path: root/recipes-multimedia/pulseaudio/files
2' href='#n52'>52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145
### Application Framework Binder
This is an undergoing work, publication is only intended for developers to review and provide feedback. 

### License
As of today, the code is licensed under GLPv3. While no decision as been taken yet, 
it will certainly switch to a different licence: GPLv2, Apache or MIT e.g.. 

Final goal is to keep the engine publicly accessible and modifiable, still allowing people to load non open-source plugins. 
The code itself already leverages open-source libraries, including libmicrohttpd & libjson. 

Finally, whatever license is chosen, it should be compatible with dependencies and automotive industry requirements - as the primary target for this code is AGL. 

### Building
Building Application Framework Binder has been tested under **Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus)** or **Fedora 23**, and requires the following libraries:
 * libmagic ("libmagic-dev" under Ubuntu, "file-devel" under Fedora);
 * libmicrohttpd >= 0.9.48  (fetch and build from "");
 * json-c ("libjson-c-dev/devel");
 * uuid ("uuid-dev/libuuid-devel");
 * openssl ("libssl-dev/openssl-devel");
 * systemd >= 222 ("libsystemd-dev/systemd-devel");

Optionally, for plugins :
 * alsa ("libasound2-dev/alsa-devel");
 * pulseaudio ("libpulse-dev/libpulse-devel");
 * rtl-sdr >= 0.5.0 ("librtlsdr-dev", or fetch and build from "git://" under Fedora);
 * GUPnP ("libglib2.0-dev libgupnp-av-1.0-dev/glib2-devel libgupnp-av-devel");

Libmicrohttpd :
 * version >= 0.9.54

and the following tools:
 * gcc;
 * make;
 * pkg-config;
 * cmake >= 2.8.8.

To install all dependencies under Ubuntu (excepting libmicrohttpd), please type:
$ apt-get install libmagic-dev libjson-c-dev uuid-dev libsystemd-dev libssl-dev libasound2-dev libpulse-dev librtlsdr-dev libglib2.0-dev libgupnp-av-1.0-dev gcc make pkg-config cmake
or under Fedora (excepting libmicrohttpd and rtl-sdr):
$ dnf install git passwd iproute openssh-server openssh-client openssh-server # Tools needed on top of Docker Minimal Fedora
$ dnf install file-devel gcc gdb make pkgconfig cmake  # install gcc developement tool chain + cmake
$ dnf install file-devel json-c-devel libuuid-devel systemd-devel openssl-devel 
$ dnf install alsa-lib-devel pulseaudio-libs-devel glib2-devel gupnp-av-devel # optional but require to build audio plugin

 To build, move to your HOME directory and type:
$ export LIBMICRODEST=/opt/libmicrohttpd-${LIB_MH_VERSION}
$ wget${LIB_MH_VERSION}.tar.gz
$ tar -xzf libmicrohttpd-${LIB_MH_VERSION}.tar.gz
$ cd libmicrohttpd-${LIB_MH_VERSION}
$ ./configure --prefix=${LIBMICRODEST}
$ make
$ sudo make install-strip

$ AFB_DAEMON_DIR=$HOME/app-framework-binder
$ git clone ${AFB_DAEMON_DIR}
$ mkdir -p build; cd build<br />
$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${LIBMICRODEST}/lib/pkgconfig 
$ cmake ..<br />
$ make; 
$ sudo make install<br />

### Archive

git archive --format=tar.gz --prefix=agl-${PKG_NAME}-${VERSION}/ ${GIT_TAG} -o agl-${PKG_NAME}_${VERSION}.orig.tar.gz

### Testing/Debug
$ ${AFB_DAEMON_DIR}/build/src/afb-daemon --help
$ ${AFB_DAEMON_DIR}/build/src/afb-daemon --port=1234 --token='' --ldpaths=${AFB_DAEMON_DIR}/build --sessiondir=/tmp --rootdir=${AFB_DAEMON_DIR}/test 

### Starting
$ afb-daemon --help 
$ afb-daemon --verbose --port=<port> --token='' --sessiondir=<working directory> --rootdir=<web directory (index.html)>

### Example
$ afb-daemon --verbose --port=1234 --token='' --sessiondir=/tmp --rootdir=/srv/www/htdocs --alias=icons:/usr/share/icons

### Directories & Paths
Default behaviour is to locate ROOTDIR in $HOME/.AFB


Developers are intended to provide a structure containing : API name, corresponding methods/callbacks, and optionally a context and a handle.
A handle is a void* structure automatically passed to API callbacks. 
Callbacks also receive HTTP GET data as well as HTTP POST data, in case a POST method was used. 
Every method should return a JSON object or NULL in case of error.

API plugins can be protected from timeout and other errors. By default this behaviour is deactivated, use --apitimeout to activate it.
        STATIC AFB_restapi myApis[]= {
          {"ping"    , AFB_SESSION_NONE,  (AFB_apiCB)ping,     "Ping Function"},
          {"action1" , AFB_SESSION_CHECK, (AFB_apiCB)action1 , "Action-1"},
          {"action2" , AFB_SESSION_CHECK, (AFB_apiCB)action2 , "Action-2"},

        PUBLIC AFB_plugin *pluginRegister () {
            AFB_plugin *plugin = malloc (sizeof (AFB_plugin));
            plugin->type  = AFB_PLUGIN_JSON;
            plugin->info  = "Plugin Sample";
            plugin->prefix= "myPlugin";        
            plugin->apis  = myApis;
            return (plugin);

### HTML5 and AngularJS Redirects

Binder supports HTML5 redirect mode even with an application baseurl. 
Default value for application base URL is /opa. 
See Application Framework HTML5 Client template at

If the Binder receives something like _http://myopa/sample_ when sample is not the homepage of the AngularJS OPA, 
it will redirect to _http://myopa/#!sample_. 
This redirect will return the _index.html_ OPA file and will notify AngularJS not to display the homepage, but the sample page.

Warning: in order for AngularJS applications to be able to work with both BASEURL="/" and BASEURL="/MyApp/", all page references have to be relative. 

Recommended model is to develop with a BASEURL="/opa" as any application working with a BASEURL will work without, while the opposite is not true.

Note: If a resource is not accessible from ROOTDIR then the "--alias" switch should be used, as in: --alias=/icons:/usr/share/icons. 
Only use alias for external support static files. This should not be used for API and OPA.

### Ongoing work

Javascript plugins. As of today, only C plugins are supported, but JS plugins are on the TODO list.