/* * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2019 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @file * _pbOther.cpp */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "_pbInternalProc.h" #include #include "WPF_STD_private.h" #include "tchar.h" /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Define * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Shared memory */ #define POS_BASE_OTHER_PROC_ID "POS_BASE_OTHER_PROC_ID" #define MAX_OTHER_PROC_NUM (32) /** Maximum number of the management information to translate the process name to PNO */ #define MAX_NUM_CTRL_TID (16) /** Maximum number of tje TID management for thread in Process */ #define OTHER_PNO_BASE (0x9000) /** Base number of local process */ #define THREAD_NAME_LEN_MAX (32) #define FULL_OTHER_PROC_NUM (MAX_OTHER_PROC_NUM - 4) /** Threshold of the management information to translate the process name to PNO (no free) */ #define WARN_OTHER_PROC_NUM (MAX_OTHER_PROC_NUM - 10) /** Threshold of the management information to translate the process name to PNO (warning) */ typedef void* (*_CWORD64_PROCMNG_START_ROUTINE)(void*); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Structure * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! @brief Process identification information */ typedef struct { PNO pno; /**< Process number */ char name[THREAD_NAME_LEN_MAX]; /**< Process name */ } PROC_ID; /*! @brief Process information */ typedef struct { PROC_ID id[MAX_OTHER_PROC_NUM]; /**< Process identification information */ uint32_t use_cnt; /**< Used number */ uint32_t rsv_cnt; /**< Reserved number */ } PROC_INFO; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Grobal Value * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static HANDLE g_h_app[MAX_NUM_CTRL_TID]; /** Application handle */ static HANDLE g_h_mtx; /** Shared-information-locking Mutex handle */ static HANDLE g_h_shm; /** Shared memory handle */ // Coverity CID: 18787 compliant static PROC_INFO* g_p_proc_id_tbl; /** Process Name-PNO Translation Table */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Internal Function Prototype * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Process number to PNO translation table manipulation functions */ static void OtherSetPnoOfCnvTbl(u_int32 idx, PNO pno); static void OtherSetNameOfCnvTbl(u_int32 idx, PCSTR name); static PNO OtherGetPnoOfCnvTbl(u_int32 idx); static PCSTR OtherGetNameOfCnvTbl(u_int32 idx); static u_int32 OtherSearchPnoOfCnvTbl(PNO pno); static u_int32 OtherSearchNameOfCnvTbl(PCSTR name); static void OtherIncUseCntOfCnvTbl(void); static void OtherIncRsvCntOfCnvTbl(void); static void OtherDecRsvCntOfCnvTbl(void); static void OtherCreateMutex(void); static void OtherDeleteMutex(void); static void OtherLockMutex(void); static void OtherUnlockMutex(void); /** * @brief * Initialize other funtion * * @return RET_NORMAL Normal completion */ RET_API ErrTrapInit(void) { RET_API ret_api = RET_NORMAL; PROC_INFO **pp_tbl; u_int16 idx; pp_tbl = &g_p_proc_id_tbl; /* Set a pointer to a table to translate the process name to PNO */ OtherCreateMutex(); /* Create Mutex for accessing shared info */ OtherLockMutex(); /* Acquire Mutex for accessing shared info */ /* Open shared memory for a table to translate the process name to PNO */ g_h_shm = OpenSharedMemory(const_cast(POS_BASE_OTHER_PROC_ID), sizeof(PROC_INFO)); /* If called for the first time within all processes, an error occurs and the following processing is performed. */ if (g_h_shm == NULL) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: can not be not NULL /* Create shared memory for a table to translate the name to PNO */ g_h_shm = CreateSharedMemory(const_cast(POS_BASE_OTHER_PROC_ID), sizeof(PROC_INFO)); /* In case of an error */ if (g_h_shm == NULL) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: can not be NULL FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "_pb_CreateShareData ERROR " \ "[g_h_shm:%p]", g_h_shm); AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert _pb_Exit(); // // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: can not be NULL /* don't arrive here. */ } } OtherUnlockMutex(); /* Release Mutex for accessing shared info */ /* Set the acquired shared memory address as a pointer for a table to translate the process name to PNO */ *pp_tbl = reinterpret_cast(GetSharedMemoryPtr(g_h_shm)); /* Table initialization */ for (idx = 0; idx < MAX_OTHER_PROC_NUM; idx++) { /* Set PNO into the table to translate the process name to PNO (Overwrite from the second process onwards) */ OtherSetPnoOfCnvTbl(idx, static_cast(OTHER_PNO_BASE + idx)); } return ret_api; } /** * @brief * Terminate other function */ void ErrTrapTerm(void) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 8:dead code AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert CloseSharedMemory(g_h_shm); OtherDeleteMutex(); } // LCOV_EXCL_STOP /** * @brief * Create Thread * * @param[in] lp_thread_attributes Not used * @param[in] dw_stack_size Initial stack size * @param[in] lp_start_address Address of the effective function of the thread * @param[in] lp_parameter Thread arguments * @param[in] dw_creation_flags Not used * @param[in] lp_thread_id Thread identifier * @param[in] pno PNO * @param[in] priority Thread priority * * @return Non-zero:Normal status, 0:When an error occurs */ HANDLE _pb_CreateThread(LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lp_thread_attributes, DWORD dw_stack_size, LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE lp_start_address, LPVOID lp_parameter, DWORD dw_creation_flags, LPDWORD lp_thread_id, PNO pno, int32 priority) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 8:dead code // NOLINT(whitespace/line_length) AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert pthread_attr_t st_thread_attr; pthread_t ul_thread_id = 0; sched_param st_thread_param = {0}; HANDLE handle = NULL; int32 lret = EOK; BOOL bret = FALSE; /* null check */ if (lp_thread_id == NULL) { // no op } else { /* Initializing Attributes */ lret = pthread_attr_init(&st_thread_attr); /* When the attribute initialization is successful */ if (lret == EOK) { /* Do not inherit parent scheduling policies */ lret = pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&st_thread_attr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED); } /* If you successfully configure policy inheritance */ if (lret == EOK) { /* Scheduling settings */ lret = pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&st_thread_attr, SCHED_RR); } /* Successful Scheduling settings */ if (lret == EOK) { /* Create a thread with the lowest priority so that the spawned thread */ /* do not run until they are ready for processing */ st_thread_param.sched_priority = 1; lret = pthread_attr_setschedparam(&st_thread_attr, &st_thread_param); } /* If the priority setting is successful */ if (lret == EOK) { lret = pthread_create(&ul_thread_id, NULL, (_CWORD64_PROCMNG_START_ROUTINE)lp_start_address, lp_parameter); } /* Successful pthread_create */ if (lret == EOK) { bret = TRUE; } } /* When priority setting is successful */ if (bret != FALSE) { /* Return value setting */ handle = (HANDLE)ul_thread_id; *lp_thread_id = ul_thread_id; } else { /* Error log output */ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "lret ERROR [lret:%d]", lret); } return handle; } // LCOV_EXCL_STOP /** * @brief * Get the thread ID * * @return Thread ID */ uint32_t PbGetTid(void) { uint32_t ul_tid; ul_tid = (uint32_t)syscall(__NR_gettid); return ul_tid; } /** * @brief * Get the local thread ID * * Local thread ID = [0, 1, 2, ...]
* The local thread ID is unique in the process, and dynamically assigned in the order in which
* this API was called during the process execution.
* * @return Local thread ID */ uint32_t PbGetLocalTid(void) { static uint32_t g_tid[MAX_NUM_CTRL_TID] = {0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF }; /** In-process thread ID management table */ uint32_t ul_tid; uint32_t ul_idx; uint32_t ul_local_tid = 0xFFFFFFFF; ul_tid = PbGetTid(); OtherLockMutex(); /* Get Mutex for accessing shared info */ for (ul_idx = 0; ul_idx < MAX_NUM_CTRL_TID; ul_idx++) { if (g_tid[ul_idx] == ul_tid) { ul_local_tid = ul_idx; } } if (ul_local_tid == 0xFFFFFFFF) { for (ul_idx = 0; ul_idx < MAX_NUM_CTRL_TID; ul_idx++) { if (g_tid[ul_idx] == 0xFFFFFFFF) { g_tid[ul_idx] = ul_tid; ul_local_tid = ul_idx; break; } } if (ul_local_tid == 0xFFFFFFFF) { /* forbidden */ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Local Tid buffer is overfull!!"); _pb_Exit(); /* don't arrive here. */ } } OtherUnlockMutex(); /* Release Mutex for accessing shared info */ return ul_local_tid; } /** * @brief * Get Application Handle * * Get the application handle of the invoking thread. * * @return Non-zero:Normal status, 0:When an error occurs */ HANDLE _pb_GetAppHandle(void) { // NOLINT(readability/nolint) WPF_SYSAPI.h API const uint32_t offset = PbGetLocalTid(); return g_h_app[offset]; } /** * @brief * Set Application Handle * * Set the application handle of the invoking thread. * * @param[in] name Process name */ void _pb_SetAppHandle(HANDLE h_app) { // NOLINT(readability/nolint) WPF_SYSAPI.h API const uint32_t offset = PbGetLocalTid(); OtherLockMutex(); /* Get Mutex for accessing shared info */ g_h_app[offset] = h_app; OtherUnlockMutex(); /* Release Mutex for accessing shared info */ return; } /** * @brief * Convert process name to pno * * Translate process name to PNO.
* If the process name specified in the argument is the first name to
* be translated by this API, a new PNO is assigned and returned.
* If NULL is specified, 0 is returned. * * @param[in] name Process name * * @return Process number */ PNO _pb_CnvName2Pno(PCSTR name) { // NOLINT(readability/nolint) WPF_SYSAPI.h API u_int32 idx; PNO pno = 0; size_t len; /* null check */ if (name == NULL) { pno = 0; } else { len = _tcslen(name); if (len >= THREAD_NAME_LEN_MAX) { FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Argument ERROR!! " \ "Length of thread name is too long(>=%d). [len:%zu]", THREAD_NAME_LEN_MAX, len); } else { OtherLockMutex(); idx = OtherSearchNameOfCnvTbl(name); if (idx != MAX_OTHER_PROC_NUM) { pno = OtherGetPnoOfCnvTbl(idx); } else { idx = OtherSearchNameOfCnvTbl(""); OtherSetNameOfCnvTbl(idx, name); /* Increment using-counter */ OtherIncUseCntOfCnvTbl(); pno = OtherGetPnoOfCnvTbl(idx); } OtherUnlockMutex(); } } return pno; } /** * @brief * Convert pno to process name * * Translate PNO to the process name. * Return the process name set by _pb_CnvName2Pno to the PNO argument. * If a non-PNO value is given by _pb_CnvName2Pno is specified, * NULL is returned. * * @param[in] pno Process number * * @return Process name */ PCSTR _pb_CnvPno2Name(PNO pno) { // NOLINT(readability/nolint) WPF_SYSAPI.h API u_int32 idx; PCSTR name = NULL; OtherLockMutex(); idx = OtherSearchPnoOfCnvTbl(pno); if (idx != MAX_OTHER_PROC_NUM) { name = OtherGetNameOfCnvTbl(idx); } OtherUnlockMutex(); return name; } /** * @brief * Get environment variables * * @param[in] Environment variable name * @param[in] Pointer to environment variable value */ void GetEnv(const char* p_env_str, char* p_env_buff) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 8:dead code AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert VP_GetEnv(p_env_str, p_env_buff); FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_INFO, __FUNCTION__, "VP_GetEnv:%s=%s", p_env_str, p_env_buff); return; } // LCOV_EXCL_STOP /** * @brief * Get hardware configuration * * Get hardware configuration information from environment variables * * @param None * * @return UNIT_TYPE_NONE Not set * UNIT_TYPE_GRADE1 * UNIT_TYPE_GRADE2 */ UNIT_TYPE PbGetEnvSupportInfo(void) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 8:dead code AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert static UNIT_TYPE ret_type = UNIT_TYPE_UNKNOWN; char c_env_positioningbaselibrary_grade[VP_MAX_LENGTH]; char* p_env_positioningbaselibrary_grade = c_env_positioningbaselibrary_grade; VP_GetEnv(VEHICLEPARAMETERLIBRARY_GRADE, p_env_positioningbaselibrary_grade); if (0 == strcmp(p_env_positioningbaselibrary_grade, "GRADE1")) { ret_type = UNIT_TYPE_GRADE1; } else { /* * Note. * This feature branches processing depending on the unit type. */ ret_type = UNIT_TYPE_GRADE2; } return ret_type; } // LCOV_EXCL_STOP /** * @brief * Determination of unit type * * @param Unit type
* Specify the value that is logical OR of UNIT_TYPE_GRADE1 * * @return TRUE: Same as the unit type specified in the arguments
* FALSE: Different from the unit type specified in the arguments */ BOOL ChkUnitType(UNIT_TYPE type) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 8:dead code AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert UNIT_TYPE ltype; BOOL bret; ltype = PbGetEnvSupportInfo(); if ((ltype & type) != 0) { bret = TRUE; } else { bret = FALSE; } return bret; } // LCOV_EXCL_STOP /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Local Function * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @brief * PNO setting(The table to translate the process name to PNO) * * If an invalid value is specified for an argument, the system assumes that it is a design problem and calls _pb_Exit(). * * @param[in] u_int32 idx Table accessor * @param[in] PNO pno Process number * * @return none */ static void OtherSetPnoOfCnvTbl(u_int32 idx, PNO pno) { /* check index */ if (idx >= MAX_OTHER_PROC_NUM) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: idx cannot greater /* forbidden */ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Argment ERROR [idx:%d, pno:%d]", idx, pno); AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert _pb_Exit(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: idx cannot greater /* don't arrive here. */ } g_p_proc_id_tbl->id[idx].pno = pno; return; } /** * @brief * Set process name (The table to translate the process name to PNO) * * If an invalid value is specified for an argument, the system assumes that it is a design problem and calls _pb_Exit(). * * @param[in] u_int32 idx Table accessor * @param[in] PCSTR name Process name * * @return none */ static void OtherSetNameOfCnvTbl(u_int32 idx, PCSTR name) { /* check index */ if (idx >= MAX_OTHER_PROC_NUM) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: idx cannot greater /* forbidden */ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Argment ERROR [idx:%d, name:%s]", idx, name); AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert _pb_Exit(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: idx cannot greater /* don't arrive here. */ } else { _tcscpy(g_p_proc_id_tbl->id[idx].name, name); } return; } /** * @brief * Get PNO (The table to translate the process name to PNO) * * If an invalid value is specified for an argument, the system assumes that it is a design problem and calls _pb_Exit(). * * @param[in] u_int32 idx Table accessor * * @return PNO */ static PNO OtherGetPnoOfCnvTbl(u_int32 idx) { /* check index */ if (idx >= MAX_OTHER_PROC_NUM) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: idx cannot greater /* forbidden */ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Argment ERROR [idx:%d]", idx); AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert _pb_Exit(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: idx cannot greater /* don't arrive here. */ } return g_p_proc_id_tbl->id[idx].pno; } /** * @brief * Get process name (The table to translate the process name to PNO) * * If an invalid value is specified for an argument, the system assumes that it is a design problem and calls _pb_Exit(). * * @param[in] u_int32 idx Table accessor * * @return PCSTR */ static PCSTR OtherGetNameOfCnvTbl(u_int32 idx) { /* check index */ if (idx >= MAX_OTHER_PROC_NUM) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 6: idx cannot greater /* forbidden */ FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Argment ERROR [idx:%d]", idx); AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert _pb_Exit(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 6: idx cannot greater /* don't arrive here. */ } return g_p_proc_id_tbl->id[idx].name; } /** * @brief * Retrieve PNO (The table to translate the process name to PNO) * * If the PNO specified in the argument exists in the table, return the index for access. * If not exists, return the maximum number of local PNO controls (MAX_OTHER_PROC_NUM). * * @param[in] PNO pno Process number * * @return u_int32 Table accessor */ static u_int32 OtherSearchPnoOfCnvTbl(PNO pno) { u_int32 idx; PNO lPno; for (idx = 0; idx < MAX_OTHER_PROC_NUM; idx++) { lPno = OtherGetPnoOfCnvTbl(idx); if (lPno == pno) { break; } } return idx; } /** * @brief * Retrieve process name (The table to translate the process name to PNO) * * If the process specified by the argument exists in the table, return the index for access. * If not exists, return the maximum number of local PNO controls (MAX_OTHER_PROC_NUM). * * @param[in] PCSTR name Process name * * @return u_int32 Table accessor */ static u_int32 OtherSearchNameOfCnvTbl(PCSTR name) { int32 ret; u_int32 idx; for (idx = 0; idx < MAX_OTHER_PROC_NUM; idx++) { ret = _tcscmp(g_p_proc_id_tbl->id[idx].name, name); /* If there is a match */ if (ret == 0) { break; } } return idx; } /** * @brief * Create Mutex for accessing shared info * * @param[in] none * * @return none */ static void OtherCreateMutex(void) { g_h_mtx = _pb_CreateMutex(NULL, 0, "Other_Mutex"); if (g_h_mtx == NULL) { FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "_pb_CreateMutex ERROR [g_h_mtx:%p]", g_h_mtx); _pb_Exit(); /* don't arrive here. */ } return; } /** * @brief * Delete Mutex for accessing shared info * * @param[in] none * * @return none */ static void OtherDeleteMutex(void) { // LCOV_EXCL_START 8:dead code AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert DWORD ret; ret = PbDeleteMutex(g_h_mtx); if (ret != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "PbDeleteMutex ERROR " \ "[ret:%lu, g_h_mtx:%p]", ret, g_h_mtx); _pb_Exit(); /* don't arrive here. */ } return; } // LCOV_EXCL_STOP /** * @brief * Get Mutex for accessing shared info * * @param[in] none * * @return none */ static void OtherLockMutex(void) { DWORD ret; ret = PbMutexLock(g_h_mtx, INFINITE); if (ret != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "PbMutexLock ERROR " \ "[ret:%lu, g_h_mtx:%p]", ret, g_h_mtx); _pb_Exit(); /* don't arrive here. */ } return; } /** * @brief * Open Mutex for Accessing Shared Info * * @param[in] none * * @return none */ static void OtherUnlockMutex(void) { BOOL ret; ret = PbMutexUnlock(g_h_mtx); if (ret != TRUE) { FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "PbMutexUnlock ERROR " \ "[ret:%d, g_h_mtx:%p]", ret, g_h_mtx); _pb_Exit(); /* don't arrive here. */ } return; } /** * @brief * Get dump information * * @param[out] pBuf Dump info */ void _pb_GetDebugOtherMngTbl(void* pBuf) { static uint8_t buf[DEBUG_DUMP_MAX_SIZE]; static uint8_t bufTmp[64]; uint32_t i; if (pBuf != NULL) { memset(&buf[0], 0x00, sizeof(buf)); snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&buf[0]), sizeof(buf), "Other"); if (g_p_proc_id_tbl == NULL) { // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE 200: g_p_proc_id_tbl can not be NULL // LCOV_EXCL_START 200: g_p_proc_id_tbl can not be NULL AGL_ASSERT_NOT_TESTED(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE 200: test assert strncat(reinterpret_cast(&buf[0]), "\n NULL", strlen("\n NULL")); // LCOV_EXCL_STOP } else { for (i = 0; i < MAX_OTHER_PROC_NUM; i++) { memset(&bufTmp[0], 0x00, sizeof(bufTmp)); snprintf(reinterpret_cast(&bufTmp[0]), sizeof(bufTmp), "\n [%02d] pno:0x%04x, name:%s", i, g_p_proc_id_tbl->id[i].pno, g_p_proc_id_tbl->id[i].name); strncat(reinterpret_cast(&buf[0]), reinterpret_cast(&bufTmp[0]), \ strlen(reinterpret_cast(&bufTmp[0]))); } } memcpy(pBuf, &buf[0], sizeof(buf)); } } /** * @brief * Increment the usage counter of the table to translate process name to PNO * * @param[in] none */ static void OtherIncUseCntOfCnvTbl(void) { g_p_proc_id_tbl->use_cnt++; return; } /** * @brief * Increment the counter to reserve the table to translate the process name to PNO * * @param[in] none */ static void OtherIncRsvCntOfCnvTbl(void) { g_p_proc_id_tbl->rsv_cnt++; return; } /** * @brief * Decrement the counter to reserve the table to translate the process name to PNO * * @param[in] none */ static void OtherDecRsvCntOfCnvTbl(void) { g_p_proc_id_tbl->rsv_cnt--; return; } /** * @brief * Determine resources ready (The table to translate the process name to PNO) * * @param[in] none * * @return BOOL * @retval TRUE : Normal * @retval FALSE : Error (Resource shortage) */ BOOL _pb_GetOtherResource(void) { BOOL ret = TRUE; uint32_t cnt; OtherLockMutex(); /* Increment reserved counter */ OtherIncRsvCntOfCnvTbl(); cnt = g_p_proc_id_tbl->use_cnt + g_p_proc_id_tbl->rsv_cnt; if (cnt >= FULL_OTHER_PROC_NUM) { ret = FALSE; FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Lack of resources " \ "[FATAL][use_cnt:%d rsv_cnt:%d]", g_p_proc_id_tbl->use_cnt, g_p_proc_id_tbl->rsv_cnt); } else if (cnt >= WARN_OTHER_PROC_NUM) { FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG(ZONE_ERR, __FUNCTION__, "Lack of resources " \ "[WARN][use_cnt:%d rsv_cnt:%d]", g_p_proc_id_tbl->use_cnt, g_p_proc_id_tbl->rsv_cnt); } OtherUnlockMutex(); return ret; } /** * @brief * Release resources (The table to translate process name to PNO) * * @param[in] none * * @return none */ void _pb_ReleaseOtherResource(void) { OtherLockMutex(); /* Decrement reserved counter */ OtherDecRsvCntOfCnvTbl(); OtherUnlockMutex(); return; }