path: root/chinook_2.99.3.xml
blob: d8dba0a9a0defecf72c032483b78597ebed71ea8 (plain)
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.highlight .il { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (c) 2018 Stéphane Desneux <>
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
OSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # ################################################################################ mode=deploy manifest= verbose=0 format=bash sourcefile= timestamp="$(date -u +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_%Z)" function info() { echo "$@" >&2; } function error() { echo "$BASH_SOURCE: $@" >&2; } function out() { echo -n "$@"; } function out_object() { # expected stdin stream is: # -------------- # key # value # key # value # ... # -------------- local sep="" local k case $format in bash) while read x; do [[ -z "$k" ]] && { k="$x"; continue; } out "$sep${k}=" out_value "$x" sep=$'\n' k= done out "$sep" ;; json) out "{" while read x; do [[ -z "$k" ]] && { k="$x"; continue; } out "$sep\"${k}\":" out_value "$x" sep="," k= done out "}" ;; esac } function out_array() { # expected stdin stream is: # -------------- # value # value # ... # -------------- local sep="" case $format in bash) while read x; do out "$sep" out_value "$x" sep=" " done ;; json) out "[" while read x; do out $sep out_value "$x" sep="," done out "]" ;; esac } function out_value() { # string # number # object # array # 'true' # 'false' # 'null' x=$1 # litterals if [[ "$x" =~ ^(true|false|null)$ ]]; then out "$x" # number elif [[ "$x" =~ ^[+-]?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?$ ]]; then out "$x" # object elif [[ "$x" =~ ^\{.*\}$ ]]; then out "$x" # array elif [[ "$x" =~ ^\[.*\]$ ]]; then out "$x" # string else out "\"$(sed 's/\("\)/\\\1/g' <<<$x)\"" fi } function out_comment() { case $format in bash) [[ "$verbose" == 1 ]] && echo "# $@" || true ;; json) ;; esac } function _getgitmanifest() { # this function takes the setup.manifest generated by setup script and uses DIST_METADIR # to analyze git repos local manifest=$1 mode=$2 [[ -f $manifest ]] && source $manifest || { error "Invalid setup manifest '$manifest'"; return 1; } [[ ! -d "$DIST_METADIR" ]] && { error "Invalid meta directory. Check variable DIST_METADIR in manifest file '$manifest'." error "$BASH_SOURCE: Also, check directory '$DIST_METADIR'." return 2 } local GIT=$(which git) REALPATH=$(which realpath) [[ ! -x $GIT ]] && { error "$BASH_SOURCE: Unable to find git command in $PATH."; return 3; } [[ ! -x $REALPATH ]] && { error "$BASH_SOURCE: Unable to find realpath command in $PATH."; return 4; } local gitrepo gitrev metagitdir sep="" DIST_LAYERS="" for metagitdir in $(find $DIST_METADIR -maxdepth 2 -type d \( -not -path '*/.*' \) -exec test -d "{}/.git" \; -print -prune); do gitrepo=$($REALPATH -Ls $metagitdir --relative-to=$DIST_METADIR) pushd $DIST_METADIR/$gitrepo &>/dev/null && { gitrev=$( { $GIT describe --long --dirty --always 2>/dev/null || echo "unknown_revision"; } | tr ' \t' '__' ) popd &>/dev/null } || { gitrev=unknown } DIST_LAYERS="${DIST_LAYERS}${sep}${gitrepo}:${gitrev}" sep=" " done # layers checksum DIST_LAYERS_MD5=$(echo $DIST_LAYERS|md5sum -|awk '{print $1;}') # in json, transform layers in an object, features in array [[ "$format" == "json" ]] && { DIST_FEATURES=$(for x in $DIST_FEATURES; do echo $x done | out_array) DIST_LAYERS=$(for x in $DIST_LAYERS; do echo ${x%%:*} echo ${x#*:} done | out_object) } # compute build hash DIST_BUILD_HASH="F${DIST_FEATURES_MD5:0:8}-L${DIST_LAYERS_MD5:0:8}" DIST_BUILD_ID="${DIST_DISTRO_NAME}-${DIST_MACHINE}-F${DIST_FEATURES_MD5:0:8}-L${DIST_LAYERS_MD5:0:8}" # compute setup manifest path and build TS DIST_SETUP_MANIFEST="$($REALPATH $manifest)" # Manifest build timestamp DIST_BUILD_TS="$timestamp" # build topic from setup topic DIST_BUILD_TOPIC="${DIST_SETUP_TOPIC}" # what to retain from setup manifest? # to generate the full list: cat setup.manifest | grep = | cut -f1 -d"=" | awk '{printf("%s ",$1);}' declare -A SETUP_VARS SETUP_VARS[deploy]="DIST_MACHINE DIST_FEATURES DIST_FEATURES_MD5 DIST_BUILD_HOST DIST_BUILD_OS DIST_SETUP_TS" SETUP_VARS[target]="DIST_MACHINE DIST_FEATURES" SETUP_VARS[sdk]="DIST_MACHINE DIST_FEATURES" # extra vars not coming from setup.manifest but generated here declare -A EXTRA_VARS EXTRA_VARS[deploy]="DIST_SETUP_MANIFEST DIST_BUILD_TS DIST_LAYERS DIST_LAYERS_MD5 DIST_BUILD_HASH DIST_BUILD_ID DIST_BUILD_TOPIC" EXTRA_VARS[target]="DIST_LAYERS DIST_BUILD_HASH DIST_BUILD_ID DIST_BUILD_TS DIST_BUILD_TOPIC" EXTRA_VARS[sdk]="DIST_LAYERS DIST_BUILD_HASH DIST_BUILD_ID DIST_BUILD_TS DIST_BUILD_TOPIC" # BITBAKE_VARS may be defined from external file to source (--source arg) # this is used to dump extra vars from inside bitbake recipe { for x in ${SETUP_VARS[$mode]} ${EXTRA_VARS[$mode]} ${BITBAKE_VARS[$mode]}; do k=$x [[ "$format" == "json" ]] && { k=${k#DIST_} # remove prefix k=${k,,*} # to lower case } echo $k echo ${!x} done } | out_object } function getmanifest() { local rc=0 out_comment "DISTRO BUILD MANIFEST" out_comment # add layers manifest out_comment "----- this fragment has been generated by $BASH_SOURCE" _getgitmanifest $1 $2 || rc=$? out_comment "------------ end of $BASH_SOURCE fragment --------" return $rc } function __usage() { cat <<EOF >&2 Usage: $BASH_SOURCE [-v|--verbose] [-f|--format <fmt>] [-t|--timestamp <value>] [-m|--mode <mode>] [-s|--source <file>] <setup_manifest_file> Options: -v|--verbose: generate comments in the output file -s|--source: extra file to source (get extra variables generated from bitbake recipe) -t|--timestamp: set build timestamp (default: current date - may not be the same ts as bitbake) -f|--format: specify output format: 'bash' or 'json' -m|--mode: specify the destination for the generated manifest 'deploy' : for the tmp/deploy/images/* directories 'target' : for the manifest to be installed inside a target image 'sdk' : for the manifest to be installed inside the SDK <setup_manifest_file> is the input manifest generated from setup script EOF } set -e tmp=$(getopt -o h,v,m:,f:,t:,s: --long help,verbose,mode:,format:,timestamp:,source: -n "$BASH_SOURCE" -- "$@") || { error "Invalid arguments." __usage exit 1 } eval set -- $tmp while true; do case "$1" in -h|--help) __usage; exit 0;; -v|--verbose) verbose=1; shift ;; -f|--format) format=$2; shift 2;; -m|--mode) mode=$2; shift 2;; -t|--timestamp) timestamp=$2; shift 2;; -s|--source) sourcefile=$2; shift 2;; --) shift; break;; *) fatal "Internal error";; esac done manifest=$1 shift [[ ! -f "$manifest" ]] && { __usage; exit 1; } case $mode in deploy|target|sdk) ;; *) error "Invalid mode specified. Allowed modes are: 'deploy', 'target', 'sdk'"; __usage; exit 42;; esac case $format in bash|json) ;; *) error "Invalid format specified. Allowed formats are 'json' or 'bash'"; __usage; exit 43;; esac info "Generating manifest: mode=$mode format=$format manifest=$manifest" [[ -f "$sourcefile" ]] && { info "Sourcing file $sourcefile" . $sourcefile # this may define extra vars: to be taken into account BITBAKE_VARS must be defined } [[ "$format" == "json" ]] && { # if jq is present, use it to format json output jq=$(which jq || true) [[ -n "$jq" ]] && { getmanifest $manifest $mode | $jq "" exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]} } } getmanifest $manifest $mode