path: root/recipes-demo/qtquickcontrols2-agl-style
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2022-05-11Correct "HOMEPAGE" in some recipe filesduerpei1-1/+1
2021-12-21qtquickcontrols2-agl-style: remove QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_STYLE settingScott Murray1-5/+0
2021-08-20Convert to new override syntaxScott Murray1-3/+3
2021-02-25Fix S definitions in various recipesScott Murray1-1/+1
2021-01-15Fix style issues in app recipesScott Murray1-8/+8
2020-12-17SPEC-3723: restructure meta-agl-demoJan-Simon Moeller1-0/+28
='#n181'>181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352
/** @file
  UEFI Component Name(2) protocol implementation for UefiPxeBc driver.

  Copyright (c) 2009 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>

  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent


#include "PxeBcImpl.h"

  Retrieves a Unicode string that is the user-readable name of the driver.

  This function retrieves the user-readable name of a driver in the form of a
  Unicode string. If the driver specified by This has a user-readable name in
  the language specified by Language, then a pointer to the driver name is
  returned in DriverName, and EFI_SUCCESS is returned. If the driver specified
  by This does not support the language specified by Language,
  then EFI_UNSUPPORTED is returned.

  @param[in]  This              A pointer to the EFI_COMPONENT_NAME2_PROTOCOL or
                                EFI_COMPONENT_NAME_PROTOCOL instance.

  @param[in]  Language          A pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string
                                array indicating the language. This is the
                                language of the driver name that the caller is
                                requesting, and it must match one of the
                                languages specified in SupportedLanguages. The
                                number of languages supported by a driver is up
                                to the driver writer. Language is specified
                                in RFC 4646 or ISO 639-2 language code format.

  @param[out]  DriverName       A pointer to the Unicode string to return.
                                This Unicode string is the name of the
                                driver specified by This in the language
                                specified by Language.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The Unicode string for the Driver specified by
                                This and the language specified by Language was
                                returned in DriverName.

  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Language is NULL.

  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER DriverName is NULL.

  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       The driver specified by This does not support
                                the language specified by Language.

PxeBcComponentNameGetDriverName (
  IN  CHAR8                        *Language,
  OUT CHAR16                       **DriverName

  Retrieves a Unicode string that is the user-readable name of the controller
  that is being managed by a driver.

  This function retrieves the user-readable name of the controller specified by
  ControllerHandle and ChildHandle in the form of a Unicode string. If the
  driver specified by This has a user-readable name in the language specified by
  Language, then a pointer to the controller name is returned in ControllerName,
  and EFI_SUCCESS is returned.  If the driver specified by This is not currently
  managing the controller specified by ControllerHandle and ChildHandle,
  then EFI_UNSUPPORTED is returned.  If the driver specified by This does not
  support the language specified by Language, then EFI_UNSUPPORTED is returned.

  @param[in]  This              A pointer to the EFI_COMPONENT_NAME2_PROTOCOL or
                                EFI_COMPONENT_NAME_PROTOCOL instance.

  @param[in]  ControllerHandle  The handle of a controller that the driver
                                specified by This is managing.  This handle
                                specifies the controller whose name is to be

  @param[in]  ChildHandle       The handle of the child controller to retrieve
                                the name of.  This is an optional parameter that
                                may be NULL.  It will be NULL for device
                                drivers.  It will also be NULL for a bus drivers
                                that wish to retrieve the name of the bus
                                controller.  It will not be NULL for a bus
                                driver that wishes to retrieve the name of a
                                child controller.

  @param[in]  Language          A pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string
                                array indicating the language.  This is the
                                language of the driver name that the caller is
                                requesting, and it must match one of the
                                languages specified in SupportedLanguages. The
                                number of languages supported by a driver is up
                                to the driver writer. Language is specified in
                                RFC 4646 or ISO 639-2 language code format.

  @param[out]  ControllerName   A pointer to the Unicode string to return.
                                This Unicode string is the name of the
                                controller specified by ControllerHandle and
                                ChildHandle in the language specified by
                                Language from the point of view of the driver
                                specified by This.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The Unicode string for the user-readable name in
                                the language specified by Language for the
                                driver specified by This was returned in

  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER ControllerHandle is NULL.

  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER ChildHandle is not NULL, and it is not a valid

  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Language is NULL.

  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER ControllerName is NULL.

  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       The driver specified by This is not currently
                                managing the controller specified by
                                ControllerHandle and ChildHandle.

  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       The driver specified by This does not support
                                the language specified by Language.

PxeBcComponentNameGetControllerName (
  IN  EFI_HANDLE                   ControllerHandle,
  IN  EFI_HANDLE                   ChildHandle        OPTIONAL,
  IN  CHAR8                        *Language,
  OUT CHAR16                       **ControllerName

// EFI Component Name Protocol

// EFI Component Name 2 Protocol
  (EFI_COMPONENT_NAME2_GET_DRIVER_NAME) PxeBcComponentNameGetDriverName,
  (EFI_COMPONENT_NAME2_GET_CONTROLLER_NAME) PxeBcComponentNameGetControllerName,

    L"UEFI PXE Base Code Driver"

    L"PXE Controller"

  Retrieves a Unicode string that is the user-readable name of the driver.

  This function retrieves the user-readable name of a driver in the form of a
  Unicode string. If the driver specified by This has a user-readable name in
  the language specified by Language, then a pointer to the driver name is
  returned in DriverName, and EFI_SUCCESS is returned. If the driver specified
  by This does not support the language specified by Language,
  then EFI_UNSUPPORTED is returned.

  @param[in]  This              A pointer to the EFI_COMPONENT_NAME2_PROTOCOL or
                                EFI_COMPONENT_NAME_PROTOCOL instance.

  @param[in]  Language          A pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string
                                array indicating the language. This is the
                                language of the driver name that the caller is
                                requesting, and it must match one of the
                                languages specified in SupportedLanguages. The
                                number of languages supported by a driver is up
                                to the driver writer. Language is specified
                                in RFC 4646 or ISO 639-2 language code format.

  @param[out]  DriverName       A pointer to the Unicode string to return.
                                This Unicode string is the name of the
                                driver specified by This in the language
                                specified by Language.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The Unicode string for the Driver specified by
                                This and the language specified by Language was
                                returned in DriverName.

  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Language is NULL.

  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER DriverName is NULL.

  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       The driver specified by This does not support
                                the language specified by Language.

PxeBcComponentNameGetDriverName (
  IN  CHAR8                        *Language,
  OUT CHAR16                       **DriverName
  return LookupUnicodeString2(
           (BOOLEAN)(This == &gPxeBcComponentName)

  Retrieves a Unicode string that is the user-readable name of the controller
  that is being managed by a driver.

  This function retrieves the user-readable name of the controller specified by
  ControllerHandle and ChildHandle in the form of a Unicode string. If the
  driver specified by This has a user-readable name in the language specified by
  Language, then a pointer to the controller name is returned in ControllerName,
  and EFI_SUCCESS is returned.  If the driver specified by This is not currently
  managing the controller specified by ControllerHandle and ChildHandle,
  then EFI_UNSUPPORTED is returned.  If the driver specified by This does not
  support the language specified by Language, then EFI_UNSUPPORTED is returned.

  @param[in]  This              A pointer to the EFI_COMPONENT_NAME2_PROTOCOL or
                                EFI_COMPONENT_NAME_PROTOCOL instance.

  @param[in]  ControllerHandle  The handle of a controller that the driver
                                specified by This is managing.  This handle
                                specifies the controller whose name is to be

  @param[in]  ChildHandle       The handle of the child controller to retrieve
                                the name of.  This is an optional parameter that
                                may be NULL.  It will be NULL for device
                                drivers.  It will also be NULL for a bus drivers
                                that wish to retrieve the name of the bus
                                controller.  It will not be NULL for a bus
                                driver that wishes to retrieve the name of a
                                child controller.

  @param[in]  Language          A pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string
                                array indicating the language.  This is the
                                language of the driver name that the caller is
                                requesting, and it must match one of the
                                languages specified in SupportedLanguages. The
                                number of languages supported by a driver is up
                                to the driver writer. Language is specified in
                                RFC 4646 or ISO 639-2 language code format.

  @param[out]  ControllerName   A pointer to the Unicode string to return.
                                This Unicode string is the name of the
                                controller specified by ControllerHandle and
                                ChildHandle in the language specified by
                                Language from the point of view of the driver
                                specified by This.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The Unicode string for the user-readable name in
                                the language specified by Language for the
                                driver specified by This was returned in

  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER ControllerHandle is NULL.

  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER ChildHandle is not NULL and it is not a valid

  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Language is NULL.

  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER ControllerName is NULL.

  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       The driver specified by This is not currently
                                managing the controller specified by
                                ControllerHandle and ChildHandle.

  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       The driver specified by This does not support
                                the language specified by Language.

PxeBcComponentNameGetControllerName (
  IN  EFI_HANDLE                   ControllerHandle,
  IN  EFI_HANDLE                   ChildHandle        OPTIONAL,
  IN  CHAR8                        *Language,
  OUT CHAR16                       **ControllerName
  EFI_STATUS                      Status;
  EFI_HANDLE                      NicHandle;

  if (ControllerHandle == NULL || ChildHandle != NULL) {

  NicHandle = PxeBcGetNicByIp4Children (ControllerHandle);
  if (NicHandle == NULL) {
    NicHandle = PxeBcGetNicByIp6Children (ControllerHandle);
    if (NicHandle == NULL) {
      return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;

  // Try to retrieve the private data by PxeBcPrivate protocol.
  Status = gBS->OpenProtocol (
                  (VOID **) &Id,
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  return LookupUnicodeString2 (
           (BOOLEAN)(This == &gPxeBcComponentName)