path: root/meta-html5-framework/recipes-wam/chromium/
diff options
authorJacobo Aragunde Pérez <>2018-12-20 19:47:17 +0100
committerJan-Simon Moeller <>2019-01-15 11:15:35 +0000
commit19e71462fc44093c6f9046e60c72adeedfca7858 (patch)
tree98435b324a17bd748204f91be7355ca8cfe59f5f /meta-html5-framework/recipes-wam/chromium/
parent7745e5f40682847aad5d313af65c0f7e70ce3648 (diff)
Integrate Chromium and WAM recipes.
Create a new layer called meta-html5-framework. It contains the following recipes: * chromium68 to build the browser shared library and browser code. * chromium-browser-service for the browser widget. * wam for the web application manager. * wam-tinyproxy is a direct dependency of wam. Defines a new packagegroup, which is added to the agl-demo-platform image in case agl-html5-framework is configured as a feature. Bug-AGL: SPEC-1885 Change-Id: I39f01ab09e198cd139e95ff3c784af563b54329b Signed-off-by: Jacobo Aragunde Pérez <>
Diffstat (limited to 'meta-html5-framework/recipes-wam/chromium/')
1 files changed, 335 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meta-html5-framework/recipes-wam/chromium/ b/meta-html5-framework/recipes-wam/chromium/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..791e1081
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-html5-framework/recipes-wam/chromium/
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2018 LG Electronics, Inc.
+SUMMARY = "Chromium webruntime for webOS"
+AUTHOR = "Lokesh Kumar Goel <>"
+SECTION = "webos/apps"
+LICENSE = "Apache-2.0 & BSD-3-Clause & LGPL-2.0 & LGPL-2.1"
+ file://src/LICENSE;md5=0fca02217a5d49a14dfe2d11837bb34d \
+ file://src/third_party/blink/renderer/core/LICENSE-LGPL-2;md5=36357ffde2b64ae177b2494445b79d21 \
+ file://src/third_party/blink/renderer/core/LICENSE-LGPL-2.1;md5=a778a33ef338abbaf8b8a7c36b6eec80 \
+inherit gettext
+DEPENDS = "virtual/gettext wayland wayland-native pixman freetype fontconfig openssl pango cairo icu libxkbcommon libexif dbus pciutils udev libcap alsa-lib virtual/egl elfutils-native libdrm atk gperf-native gconf nss nss-native nspr nspr-native"
+SRC_URI = "\
+ git://${PN};branch=@15.agl.flounder;protocol=https;rev=${SRCREV_chromium68} \
+ git://;destsuffix=git/src/v8;rev=${SRCREV_v8} \
+SRCREV_chromium68 = "5e7bce170f2dad766d7c6b30c6c87527e29ced19"
+SRCREV_v8 = "f9a5f6866468097293e02fd0fec5fe297ecaecdc"
+# we don't include SRCPV in PV, so we have to manually include SRCREVs in do_fetch vardeps
+do_fetch[vardeps] += "SRCREV_v8"
+SRCREV_FORMAT = "main_v8"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+SRC_DIR = "${S}/src"
+OUT_DIR = "${WORKDIR}/build"
+BUILD_TYPE = "Release"
+WEBRUNTIME_BUILD_TARGET = "webos:weboswebruntime"
+BROWSER_APPLICATION = "chromium68-browser"
+BROWSER_APPLICATION_DIR = "/opt/chromium68"
+# Skip do_install_append of webos_system_bus. It is not compatible with this component.
+PACKAGECONFIG ?= "jumbo use-upstream-wayland"
+# Options to enable debug/debug-webcore build.
+# Add the following line to local.conf (or to enable them:
+# PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-chromium68 = " debug debug-webcore"
+# By default debug is completely disabled to speed up build
+PACKAGECONFIG[debug] = "is_debug=false is_component_build=false symbol_level=2, is_debug=false symbol_level=0"
+PACKAGECONFIG[debug-webcore] = "remove_webcore_debug_symbols=false,remove_webcore_debug_symbols=true"
+# Set a default value for jumbo file merge of 8. This should be good for build
+# servers and workstations with a big number of cores. In case build is
+# happening in a machine with less cores but still enough RAM a good value could
+# be 50.
+PACKAGECONFIG[jumbo] = "use_jumbo_build=true jumbo_file_merge_limit=${JUMBO_FILE_MERGE_LIMIT}, use_jumbo_build=false"
+PACKAGECONFIG[lttng] = "use_lttng=true,use_lttng=false,lttng-ust,lttng-tools lttng-modules babeltrace"
+# Chromium can use v4l2 device for hardware accelerated video decoding on such boards as Renesas R-car M3, for example.
+# In case of R-car m3, additional patches are required for gstreamer and v4l2apps.
+# See
+PACKAGECONFIG[use-linux-v4l2] = "use_v4l2_codec=true use_v4lplugin=true use_linux_v4l2_only=true"
+PACKAGECONFIG[use-upstream-wayland] = " \
+ ozone_platform_wayland_external=false ozone_platform_wayland=true \
+ use_system_minigbm=true, \
+ ozone_platform_wayland_external=true ozone_platform_wayland=false \
+GN_ARGS = "\
+ cros_host_ar=\"${BUILD_AR}\"\
+ cros_host_cc=\"${BUILD_CC}\"\
+ cros_host_cxx=\"${BUILD_CXX}\"\
+ cros_host_extra_ldflags=\"${BUILD_LDFLAGS}\"\
+ cros_target_ar=\"${AR}\"\
+ cros_target_cc=\"${CC}\"\
+ cros_target_cxx=\"${CXX}\"\
+ enable_memorymanager_webapi=false\
+ ffmpeg_branding=\"Chrome\"\
+ host_os=\"linux\"\
+ is_cross_linux_build=true\
+ is_clang=false\
+ ozone_auto_platforms=false\
+ proprietary_codecs=true\
+ target_os=\"linux\"\
+ target_sysroot=\"${STAGING_DIR_HOST}\"\
+ treat_warnings_as_errors=false\
+ is_agl=true\
+ use_cbe=true\
+ is_chrome_cbe=true\
+ use_cups=false\
+ use_custom_libcxx=false\
+ use_kerberos=false\
+ use_neva_media=false\
+ use_ozone=true\
+ use_xkbcommon=true\
+ use_pmlog=false\
+ use_sysroot=false\
+ use_system_debugger_abort=true\
+ use_webos_gpu_info_collector=false\
+# We need this for cross to 32 bit architectures, as we do not have a way
+# to retrieve a host gcc for 32 bits in yocto
+ is_host_clang=true\
+ host_toolchain=\"//build/toolchain/yocto:clang_yocto_native\" \
+ fatal_linker_warnings=false\
+ use_custom_libcxx_for_host=true\
+# But for x86-64 previous setting fails in torque, so this makes build use
+# gcc on host, and use host toolchain for v8 snapshot and torque
+GN_ARGS_TOOLCHAIN_x86-64 = "\
+ is_host_clang=false\
+ use_custom_libcxx_for_host=false\
+ v8_snapshot_toolchain=\"//build/toolchain/cros:host\" \
+ cros_v8_snapshot_is_clang=false\
+ cros_v8_snapshot_ar=\"${BUILD_AR}\"\
+ cros_v8_snapshot_cc=\"${BUILD_CC}\"\
+ cros_v8_snapshot_cxx=\"${BUILD_CXX}\"\
+ cros_v8_snapshot_extra_ldflags=\"${BUILD_LDFLAGS}\"\
+python do_write_toolchain_file () {
+ """Writes a file for Yocto detailing its toolchains."""
+ toolchain_dir = d.expand("${S}/src/build/toolchain/yocto")
+ bb.utils.mkdirhier(toolchain_dir)
+ toolchain_file = os.path.join(toolchain_dir, "")
+ write_toolchain_file(d, toolchain_file)
+addtask write_toolchain_file after do_patch before do_configure
+# end TODO: drop this after we migrate to ubuntu 16.04 or above
+# More options to speed up the build
+GN_ARGS += "\
+ enable_nacl=false\
+ disable_ftp_support=true\
+ enable_print_preview=false\
+ enable_remoting=false\
+ use_glib=true\
+ use_gnome_keyring=false\
+ use_pulseaudio=false\
+# Following options help build with icecc
+GN_ARGS += "\
+ linux_use_bundled_binutils=false\
+ use_debug_fission=false\
+# Respect ld-is-gold in DISTRO_FEATURES when enabling gold
+# Similar patch applied in meta-browser
+EXTRA_OEGN_GOLD = "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'ld-is-gold', 'use_gold=true', 'use_gold=false', d)}"
+GN_ARGS_append_arm = " target_cpu=\"arm\""
+GN_ARGS_append_qemux86 = " target_cpu=\"x86\""
+GN_ARGS_append_aarch64 = " target_cpu=\"arm64\""
+# ARM builds need special additional flags (see ${S}/build/config/arm.gni).
+ARM_FLOAT_ABI = "${@bb.utils.contains('TUNE_FEATURES', 'callconvention-hard', 'hard', 'softfp', d)}"
+GN_ARGS_append_armv6 = " arm_arch=\"armv6\" arm_version=6 arm_float_abi=\"${ARM_FLOAT_ABI}\""
+GN_ARGS_append_armv7a = " arm_arch=\"armv7-a\" arm_version=7 arm_float_abi=\"${ARM_FLOAT_ABI}\""
+GN_ARGS_append_armv7ve = " arm_arch=\"armv7ve\" arm_version=7 arm_float_abi=\"${ARM_FLOAT_ABI}\""
+# tcmalloc's atomicops-internals-arm-v6plus.h uses the "dmb" instruction that
+# is not available on (some?) ARMv6 models, which causes the build to fail.
+GN_ARGS_append_armv6 += 'use_allocator="none"'
+# The WebRTC code fails to build on ARMv6 when NEON is enabled.
+GN_ARGS_append_armv6 += 'arm_use_neon=false'
+# Doesn't build for armv[45]*
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_aarch64 = "(.*)"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_armv6 = "(.*)"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_armv7a = "(.*)"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_armv7ve = "(.*)"
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_x86-64 = "(.*)"
+CBE_DATA_PATH = "${libdir}/cbe"
+# The text relocations are intentional -- see comments in [GF-52468]
+# TODO: check if we need INSANE_SKIP on ldflags
+INSANE_SKIP_${PN} = "textrel ldflags"
+do_compile[progress] = "outof:^\[(\d+)/(\d+)\]\s+"
+do_compile() {
+ if [ ! -f ${OUT_DIR}/${BUILD_TYPE}/ ]; then
+ do_configure
+ fi
+ export PATH="${S}/depot_tools:$PATH"
+ ${S}/depot_tools/ninja -C ${OUT_DIR}/${BUILD_TYPE} ${TARGET}
+do_configure() {
+ configure_env
+configure_env() {
+ export PATH="${S}/depot_tools:$PATH"
+ echo GN_ARGS is ${GN_ARGS}
+ cd ${SRC_DIR}
+ gn gen ${OUT_DIR}/${BUILD_TYPE} --args="${GN_ARGS}"
+WINDOW_SIZE ?= "1920,1080"
+configure_browser_settings() {
+ USER_AGENT="Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; NetCast; U) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/${CHROMIUM_VERSION} Safari/537.31"
+ echo "${USER_AGENT}" > ${D_DIR}/user_agent_conf
+ #We can replace below WINDOW_SIZE values from build configuration if available
+ #echo "${WINDOW_SIZE}" > ${D_DIR}/window_size_conf
+install_chromium_browser() {
+ install -d ${D_DIR}
+ # Install browser files
+ if [ -e "${SRC_DIR}/webos/install" ]; then
+ xargs --arg-file=${SRC_DIR}/webos/install/default_browser/binary.list cp -R --no-dereference --preserve=mode,links -v --target-directory=${D_DIR}
+ cd ${SRC_DIR}
+ xargs --arg-file=${SRC_DIR}/webos/install/default_browser/runtime.list cp -R --no-dereference --preserve=mode,links -v --target-directory=${D_DIR}
+ fi
+ # AGL does not have PMLOG
+ sed -i.bak s/PmLogCtl.*// ${D_DIR}/run_webbrowser
+ # To execute chromium in JAILER, Security Part needs permissions change
+ # run_webbrowser: Script file for launching chromium
+ chmod -v 755 ${D_DIR}/chrome
+ chmod -v 755 ${D_DIR}/kill_webbrowser
+ chmod -v 755 ${D_DIR}/run_webbrowser
+ configure_browser_settings
+MKSNAPSHOT_PATH_arm = "clang_x86_v8_arm/"
+MKSNAPSHOT_PATH_aarch64 = "clang_x64_v8_arm64/"
+install_webruntime() {
+ install -d ${D}${libdir}
+ install -d ${D}${includedir}/${BPN}
+ install -d ${D}${CBE_DATA_PATH}
+ install -d ${D}${CBE_DATA_LOCALES_PATH}
+ # Install webos webview files
+ if [ -e "${SRC_DIR}/webos/install" ]; then
+ cd ${SRC_DIR}
+ xargs --arg-file=${SRC_DIR}/webos/install/weboswebruntime/staging_inc.list cp --parents --target-directory=${D}${includedir}/${BPN}
+ cp ${D}${libdir}/
+ if [ "${WEBOS_LTTNG_ENABLED}" = "1" ]; then
+ # use bindir if building non-cbe
+ cp ${D}${libdir}/
+ fi
+ xargs --arg-file=${SRC_DIR}/webos/install/weboswebruntime/binary.list cp --parents --target-directory=${D}${CBE_DATA_PATH}
+ cat ${SRC_DIR}/webos/install/weboswebruntime/data_locales.list | xargs -I{} install -m 755 -p {} ${D}${CBE_DATA_LOCALES_PATH}
+ fi
+ # move this to separate mksnapshot-cross recipe once we figure out how to build just cross mksnapshot from chromium repository
+ install -d ${D}${bindir_cross}
+ gzip -c ${OUT_DIR}/${BUILD_TYPE}/${MKSNAPSHOT_PATH}mksnapshot > ${D}${bindir_cross}/${HOST_SYS}-mksnapshot.gz
+do_install() {
+ install_webruntime
+ install_chromium_browser
+ ${webos_sysbus_prvservicesdir}/${BROWSER_APPLICATION}.service \
+ ${webos_sysbus_pubservicesdir}/${BROWSER_APPLICATION}.service \
+ ${webos_sysbus_prvrolesdir}/${BROWSER_APPLICATION}.json \
+ ${webos_sysbus_pubrolesdir}/${BROWSER_APPLICATION}.json \
+SYSROOT_DIRS_append = " ${bindir_cross}"
+PACKAGES_prepend = " \
+ ${PN}-cross-mksnapshot \
+VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_gpu-libs ?= ""
+RDEPENDS_${PN} += "${VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_gpu-libs}"
+# The text relocations are intentional -- see comments in [GF-52468]
+# TODO: check if we need INSANE_SKIP on ldflags
+INSANE_SKIP_${BROWSER_APPLICATION} += "libdir ldflags textrel"
+FILES_${PN} = " \
+ ${libdir}/*.so \
+ ${CBE_DATA_PATH}/* \
+ ${libdir}/${BPN}/*.so \
+FILES_${PN}-dev = " \
+ ${includedir} \
+FILES_${PN}-cross-mksnapshot = "${bindir_cross}/${HOST_SYS}-mksnapshot.gz"