# Armv8-A Base Platform Support in meta-arm-platforms ## Howto Build and Run ### Configuration: In the local.conf file, MACHINE should be set as follow: MACHINE ?= "foundation-v8" ### Build: ```bash$ bitbake core-image-minimal``` ### Run: To Run the Fixed Virtual Platform simulation tool you must download "Armv8-A Foundation Platform" from Arm developer (This might require the user to register) from this address: https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/simulation-models/fixed-virtual-platforms and install it on your host PC. Fast Models Fixed Virtual Platforms (FVP) Reference Guide: https://developer.arm.com/docs/100966/latest Armv8‑A Foundation Platform User Guide: https://developer.arm.com/docs/100961/latest/ Once done, do the following to build and run an image: ```bash$ bitbake core-image-minimal``` ```bash$ export YOCTO_DEPLOY_IMGS_DIR=""``` ```bash$ cd ``` ``` bash$ ./Foundation_Platform --cores=4 --no-sve --gicv3 \ --data=${YOCTO_DEPLOY_IMGS_DIR}/bl1-fvp.bin@0x0 \ --data=${YOCTO_DEPLOY_IMGS_DIR}/Image@0x80080000 \ --data=${YOCTO_DEPLOY_IMGS_DIR}/foundation-v8-gicv3-psci.dtb@0x83000000 \ --block-device=${YOCTO_DEPLOY_IMGS_DIR}/core-image-minimal-foundation-armv8.disk.img \ ``` If you have built a configuration without a ramdisk, you can use the following command in U-boot to start Linux: ```VExpress64# booti 0x80080000 - 0x83000000``` ## Devices supported in the kernel - serial - virtio disk - network - watchdog - rtc ## Devices not supported or not functional None