DESCRIPTION = "IoT Hub Explorer is a tool that allows you to explore and test Azure IoT Hub features" AUTHOR = "Microsoft Corporation" HOMEPAGE = "" LICENSE = "MIT" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=0296d24e582db92fa4e33fd40e18099a" DEPENDS = "nodejs-native" RDEPENDS_${PN} = "bash nodejs" PR = "r0" PACKAGES = "\ ${PN} \ " SRC_URI = "git://" SRCREV = "8b232a22e3b67efa17897d9ee66856e77f78a8c3" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" def get_nodejs_arch(d): target_arch = d.getVar('TRANSLATED_TARGET_ARCH', True) if target_arch == "x86-64": target_arch = "x64" elif target_arch == "aarch64": target_arch = "arm64" elif target_arch == "powerpc": target_arch = "ppc" elif target_arch == "powerpc64": target_arch = "ppc64" elif (target_arch == "i486" or target_arch == "i586" or target_arch == "i686"): target_arch = "ia32" return target_arch NODE_MODULES_DIR = "${prefix}/lib/node_modules/" NPM_CACHE_DIR ?= "${WORKDIR}/npm_cache" NPM_REGISTRY ?= "" NPM_ARCH = "${@get_nodejs_arch(d)}" NPM_INSTALL_FLAGS ?= "--production --without-ssl --insecure --no-optional --verbose" SRC_NAME = "iothub-explorer" do_compile() { export NPM_CONFIG_CACHE="${NPM_CACHE_DIR}" npm cache clear --force npm --registry=${NPM_REGISTRY} --arch=${NPM_ARCH} --target_arch=${NPM_ARCH} ${NPM_INSTALL_FLAGS} install npm prune --production # FIXME: This is only required until the xml2js dependency is update in the azure-storage package find ${S} -type f -name "switch-bench.js" -exec rm -f {} \; } do_install() { install -d ${D}${NODE_MODULES_DIR}/${SRC_NAME} cp -r ${S}/* ${D}${NODE_MODULES_DIR}/${SRC_NAME} # Set permissions chmod 0755 ${D}${NODE_MODULES_DIR}${SRC_NAME}/${SRC_NAME}.js # Symlinks install -d ${D}${bindir} ln -s ${NODE_MODULES_DIR}${SRC_NAME}/${SRC_NAME}.js ${D}${bindir}/${SRC_NAME} } FILES_${PN} += "\ ${NODE_MODULES_DIR}${SRC_NAME} \ ${bindir} \ " INHIBIT_PACKAGE_DEBUG_SPLIT_${PN} = "1"