path: root/docs/4_APIs_and_Services/4.4_AGL_Test_Framework/1_Write_the_tests/
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+edit_link: ''
+title: Write the tests
+origin_url: >-
+<!-- WARNING: This file is generated by fetch_docs.js using /home/boron/Documents/AGL/docs-webtemplate/site/_data/tocs/apis_services/master/app-afb-test-developer-guides-api-services-book.yml -->
+# Write the tests
+## Create the test tree
+At the root of your project, create a test-dedicated directory that holds
+all your test materials. A classic test tree looks like the following:
+ test
+ ├── CMakeLists.txt
+ └── afb-test
+ ├── CMakeLists.txt
+ ├── etc
+ │ ├── CMakeLists.txt
+ │ └── aft-agl-middlename.json
+ ├── fixtures
+ │ ├── CMakeLists.txt
+ │ ├──
+ │ ├── data
+ │ └── plugin.lua
+ └── tests
+ ├── CMakeLists.txt
+ ├── test01.lua
+ ├── test02.lua
+ └── test03.lua
+ ...
+Here is a description of each subdirectory purpose:
+- *etc*`: Holds the test binding configuration in a JSON file.
+- *fixtures*: contains all external needed files to run your tests.
+ This subdirectory is primarily used to inject data or a plugin
+ with the mock-up APIs code in a LUA or C plugin.
+- *tests*: Contains only the tests written in LUA for your binding.
+## Create your configuration file
+The configuration file describes your test API and how it launches the tests.
+A test binding does not provide verbs.
+This configuration describes the API verb(s) and mocked-up APIs.
+Following are the `key` descriptions for the configuration file:
+### `metadata` section
+- `uid`: A simple label useful for debugging.
+- `version` (optional): The test's version.
+- `info` (optional): Provides information about the test.
+- `api`: The name your test binding takes.
+ Formerly, the name was the test API name prefixed with `aft`
+ (i.e. `aft-<tested-api-name>`).
+- `require`: The tested API's name. This key ensure that the tested API is
+ correctly launched and initialized so the test binding can test it.
+### `testVerb` section
+- `uid`: The verb name.
+- `info` (optional): Provides information about the verb.
+- `action`: A special string indicating the function to trigger when the verb is
+ called. The verb is always the same about the test binding.
+- `args` Contains the following:
+ - `trace`: The name of the tested API you are testing. `trace` is
+ needed to allow the test binding trace the tested API and retrieve through
+ the binder's monitoring feature `calls` and `events`.
+ - `files`: A string or an array of strings of the LUA files with your tests.
+ Only provide the file name. Do not provide the path.
+### `mapis` (mocked up API), section
+- `uid`: The mocked up API's name
+- `info` (optional): Provides information on the mock-up API.
+- `libs`: The LUA script or C plugin file name.
+#### `verbs` section
+Describes the implemented mocked up API verbs. Each verb maps to a function
+name that is executed when the verb is called.
+- `uid`: The verb's name.
+- `info` (optional): Provides information on the verb.
+- `action`: A URI string that points to a C plugin or LUA script's function that
+ is executes when the verb is called. The format of the action URI is:
+ `<lua|plugin|api>`://`<C plugin's name|api's name|lua script name>`#`<function|verb's name>`
+#### `events` section.
+Allows you to trigger a function when a described event is received.
+The trigger can be for any event on which you need to apply modifications.
+You do not have to enumerate each possible event that the mocked up API can
+generate. You could avoid this section if you do not want to execute a function
+when an event is received.
+- `uid`: The event's name (e.g. `<api>/<event-name>`)
+- `info` (optional): Provides information about the event.
+- `action`: A URI string that points to a C plugin or LUA script's function that
+ is executed when an event is received. The format of the action URI is:
+ `<lua|plugin|api>`://`<C plugin's name|api's name|lua script name>`#`<function|verb's name>`.
+ The action `lua://AFT#_evt_catcher_` is the default `afb-test` events listener.
+### Configuration examples
+Here is a simple example:
+ "id": "",
+ "$schema": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "uid": "Hello_Test",
+ "version": "1.0",
+ "api": "aft-example",
+ "info": "Binding made to test other bindings",
+ "require": [
+ "hello"
+ ]
+ },
+ "testVerb": {
+ "uid": "testing-hello",
+ "info": "Launch the tests against hello api",
+ "action": "lua://AFT#_launch_test",
+ "args": {
+ "trace": "hello",
+ "files": ["aftTest.lua","helloworld.lua"]
+ }
+ }
+Following is another example that uses a mocked up `low-can` API:
+ "id": "",
+ "$schema": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "uid": "Other_Tests",
+ "version": "1.0",
+ "api": "aft-example",
+ "info": "Binding made to test other bindings",
+ "require": [
+ "tested-api"
+ ]
+ },
+ "testVerb": {
+ "uid": "Complete",
+ "info": "Launch all the tests",
+ "action": "lua://AFT#_launch_test",
+ "args": {
+ "trace": "low-can",
+ "files": [ "aftTest.lua", "mapis-tests.lua" ]
+ }
+ },
+ "mapis": [{
+ "uid": "low-can",
+ "info": "Faked low-can API",
+ "libs": "mapi_low-can.lua",
+ "verbs": [
+ {
+ "uid": "subscribe",
+ "info": "Subscribe to CAN signals events",
+ "action": "lua://low-can#_subscribe"
+ },
+ {...},
+ {
+ "uid": "write",
+ "info": "Write a CAN messages to the CAN bus.",
+ "action": "lua://low-can#_write"
+ }
+ ],
+ "events": [{
+ "uid": "low-can/diagnostic_messages",
+ "action": "lua://AFT#_evt_catcher_"
+ },{
+ "uid": "low-can/messages_engine_speed",
+ "action": "lua://AFT#_evt_catcher_"
+ },{
+ "uid": "low-can/messages_vehicle_speed",
+ "action": "lua://AFT#_evt_catcher_"
+ }]
+ }]
+## The LUA test files
+The test framework uses the LUA language to describe the tests.
+You must be aware of two things when you write tests using
+this framework: *test* and *assertions* functions.
+- *Assertions* functions test an atomic operation result.
+ (ie: `1+1 = 2`).
+- *Test* functions represent a test. These functions represent a set of one
+ or more *assertions* that must all succeed in order to valid the test.
+The framework comes with several *test* and *assertion* functions that
+allow verb calls and received events to be tested. Use these provided
+*test* functions as a start. If you
+need more functions, use the ones that call a callback. If the test is more complex or
+more comprehensive then *describe* your test function using *assert* functions.
+Following is an example.
+See the test framework functions [References](Reference/0_BindingTestFunctions.html) for a
+comprehensive list of available *tests* and *assertions* functions.
+### Tests example
+ function _callback(responseJ)
+ _AFT.assertStrContains(responseJ.response, "Some String")
+ end
+ function _callbackError(responseJ)
+ _AFT.assertStrContains(, "Ping Binder Daemon fails")
+ end
+ function _callbackEvent(eventName, eventData)
+ _AFT.assertEquals(eventData, {data = { key = 'weird others data', another_key = 123.456 }})
+ end
+ _AFT.addEventToMonitor("hello/anEvent")
+ _AFT.addEventToMonitor("hello/anotherEvent", _callbackEvent)
+ _AFT.testVerbStatusSuccess('testPingSuccess','hello', 'ping', {})
+ _AFT.testVerbResponseEquals('testPingSuccess','hello', 'ping', {}, "Some String")
+ _AFT.testVerbResponseEquals('testPingSuccess','hello', 'ping', {}, "Unexpected String")
+ _AFT.testVerbCb('testPingSuccess','hello', 'ping', {}, _callback)
+ _AFT.testVerbStatusError('testPingError', 'hello', 'pingfail', {})
+ _AFT.testVerbResponseEqualsError('testPingError', 'hello', 'pingfail', {}, "Ping Binder Daemon fails")
+ _AFT.testVerbResponseEqualsError('testPingError', 'hello', 'pingfail', {}, "Ping Binder Daemon succeed")
+ _AFT.testVerbCbError('testPingError', 'hello', 'pingfail', {}, _callbackError)
+ _AFT.testVerbStatusSuccess('testEventAdd', 'hello', 'eventadd', {tag = 'event', name = 'anEvent'})
+ _AFT.testVerbStatusSuccess('testEventSub', 'hello', 'eventsub', {tag = 'event'})
+ _AFT.testVerbStatusSuccess('testEventPush', 'hello', 'eventpush', {tag = 'event', data = { key = 'some data', another_key = 123}})
+ _AFT.testVerbStatusSuccess('testEventAdd', 'hello', 'eventadd', {tag = 'evt', name = 'anotherEvent'})
+ _AFT.testVerbStatusSuccess('testEventSub', 'hello', 'eventsub', {tag = 'evt'})
+ _AFT.testVerbStatusSuccess('testEventPush', 'hello', 'eventpush', {tag = 'evt', data = { key = 'weird others data', another_key = 123.456}})
+ _AFT.testVerbStatusSuccess('testGenerateWarning', 'hello', 'verbose', {level = 4, message = 'My Warning message!'})
+ _AFT.testEvtGrpReceived("TestEventGroupReceived",{"hello/anEvent","hello/anotherEvent"},300000)
+ _AFT.testEvtGrpNotReceived("TestEventGroupNotReceived",{"hello/anEvent","hello/anotherEvent"},300000)
+ _AFT.testEvtReceived("testEvent", "hello/anEvent",300000)
+ _AFT.testEvtReceived("testEventCb", "hello/anotherEvent",300000)
+ _AFT.describe("myTestLabel", function()
+ _AFT.assertEquals(false, false)
+ end)