/* * @copyright Copyright (c) 2019-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "MM_DREC_API.h" RET_DREC_API DREC_ChangeRecording(E_DREC_REC state) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_AccOffOn(E_DREC_ACC state) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcPwr(T_DREC_TRCPWR* data, u_int32_t num) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcPwr_Tick(T_DREC_TRCPWR_WITHSYSTIME* data, u_int32_t num, u_int32_t tick) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcMode(T_DREC_TRCMODE* data, u_int32_t num) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcVehicleSignal(T_DREC_TRCVEHICLESIGNAL* data, u_int32_t num) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcKey(T_DREC_TRCKEY* data, u_int32_t num) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcKey_Exp(T_DREC_TRCKEY_EXP* data, u_int32_t num) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcKey_Voice(T_DREC_TRCKEY_VOICE* data, u_int32_t num) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcErr(T_DREC_TRCERR* data, u_int32_t num) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcCan(T_DREC_TRCCAN* data, u_int32_t num, u_int32_t tick) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcOwnCarPosition(T_DREC_TRCAWDATA* data) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcDeliveryPFWatchLog(T_DREC_TRCAWDATA* data) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcDeliveryPFUseLog(T_DREC_TRCAWDATA* data) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcBT(T_DREC_TRCBT* data, u_int32_t num) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcBTInternal(u_int8_t* data, u_int32_t size) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcWiFiInternal(u_int8_t* data, u_int32_t size) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcWiFi(T_DREC_TRCWIFI* data, u_int32_t num) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcCenter(u_int8_t* data, u_int32_t size) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcVersion(T_DREC_TRCVERSION* data, u_int32_t num) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcDCM(u_int8_t* data, u_int32_t size) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcDSRC(T_DREC_TRCAWDATA* data) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrc_CWORD17_(T_DREC_TRCCAN* data, u_int32_t num, u_int32_t tick) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcWave(T_DREC_TRCWAVE* data, u_int32_t num) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcUSB(u_int8_t* data, u_int32_t size) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_GetRecordSize(E_PFDREC_CATEGORY_TYPE type, u_int32_t *num) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_GetRecordData(E_PFDREC_CATEGORY_TYPE type, u_int32_t num, u_int32_t record_ptr, u_int8_t *data, u_int32_t *out_num) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_GetRecordState(E_DREC_REC* state) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_SetSysemTimeDifference(u_int32_t data) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcGPS(T_DREC_TRCGPS* data) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcUSBETC(T_DREC_TRCAWDATA* data) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcUplink(T_DREC_TRCAWDATA* data) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcETCWatch(T_DREC_TRCETCWATCH* data, u_int32_t num) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcRoB(T_DREC_TRCROB* data, u_int32_t num) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcEvaluation(u_int8_t* data, u_int32_t size) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_DeleteTrcDeliveryPFUseLog(void) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_DeleteTrcDeliveryPFUseLog_inSession(HANDLE hThread) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcOptBeaconDownLink(T_DREC_TRCOPTBEACON_DOWN_LINK* data, u_int32_t num) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_WriteTrcOptBeaconUpLink(T_DREC_TRCOPTBEACON_UP_LINK* data, u_int32_t num) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_MakerTrace_DeliveryEntry(HANDLE hApp, PCSTR notifyName) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_MakerTrace_SizeRequest(HANDLE hApp, PCSTR notifyName) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_MakerTrace_SizeResponce(HANDLE hApp, PCSTR notifyName, u_int32_t size) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_MakerTrace_OutputRequest(HANDLE hApp, PCSTR notifyName, PCSTR output, DREC_OUTPUT_STATE state) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_MakerTrace_OutputResponce(HANDLE hApp, PCSTR notifyName, u_int8_t progress, DREC_OUTPUT_RESULT state) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_MakerTrace_DeleteRequest(HANDLE hApp, PCSTR notifyName) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_MakerTrace_DeleteResponce(HANDLE hApp, PCSTR notifyName, DREC_OUTPUT_RESULT state) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_MakerTrace_FuncStatusRequest(HANDLE hApp, PCSTR notifyName, DREC_OUTPUT_FUNC func) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_MakerTrace_FuncStatusResponce(HANDLE hApp, PCSTR notifyName, DREC_OUTPUT_RESULT state) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; } RET_DREC_API DREC_MakerTrace_NotifyRestrict(HANDLE hApp, PCSTR notifyName, DREC_NOTIFY_RESTRICT notifyRestrict) { /* * Note. * This feature needs to be implemented by the vendor. */ return RET_DREC_NORMAL; }