From 910704d00adeea1b6516e3fd444e5273b8ebbbbb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Marcus Fritzsch <>
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2017 15:40:11 +0200
Subject: moved callback thunks to impl, makes classes readable

Signed-off-by: Marcus Fritzsch <>
 src/main.cpp    |   7 +-
 src/wayland.cpp | 449 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 src/wayland.hpp | 198 +++++--------------------
 3 files changed, 285 insertions(+), 369 deletions(-)

(limited to 'src')

diff --git a/src/main.cpp b/src/main.cpp
index 1d92338..5e74ed8 100644
--- a/src/main.cpp
+++ b/src/main.cpp
@@ -45,7 +45,12 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    if (!c.c)
       fatal("ivi_controller global not available");
-   // main loop
+   /* while (1) { */
+   /*    int ret = d->dispatch(); */
+   /*    if (ret != 0) */
+   /*       break; */
+   /* } */
    return 0;
diff --git a/src/wayland.cpp b/src/wayland.cpp
index f8db0a6..98c4270 100644
--- a/src/wayland.cpp
+++ b/src/wayland.cpp
@@ -25,14 +25,30 @@ bool display::ok() const {
 void display::roundtrip() { wl_display_roundtrip(this->d.get()); }
+int display::dispatch() { return wl_display_dispatch(this->d.get()); }
 //                 _     _
 //  _ __ ___  __ _(_)___| |_ _ __ _   _
 // | '__/ _ \/ _` | / __| __| '__| | | |
 // | | |  __/ (_| | \__ \ |_| |  | |_| |
 // |_|  \___|\__, |_|___/\__|_|   \__, |
 //           |___/                |___/
+namespace {
+void registry_global(void *data, struct wl_registry *r, uint32_t name,
+                     char const *iface, uint32_t v) {
+   static_cast<registry *>(data)->global(name, iface, v);
+void registry_global_remove(void *data, struct wl_registry *r, uint32_t name) {
+   static_cast<registry *>(data)->global_remove(name);
+constexpr wl_registry_listener registry_listener = {registry_global,
+                                                    registry_global_remove};
 registry::registry(wl_display *d) : wayland_proxy(wl_display_get_registry(d)) {
-   wl_registry_add_listener(this->proxy, &listener, this);
+   wl_registry_add_listener(this->proxy, &registry_listener, this);
 registry::~registry() {
@@ -44,7 +60,7 @@ void registry::add_global_handler(char const *iface, binder bind) {
    this->bindings[iface] = bind;
-void registry::event_global(uint32_t name, char const *iface, uint32_t v) {
+void registry::global(uint32_t name, char const *iface, uint32_t v) {
    auto b = this->bindings.find(iface);
    if (b != this->bindings.end())
       b->second(this->proxy, name, v);
@@ -53,19 +69,7 @@ void registry::event_global(uint32_t name, char const *iface, uint32_t v) {
                iface, v);
-void registry::event_global_remove(uint32_t name) {}
-constexpr wl_registry_listener registry::listener;
-void registry::s_global(void *data, struct wl_registry *r, uint32_t name,
-                        char const *iface, uint32_t v) {
-   static_cast<registry *>(data)->event_global(name, iface, v);
-void registry::s_global_remove(void *data, struct wl_registry *r,
-                               uint32_t name) {
-   static_cast<registry *>(data)->event_global_remove(name);
+void registry::global_remove(uint32_t name) {}
 //              _               _
 //   ___  _   _| |_ _ __  _   _| |_
@@ -73,53 +77,57 @@ void registry::s_global_remove(void *data, struct wl_registry *r,
 // | (_) | |_| | |_| |_) | |_| | |_
 //  \___/ \__,_|\__| .__/ \__,_|\__|
 //                 |_|
-output::output(wl_registry *r, uint32_t name, uint32_t v)
-   : wayland_proxy(wl_registry_bind(r, name, &wl_output_interface, v)) {
-   wl_output_add_listener(this->proxy, &listener, this);
+namespace {
+void output_geometry(void *data, struct wl_output *wl_output, int32_t x,
+                     int32_t y, int32_t physical_width, int32_t physical_height,
+                     int32_t subpixel, const char *make, const char *model,
+                     int32_t transform) {
+   static_cast<output *>(data)->geometry(x, y, physical_width, physical_height,
+                                         subpixel, make, model, transform);
-void output::event_geometry(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t pw, int32_t ph,
-                            int32_t subpel, char const *make, char const *model,
-                            int32_t tx) {
-   logdebug(
-      "wl::output @ %p x %i y %i w %i h %i spel %x make %s model %s tx %i",
-      this->proxy, x, y, pw, ph, subpel, make, model, tx);
+void output_mode(void *data, struct wl_output *wl_output, uint32_t flags,
+                 int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t refresh) {
+   static_cast<output *>(data)->mode(flags, width, height, refresh);
-void output::event_mode(uint32_t flags, int32_t w, int32_t h, int32_t r) {
-   logdebug("wl::output @ %p mode f %x w %i h %i r %i", this->proxy, flags, w,
-            h, r);
+void output_done(void *data, struct wl_output *wl_output) {
+   static_cast<output *>(data)->done();
-void output::event_done() { logdebug("wl::output @ %p done", this->proxy); }
+void output_scale(void *data, struct wl_output *wl_output, int32_t factor) {
+   static_cast<output *>(data)->scale(factor);
-void output::event_scale(int32_t factor) {
-   logdebug("wl::output @ %p scale %i", this->proxy, factor);
+constexpr wl_output_listener output_listener = {output_geometry, output_mode,
+                                                output_done, output_scale};
-void output::s_geometry(void *data, struct wl_output *wl_output, int32_t x,
-                        int32_t y, int32_t physical_width,
-                        int32_t physical_height, int32_t subpixel,
-                        const char *make, const char *model,
-                        int32_t transform) {
-   static_cast<output *>(data)->event_geometry(
-      x, y, physical_width, physical_height, subpixel, make, model, transform);
+output::output(wl_registry *r, uint32_t name, uint32_t v)
+   : wayland_proxy(wl_registry_bind(r, name, &wl_output_interface, v)) {
+   wl_output_add_listener(this->proxy, &output_listener, this);
-void output::s_mode(void *data, struct wl_output *wl_output, uint32_t flags,
-                    int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t refresh) {
-   static_cast<output *>(data)->event_mode(flags, width, height, refresh);
+void output::geometry(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t pw, int32_t ph,
+                      int32_t subpel, char const *make, char const *model,
+                      int32_t tx) {
+   logdebug(
+      "wl::output %s @ %p x %i y %i w %i h %i spel %x make %s model %s tx %i",
+      __func__, this->proxy, x, y, pw, ph, subpel, make, model, tx);
-void output::s_done(void *data, struct wl_output *wl_output) {
-   static_cast<output *>(data)->event_done();
+void output::mode(uint32_t flags, int32_t w, int32_t h, int32_t r) {
+   logdebug("wl::output %s @ %p f %x w %i h %i r %i", __func__, this->proxy,
+            flags, w, h, r);
-void output::s_scale(void *data, struct wl_output *wl_output, int32_t factor) {
-   static_cast<output *>(data)->event_scale(factor);
+void output::done() {
+   logdebug("wl::output %s @ %p done", __func__, this->proxy);
-constexpr wl_output_listener output::listener;
+void output::scale(int32_t factor) {
+   logdebug("wl::output %s @ %p f %i", __func__, this->proxy, factor);
 //  _ __   __ _ _ __ ___   ___  ___ _ __   __ _  ___ ___
@@ -141,6 +149,34 @@ namespace genivi {
 // | (_| (_) | | | | |_| | | (_) | | |  __/ |
 //  \___\___/|_| |_|\__|_|  \___/|_|_|\___|_|
+namespace {
+void controller_screen(void *data, struct ivi_controller *ivi_controller,
+                       uint32_t id_screen,
+                       struct ivi_controller_screen *screen) {
+   static_cast<controller *>(data)->screen(id_screen, screen);
+void controller_layer(void *data, struct ivi_controller *ivi_controller,
+                      uint32_t id_layer) {
+   static_cast<controller *>(data)->layer(id_layer);
+void controller_surface(void *data, struct ivi_controller *ivi_controller,
+                        uint32_t id_surface) {
+   static_cast<controller *>(data)->surface(id_surface);
+void controller_error(void *data, struct ivi_controller *ivi_controller,
+                      int32_t object_id, int32_t object_type,
+                      int32_t error_code, const char *error_text) {
+   static_cast<controller *>(data)->error(object_id, object_type, error_code,
+                                          error_text);
+constexpr ivi_controller_listener listener = {
+   controller_screen, controller_layer, controller_surface, controller_error};
 controller::controller(wl_registry *r, uint32_t name, uint32_t version)
    : wayland_proxy(
         wl_registry_bind(r, name, &ivi_controller_interface, version)) {
@@ -149,63 +185,93 @@ controller::controller(wl_registry *r, uint32_t name, uint32_t version)
 controller::~controller() {}
-void controller::event_screen(uint32_t id,
-                              struct ivi_controller_screen *screen) {
+void controller::screen(uint32_t id, struct ivi_controller_screen *screen) {
    logdebug("genivi::controller @ %p screen %u (%x) @ %p", this->proxy, id, id,
    this->screens[id] = std::make_unique<struct screen>(id, screen);
-void controller::event_layer(uint32_t id) {
+void controller::layer(uint32_t id) {
    logdebug("genivi::controller @ %p layer %u (%x)", this->proxy, id, id);
-   this->layers[id] = std::make_unique<layer>(id, this->proxy);
+   this->layers[id] = std::make_unique<struct layer>(id, this->proxy);
-void controller::event_surface(uint32_t id) {
+void controller::surface(uint32_t id) {
    logdebug("genivi::controller @ %p surface %u (%x)", this->proxy, id, id);
-   this->surfaces[id] = std::make_unique<surface>(id, this->proxy);
+   this->surfaces[id] = std::make_unique<struct surface>(id, this->proxy);
-void controller::event_error(int32_t object_id, int32_t object_type,
-                             int32_t error_code, const char *error_text) {
+void controller::error(int32_t object_id, int32_t object_type,
+                       int32_t error_code, const char *error_text) {
    logdebug("genivi::controller @ %p error o %i t %i c %i text %s", this->proxy,
             object_id, object_type, error_code, error_text);
-void controller::s_screen(void *data, struct ivi_controller *ivi_controller,
-                          uint32_t id_screen,
-                          struct ivi_controller_screen *screen) {
-   static_cast<controller *>(data)->event_screen(id_screen, screen);
+//  _
+// | | __ _ _   _  ___ _ __
+// | |/ _` | | | |/ _ \ '__|
+// | | (_| | |_| |  __/ |
+// |_|\__,_|\__, |\___|_|
+//          |___/
+namespace {
+void layer_visibility(void *data,
+                      struct ivi_controller_layer *ivi_controller_layer,
+                      int32_t visibility) {
+   static_cast<layer *>(data)->visibility(visibility);
-void controller::s_layer(void *data, struct ivi_controller *ivi_controller,
-                         uint32_t id_layer) {
-   static_cast<controller *>(data)->event_layer(id_layer);
+void layer_opacity(void *data,
+                   struct ivi_controller_layer *ivi_controller_layer,
+                   wl_fixed_t opacity) {
+   static_cast<layer *>(data)->opacity(opacity);
-void controller::s_surface(void *data, struct ivi_controller *ivi_controller,
-                           uint32_t id_surface) {
-   static_cast<controller *>(data)->event_surface(id_surface);
+void layer_source_rectangle(void *data,
+                            struct ivi_controller_layer *ivi_controller_layer,
+                            int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width,
+                            int32_t height) {
+   static_cast<layer *>(data)->source_rectangle(x, y, width, height);
-void controller::s_error(void *data, struct ivi_controller *ivi_controller,
-                         int32_t object_id, int32_t object_type,
-                         int32_t error_code, const char *error_text) {
-   static_cast<controller *>(data)->event_error(object_id, object_type,
-                                                error_code, error_text);
+void layer_destination_rectangle(
+   void *data, struct ivi_controller_layer *ivi_controller_layer, int32_t x,
+   int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height) {
+   static_cast<layer *>(data)->destination_rectangle(x, y, width, height);
-constexpr ivi_controller_listener controller::listener;
+void layer_configuration(void *data,
+                         struct ivi_controller_layer *ivi_controller_layer,
+                         int32_t width, int32_t height) {
+   static_cast<layer *>(data)->configuration(width, height);
+void layer_orientation(void *data,
+                       struct ivi_controller_layer *ivi_controller_layer,
+                       int32_t orientation) {
+   static_cast<layer *>(data)->orientation(orientation);
+void layer_screen(void *data, struct ivi_controller_layer *ivi_controller_layer,
+                  struct wl_output *screen) {
+   static_cast<layer *>(data)->screen(screen);
+void layer_destroyed(void *data,
+                     struct ivi_controller_layer *ivi_controller_layer) {
+   static_cast<layer *>(data)->destroyed();
+constexpr ivi_controller_layer_listener layer_listener = {
+   layer_visibility,       layer_opacity,
+   layer_source_rectangle, layer_destination_rectangle,
+   layer_configuration,    layer_orientation,
+   layer_screen,           layer_destroyed,
-//  _
-// | | __ _ _   _  ___ _ __
-// | |/ _` | | | |/ _ \ '__|
-// | | (_| | |_| |  __/ |
-// |_|\__,_|\__, |\___|_|
-//          |___/
 layer::layer(uint32_t i, ivi_controller *c)
    : wayland_proxy(ivi_controller_layer_create(c, i, 0, 0)), id(i) {
-   ivi_controller_layer_add_listener(this->proxy, &listener, this);
+   ivi_controller_layer_add_listener(this->proxy, &layer_listener, this);
 layer::~layer() {
@@ -214,101 +280,137 @@ layer::~layer() {
    this->proxy = nullptr;
-void layer::event_visibility(int32_t visibility) {
+void layer::visibility(int32_t visibility) {
    logdebug("genivi::layer %s @ %p v %i", __func__, this->proxy, visibility);
-void layer::event_opacity(wl_fixed_t opacity) {
+void layer::opacity(wl_fixed_t opacity) {
    logdebug("genivi::layer %s @ %p o %i", __func__, this->proxy, opacity);
-void layer::event_source_rectangle(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width,
-                                   int32_t height) {
+void layer::source_rectangle(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width,
+                             int32_t height) {
    logdebug("genivi::layer %s @ %p x %i y %i w %i h %i", __func__, this->proxy,
             x, y, width, height);
-void layer::event_destination_rectangle(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width,
-                                        int32_t height) {
+void layer::destination_rectangle(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width,
+                                  int32_t height) {
    logdebug("genivi::layer %s @ %p x %i y %i w %i h %i", __func__, this->proxy,
             x, y, width, height);
-void layer::event_configuration(int32_t width, int32_t height) {
+void layer::configuration(int32_t width, int32_t height) {
    logdebug("genivi::layer %s @ %p w %i h %i", __func__, this->proxy, width,
-void layer::event_orientation(int32_t orientation) {
+void layer::orientation(int32_t orientation) {
    logdebug("genivi::layer %s @ %p o %i", __func__, this->proxy, orientation);
-void layer::event_screen(struct wl_output *screen) {
+void layer::screen(struct wl_output *screen) {
    logdebug("genivi::layer %s @ %p s %p", __func__, this->proxy, screen);
-void layer::event_destroyed() {
+void layer::destroyed() {
    logdebug("genivi::layer %s @ %p", __func__, this->proxy);
-void layer::s_visibility(void *data,
-                         struct ivi_controller_layer *ivi_controller_layer,
-                         int32_t visibility) {
-   static_cast<layer *>(data)->event_visibility(visibility);
+//                  __
+//  ___ _   _ _ __ / _| __ _  ___ ___
+// / __| | | | '__| |_ / _` |/ __/ _ \
+// \__ \ |_| | |  |  _| (_| | (_|  __/
+// |___/\__,_|_|  |_|  \__,_|\___\___|
+namespace {
+void surface_visibility(void *data,
+                        struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface,
+                        int32_t visibility) {
+   static_cast<surface *>(data)->visibility(visibility);
-void layer::s_opacity(void *data,
-                      struct ivi_controller_layer *ivi_controller_layer,
-                      wl_fixed_t opacity) {
-   static_cast<layer *>(data)->event_opacity(opacity);
+void surface_opacity(void *data,
+                     struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface,
+                     wl_fixed_t opacity) {
+   static_cast<surface *>(data)->opacity(opacity);
-void layer::s_source_rectangle(
-   void *data, struct ivi_controller_layer *ivi_controller_layer, int32_t x,
+void surface_source_rectangle(
+   void *data, struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface, int32_t x,
    int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height) {
-   static_cast<layer *>(data)->event_source_rectangle(x, y, width, height);
+   static_cast<surface *>(data)->source_rectangle(x, y, width, height);
-void layer::s_destination_rectangle(
-   void *data, struct ivi_controller_layer *ivi_controller_layer, int32_t x,
+void surface_destination_rectangle(
+   void *data, struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface, int32_t x,
    int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height) {
-   static_cast<layer *>(data)->event_destination_rectangle(x, y, width, height);
+   static_cast<surface *>(data)->destination_rectangle(x, y, width, height);
-void layer::s_configuration(void *data,
-                            struct ivi_controller_layer *ivi_controller_layer,
-                            int32_t width, int32_t height) {
-   static_cast<layer *>(data)->event_configuration(width, height);
+void surface_configuration(
+   void *data, struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface,
+   int32_t width, int32_t height) {
+   static_cast<surface *>(data)->configuration(width, height);
-void layer::s_orientation(void *data,
-                          struct ivi_controller_layer *ivi_controller_layer,
-                          int32_t orientation) {
-   static_cast<layer *>(data)->event_orientation(orientation);
+void surface_orientation(void *data,
+                         struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface,
+                         int32_t orientation) {
+   static_cast<surface *>(data)->orientation(orientation);
-void layer::s_screen(void *data,
-                     struct ivi_controller_layer *ivi_controller_layer,
-                     struct wl_output *screen) {
-   static_cast<layer *>(data)->event_screen(screen);
+void surface_pixelformat(void *data,
+                         struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface,
+                         int32_t pixelformat) {
+   static_cast<surface *>(data)->pixelformat(pixelformat);
-void layer::s_destroyed(void *data,
-                        struct ivi_controller_layer *ivi_controller_layer) {
-   static_cast<layer *>(data)->event_destroyed();
+void surface_layer(void *data,
+                   struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface,
+                   struct ivi_controller_layer *layer) {
+   static_cast<surface *>(data)->layer(layer);
-constexpr ivi_controller_layer_listener layer::listener;
+void surface_stats(void *data,
+                   struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface,
+                   uint32_t redraw_count, uint32_t frame_count,
+                   uint32_t update_count, uint32_t pid,
+                   const char *process_name) {
+   static_cast<surface *>(data)->stats(redraw_count, frame_count, update_count,
+                                       pid, process_name);
+void surface_destroyed(void *data,
+                       struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface) {
+   static_cast<surface *>(data)->destroyed();
+void surface_content(void *data,
+                     struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface,
+                     int32_t content_state) {
+   static_cast<surface *>(data)->content(content_state);
+static constexpr ivi_controller_surface_listener surface_listener = {
+   surface_visibility,
+   surface_opacity,
+   surface_source_rectangle,
+   surface_destination_rectangle,
+   surface_configuration,
+   surface_orientation,
+   surface_pixelformat,
+   surface_layer,
+   surface_stats,
+   surface_destroyed,
+   surface_content,
-//                  __
-//  ___ _   _ _ __ / _| __ _  ___ ___
-// / __| | | | '__| |_ / _` |/ __/ _ \
-// \__ \ |_| | |  |  _| (_| | (_|  __/
-// |___/\__,_|_|  |_|  \__,_|\___\___|
 surface::surface(uint32_t i, ivi_controller *c)
    : wayland_proxy(ivi_controller_surface_create(c, i)), id(i) {
-   ivi_controller_surface_add_listener(this->proxy, &listener, this);
+   ivi_controller_surface_add_listener(this->proxy, &surface_listener, this);
 surface::~surface() {
@@ -317,131 +419,60 @@ surface::~surface() {
    this->proxy = nullptr;
-void surface::event_visibility(int32_t visibility) {
+void surface::visibility(int32_t visibility) {
    logdebug("genivi::surface %s @ %p v %i", __func__, this->proxy, visibility);
-void surface::event_opacity(wl_fixed_t opacity) {
+void surface::opacity(wl_fixed_t opacity) {
    logdebug("genivi::surface %s @ %p o %i", __func__, this->proxy, opacity);
-void surface::event_source_rectangle(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width,
-                                     int32_t height) {
+void surface::source_rectangle(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width,
+                               int32_t height) {
    logdebug("genivi::surface %s @ %p x %i y %i w %i h %i", __func__,
             this->proxy, x, y, width, height);
-void surface::event_destination_rectangle(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width,
-                                          int32_t height) {
+void surface::destination_rectangle(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width,
+                                    int32_t height) {
    logdebug("genivi::surface %s @ %p x %i y %i w %i h %i", __func__,
             this->proxy, x, y, width, height);
-void surface::event_configuration(int32_t width, int32_t height) {
+void surface::configuration(int32_t width, int32_t height) {
    logdebug("genivi::surface %s @ %p w %i h %i", __func__, this->proxy, width,
-void surface::event_orientation(int32_t orientation) {
+void surface::orientation(int32_t orientation) {
    logdebug("genivi::surface %s @ %p o %i", __func__, this->proxy, orientation);
-void surface::event_pixelformat(int32_t pixelformat) {
+void surface::pixelformat(int32_t pixelformat) {
    logdebug("genivi::surface %s @ %p f %i", __func__, this->proxy, pixelformat);
-void surface::event_layer(struct ivi_controller_layer *layer) {
+void surface::layer(struct ivi_controller_layer *layer) {
    logdebug("genivi::surface %s @ %p l @ %p", __func__, this->proxy, layer);
-void surface::event_stats(uint32_t redraw_count, uint32_t frame_count,
-                          uint32_t update_count, uint32_t pid,
-                          const char *process_name) {
+void surface::stats(uint32_t redraw_count, uint32_t frame_count,
+                    uint32_t update_count, uint32_t pid,
+                    const char *process_name) {
    logdebug("genivi::surface %s @ %p r %u f %u u %u pid %u p %s", __func__,
             this->proxy, redraw_count, frame_count, update_count, pid,
-void surface::event_destroyed() {
+void surface::destroyed() {
    logdebug("genivi::surface %s @ %p", __func__, this->proxy);
-void surface::event_content(int32_t content_state) {
+void surface::content(int32_t content_state) {
    logdebug("genivi::surface %s @ %p s %i", __func__, this->proxy,
-void surface::s_visibility(
-   void *data, struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface,
-   int32_t visibility) {
-   static_cast<surface *>(data)->event_visibility(visibility);
-void surface::s_opacity(void *data,
-                        struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface,
-                        wl_fixed_t opacity) {
-   static_cast<surface *>(data)->event_opacity(opacity);
-void surface::s_source_rectangle(
-   void *data, struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface, int32_t x,
-   int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height) {
-   static_cast<surface *>(data)->event_source_rectangle(x, y, width, height);
-void surface::s_destination_rectangle(
-   void *data, struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface, int32_t x,
-   int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height) {
-   static_cast<surface *>(data)->event_destination_rectangle(x, y, width,
-                                                             height);
-void surface::s_configuration(
-   void *data, struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface,
-   int32_t width, int32_t height) {
-   static_cast<surface *>(data)->event_configuration(width, height);
-void surface::s_orientation(
-   void *data, struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface,
-   int32_t orientation) {
-   static_cast<surface *>(data)->event_orientation(orientation);
-void surface::s_pixelformat(
-   void *data, struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface,
-   int32_t pixelformat) {
-   static_cast<surface *>(data)->event_pixelformat(pixelformat);
-void surface::s_layer(void *data,
-                      struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface,
-                      struct ivi_controller_layer *layer) {
-   static_cast<surface *>(data)->event_layer(layer);
-void surface::s_stats(void *data,
-                      struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface,
-                      uint32_t redraw_count, uint32_t frame_count,
-                      uint32_t update_count, uint32_t pid,
-                      const char *process_name) {
-   static_cast<surface *>(data)->event_stats(redraw_count, frame_count,
-                                             update_count, pid, process_name);
-void surface::s_destroyed(
-   void *data, struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface) {
-   static_cast<surface *>(data)->event_destroyed();
-void surface::s_content(void *data,
-                        struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface,
-                        int32_t content_state) {
-   static_cast<surface *>(data)->event_content(content_state);
-constexpr ivi_controller_surface_listener surface::listener;
 // ___  ___ _ __ ___  ___ _ __
 /// __|/ __| '__/ _ \/ _ \ '_ \
diff --git a/src/wayland.hpp b/src/wayland.hpp
index 54d0bd5..d0d9c90 100644
--- a/src/wayland.hpp
+++ b/src/wayland.hpp
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ struct display {
    bool ok() const;
    void roundtrip();
+   int dispatch();
 //                 _     _
@@ -70,16 +71,9 @@ struct registry : public wayland_proxy<wl_registry> {
    void add_global_handler(char const *iface, binder bind);
-   void event_global(uint32_t name, char const *iface, uint32_t v);
-   void event_global_remove(uint32_t name);
-   static void s_global(void *data, struct wl_registry *r, uint32_t name,
-                        char const *iface, uint32_t v);
-   static void s_global_remove(void *data, struct wl_registry *r,
-                               uint32_t name);
-   static constexpr wl_registry_listener listener = {s_global, s_global_remove};
+   // Events
+   void global(uint32_t name, char const *iface, uint32_t v);
+   void global_remove(uint32_t name);
 //              _               _
@@ -91,28 +85,12 @@ struct registry : public wayland_proxy<wl_registry> {
 struct output : wayland_proxy<wl_output> {
    output(wl_registry *registry, uint32_t name, uint32_t version);
-   void event_geometry(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t pw, int32_t ph,
-                       int32_t subpel, char const *make, char const *model,
-                       int32_t tx);
-   void event_mode(uint32_t flags, int32_t w, int32_t h, int32_t r);
-   void event_done();
-   void event_scale(int32_t factor);
-   static void s_geometry(void *data, struct wl_output *wl_output, int32_t x,
-                          int32_t y, int32_t physical_width,
-                          int32_t physical_height, int32_t subpixel,
-                          const char *make, const char *model,
-                          int32_t transform);
-   static void s_mode(void *data, struct wl_output *wl_output, uint32_t flags,
-                      int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t refresh);
-   static void s_done(void *data, struct wl_output *wl_output);
-   static void s_scale(void *data, struct wl_output *wl_output, int32_t factor);
-   static constexpr wl_output_listener listener = {s_geometry, s_mode, s_done,
-                                                   s_scale};
+   // Events
+   void geometry(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t pw, int32_t ph, int32_t subpel,
+                 char const *make, char const *model, int32_t tx);
+   void mode(uint32_t flags, int32_t w, int32_t h, int32_t r);
+   void done();
+   void scale(int32_t factor);
@@ -141,70 +119,20 @@ struct surface : public wayland_proxy<ivi_controller_surface> {
    surface(uint32_t i, ivi_controller *c);
    ~surface() override;
-   void event_visibility(int32_t visibility);
-   void event_opacity(wl_fixed_t opacity);
-   void event_source_rectangle(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width,
-                               int32_t height);
-   void event_destination_rectangle(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width,
-                                    int32_t height);
-   void event_configuration(int32_t width, int32_t height);
-   void event_orientation(int32_t orientation);
-   void event_pixelformat(int32_t pixelformat);
-   void event_layer(struct ivi_controller_layer *layer);
-   void event_stats(uint32_t redraw_count, uint32_t frame_count,
-                    uint32_t update_count, uint32_t pid,
-                    const char *process_name);
-   void event_destroyed();
-   void event_content(int32_t content_state);
-   static void s_visibility(
-      void *data, struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface,
-      int32_t visibility);
-   static void s_opacity(void *data,
-                         struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface,
-                         wl_fixed_t opacity);
-   static void s_source_rectangle(
-      void *data, struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface,
-      int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height);
-   static void s_destination_rectangle(
-      void *data, struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface,
-      int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height);
-   static void s_configuration(
-      void *data, struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface,
-      int32_t width, int32_t height);
-   static void s_orientation(
-      void *data, struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface,
-      int32_t orientation);
-   static void s_pixelformat(
-      void *data, struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface,
-      int32_t pixelformat);
-   static void s_layer(void *data,
-                       struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface,
-                       struct ivi_controller_layer *layer);
-   static void s_stats(void *data,
-                       struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface,
-                       uint32_t redraw_count, uint32_t frame_count,
-                       uint32_t update_count, uint32_t pid,
-                       const char *process_name);
-   static void s_destroyed(
-      void *data, struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface);
-   static void s_content(void *data,
-                         struct ivi_controller_surface *ivi_controller_surface,
-                         int32_t content_state);
-   static constexpr ivi_controller_surface_listener listener = {
-      s_visibility,
-      s_opacity,
-      s_source_rectangle,
-      s_destination_rectangle,
-      s_configuration,
-      s_orientation,
-      s_pixelformat,
-      s_layer,
-      s_stats,
-      s_destroyed,
-      s_content,
-   };
+   // Events
+   void visibility(int32_t visibility);
+   void opacity(wl_fixed_t opacity);
+   void source_rectangle(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height);
+   void destination_rectangle(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width,
+                              int32_t height);
+   void configuration(int32_t width, int32_t height);
+   void orientation(int32_t orientation);
+   void pixelformat(int32_t pixelformat);
+   void layer(struct ivi_controller_layer *layer);
+   void stats(uint32_t redraw_count, uint32_t frame_count,
+              uint32_t update_count, uint32_t pid, const char *process_name);
+   void destroyed();
+   void content(int32_t content_state);
 //  _
@@ -219,47 +147,16 @@ struct layer : public wayland_proxy<ivi_controller_layer> {
    layer(uint32_t i, ivi_controller *c);
    ~layer() override;
-   void event_visibility(int32_t visibility);
-   void event_opacity(wl_fixed_t opacity);
-   void event_source_rectangle(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width,
-                               int32_t height);
-   void event_destination_rectangle(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width,
-                                    int32_t height);
-   void event_configuration(int32_t width, int32_t height);
-   void event_orientation(int32_t orientation);
-   void event_screen(struct wl_output *screen);
-   void event_destroyed();
-   static void s_visibility(void *data,
-                            struct ivi_controller_layer *ivi_controller_layer,
-                            int32_t visibility);
-   static void s_opacity(void *data,
-                         struct ivi_controller_layer *ivi_controller_layer,
-                         wl_fixed_t opacity);
-   static void s_source_rectangle(
-      void *data, struct ivi_controller_layer *ivi_controller_layer, int32_t x,
-      int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height);
-   static void s_destination_rectangle(
-      void *data, struct ivi_controller_layer *ivi_controller_layer, int32_t x,
-      int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height);
-   static void s_configuration(
-      void *data, struct ivi_controller_layer *ivi_controller_layer,
-      int32_t width, int32_t height);
-   static void s_orientation(void *data,
-                             struct ivi_controller_layer *ivi_controller_layer,
-                             int32_t orientation);
-   static void s_screen(void *data,
-                        struct ivi_controller_layer *ivi_controller_layer,
-                        struct wl_output *screen);
-   static void s_destroyed(void *data,
-                           struct ivi_controller_layer *ivi_controller_layer);
-   static constexpr ivi_controller_layer_listener listener = {
-      s_visibility,       s_opacity,
-      s_source_rectangle, s_destination_rectangle,
-      s_configuration,    s_orientation,
-      s_screen,           s_destroyed,
-   };
+   // Events
+   void visibility(int32_t visibility);
+   void opacity(wl_fixed_t opacity);
+   void source_rectangle(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height);
+   void destination_rectangle(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width,
+                              int32_t height);
+   void configuration(int32_t width, int32_t height);
+   void orientation(int32_t orientation);
+   void screen(struct wl_output *screen);
+   void destroyed();
@@ -288,28 +185,11 @@ struct controller : public wayland_proxy<ivi_controller> {
    controller(wl_registry *r, uint32_t name, uint32_t version);
    ~controller() override;
-   void event_screen(uint32_t id, ivi_controller_screen *screen);
-   void event_layer(uint32_t id);
-   void event_surface(uint32_t id);
-   void event_error(int32_t oid, int32_t otype, int32_t code, char const *text);
-   // thunks...
-   static void s_screen(void *data, struct ivi_controller *ivi_controller,
-                        uint32_t id_screen,
-                        struct ivi_controller_screen *screen);
-   static void s_layer(void *data, struct ivi_controller *ivi_controller,
-                       uint32_t id_layer);
-   static void s_surface(void *data, struct ivi_controller *ivi_controller,
-                         uint32_t id_surface);
-   static void s_error(void *data, struct ivi_controller *ivi_controller,
-                       int32_t object_id, int32_t object_type,
-                       int32_t error_code, const char *error_text);
-   static constexpr ivi_controller_listener listener = {s_screen, s_layer,
-                                                        s_surface, s_error};
+   // Events
+   void screen(uint32_t id, ivi_controller_screen *screen);
+   void layer(uint32_t id);
+   void surface(uint32_t id);
+   void error(int32_t oid, int32_t otype, int32_t code, char const *text);