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-edit_link: ''
-title: Quick Tutorial
-origin_url: >-
-<!-- WARNING: This file is generated by fetch_docs.js using /home/boron/Documents/AGL/docs-webtemplate/site/_data/tocs/apis_services/master/app-framework-main-developer-guides-api-services-book.yml -->
-# AGL Application Framework: A Quick Tutorial
-## Introduction
-This document proposes a quick tutorial to demonstrate the major
-functionalities of the AGL Application Framework.
-For more complete information, please refer to the inline documentation
-available in the main git repository:
-For more information on AGL, please visit:
-## Sample applications
-4 sample applications (.wgt files) are prebuilt and available at the following address:
-You can get them by cloning this git repository on your desktop (will be useful later in this tutorial):
-git clone
-## Using the CLI tool
-### Setup Environment
-Connect your AGL target board to the network and copy some sample widgets on it through SSH (set BOARDIP with your board IP address) :
-cd afm-widget-examples
-scp *.wgt root@$BOARDIP:~/
-Connect through SSH on the target board and check for Application Framework daemons:
-$ ssh root@$BOARDIP
-root@porter:~# ps -ef|grep bin/afm
-afm 409 1 0 13:00 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/afm-system-daemon
-root 505 499 0 13:01 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/afm-user-daemon
-root 596 550 0 13:22 pts/0 00:00:00 grep afm
-We can see that there are two daemons running:
-* **afm-system-daemon** runs with a system user 'afm' and is responsible for
- installing/uninstalling packages
-* **afm-user-daemon** runs as a user daemon (currently as root because it's the
- only real user on the target board) and is responsible for the whole life
- cycle of the applications running inside the user session.
-The application framework has a tool running on the
-Command Line Interface (CLI).
-Using the **afm-util** command, you can install, uninstall, list, run, pause ... applications.
-To begin, run '**afm-util help**' to get a quick help on commands:
-root@porter:~# afm-util help
-usage: afm-util command [arg]
-The commands are:
-runnables list the runnable widgets installed
-add wgt
-install wgt install the wgt file
-remove id
-uninstall id remove the installed widget of id
-info id
-detail id print detail about the installed widget of id
-runners list the running instance
-run id
-start id start an instance of the widget of id
-kill rid
-terminate rid terminate the running instance rid
-status rid
-state rid get status of the running instance rid
-### Install an application
-You can then install your first application:
-root@porter:~# afm-util install /home/root/annex.wgt
-{ "added": "webapps-annex@0.0" }
-Let's install a second application:
-root@porter:~# afm-util install /home/root/memory-match.wgt
-{ "added": "webapps-memory-match@1.1" }
-Note that usually, **afm-util** will return a **JSON result**, which is the common format for messages returned by the Application Framework daemons.
-### List installed applications
-You can then list all installed applications:
-root@porter:~# afm-util list
-[ { "id": "webapps-annex@0.0", "version": "0.0.10", "width": 0, "height": 0, "name": "Annex", "description": "Reversi\/Othello", "shortname": "", "author": "Todd Brandt <>" },
-{ "id": "webapps-memory-match@1.1", "version": "1.1.7", "width": 0, "height": 0, "name": "MemoryMatch", "description": "Memory match", "shortname": "", "author": "Todd Brandt <>" } ]
-Here, we can see the two previously installed applications.
-### Get information about an application
-Let's get some details about the first application:
-root@porter:~# afm-util info webapps-annex@0.0
-{ "id": "webapps-annex@0.0", "version": "0.0.10", "width": 0, "height": 0, "name": "Annex", "description": "Reversi\/Othello", "shortname": "", "author": "Todd Brandt <>" }
-Note: that AGL applications are mostly handled by afm-util through their IDs.
-In our example, the application ID is 'webapps-annex@0.0'.
-### Start application
-Let's start the first application Annex:
-root@porter:~# afm-util start webapps-annex@0.0
-As the application is a HTML5 game, you should then get a webview running with QML on the board display.
-### Security Context
-The application has been started in the user session, with a dedicated security context, enforced by SMACK.
-To illustrate this, we can take a look at the running processes and their respective SMACK labels:
-root@porter:~# ps -efZ |grep webapps-annex | grep -v grep
-User::App::webapps-annex root 716 491 0 13:19 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/afb-daemon --mode=local --readyfd=8 --alias=/icons /usr/share/afm/icons --port=12348 --rootdir=/usr/share/afm/applications/webapps-annex/0.0 --token=7D6D2F16 --sessiondir=/home/root/app-data/webapps-annex/.afb-daemon
-User::App::webapps-annex root 717 491 0 13:19 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/qt5/qmlscene http://localhost:12348/index.html?token=7D6D2F16 /usr/bin/web-runtime-webkit.qml
-In the previous result, we see that the application is composed of two processes:
-* the application binder (afb-daemon)
-* the application UI (qmlscene ...)
-While most system processes run with the label 'System', we see that the
-application runs with a specific SMACK label 'User::App::webapps-annex': this
-label is used to force the application to follow
-a Mandatory Access Control (MAC) scheme.
-This means that those processes run in their own security context,
-isolated from the rest of the system (and other applications).
-Global security rules can then be applied to restrict access
-to all other user or system resources.
-### Check running applications
-To check for running applications, just run:
-root@porter:~# afm-util ps
-[ { "runid": 1, "state": "running", "id": "webapps-annex@0.0" } ]
-The 'runid' is the application instance ID and is used as an argument for the
-subcommands controlling the application runtime state (kill/pause/resume/status)
-### Uninstall application
-To uninstall an application, simply use its ID:
-root@porter:~# afm-util uninstall webapps-annex@0.0
-Then list the installed apps to confirm the removal:
-root@porter:~# afm-util list
-[ { "id": "webapps-memory-match@1.1", "version": "1.1.7", "width": 0, "height": 0, "name": "MemoryMatch", "description": "Memory match", "shortname": "", "author": "Todd Brandt <>" } ]
-## afm-client: a sample HTML5 'Homescreen'
-**afm-client** is a HTML5 UI that allows to install/uninstall applications as well as starting/pausing them as already demonstrated with afm-util.
-The HTML5 UI is accessible remotely through this URL:
-### Installing an application
-By clicking on the '**Upload**' button on the right,
-you can send an application package (WGT file) and install it.
-Select for example the file '**rabbit.wgt**' that was cloned initially
- from the git repository afm-widget-examples.
-Then a popup requester ask for a confirmation:
-'Upload Application rabbit.wgt ?'. Click on the '**Install**' button.
-You should then see some changes in the toolbar:
-a new icon appeared, representing the freshly installed application.
-### Running an application
-In the toolbar, click on the button representing the Rabbit application.
-You'll get a popup asking to:
-* start the application
-* or get some info about it
-* or uninstall it
-Click on the 'start' item: the application starts and should be visible
- as a webview on the target board display.
-Note that at this point, we could also run the application remotely,
-that is in the same browser as the Homescreen app.
-By default, the application framework is configured
-to run applications 'locally' on the board display.
-### Uninstalling an application
-From the same popup menu, you can select 'uninstall'
-to remove the application from the system.
-As a consequence, the application icon should disappear from the toolbar.
-## afb-client: a template for Angular Applications
-Another package '**afb-client**' is also available for testing.
-This is a sample HTML5 application demonstrating various basic
-capabilities of the Binder daemon.
-It can be used by developers as a template to start writing real AGL Applications.
-This application is not available as WGT file yet and it should be started manually without any specific security context:
-root@porter:~# /usr/bin/afb-daemon --port=1235 --token='' --sessiondir=/home/root/.afm-daemon --rootdir=/usr/share/agl/afb-client --alias=/icons:/usr/share/afm/icons
-Then you can access it from a browser:
-afb-client is a simple application to demonstrate the built-in capabilities of the binder daemon (handling sessions and security tokens, testing POSTs uploads...) and was used during the application framework development to validate the proposed features.