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+title: Introduction
+# Foreword
+The AGL Application Framework is nothing new. However, the implementation used up until
+the `lamprey` release has been retired starting with the `marlin` release and replaced
+by a redesigned Application Framework one. However, this new implementation isn't a 1:1
+replacement, and as such it doesn't provide all of the features of the previous
+Application Framework. Some of those will be added back over time, others have been
+discarded in favor of more modern and/or widely-used alternatives.
+# Introduction
+As a provider of an integrated solution to build up on, AGL needs to define a reliable
+and well-specified method for managing the deployment and integration of applications
+and services, as well as the way they can interact with the rest of the system.
+This is achieved by providing a common set of rules and components, known as the
+Application Framework. By ensuring conformity to those rules, application developers
+can have a good understanding of the requirements for creating and packaging
+applications targeting AGL-based systems. Likewise, system developers and integrators
+have a clear path for including such applications in AGL-based products.
+The Application Framework's scope extends to the following areas:
+- system services integration and lifecycle management
+- user session management, including user-level applications and services lifecycle
+ management
+- inter-process communication
+In order to be as simple as possible and avoid any unneded custom implementation, the
+Application Framework relies mainly on third-party technologies and/or software
+components, most of those being maintained under the
+[]( umbrella. Those include:
+- [systemd]( system services and user session services management
+- [D-Bus]( inter-process communication
+- [Desktop Entry specification](
+ application enumeration and startup
+AGL also provides reference implementations whenever possible and relevant, located in
+the [meta-agl](/3_Developer_Guides/6_AGL_Layers/2_meta-agl/) layer under `meta-app-framework`. At the
+moment, the Application Framework contains 2 such components:
+- `agl-session`: `systemd` unit files for user sessions management
+- `applaunchd`: application launcher service
+# Services management
+Both system and user services are managed by `systemd`, which provides a number of
+important features, such as dependency management or service monitoring: when starting
+a service, `systemd` will ensure any other units this service depends on are available,
+and otherwise start those dependencies. Similarly, `systemd` can automatically restart
+a crashed service, ensuring minimal downtime.
+`systemd` also provides an efficient first layer of security through its
+and other security-related options.
+It is also well integrated with D-Bus and can be used for a more fine-grained control
+over D-Bus activated services: by delegating the actual service startup to `systemd`,
+developers can take advantage of some of its advanced features, allowing for improved
+reliability and security.
+Each service should be represented by a `systemd` unit file installed to the appropriate
+location. More details can be obtained from the [Creating a New Service](/3_Developer_Guides/2_Creating_a_New_Service/)
+# User session management
+Similarly, user sessions and the services they rely on are also managed by `systemd`.
+AGL provides 2 `systemd` units:
+1\. `agl-session@.service` is a template system service for managing user sessions; it
+takes a username or UID as a parameter, creating a session for the desired user.
+Instanciating this service can be achieved by enabling `agl-session@USER.service`, for
+example by executing the following command on a running system:
+$ systemctl enable agl-session@USER.service
+By default, AGL enables this service as `agl-session@agl-driver.service`, running as
+user `agl-driver`.
+*Note: while you can create sessions for as many users as needed, only one instance of
+`agl-session@.service` is allowed per user.*
+2\. `` is a user target for managing user services and their
+dependencies. It is started by `agl-session@.service`.
+By default, `agl-compositor` is part of this target. It is therefore automatically
+started for user `agl-driver`.
+Any other service needed as part of the user session should similarly depend on this
+target by appending the following lines to their unit file:
+# Inter-process communication
+In order to provide a "standard", language-independent IPC mechanism and avoid the need
+for maintaining custom bindings for each programming language to be used on top of AGL,
+the Application Framework promotes the use of [D-Bus](
+as the preferred way for applications to interact with services.
+Most services already included in AGL provide one or several D-Bus interfaces, and can
+therefore interact with D-Bus capable applications and services without requiring any
+additional component. Those services include, among others:
+- [ConnMan]( network connectivity
+- [BlueZ]( Bluetooth connectivity
+- [oFono]( telephony and modem
+ management
+- [GeoClue]( geolocation
+# Application launcher service
+As mentioned above, the Application Framework follows the guidelines of the
+[Desktop Entry specification](
+for application enumeration and startup.
+As no simple reference implementation exists for this part of the specification, AGL
+provides an application launcher service named `applaunchd`. This service is part of the
+default user session, and as such is automatically started on session startup. It can
+therefore be considered always available.
+`applaunchd` enumerates applications installed on the system and provides a D-bus
+interface for services and applications to:
+- query the list of available applications
+- request the startup and/or activation of a specific application
+- be notified when applications are started or terminated
+`applaunchd` is described with more details in [the following document](../2_Application_Startup/).
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+title: Application Startup
+# Introduction
+At system runtime, it may be necessary for applications to start other applications
+on demand. Such actions can be executed in reaction to a user request, or they may
+be needed to perform a specific task.
+In order to do so, running applications and services need an established way of
+discovering installed applications and executing those. The
+[Desktop Entry specification](
+defines how applications can be discovered by using `.desktop` files, but there's no
+simple reference implementation for this function.
+In order to provide a language-independent interface for applications and service to
+use, AGL includes `applaunchd`, a user service part of the default session.
+*Note: as mentioned [previously](1_Introduction/), services are managed using `systemd`
+and are therefore not in the scope of this document.*
+# Application launcher service
+The purpose of `applaunchd` is to enumerate applications available on the system and
+provide a way for other applications to query this list and start those on demand.
+It is also able to notify clients of the startup and termination of applications it
+To that effect, `applaunchd` provides a D-Bus interface other applications can use
+in order to execute those actions.
+*Note: `applaunchd` will only send notifications for applications it started; it isn't
+aware of applications started by other means (`systemd`, direct executable call...),
+and therefore can't send notifications for those.*
+## Application discovery
+On startup, `applaunchd` inspects all `.desktop` files present under the `applications/`
+subfolder of any element of the `XDG_DATA_DIRS` environment variable, ignoring all entries
+containing either the `NoDisplay=true` or `Hidden=true` lines.
+It then looks for the following keys:
+- `Terminal`
+- `DBusActivatable`
+If the desktop entry file contains the `Terminal` key set to `true`, then the application
+is marked as a non-graphical one. As such, it won't be included in the applications list
+if the client requests only graphical applications.
+If `DBusActivatable` is set to `true`, then the application is marked as D-Bus activated.
+Additionally, `applaunchd` will search for a corresponding D-Bus service file in case this
+line is missing. This is a workaround allowing D-Bus activated applications providing
+an incomplete desktop entry file (i.e missing the `DBusActivatable` key) to be
+identified as such.
+### Requirements for D-Bus activation
+`applaunchd` will always start D-Bus activatable applications using D-Bus activation
+instead of executing the command line stated in the desktop entry file.
+This is handled by calling the `Activate` method of the
+interface with an empty argument.
+As a consequence, all D-Bus activatable applications **must** implement this D-Bus
+## Application identifiers
+Each application is identified by a unique Application ID. Although this ID can be
+any valid string, it is highly recommended to use the "reverse DNS" convention in order
+to avoid potential name collisions and ease D-Bus integration.
+The application ID is set in the desktop entry file itself for
+[graphical applications](../3_Creating_a_New_Application/#graphical-applications):
+it is the value of the `StartupWMClass` field, which must be identical to the `app-id`
+advertised through the Wayland XDG toplevel protocol. In case this field is missing
+(as is usually the case for non-graphical application), the application ID will be the
+desktop entry file name, stripped from its `.desktop` extension.
+## D-Bus interface
+The `applaunchd` D-Bus interface is named `org.automotivelinux.AppLaunch`. The object
+path for `applaunchd` is `/org/automotivelinux/AppLaunch`. The interface provides methods
+for the following actions:
+- retrieve the list of available applications; the client can choose to retrieve all
+ available applications, or only those suitable for a graphical environment
+- request an application to be started
+Moreover, signals are available for clients to be notified when an application has
+successfully started or its execution terminated.
+### Applications list
+The `listApplications` method allows clients to retrieve the list of available applications.
+It takes one boolean argument named `graphical`:
+- if set to `true`, only applications suitable for graphical environments are returned
+- otherwise, the list contains all applications
+This method returns an array of variants (type `av`), each element being a structure made up
+of 3 strings (type `(sss)`):
+- the application ID
+- the application's displayed name
+- the full path to the application icon file (or an empty string if no icon was specified in
+ the application's desktop entry file)
+### Application startup request
+Applications can be started by using the `start` method, passing the corresponding application
+ID as the only argument. This method doesn't return any data.
+If the application is already running, `applaunchd` won't start another instance, but instead
+emit a `started` signal to notify clients the application is ready.
+### Status notifications
+The `org.automotivelinux.AppLaunch` interface provides 2 signals clients can connect to:
+- `started` indicates an application has started
+ - for D-Bus activated applications, it is emitted upon successful completion of the
+ call to the `Activate` method of the `org.freedesktop.Application` interface
+ - for other applications, this signal is emitted as soon as the child process has been
+ successfully created
+- `terminated` is emitted when an application quits
+Both signals have an additional argument named `appid`, containing the ID of the application
+affected by the event.
+As mentioned above, the `started` signal is also emitted if `applaunchd` receives a request to
+start an already running application. This can be useful, for example, when switching between
+graphical applications:
+- the application switcher doesn't need to track the state of each application; instead, it can
+ simply send a `start` request to `applaunchd` every time the user requests to switch to another
+ application
+- the desktop environment then receives the `started` signal, indicating it should activate the
+ window with the corresponding `app-id`
+## Testing
+`applaunchd` can be manually tested using the `gdbus` command-line tool:
+1. Query the application list (graphical applications only):
+$ gdbus call --session --dest "org.automotivelinux.AppLaunch" \
+ --object-path "/org/automotivelinux/AppLaunch" \
+ --method "org.automotivelinux.AppLaunch.listApplications" \
+ true
+This command will output something similar to what follows:
+([<('navigation', 'Navigation', '/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/navigation.svg')>,
+ <('settings', 'Settings', '/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/settings.svg')>,
+ <('dashboard', 'Dashboard', '/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/dashboard.svg')>,
+ <('hvac', 'HVAC', '/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/hvac.svg')>,
+ <('org.freedesktop.weston.wayland-terminal', 'Weston Terminal', '/usr/share/icons/Adwaita/scalable/apps/utilities-terminal-symbolic.svg')>],)
+2. Request startup of the `org.freedesktop.weston.wayland-terminal` application:
+$ gdbus call --session --dest "org.automotivelinux.AppLaunch" \
+ --object-path "/org/automotivelinux/AppLaunch" \
+ --method "org.automotivelinux.AppLaunch.start" \
+ "org.freedesktop.weston.wayland-terminal"
+3. Monitor signals emitted by `applaunchd`:
+$ gdbus monitor --session --dest "org.automotivelinux.AppLaunch"
+This results in the following output when starting, then exiting, the
+`org.freedesktop.weston.wayland-terminal` application:
+Monitoring signals from all objects owned by org.automotivelinux.AppLaunch
+The name org.automotivelinux.AppLaunch is owned by :1.4
+/org/automotivelinux/AppLaunch: org.automotivelinux.AppLaunch.started ('org.freedesktop.weston.wayland-terminal',)
+/org/automotivelinux/AppLaunch: org.automotivelinux.AppLaunch.terminated ('org.freedesktop.weston.wayland-terminal',)
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+title: Setting Up AGL SDK
+AGL provides a pre-built ready-made Software Development Kit (SDK) to help
+quickstart the service and application development process.
+1. Download the prebuilt SDK :
+ Please open the link below and download .sh file for desired machine.
+ **Note:** The links provided are for the master branch. If you want SDK for specific branch than change the name from master to specific branch.
+ - **x86** : [qemux86-64](
+ **Note:** .sh file will be with name "poky-agl-glibc-x86_64-agl-demo-platform-crosssdk-corei7-64-qemux86-64-toolchain-$(version number).sh" where version number is regularly updated on the site.
+ - **ARM 32 bit** : [qemuarm](
+ **Note:** .sh file will be with name " poky-agl-glibc-x86_64-agl-demo-platform-crosssdk-armv7vet2hf-neon-vfpv4-qemuarm-toolchain-$(version number).sh" where version number is regularly updated on the site.
+ - **AARCH64 - ARM 64bit** : [qemuarm64](
+ **Note:** .sh file will be with name " poky-agl-glibc-x86_64-agl-demo-platform-crosssdk-aarch64-qemuarm64-toolchain-$(version number).sh" where version number is regularly updated on the site.
+ *Henceforth,* **qemux86-64** *is used in these guides, unless specified
+ otherwise. We also use the 'agl-demo-platform-crosssdk' as example.*
+2. Create application development directory and copy SDK into them :
+ **Note:** In the copy command below change the file name with name of your downloaded .sh file. In the example below file name is based on x86
+ ```sh
+ $ mkdir ~/agl-app
+ $ cp ~/Downloads/poky-agl-glibc-x86_64-agl-demo-platform-crosssdk-*.sh ~/agl-app/
+ $ cd ~/agl-app
+ ```
+3. Install the downloaded SDK :
+ **Note:** In commands below again change the file name based on your downloaded .sh file
+ ```sh
+ $ chmod 777 poky-agl-glibc-x86_64-agl-demo-platform-crosssdk-*.sh
+ $ mkdir agl-sdk/
+ $ ./poky-agl-glibc-x86_64-agl-demo-platform-crosssdk-*.sh
+ ```
+ Select target directory for SDK : `~/agl-app/agl-sdk`
+ ```sh
+ Automotive Grade Linux SDK installer version 14.0.0
+ =============================================================
+ Enter target directory for SDK (default: /opt/agl-sdk/10.90.0+snapshot-corei7-64): ~/agl-app/agl-sdk
+ You are about to install the SDK to "/home/boron/agl-app/agl-sdk". Proceed [Y/n]? Y
+ Extracting SDK..........................................................................................................................................done
+ Setting it up...done
+ SDK has been successfully set up and is ready to be used.
+ Each time you wish to use the SDK in a new shell session, you need to source the environment setup script e.g.
+ $ . /home/boron/agl-app/agl-sdk/environment-setup-corei7-64-agl-linux
+ ```
+4. Source the SDK environment setup, each time you wish to use the SDK in a new shell session :
+ ```sh
+ $ source ~/agl-app/agl-sdk/environment-setup-corei7-64-agl-linux
+ ```
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+title: Overview
+The [AGL Project]( is an automotive-specific
+development environment that provides a Linux distribution
+([AGL UCB](
+AGL uses layers designed to be compatible with the
+[Yocto Project]( and the
+[OpenEmbedded Project (OE)](
+This section provides information about the layers used by the AGL Project:
+* **`meta-agl`**: Minimal set of software needed to create an AGL distribution
+ used to boot a system.
+ AGL profiles are built on top of this minimal set of software.
+* **`meta-agl-demo`**: Provides a reference or demo platform and applications
+ for the AGL Distribution.
+ The reference UI is part of the `meta-agl-demo` layer.
+* **`meta-agl-devel`**: Contains components under development or being tested.
+ This layer also contains software packages that OEMs need but do not exist
+ in AGL.
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+title: meta-agl
+## Introduction
+The `meta-agl` layer provides the minimal set of software
+to boot an AGL Distribution system.
+You use this layer as the minimal core on which to build AGL profiles.
+**NOTE:** The `meta-agl` layer does not include a reference UI.
+ The reference UI is included as part of the
+ [`meta-agl-demo`]( layer.
+ Furthermore, `meta-agl` does not include additional components, such
+ as security, which are part of the
+ `meta-agl-extra` layer.
+## Sub-Layers
+The `meta-agl` layer itself contains many sub-layers and files.
+Following is a "tree" look at the layer:
+├── docs
+├── meta-agl
+├── meta-agl-bsp
+├── meta-agl-distro
+├── meta-agl-profile-cluster
+├── meta-agl-profile-cluster-qt5
+├── meta-agl-profile-core
+├── meta-agl-profile-graphical
+├── meta-agl-profile-graphical-html5
+├── meta-agl-profile-graphical-qt5
+├── meta-agl-profile-hud
+├── meta-agl-profile-telematics
+├── meta-app-framework
+├── meta-netboot
+├── meta-security
+├── scripts
+├── templates
+This list provides some overview information on the files and sub-layers
+in `meta-agl`:
+* `docs`: Contains files that support AGL documentation.
+* `meta-agl`: Contains layer configuration for the `meta-agl` layer.
+* `meta-agl-bsp`: Contains adaptations for recipes and required packages
+ to boot an AGL distribution on targeted hardware and emulation (i.e. QEMU).
+* `meta-agl-distro`: Contains distro configuration and supporting scripts.
+* `meta-agl-profile-cluster`: The middleware for the AGL cluster profile.
+ The set of packages required for AGL Cluster Distribution.
+ Profiles include support for Wayland images.
+* `meta-agl-profile-cluster-qt5`: The middleware for the AGL Qt5-based cluster profile.
+ The set of packages required for AGL Qt5-based Cluster Distribution.
+ Profiles include support for Wayland images with Qt5.
+* `meta-agl-profile-core`: Configuration and recipes for the AGL core profiles.
+* `meta-agl-profile-graphical`: Configuration and recipes supporting graphical user
+ interfaces.
+* `meta-agl-profile-graphical-html5`: Configuration and recipes supporting profiles
+ with HTML user interface support.
+* `meta-agl-profile-graphical-qt5`: Configuration and recipes supporting profiles
+ with Qt5-based user interface support.
+* `meta-agl-profile-hud`: Configuration and recipes supporting profiles with
+ Head-Up-Display (HUD) support.
+* `meta-agl-profile-telematics`: Configuration and recipes supporting profiles with
+ telematics support.
+* `meta-app-framework`: Configuration and recipes supporting the AGL Application
+ Framework.
+* `meta-netboot`: Contains recipes and configuration adjustments to allow network
+ boot through network block device (NBD) since network file system (NFS) does not
+ support security labels.
+* `meta-security`: Configuration and recipes supporting security applications.
+* `scripts`: AGL development setup and support scripts.
+* `templates`: Base, feature, and machine templates used in the AGL development
+ environment.
+## Packagegroups
+This section describes the AGL
+* packagegroup-agl-image-minimal
+ The previous list of Packagegroups are used to create the `agl-image-minimal` image,
+ which is a small image just capable of allowing a device to boot.
+ Subsystem should maintain packagegroup-agl-core-[subsystem].bb which should
+ hold sufficient packages to build `agl-image-minimal`.
+* packagegroup-agl-image-ivi
+ The previous list of Packagegroups are used to create the `agl-image-ivi`
+ image, which is a baseline image (i.e. Service Layer and Operating System
+ Layer defined in AGL Spec v1.0) for the AGL profiles.
+ Additional tools used in QA tests (for agl-image*-qa).
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+title: meta-agl-demo
+## Introduction
+The `meta-agl-demo` layer is the reference user interface layer for the DEMO
+platform of Automotive Grade Linux (AGL).
+The layer provides a reference platform and applications.
+The BitBake target name for the DEMO platform is `agl-demo-platform`, which is
+the full DEMO platform image.
+## Layer Dependencies
+This section describes dependencies for the `meta-agl-demo` layer.
+Dependencies are grouped into base, hardware, and feature dependencies.
+### Base Dependencies
+The `meta-agl-demo` layer has the following base dependencies:
+- Yocto Project Release:
+ - URI: git://
+ - Branch: "thud"
+ - Tested Revision: See the
+ [`default.xml`](
+ manifest file for the `AGL-repo` repository for revision information.
+- AGL `meta-agl` Layer:
+ - URI:
+ - Branch: "master"
+- OpenEmbedded `meta-openembedded` Layer:
+ - Branch: "thud"
+ - Tested Revision: See the
+ [`default.xml`](
+ manifest file for the `AGL-repo` repository for revision information.
+ Specifically, out of `meta-openembedded`, these sub-layers are used:
+ - `meta-oe`
+ - `meta-multimedia`
+ - `meta-networking`
+ - `meta-python`
+- Yocto Project `meta-qt5` Layer from the
+ [OpenEmbedded Layer Index](
+ - URI:
+ - Branch: "thud"
+ - Tested Revision: See the
+ [`default.xml`](
+ manifest file for the `AGL-repo` repository for revision information.
+### Hardware Dependencies
+Aside from the previously listed base dependencies, if you are using a
+[supported Renesas board](../../0_Getting_Started/2_Building_AGL_Image/
+supported Renesas board, these dependencies exist:
+- AGL's `meta-renesas` Layer:
+ - URI:
+### Feature Dependencies
+The `meta-agl-demo` layer has the following AGL [feature](../../0_Getting_Started/2_Building_AGL_Image/
+- Yocto Project `meta-security` Layer:
+ - URI:
+ - Branch: "master"
+ - Tested Revision: See the
+ [`default.xml`](
+ manifest file for the `AGL-repo` repository for revision information.
+- AGL's `meta-app-framework` Layer within the `meta-agl` Layer:
+ - URI:
+ - Branch: "master"
+**The `agl-sota` Feature:**
+- Here Technologies' `meta-updater` Layer:
+ - URI:
+ - Branch: "thud"
+- Here Technologies' `meta-updater-qemux86-64` Layer:
+ - URI:
+ - Branch: "thud"
+- OpenEmbedded's `meta-openembedded` Layer:
+ - URI:
+ - Branch: "thud"
+ - Tested Revision: See the
+ [`default.xml`](
+ manifest file for the `AGL-repo` repository for revision information.
+ Specifically, out of `meta-openembedded`, these sub-layers are used:
+ - `meta-filesystems`
+ - `meta-oe`
+ - `meta-python`
+**The `agl-netboot` Feature:**
+- AGL's `meta-netboot` Layer within the `meta-agl` Layer:
+ - URI:
+ - Branch: "master"
+## Packagegroups
+AGL DEMO Platform's [packagegroups](
+consist of the following:
+- packagegroup-agl-demo-platform
+ This packagegroup is used for generating the `agl-demo-platform` image,
+ which is the full image for the AGL distributions IVI profile. You can see the
+ recipe (i.e. ``) that installs the
+ `packagegroup-agl-demo-platform` packagegroup [here](
+ As meta-agl's design of packagegroups, the `` recipe installs
+ only `packagegroup-agl-demo-platform` and the packages of the DEMO applications.
+ ``agl-demo-platform`` contains the following three packagegroups:
+ * `packagegroup-agl-image-minimal`
+ * `packagegroup-agl-image-ivi`
+ * `packagegroup-agl-demo-platform`
+- packagegroup-agl-appfw*
+ These packagegroups contain packages for the AGL distribution's
+ Application Framework. Subsystem should maintain
+ `packagegroup-agl-appfw-[subsystem].bb`, which should hold sufficient packages
+ for the Application Framework.
+ Subsystems also can maintain their own packagegroups using appropriate
+ `recipes-*/`.
+ For example, Qt5 has two packagegroups in `meta-agl-demo`:
+ `packagegroup-agl-appfw-native-qt5` and `packagegroup-agl-demo-qt-examples`,
+ which are under `recipes-qt/`.
+ The `packagegroup-agl-appfw-native-qt5` is included by `packagegroup-agl-appfw-native` because Qt5 belongs to native application framework of AGL Distro.
+ Because the `packagegroup-agl-demo-qt-examples` is not mandatory for the AGL
+ Application Framework and the AGL DEMO, the packagegroup is added to the layer's
+ `local.conf` file only when needed. \ No newline at end of file
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+title: meta-agl-devel
+## Introduction
+The `meta-agl-devel` layer contains components that are being tested or
+still in development.
+The layer also contains software packages that Original Equipment
+Manufacturers (OEMs) need but are not included in the AGL software.
+## Sub-Layers
+The `meta-agl-devel` layer contains the following files and sub-layers:
+├── meta-agl-telemetry
+├── meta-audio-4a-framework
+├── meta-audio-soundmanager-framework
+├── meta-egvirt
+├── meta-gstrecorder-rcar-gen3
+├── meta-hmi-framework
+├── meta-oem-extra-libs
+├── templates
+The following list provides a summary of these sub-layers:
+* `meta-agl-telemetry`: Provides the smallest AGL image.
+ The image is designed to be used when a device requires restricted
+ scope of responsibilites (e.g. collecting vehicle telemetry).
+* `meta-audio-4a-framework`: A collection of recipes used for the
+ first integration of 4A (i.e. Advanced AGL Audio Architecture).
+* `meta-pipewire`: A collection of recipes used for the integration
+ of the pipewire sound system.
+* `meta-audio-soundmanager-framework`: Supports the Soundmanager
+ Audio Framework features, which maps to the `agl-audio-soundmanager-framework`
+ AGL feature.
+* `meta-egvirt`: The AGL Virtualization Expert Group (EG-VIRT) layer.
+ This layer supports the design, test, implementation, and assessment
+ of virtualization technologies (e.g. containers, hypervisors, system
+ partitioners, and so forth) aimed at AGL ARMv8 and Intel platforms.
+* `meta-gstrecorder-rcar-gen3`: Supports streaming audio and video for
+ the Pro and Premier board kits (e.g.
+ [Renesas R-Car Starter Kit Pro Board](
+ and
+ [Renesas R-Car Starter Kit Premier Board](
+* `meta-hmi-framework`: Provides AGL's Human Machine Interface (HMI) framework
+ through resource management consisting of sounds, windows, and input control.
+ For more information, see the
+ [HMI-Framework Page]( of the
+ AGL Wiki.
+* `meta-oem-extra-libs`: Provides libraries and software packages needed by
+ OEMs but not provided by the AGL software.
+* `templates`: Feature templates that support the `meta-agl-devel` layer.
+## Additional Sub-Layer Information
+This section provides additional information for the `meta-egvirt`,
+`meta-oem-extra-libs`, and `meta-hmi-framework` layers.
+### Virtualization Support
+The `meta-egvirt` layer enables virtualization support in AGL.
+The AGL Virtualization Expert (EG-VIRT) group is responsible
+for design and implementation of AGL virtualization solutions
+(.e.g the Virtualization platform architecture of AGL).
+You can read about EG-VERT's efforts on the
+"[Virtualization Expert Group's]("
+page of the AGL wiki.
+Additionally, you can learn more about virtualization as it applies to AGL
+by reading
+"[The Automotive Grade Linux Software Defined Connected Car Architecture]("
+### OEM Extra Libraries
+The `meta-oem-extra-libs` layer provides additional software packages many OEMs need
+but are not part of the AGL source.
+Following is the list of packages this layer provides:
+ * boost
+ * fixesproto
+ * imagemagick
+ * iptables
+ * Xorg-macros
+ * zlib
+ * eglibc = glibc
+ * libcurl
+ * libgif
+ * libneon
+ * mongoose
+ * fuse
+ * protocol buffers
+ * bsdiff
+ * module-init-tools
+ * libcroco
+ * libtiff
+ * librsvg
+ * libpcap
+To add these packages to your library, you need to include the
+`agl-oem-extra-libs` AGL feature when you initialize your build
+environment using the `` script.
+For information on how to use the `` script to initialize
+your build environment, see the
+"[Initializing Your Build Environment](../../0_Getting_Started/2_Building_AGL_Image/"
+Once you have included the AGL feature, you can build your image.
+### HMI Framework
+The `meta-hmi-framework` layer supports the Human-Machine Interface (HMI) Framework.
+The HMI-Framework is the User Interface (UI) to control the Infotainment System.
+Work continues to close the gap between the user experience of a smart phone
+and the Infotainment System in a vehicle, for example.
+You can find more out about HMI Framework progress on the
+"[HMI Framework](" page on the AGL Wiki.
+To add HMI Framework support to your image, you need to include the
+`hmi-framework` AGL feature when you initialize your build
+environment using the `` script.
+For information on how to use the `` script to initialize
+your build environment, see the
+"[Initializing Your Build Environment](../../0_Getting_Started/2_Building_AGL_Image/"
+Once you have included the AGL feature, you can build your image. \ No newline at end of file
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+title: Creating a New Service
+Services are software running in the background and providing, as their name suggests,
+various services to other software: access to specific system hardware, connectivity
+management, and network servers. Services can be split into 2 categories:
+- **System services:** those usually run as a privileged user and make use of shared system
+ resources which they should have exclusive access to
+- **User services:** such services run as part of an unprivileged user's session and can
+ only be called by said user
+# Basic requirements
+The only mandatory requirement is that service packages provide a `.service` file
+so they can be properly managed by `systemd`. This file must be installed to a specific
+location, determined by the service type (system or user):
+- `/usr/lib/systemd/system/` for system services
+- `/usr/lib/systemd/user/` for user services
+Below is an example of a simple user service, running in a graphical session and
+therefore requiring a compositor to be already running before the service starts:
+The `` indicates the service is part of the default AGL
+user session, as mentioned in the [Application Framework](../1_Application_Framework/1_Introduction/#user-session-management)
+The `Restart=on-failure` directive ensures the service will be automatically
+restarted by `systemd` in case it crashes.
+More details about `systemd` service files can be found in the
+[systemd documentation](
+# D-Bus activation
+Services can also provide a D-Bus interface. In this case, they need not be started
+on system boot (or user session startup in the case of user services) but can be
+automatically started only when a client sends a request to the D-Bus name the service
+D-Bus activated services must name their `systemd` service file `dbus-NAME.service`
+where `NAME` is the D-Bus name registered by the service. This file must include the
+following lines:
+In addition, they must provide a D-Bus service file named `NAME.service` and installed
+to one of the following locations:
+- `/usr/share/dbus-1/system-services` for system services
+- `/usr/share/dbus-1/services` for user services
+The contents of the D-Bus service file must be the following:
+[D-BUS Service]
+This ensures the service can be safely activated through D-Bus and no conflict will occur
+between `systemd` and the D-Bus daemon.
+More details about D-Bus activation can be found in the
+[D-Bus specification](,
+under the "Message Bus Starting Services (Activation)" section.
+# Services startup
+For D-Bus activated services, no additional action is required as those will be automatically
+started whenever needed. Other services, however, need a few more steps in order to be
+executed on system or session startup.
+## System services
+System services can take advantage of the Yocto `systemd` class which automates the process of
+enabling such services.
+1\. Ensure the recipe inherits from the `systemd` class:
+inherit systemd
+2\. Declare the system services that needs to be enabled on boot:
+3\. Ensure the `FILES` variable includes the systemd service directory the corresponding
+file will be installed to:
+FILES:${PN} = "\
+ ...
+ ${systemd_system_unitdir}/* \
+## User services
+The `systemd` class doesn't provide an equivalent mechanism for user services. This must
+therefore be done manually as part of the package's install process.
+1\. Make the service a part of the user session:
+do_install:append() {
+ install -d ${D}${systemd_user_unitdir}/
+ ln -s ../NAME.service ${D}${systemd_user_unitdir}/
+This ensures `` depends on `NAME.service`, the latter being therefore
+automatically started on session creation.
+2\. Ensure the `FILES` variable includes the systemd service directory the corresponding
+file will be installed to:
+FILES:${PN} = "\
+ ...
+ ${systemd_user_unitdir}/* \
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+title: Creating a New Application
+Applications are:
+- Software designed to perform a specific task during a limited amount of time.
+- Graphical interface allowing user to interact with.
+Applications are executed by `applaunchd`, the AGL
+[application launcher service](../1_Application_Framework/2_Application_Startup/).
+# Basic requirements
+In order to be enumerated by `applaunchd`, applications must provide the a `.desktop` file, as
+defined by the [Desktop Entry specification](
+The desktop entry file should be installed to `/usr/share/applications` (or the `applications`
+sub-directory of any entry present in the `XDG_DATA_DIRS` environment variable) and have a
+meaningful name. It is considered good practice to use reverse-DNS notation for the desktop
+entry file name, following the recommendations of the [D-Bus specification](
+- this avoids potential name collisions with other desktop entry files
+- it makes it easier to enable [D-Bus activation](#d-bus-activation) during the application
+ development cycle if needed
+- for [graphical applications](#graphical-applications), it ensures the chosen Wayland `app-id`
+ will be unique
+Such a file must contain at least the following keys:
+- `Type`: desktop entry type, must be set to `Application`
+- `Name`: application name, as it should be displayed in menus and application launchers
+- `Exec`: full path to the main executable
+Below is an example of a minimal desktop entry file:
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=Example Application
+Graphical applications must also provide an `Icon` entry pointing to the application icon.
+The value for this entry must either be the full path to the icon's file or, for icons part
+of an existing [icon theme](,
+the name of an element of this theme.
+In addition, a number of optional fields can be used to change how `applaunchd` will consider the
+- `Version`: version of the Desktop Entry Specification the file conforms to, must be `1.5`
+- `Hidden`: boolean value, if `true` the application is always ignored by `applaunchd` and
+ won't be listed nor executed
+- `Terminal`: boolean value, if `true` the application is excluded when requesting the list of
+ graphical applications from `applaunchd`
+- `DBusActivatable`: boolean value, must be `true` for [D-Bus activated applications](#d-bus-activation)
+- `Implements`: list of D-Bus interfaces the application implements, only used for D-Bus activated
+ applications.
+Finally, graphical applications may also define the `StartupWMClass` key in some cases. Please
+refer to the [graphical applications](#graphical-applications) section for more information.
+# D-Bus activation
+Similarly to [services](../2_Creating_a_New_Service/#d-bus-activation), applications can
+also be activated through D-Bus.
+Such applications must name their `.desktop` file after the D-Bus name they register. In addition,
+this file must contain the following entries:
+Where `IFACEn` are the names of the D-Bus interfaces the application implements.
+In addition, they must provide a D-Bus service file named `NAME.service` and installed
+to `/usr/share/dbus-1/services`.
+The contents of the D-Bus service file must be the following:
+[D-BUS Service]
+For example, an application registering the `org.automotivelinux.Example` D-Bus name
+and implementing the `org.automotivelinux.Example.Search1` and `org.automotivelinux.Example.Execute1`
+interfaces would provide the following files:
+* Desktop entry (`/usr/share/applications/org.automotivelinux.Example.desktop`):
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=Example Application
+* D-Bus service file (`/usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.automotivelinux.Example.service`):
+[D-BUS Service]
+*Note: in addition to their own D-Bus interface, D-Bus activated applications must also
+implement the `org.freedesktop.Application` interface as defined in the
+[Desktop Entry specification](*
+# Graphical applications
+In addition, graphical applications need to comply with a few more requirements:
+1\. Each application must set a Wayland application ID appropriately as soon as its main window
+is created.
+2\. The `app-id` must be specified in the desktop entry file by adding the following line:
+3\. The desktop entry file must be named `APP_ID.desktop`.
+Doing so will ensure other software can associate the actual `app-id` to the proper application.
+*Note: application ID's are set using the [XDG toplevel](
+Wayland interface.*
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+title: Creating a Custom Recipe
+For adding a custom linux software/service like cannelloni you have to do the following steps:
+1. Add repo via devtool (gitrepo stands for the url)
+ ```
+ devtool add gitrepo
+ ```
+2. Try to bitbake, if it is working go to step 3
+ ```
+ bitbake packagename (gitrepo name)
+ ```
+ If it is not working you can do (repeating) following steps until it is working
+ 1. change/modify the recipe in /workspace/recipe/packagename
+ 2. change/modify the sources in /workspace/sources/packagename
+ 3. bitbake packagename
+ Now update the recipe, if you do this the first time you have to adapt the license and the LIC-File-Checksum
+ ```
+ devtool update-recipce packagename
+ ```
+3. Build the recipe and image with devtool
+ ```
+ devtool build packagename
+ devtool build-image agl-demo-platform
+ ```
+ If that is working you could add it to git/gerrit. You have to add your recipe to a layer.
+ 1. Copy files to the recipe
+ 2. add recipe to a packagegroup
+4. Git
+ ```
+ git review
+ git review -s
+ git remote -v update
+ ```
+![Build recipe](images/AGL_add_recipe.png) \ No newline at end of file
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+title: Generic devices setup
+## Camera setup on RPi4
+This assumes that you'll be using the Raspberry Pi Camera Module, which can
+easily hooked on the board using the LVDS connector. Further more information
+about how to connect it, could be found at
+[Installing a Raspberry Pi camera](
+With the camera installed, you'll need to enable it by editing /boot/config.txt
+file (if you're booting an AGL image over a sd-card it will be there by
+default, otherwise -- in case of doing netboot, you'll have to create
+manually) and add the following entry:
+ ## start_x
+ ## Set to "1" to enable the camera module.
+ ##
+ ## Enabling the camera requires gpu_mem option to be specified with a value
+ ## of at least 128.
+ ##
+ ## Default 0
+ ##
+ start_x=1
+And reboot your device. Afterwards, after logging it, make sure that you have
+the /dev/video0 device created. You could also use v4l2-ctl to verify
+that is indeed usable as a capture device:
+ $ v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video0 --all
+In order to test out video playback, use the following gstreamer pipeline:
+ $ gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/video0 ! \
+ video/x-raw,width=640,height=480 ! waylandsink fullscreen=true
+Alternatively, using [camera-gstreamer](;a=summary)
+application could might be another possibility, but you'll have to build it
+yourself and add it in the image.
+This includes an example on how to create a xdg-toplevel surface and create a
+gstreamer pipeline, instead of relaying on waylandsink to create one for you,
+in a programmatic fashion.
+## Display setup on RPi4
+This assumes that you'll be using the Raspberry Pi 7'' display. Installation
+can be found at [Rpi Display page](
+If booting over the network, the dtb should already contain the ft5406 dtb,
+while booting over sd-card the following show be in the /boot/config.txt
+ dtoverlay=rpi-ft5406-overlay
+Once the board boots up, you should get a rainbow like effect and afterwards
+booting up would display debug scrolling over. You'll need to adjust the
+orientation as the 800x480 is in portrait. Edit /etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini and
+add a new output entry, like the following:
+ [output]
+ name=DSI-1
+ transform=90
+Note that for the Qt platform, the homescreen application, together with the
+other demo applications, is tailored specifically for a 1080p display and it
+will display incorrectly on such a smaller display.
+## Testing out video camera without a real device
+While the above requires having a real video camera device, one can use out
+the [vivid module](
+to try out your custom application or just testing out camera functionality in AGL.
+You should normally have the module present, not loaded, for either **rpi4** or for
+**h3ulcb** boards. Load the module, like in the following command:
+ modprobe vivid allocators=0x1
+Have a look at the kernel ring buffer to see what capture devices are created
+and use as source:
+ $ gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/videoXX ! \
+ video/x-raw,width=640,height=480 ! waylandsink fullscreen=true
+making sure to replace /dev/videoXX with correct capture device. You can check
+that easily using the v4l2-ctl mentioned above.
+Note that using camera-gstreamer will attempt to find the first available
+capture device, so if you happen to have to another one before the one created
+by this module it might not work. You can bypass that, by just making a symlink
+from /dev/videoXX to /dev/video0 to make first available capture device.
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