCEL_ERROR** @brief Cancel arbitration error.
# **13. Scene class** **13.1. Definition name** RBAScene **13.2. Overview** Express the state(Including system state) at that time comprehensively. Used scene for switch area/zone and view/sound content state. And plural RBA model(project) can share arbitration result by definitions global scene. **13.3. Class member** **virtual std::string getName() const=0;** @brief Returns the scene name. @return Scene name. **virtual bool isGlobal() const=0;** @brief Returns the global scene status. @return Global scene status. **virtual const std::list\& getPropertyNames() const=0;** @brief Returns List of the scene property name. @return List of the scene property name. **virtual std::int32_t getPropertyValue(const std::string& propertyName) const=0;** @brief Returns Default value of the scene property. @param propertyName Scene property name. @return Default value of the scene property.
# **14. Size class** **14.1. Definition name** DLL_EXPORT RBASize **14.2. Overview** Size definitions for object such as areas or view contents. Each object can define plural size. Can refer to size from object. **14.3. Class member** **virtual std::string getName() const=0;** @brief Returns the name of the size. @return Size name. **virtual std::int32_t getWidth() const=0;** @brief Returns the width of the size. @return Width of the size. **virtual std::int32_t getHeight() const=0;** @brief Returns the height of the size. @return Height of the size. **const static std::int32_t WIDTH_EDEFAULT = 0;** @brief Default width of size. **const static std::int32_t HEIGHT_EDEFAULT = 0;** @brief Default height of size.
# **15. Sound Content class** **15.1. Definition name** DLL_EXPORT RBASoundContent **15.2. Overview** Define the object of sound content. Sound content has plural status. When sound contents connected to a zone, active status is output. Object has zone definitions, that can output itself. Each object can define plural zone which can output sound contents. **15.3. Class member** **virtual std::string getName() const=0;** @brief Returns the name of the sound content. @return Sound content name. **virtual const std::list& getContentStates() const=0;** @brief Returns the state of the sound content. @return List of the sound content state. **virtual const std::list& getZones() const=0;** @brief Returns the zone of the sound content. @return List of the zone. **virtual RBAContentLoserType getLoserType() const=0;** @brief Returns the loser type. @return Loser type. **const static RBAContentLoserType LOSER_TYPE_EDEFAULT = RBAContentLoserType::NEVER_GIVEUP;** @brief Defines the default loser type.
# **16. Sound Content State class** **16.1. Definition name** DLL_EXPORT RBASoundContentState **16.2. Overview** Define the state of sound contents. **16.3. Class member** **virtual std::string getName() const=0;** @brief Returns the name of the sound contents state. @return Sound contents state name. **virtual std::int32_t getPriority() const=0;** @brief Returns the priority. @return Priority value. **virtual const RBASoundContent\* getOwner() const=0;** @brief Returns the sound content. @return Sound content. **virtual std::int32_t getOrder() const=0;** @brief Returns the order. @return Order value. @details The order is a number of sequence of the entry sound content state by request. The order value is an integer value starting from 1 and incremented in order, and the order value of the sound content state without sound request is set to 0. The order of the sound content state does not include the output request of the view content state. **virtual std::string getUniqueName() const=0;** @brief Returns the unique character string of the sound contents state. @return Unique character string of the sound contents state. @details Unique character string is sound content name + CONTEXT_SEPARATER + sound content state name. Use the unique character string as a context name. **static std::string getContentNameByContext(const std::string& context);** @brief Returns the name of the sound content from context name. @param context The context name. @return Name of the sound content. **static std::string getContentStateNameByContext(const std::string& context);** @brief Returns the state of the sound content from context name. @param context The context name. @return State of the sound content. **static bool isUniqueName(const std::string& context);** @brief Check if argument is The unique character string(context name). @param context The context name. @return true: unique character string(context name) false: Not unique character string(context name) **const static std::int32_t PRIORITY_EDEFAULT = 0;** @brief Defines the default priority value. **const static char CONTEXT_SEPARATER = '/';** @brief Defines the separator for separating sound content name and sound content state name. And be the character to connect it.
# **17. View Action class** **17.1. Definition name** DLL_EXPORT RBAViewAction **17.2. Overview** Define the change information of view contents. Change information has 2 type. The contents transition, that view contents change for an area. The contents move, that the view content displayed area changes. **17.3. Class member** **virtual const RBAArea\* getArea() const;** @brief Returns the area of the contents transition. @return Area of the contents transition. **virtual const RBAViewContent\* getFromContent() const;** @brief Returns previously displayed the view content. Used when change information type is the contents transition(TRANSITION_REPLACE). @return Previously displayed the view content. @details If the change information type is not the contents transition(TRANSITION_REPLACE), returns nullptr. **virtual const RBAViewContent\* getToContent() const;** @brief Returns subsequently displayed the view content. Used when change information type is the contents transition(TRANSITION_REPLACE). @return Subsequently displayed the view content. @details If the change information type is not the contents transition(TRANSITION_REPLACE), returns nullptr. **virtual const RBAViewContentState\* getFromContentState() const;** @brief Returns previously displayed the view content state. Used when change information type is the contents transition(TRANSITION_REPLACE). @return Previously displayed the view content state. @details If the change information type is not the contents transition(TRANSITION_REPLACE), returns nullptr. **virtual const RBAViewContentState\* getToContentState() const;** @brief Returns subsequently displayed the view content state. Used when change information type is the contents transition(TRANSITION_REPLACE). @return Subsequently displayed the view content state. @details If the change information type is not the contents transition(TRANSITION_REPLACE), returns nullptr. **virtual const RBAArea\* getFromArea() const;** @brief Returns previously displayed the area. Used when change information type is the contents move(MOVE). @return Previously displayed the area. @details If the change information type is not the contents move(MOVE), returns nullptr. **virtual const RBAArea\* getToArea() const;** @brief Returns subsequently displayed the area. Used when change information type is the contents move(MOVE). @return Subsequently displayed the area. @details If the change information type is not the contents move(MOVE), returns nullptr. **virtual const RBAViewContent\* getContent() const;** @brief Returns view content of change information. @return View content of change information. @details If getViewActionType() == TRANSITION_ADD, returns display view content. If getViewActionType() == TRANSITION_REMOVE, returns hide view content. If getViewActionType() == TRANSITION_REPLACE, returns nullptr. If getViewActionType() == MOVE, returns view content which changes the area. **virtual const RBAViewContentState\* getContentState() const;** @brief Returns view content state of change information. @return View content state of change information. @details If getViewActionType() == TRANSITION_ADD, returns display view content state. If getViewActionType() == TRANSITION_REMOVE, returns hide view content state. If getViewActionType() == TRANSITION_REPLACE, returns nullptr. If getViewActionType() == MOVE, returns view content state which changes the area. **virtual RBAViewActionType getViewActionType() const=0;** @brief Returns view action type. @return View action type. **virtual bool operator==(const RBAViewAction& viewAction)=0;** @brief Equal operator. @return true: equal false: not equal
# **18. View Action Type class** **18.1. Definition name** RBAViewActionType : std::uint8_t **18.2. Overview** Indicates the type of view action. **18.3. Class member** **TRANSITION_ADD** @brief The content transition(ADD) : content is displayed in the area. **TRANSITION_REMOVE** @brief The content transition(REMOVE) : content is deleted from the area. **TRANSITION_REPLACE** @brief The content transition(REPLACE) : content is replaced on the area. **MOVE** @brief The content move(MOVE) : The display of content changes to another area.
# **19. View Content class** **19.1. Definition name** RBAViewContent **19.2. Overview** Define the object of view content. View content has plural status. When view contents connected to a area, active status is displayed. Each object can define plural area which can displayed view contents. **19.3. Class member** **virtual std::string getName() const=0;** @brief Returns the name of the view content. @return View content name. **virtual const std::list& getContentStates() const=0;** @brief Returns the state of the view content. @return List of view content state. **virtual const std::list& getAreas() const=0;** @brief Returns the area of the view content. @return List of the area. **virtual const std::list& getSizes() const=0;** @brief Returns the list of size assignment to this content. @return List of size. **virtual RBAContentLoserType getLoserType() const=0;** @brief Returns the loser type. @return Loser type. **const static RBAContentLoserType LOSER_TYPE_EDEFAULT = RBAContentLoserType::NEVER_GIVEUP;** @brief Defines the default loser type.
# **20. View Content State class** **20.1. Definition name** DLL_EXPORT RBAViewContentState **20.2. Overview** Define the state of view contents. **20.3. Class member** **virtual std::string getName() const=0;** @brief Returns the name of the view contents state. @return View contents state name. **virtual std::int32_t getPriority() const=0;** @brief Returns the priority. @return Priority value. **virtual const RBAViewContent\* getOwner() const=0;** @brief Returns the view content. @return View content. **virtual std::int32_t getOrder() const=0;** @brief Returns the order. @return Order value. @details The order is a number of sequence of the entry view content state by request. The order value is an integer value starting from 1 and incremented in order, and the order value of the view content state without view request is set to 0. The order of the view content state does not include the output request of the sound content state. **virtual std::string getUniqueName() const=0;** @brief Returns the unique character string of the view contents state. @return Unique character string of the view contents state. @details Unique character string is view content name + CONTEXT_SEPARATER + view content state name. Use the unique character string as a context name. **static std::string getContentNameByContext(const std::string& context);** @brief Returns the name of the view content from context name. @param context The context name. @return Name of the view content. **static std::string getContentStateNameByContext(const std::string& context);** @brief Returns the state of the view content from context name. @param context The context name. @return State of the view content. **static bool isUniqueName(const std::string& context);** @brief Check if argument is The unique character string(context name). @param context The context name. @return true: unique character string(context name) false: Not unique character string(context name) **const static std::int32_t PRIORITY_EDEFAULT = 0;** @brief Defines the default priority value. **const static char CONTEXT_SEPARATER = '/';** @brief Defines the separator for separating view content name and view content state name. And be the character to connect it.
# **21. Zone class** **21.1. Definition name** DLL_EXPORT RBAZone **21.2. Overview** Defines a Frame for outputting sound content. At run time, at most one sound content is allocated to one zone. This class has arbitration policy definitions, because it is executed for each zone. **21.3. Class member** **virtual std::string getName() const=0;** @brief Returns the name of the zone. @return Zone name. **virtual std::int32_t getPriority() const=0;** @brief Returns the priority. @return Priority value. **virtual const std::list& getContents() const=0;** @brief Returns the list of content which can be output in this zone. @return List of content. **virtual RBAArbitrationPolicy getArbitrationPolicy() const=0;** @brief Returns the arbitration policy value defined to this zone. @return Arbitration policy value.