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-# XDS - X(cross) Development System Server
-`xds-server` is a web server that allows user to remotely cross build applications.
-- The first goal is to provide a multi-platform cross development tool with near-zero installation.
-- The second goal is to keep application sources locally (on user's machine).
- - Make it compatible with existing IT policies (e.g. corporate backup or SCM).
- - Let user to continue to work as usual.
- - Use his favorite editor.
- - keep performance while editing/browsing sources.
- - Avoids manual operation
-This powerful and portable webserver (written in [Go](
-exposes a REST interface over HTTP.
-`xds-server` uses [Syncthing]( tool to synchronize
-projects files from user machine to build server machine or container.
-`xds-server` is commonly running on a build server (within a container or not)
-and [xds-agent](../2_xds-agent/0_abstract.html) must run on the developer/user machine in order
-to setup the following connection chain:
- developer/user machine | build server or container
- ---------------------------|-----------------------------
- xds-cli <---> xds-agent <-|-> xds-server
-**SEE ALSO**: [xds-cli](,
-a command-line tool that allows you to send commands to `xds-agent / xds-server`
-and for example build your application from command-line or from your favorite
-IDE (such as Netbeans or Visual Studio Code) through `xds-agent <=> xds-server`.
-Links to subchapters :
-- [Build from scratch](./1_build.html)
-- [Configuration](./2_config.html)
-- [How to run](./3_how-to-run.html)
-- [Debugging](./4_debug.html)
-- [Tests](./5_test.html)
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-<!-- WARNING: This file is generated by fetch_docs.js using /home/boron/Documents/AGL/docs-webtemplate/site/_data/tocs/devguides/master/xds-docs-guides-devguides-book.yml --># Build xds-server from scratch
-## Dependencies
-Install [Go](, [npm](,
-[nodejs]( and some other tools.
-Refer to [Prerequisites chapter](../1_Prerequisites.html) for more details.
-## Building
-### Native build
-Clone sources under `$ROOTDIR/src/`
-in order respect directory hierarchy that match Go package import logic (see
-[How to Write Go Code]( for more details).
-Then use delivered Makefile :
-# Declare ROOTDIR, can be any location (for example xds-build)
-# Create directory hierarchy that match Go package import logic
-mkdir -p $ROOTDIR/src/
-cd $ROOTDIR/src/
-# Clone sources
-git clone
-# or git clone ssh://
-# Build xds-server
-# (note that GOPATH will correctly be set by Makefile)
-cd xds-server
-make all
-Generate xds-server package / tarball
-make package-all
-And to install `xds-server` (by default in `/opt/AGL/xds/server`):
-make install
-<!-- section-warning -->
-Makefile install rule and default values in configuration file are set
-to fit the docker setup.
-So you may need to adapt some settings when you want to install xds-server natively.
-<!-- end-section-warning -->
-<!-- section-note -->
-Used `DESTDIR` to specify another install directory
-make install DESTDIR=$HOME/opt/xds-server
-<!-- end-section-note -->
-### XDS docker image
-As an alternative to a pre-build image, you can rebuild the container from scratch.
-`xds-server` has been integrated as a flavour of AGL SDK docker image.
-So to rebuild docker image just execute following commands:
-# Clone docker-worker-generator git repo
-git clone
-# Start build that will create a docker image
-cd docker-worker-generator
-make build FLAVOUR=xds
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-# Configuration
-`xds-server` configuration is driven by a JSON config file (`server-config.json`).
-Here is the logic to determine which `server-config.json` file will be used:
-1. from command line option: `--config myConfig.json`
-1. `$HOME/.xds/server/server-config.json` file
-1. `/etc/xds/server/server-config.json` file
-1. `<xds-server executable dir>/server-config.json` file
-Supported fields in configuration file are:
-- **httpPort** : HTTP port of client webapp/REST API
-- **webAppDir** : location of client web application (default: webapp/dist)
-- **shareRootDir** : root directory where projects will be copied
-- **logsDir** : directory to store logs (eg. syncthing output)
-- **sdkScriptsDir** : directory where scripts, used to managed SDKs, are installed
-- **sdkDbUpdate** : define how SDK database(s) is(are) updated, supported values are:
- `disable`, `startup` (default: `startup`)
-- **syncthing.binDir** : syncthing binaries directory (default: executable directory)
-- **syncthing.home"** : syncthing home directory (usually .../syncthing-config)
-- **syncthing.gui-address** : syncthing gui url (default <http://localhost:8385>)
-- **syncthing.gui-apikey** : syncthing api-key to use (default auto-generated)
-All fields are optional and example below corresponds to the default values.
- "httpPort": 8000,
- "webAppDir": "webapp/dist",
- "shareRootDir": "${HOME}/.xds/server/projects",
- "logsDir": "/tmp/logs",
- "sdkScriptsDir": "${EXEPATH}/scripts/sdks",
- "sdkDbUpdate": "startup",
- "syncthing": {
- "binDir": "./bin",
- "home": "${HOME}/.xds/server/syncthing-config",
- "gui-address": "http://localhost:8385",
- "gui-apikey": "123456789",
- }
->Environment variables are supported by using `${MY_VAR}` syntax.
-When `xds-server` is started as a systemd service, default environment variables
-are set into `/etc/default/xds-server` file.
-`xds-server` configuration is also driven by a JSON config file (`server-config.json`),
-and default JSON config is `/etc/xds/server/server-config.json`.
-<!-- section-note -->
-You can use your own JSON config by settings `APP_CONFIG` variable of
-`/etc/default/xds-server` file to your file, for example `/home/MYUSER/.xds/server/server-config.json`
-<!-- end-section-note -->
-## Disable syncthing
-`CloudSync` synchronization type based on `syncthing` tool can be disabled by
-simply removing (or renaming) `"syncthing"` key in configuration file.
-Here is a JSON configuration file example where syncthing key as been renamed:
- "httpPort": 8000,
- "webAppDir": "webapp/dist",
- "shareRootDir": "${HOME}/.xds/server/projects",
- "logsDir": "/tmp/logs",
- "sdkScriptsDir": "${EXEPATH}/scripts/sdks",
- "syncthing_DISABLE": {
- "binDir": "./bin",
- "home": "${HOME}/.xds/server/syncthing-config",
- }
-On benefit to do that is to increase XDS-Server startup time.
-<!-- section-note -->
-- `CloudSync` (AKA syncthing) synchronization type can also be disabled when `"syncthing"` key is not defined in JSON configuration file.
-<!-- end-section-note -->
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-# How to run
-`xds-server` has been designed to easily compile and debug
-[AGL]( applications. That's why `xds-server` has
-been integrated into AGL SDK docker container.
->**Note:** For more info about AGL SDK docker container, please refer to
-[AGL SDK Quick Setup](../../../../../getting_started/reference/getting-started/docker-container-setup.html)
-## Start xds-server
-There are several way to install xds-server and start-up depend of installation type:
-| Installation type | Supported<br> host OS | Start-up | Install instructions |
-| Docker container | Linux or MacOS | Automatic based on systemd user service | [see Installation based on Docker container](../../part-1/server-part.html#docker-container) |
-| Virtual Machine | Linux, MacOS or Windows | Automatic based on systemd user service | [see Installation based on VirtualBox appliance](../../part-1/server-part.html#virtualbox-appliance) |
-| Native | Linux | Automatic based on systemd user service or manual | [see Native installation](../../part-1/server-part.html#native) |
-| Native | MacOS or Windows | Manually | [see Native installation](../../part-1/server-part.html#native) |
-### Automatic start-up based on systemd user service
-XDS server is started as a user service by Systemd.
-Use well-known systemd commands to control `xds-server.service` service.
-# Enter in docker container or VM
-# (optional, depending on installation type)
-ssh -p 2222 devel@localhost
-# Status XDS server:
-systemctl --user status xds-server
-# Restart XDS server
-systemctl --user restart xds-server
-If needed you can change default setting by defining specific environment
-variables file
-ssh -t -p 2222 devel@localhost vim /etc/default/xds-server
-For example to control log level, just set LOG_LEVEL env variable.
-knowing that supported *level* are:
-- panic
-- fatal
-- error
-- warn
-- info
-- debug
-docker exec ${CONTAINER_NAME} bash -c "echo 'LOG_LEVEL=debug' >> /etc/default/xds-server"
-ssh -p 2222 devel@localhost -- "systemctl --user restart xds-server"
-### Manual start-up
-On **Linux or MacOS**, simply execute `xds-server` executable:
-On **Windows**, simply execute `xds-server` executable:
-<!-- section-note -->
-Invoke `xds-server --help` to get more details about possible options that allow
-for example to change logging level or select another configuration file.
-<!-- end-section-note -->
-## XDS server REST API and Web application
-`xds-server` exposes a REST API and serves a basic web-application.
-REST API based url is `http://localhost:8000/api/v1/` when XDS server is
-running on your host (localhost) and basic web-application is available at
-Just replace `localhost` by the host name or ip when `xds-server` is running
-on another host.
-# Get version using REST API
-curl http://localhost:8000/api/v1/version
-# Open browser and local xds-server web-application
-xdg-open http://localhost:8000
-Then follow instructions provided on this page to install and start `xds-agent`
-that must run locally on your machine.
-See also [xds-agent documentation](../2_xds-agent/0_abstract.html) for more details.
-## SDK cross-toolchain Management
-### Setup to add support of a new SDK family
-<!-- section-note -->
-**Optional step**: read this chapter only if you plan to add a new SDK family.
-<!-- end-section-note -->
-`xds-server` dynamically detects supported SDKs by scanning sub-directories of
-`sdkScriptsDir` directory (see [Configuration chapter](2_config.html)).
-Each sub-directory (usually name is the same as the SDK family) of `sdkScriptsDir`
-must contain a set of scripts that will be called by `xds-server` to managed SDKs
-of a specific family.
-These scripts are:
-- `add`: used to add/install a new SDK
-- `db-dump`: returned the list of available and installed SDKs (JSON format)
-- `db-update`: update SDKs database
-- `get-family-config`: returned SDK family configuration structure (JSON format)
-- `get-sdk-info`: extract SDK info (JSON format) from a SDK file/tarball
-- `remove`: used to remove an existing SDK
-For example, here 2 SDKs family (`agl` and `zephyr`) are defined:
-# > tree ./sdks/
-├── agl
-│ ├── add
-│ ├── db-dump
-│ ├── db-update
-│ ├── get-family-config
-│ ├── get-sdk-info
-│ └── remove
-└── zephyr
- ├── add
- ├── db-dump
- ├── db-update
- ├── get-family-config
- ├── get-sdk-info
- └── remove
-On startup `xds-server` will call in order:
-- `sdks/*/get-family-config` to get configuration of each SDK family.
-- `sdks/*/db-update` to update database (only when `SdkDbUpdate` is set to ̀`startup`,
- see [Configuration chapter](2_config.html) for more details)
-- `sdks/*/db-dump` scripts to get the initial list of available and installed SDKs.
-Please refer to `sdks/` for more information about scripts definition
-and to understand how to add support of a new SDK family.
-### Install a new SDK
-Please refer to [Installing AGL SDKs](../../part-1/install-sdk.html) chapter.
-### Un-install a SDK from command line
-Used `sdks` command of `xds-cli` tool to managed SDKs.
-# List installed SDKs
-xds-cli sdks ls
-List of installed SDKs:
- c39e5998 poky-agl_aarch64_4.0.1 Installed 4.0.1 aarch64
- d610bfbf poky-agl-aarch64.current_on_iotbzh_download-3.99.1+snapshot Installed 3.99.1+snapshot aarch64.current_on_iotbzh_download
- a0ae663d poky-agl-corei7-64-3.99.1+snapshot Installed 3.99.1+snapshot corei7-64
- 87f0400b AGL-release-dab-3.99.3-m3ulcb-nogfx Installed 3.99.3 aarch64
- 352c0584 poky-agl-corei7-64-3.99.2+snapshot Installed 3.99.2+snapshot corei7-64
- d65fe750 AGL-release-eel-latest-qemux86-64 Installed 4.99.5 corei7-64
-# Un-install a SDK
-xds-cli sdks uninstall d65fe750
-SDK ID d65fe750-d3a7-38f5-83d8-3d3806054f8d successfully deleted.
-### Un-install a SDK from XDS Dashboard
-Open XDS-Dashboard in web-browser and select `SDKs` entry in left side menu.
-If needed, switch to `BASIC SDKS VIEW` view and click on trash icon located
-in the top-right corner of SDK card.
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-# Debugging
-## XDS server architecture
-The server part is written in *Go* and web app (basic HTML) in *Angular4*.
-+-- bin/ # where xds-server binary file will be built
-+-- conf.d/ # Linux configuration and startup files (systemd user service)
-+-- glide.yaml # Go package dependency file
-+-- lib/ # sources of server part (Go)
-+-- LICENSE # XDS server license
-+-- main.go # main entry point of of Web server (Go)
-+-- Makefile # makefile including
-+-- # readme
-+-- scripts/ # hold various scripts used for installation or startup
-+-- test/ # XDS test suite
-+-- tools/ # temporary directory to hold development tools (like glide)
-+-- vendor/ # temporary directory to hold Go dependencies packages
-+-- webapp/ # source client basic web application
-## Debug server part (Go code)
-Install first [Visual Studio Code]( and
-[Go plugin](
-(`ext install lukehoban.Go`)
-Visual Studio Code launcher settings can be found into `.vscode/launch.json`.
-Please follow instructions of xds-agent [debugging chapter](../2_xds-agent/4_debug.html#debug-xds-agent-go-code),
-knowing that you execute these same instructions in `xds-server` repo, in other words
-by replacing *xds-agent* references by *xds-server*.
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-# XDS Server Test
-## XDS Server test architecture
-The test part is written in go and source code is available in test directory.
-+-- test/ # where xds-server test source files
-+-- test/main_test.go # main entry point of xds-server test
-+-- test/fixtures # fixtures for running test
-The test execution will locally launch xds-server and access the api through REST and test results, events, ...
-## Dependencies
-* sshd
-Make sure sshd is in your user PATH.
-## Launch test
-Use the following command to launch test in xds-server root directory:
-make test
-Launch only one test, for example launch TestSdks:
-make test name=TestSdks
-Increase test verbosity:
-make test VERBOSE=1