How to build with SDK 1. make build directory $ mkdir build 2. do cmake $ cd build $ cmake .. You could find binary executable "runxdg" is built. "runxdg" should be installed into the directory on the target. (e.g. /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin) 3. Prepare configuration for RunXDG, 'runxdg.toml' See 'package/{runxdg|navi|hvac}/runxdg.toml for detail. 'role', 'method', 'path' is mondatory. Only "POSIX" as 'method' works, others not tested so far. 'role' should be the same which defined in layers.json of WindowManager. e.g. followings are predefined role by default "role": "MediaPlayer|Radio|Phone|Navigation|HVAC|Settings|Dashboard|POI|Mixer" 3. Prepare config.xml for widget <content> should be follow. <content src="bin/runxdg" type="application/vnd.agl.native"/> following <feature> is mandatory. <feature name="urn:AGL:widget:required-api"> <param name="homescreen" value="ws" /> <param name="windowmanager" value="ws" /> </feature> 4. Make widgets $ make widget The following wgt would be made. - runxdg.wgt XDG Launcher - navi.wgt for test, XDG Launcher installed as Navigation - hvac.wgt for test, XDG Lanncher installed as HVAC