# Copyright (C) 2012-2019 O.S. Systems Software LTDA. # Released under the MIT license (see COPYING.MIT for the terms) inherit fsl-u-boot-localversion require recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot.inc SUMMARY = "U-Boot for Kontron based boards" DEPENDS += "bison-native bc-native dtc-native lzop-native" LICENSE = "GPLv2+" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://Licenses/README;md5=30503fd321432fc713238f582193b78e" SRC_URI = "git://git.kontron-electronics.de/linux/u-boot.git;protocol=https;branch=${SRCBRANCH} \ file://fw_env.config \ " SRCREV = "3d58441adf3e633279db6c96acb33a7aef4fd6f9" SRCBRANCH = "v2020.01-ktn" LOCALVERSION = "-ktn" PROVIDES += "u-boot" PV .= "+git${SRCPV}" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" B = "${WORKDIR}/build" # FIXME: Allow linking of 'tools' binaries with native libraries # used for generating the boot logo and other tools used # during the build process. EXTRA_OEMAKE += 'HOSTCC="${BUILD_CC} ${BUILD_CPPFLAGS}" \ HOSTLDFLAGS="${BUILD_LDFLAGS}" \ HOSTSTRIP=true' PACKAGE_ARCH = "${MACHINE_ARCH}" COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = "(imx6ul-kontron)"