path: root/templates/feature/agl-demo-cluster-support
diff options
authorAakash Solanki <>2022-10-29 16:21:34 +0200
committerAakash Solanki <>2022-10-29 16:28:31 +0200
commit7832492d87871cfb382b58c1eeb9f182537c0c60 (patch)
treedbda16a87c711ccd156e43dc7fe15fc5b9cb3ba3 /templates/feature/agl-demo-cluster-support
parent2c0ca4f324f997f2ba3173655f73ae1c5ce0dc89 (diff)
Update flutter-cluster-dashboard
- Import all flutter-cluster-dashboard changes from master. - Add 'flutter-cluster-dashboard.yaml' file. - Set openrouteservice API Key in local.conf to the variable `OPENROUTE_API_KEY`. - Change SRCREV and SRC_URI Bug-AGL: SPEC-4508 Change-Id: Ic1cd18e290c951443b393840bcf053a549fd2ee2 Signed-off-by: Aakash Solanki <>
Diffstat (limited to 'templates/feature/agl-demo-cluster-support')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
3 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177
 * Copyright (C) 2015 ""
 * Author "Fulup Ar Foll"
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

#include "local-def.h"

// In this case or handle is quite basic
typedef struct {
   int   fd; 
   char *path; 
   json_object* jerror;
} appPostCtx;

// With content-type=json data are directly avaliable in request->post->data
STATIC json_object* GetJsonByPost (AFB_request *request) {
    json_object* jresp;
    char query [256];
    int  len;
    // check if we have some post data
    if (request->post == NULL)  request->post->data="NoData"; 
    // Get all query string [Note real app should probably use value=getQueryValue(request,"key")]
    len = getQueryAll (request, query, sizeof(query));
    if (len == 0) strncpy (query, "NoSearchQueryList", sizeof(query));
    // for debug/test return response to caller
    jresp = jsonNewMessage(AFB_SUCCESS, "GetJsonByPost query={%s} PostData: [%s]", query, request->post->data);
    return (jresp);    

// This function is call when PostForm processing is completed
STATIC void DonePostForm (AFB_request *request) { 
    // Retrieve PostHandle Context from request
    AFB_PostHandle *postHandle = getPostHandle(request);
    appPostCtx *appCtx= (appPostCtx*) postHandle->ctx;

    if (verbose) fprintf (stderr, "DonePostForm file=[%s]upload done\n", appCtx->path);


// PostForm callback is called multiple times (one or each key within form, or once per file buffer)
// When processing POST_FORM request->data holds a PostHandle and not data directly as for POST_JSON
// When file has been fully uploaded call is call with item==NULL it is application responsibility to free appPostCtx
STATIC json_object* UploadFile (AFB_request *request, AFB_PostItem *item) {

    AFB_PostHandle *postHandle = getPostHandle(request);
    appPostCtx *appCtx;
    char filepath[512];
    int len;
    // This is called after PostForm and then after DonePostForm
    if (item == NULL) {
        json_object* jresp;
        appCtx = (appPostCtx*) postHandle->ctx;
        // No Post Application Context [something really bad happen]
        if (appCtx == NULL) {
            request->errcode = MHD_HTTP_EXPECTATION_FAILED;
            return(jsonNewMessage(AFB_FAIL,"Error: PostForm no PostContext to free\n"));          
        // We have a context but last Xform iteration fail.
        if (appCtx->jerror != NULL) {
            request->errcode = MHD_HTTP_EXPECTATION_FAILED;
            jresp = appCtx->jerror;  // retrieve previous error from postCtx
        } else jresp = jsonNewMessage(AFB_FAIL,"UploadFile Post Request file=[%s] done", appCtx->path);
        // Error or not let's free all resources
        free (appCtx->path);
        free (appCtx);
        return (jresp);  
    // Make sure it's a valid PostForm request
    if (!request->post && request->post->type != AFB_POST_FORM) {
        appCtx->jerror= jsonNewMessage(AFB_FAIL,"This is not a valid PostForm request\n");
        goto ExitOnError;
    // Check this is a file element
    if (item->filename == NULL) {
        appCtx->jerror= jsonNewMessage(AFB_FAIL,"No Filename attached to key=%s\n", item->key);
        goto ExitOnError;
    // Check we got something in buffer
    if (item->len <= 0) {       
        appCtx->jerror= jsonNewMessage(AFB_FAIL,"Buffer size NULL key=%s]\n", item->key);
        goto ExitOnError;

    // Extract Application Context from posthandle [NULL == 1st iteration]    
    appCtx = (appPostCtx*) postHandle->ctx;

    // This is the 1st Item iteration let's open output file and allocate necessary resources
    if (appCtx == NULL)  {
        // Create an application specific context
        appCtx = calloc (1, sizeof(appPostCtx)); // May place anything here until post->completeCB handle resources liberation
        appCtx->path = strdup (filepath);
        // attach application to postHandle
        postHandle->ctx = (void*) appCtx;   // May place anything here until post->completeCB handle resources liberation  
        // Allocate an application specific handle to this post
        strncpy (filepath, request->config->sessiondir, sizeof(filepath));
        strncat (filepath, "/", sizeof(filepath));
        strncat (filepath, item->filename, sizeof(filepath));  

        if((appCtx->fd = open(filepath, O_RDWR |O_CREAT, S_IRWXU|S_IRGRP)) < 0) {
            appCtx->jerror= jsonNewMessage(AFB_FAIL,"Fail to Create destination=[%s] error=%s\n", filepath, strerror(errno));
            goto ExitOnError;
    } else {     
        // reuse existing application context
        appCtx = (appPostCtx*) postHandle->ctx;  

    // Check we successfully wrote full buffer
    len = write (appCtx->fd, item->data, item->len);
    if (item->len != len) {
        appCtx->jerror= jsonNewMessage(AFB_FAIL,"Fail to write file [%s] at [%s] error=\n", item->filename, strerror(errno));
        goto ExitOnError;
    // every intermediary iteration should return Success & NULL
    request->errcode = MHD_HTTP_OK;
    return NULL;
    request->errcode = MHD_HTTP_EXPECTATION_FAILED;
    return NULL;

// NOTE: this sample does not use session to keep test a basic as possible
//       in real application upload-xxx should be protected with AFB_SESSION_CHECK
STATIC  AFB_restapi pluginApis[]= {
  {"ping"         , AFB_SESSION_NONE  , (AFB_apiCB)apiPingTest    ,"Ping Rest Test Service"},
  {"upload-json"  , AFB_SESSION_NONE  , (AFB_apiCB)GetJsonByPost  ,"Demo for Json Buffer on Post"},
  {"upload-image" , AFB_SESSION_NONE  , (AFB_apiCB)UploadFile     ,"Demo for file upload"},
  {"upload-music" , AFB_SESSION_NONE  , (AFB_apiCB)UploadFile     ,"Demo for file upload"},
  {"upload-appli" , AFB_SESSION_NONE  , (AFB_apiCB)UploadFile     ,"Demo for file upload"},

PUBLIC AFB_plugin *pluginRegister () {
    AFB_plugin *plugin = malloc (sizeof (AFB_plugin));
    plugin->type  = AFB_PLUGIN_JSON; 
    plugin->info  = "Application Framework Binder Service";
    plugin->prefix= "post";  // url base
    plugin->apis  = pluginApis;
    plugin->handle= (void*) "What ever you want";
    return (plugin);