path: root/meta-pipewire/recipes-multimedia
diff options
authorGeorge Kiagiadakis <>2019-12-12 22:33:47 +0200
committerGeorge Kiagiadakis <>2019-12-12 22:35:24 +0200
commita1c08186c6d22a5cc2de214fb178933d3fd39ede (patch)
tree537d5d4c55c53799dbae7116b0e00c76ceeaf2d1 /meta-pipewire/recipes-multimedia
parentd6372b2aaaa36ee9c3024d4c2f66d9edbfc19739 (diff)
agl-service-audiomixer: add DEPENDS on wireplumber
Latest changes require linking against wireplumber's library Bug-AGL: SPEC-2986 Change-Id: I0524ec3f275add4bbdb57054a54c0c71e42db044 Signed-off-by: George Kiagiadakis <>
Diffstat (limited to 'meta-pipewire/recipes-multimedia')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/meta-pipewire/recipes-multimedia/agl-service-audiomixer/ b/meta-pipewire/recipes-multimedia/agl-service-audiomixer/
index 5c3cdd7e..2a826119 100644
--- a/meta-pipewire/recipes-multimedia/agl-service-audiomixer/
+++ b/meta-pipewire/recipes-multimedia/agl-service-audiomixer/
@@ -13,5 +13,5 @@ S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
inherit cmake aglwgt pkgconfig
-DEPENDS += "pipewire json-c"
+DEPENDS += "pipewire wireplumber json-c"
RDEPENDS_${PN} = "agl-service-signal-composer"
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        "tgts", "ITERMINAL", "unregister", "Cifs"