path: root/meta-egvirt/recipes-extended/vhost-device-can/files/vhost-device-can-0.1.0/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'meta-egvirt/recipes-extended/vhost-device-can/files/vhost-device-can-0.1.0/src/')
1 files changed, 393 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meta-egvirt/recipes-extended/vhost-device-can/files/vhost-device-can-0.1.0/src/ b/meta-egvirt/recipes-extended/vhost-device-can/files/vhost-device-can-0.1.0/src/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..6fc03550
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-egvirt/recipes-extended/vhost-device-can/files/vhost-device-can-0.1.0/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+// CAN backend device
+// Copyright 2023-2024 VIRTUAL OPEN SYSTEMS SAS. All Rights Reserved.
+// Timos Ampelikiotis <>
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 or BSD-3-Clause
+use log::{error, info, trace, warn};
+use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
+use std::thread::{spawn, JoinHandle};
+use thiserror::Error as ThisError;
+use vmm_sys_util::eventfd::{EventFd, EFD_NONBLOCK};
+extern crate queues;
+use queues::*;
+extern crate socketcan;
+use crate::virtio_can::{
+ VirtioCanConfig, VirtioCanFrame, CAN_CS_STARTED, CAN_CS_STOPPED, CAN_EFF_FLAG,
+use socketcan::{
+ CanAnyFrame, CanDataFrame, CanFdFrame, CanFdSocket, EmbeddedFrame, ExtendedId, Frame, Id,
+ Socket, StandardId,
+type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, ThisError)]
+/// Errors related to low level can helpers
+pub(crate) enum Error {
+ #[error("Can open socket operation failed")]
+ SocketOpen,
+ #[error("Can write socket operation failed")]
+ SocketWrite,
+ #[error("Can read socket operation failed")]
+ SocketRead,
+ #[error("Pop can element operation failed")]
+ PopFailed,
+ #[error("Queue is empty")]
+ QueueEmpty,
+ #[error("Creating Eventfd for CAN events failed")]
+ EventFdFailed,
+ #[error("Push can element operation failed")]
+ PushFailed,
+ #[error("No output interface available")]
+ NoOutputInterface,
+pub(crate) struct CanController {
+ pub config: VirtioCanConfig,
+ pub can_name: String,
+ pub can_socket: Option<CanFdSocket>,
+ pub rx_event_fd: EventFd,
+ rx_fifo: Queue<VirtioCanFrame>,
+ pub status: bool,
+ pub ctrl_state: u8,
+impl CanController {
+ // Creates a new controller corresponding to `device`.
+ pub(crate) fn new(can_name: String) -> Result<CanController> {
+ let can_name = can_name.to_owned();
+ info!("can_name: {:?}", can_name);
+ let rx_fifo = Queue::new();
+ let rx_efd = EventFd::new(EFD_NONBLOCK).map_err(|_| Error::EventFdFailed)?;
+ Ok(CanController {
+ config: VirtioCanConfig { status: 0x0.into() },
+ can_name,
+ can_socket: None,
+ rx_event_fd: rx_efd,
+ rx_fifo,
+ status: true,
+ ctrl_state: CAN_CS_STOPPED,
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn print_can_frame(canframe: VirtioCanFrame) {
+ trace!("canframe.msg_type 0x{:x}", canframe.msg_type.to_native());
+ trace!("canframe.can_id 0x{:x}", canframe.can_id.to_native());
+ trace!("canframe.length {}", canframe.length.to_native());
+ trace!("canframe.flags 0x{:x}", canframe.flags.to_native());
+ if canframe.length.to_native() == 0 {
+ trace!("[]");
+ return;
+ }
+ trace!("[");
+ let last_elem = canframe.length.to_native() as usize - 1;
+ for (index, sdu) in canframe.sdu.iter().enumerate() {
+ if index == last_elem {
+ trace!("0x{:x}", sdu);
+ break;
+ }
+ trace!("0x{:x}, ", sdu);
+ }
+ trace!("]");
+ }
+ pub fn start_read_thread(controller: Arc<RwLock<CanController>>) -> JoinHandle<Result<()>> {
+ spawn(move || CanController::read_can_socket(controller))
+ }
+ pub fn push(&mut self, rx_elem: VirtioCanFrame) -> Result<()> {
+ match self.rx_fifo.add(rx_elem) {
+ Ok(_) => Ok(()),
+ _ => Err(Error::PushFailed),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn rx_is_empty(&mut self) -> bool {
+ self.rx_fifo.size() == 0
+ }
+ pub fn pop(&mut self) -> Result<VirtioCanFrame> {
+ if self.rx_fifo.size() < 1 {
+ return Err(Error::QueueEmpty);
+ }
+ match self.rx_fifo.remove() {
+ Ok(item) => Ok(item),
+ _ => Err(Error::PopFailed),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn open_can_socket(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
+ self.can_socket = match CanFdSocket::open(&self.can_name) {
+ Ok(socket) => Some(socket),
+ Err(_) => {
+ warn!("Error opening CAN socket");
+ return Err(Error::SocketOpen);
+ }
+ };
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ // Helper function to process frame
+ fn process_frame<F: Frame>(frame: F, is_fd: bool) -> VirtioCanFrame {
+ VirtioCanFrame {
+ msg_type: VIRTIO_CAN_RX.into(),
+ can_id: frame.id_word().into(),
+ length: ( as u16).into(),
+ reserved: 0.into(),
+ flags: if is_fd {
+ } else {
+ 0.into()
+ },
+ sdu: {
+ let mut sdu_data: [u8; 64] = [0; 64];
+ sdu_data[].copy_from_slice(;
+ sdu_data
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn read_can_socket(controller: Arc<RwLock<CanController>>) -> Result<()> {
+ let can_name = &;
+ dbg!("Start reading from {} socket!", &can_name);
+ let socket = match CanFdSocket::open(can_name) {
+ Ok(socket) => socket,
+ Err(_) => {
+ warn!("Error opening CAN socket");
+ return Err(Error::SocketOpen);
+ }
+ };
+ // Set non-blocking otherwise the device will not restart immediatelly
+ // when the VM closes, and a new canfd message needs to be received for
+ // restart to happen.
+ // This caused by the fact that the thread is stacked in read function
+ // and does not go to the next loop to check the status condition.
+ socket
+ .set_nonblocking(true)
+ .expect("Cannot set nonblocking");
+ // Receive CAN messages
+ loop {
+ // If the status variable is false then break and exit.
+ if ! {
+ dbg!("exit read can thread");
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ if let Ok(frame) = socket.read_frame() {
+ // If ctrl_state is stopped, consume the received CAN/FD frame
+ // and loop till the ctrl_state changes to started or the thread
+ // to exit.
+ if != CAN_CS_STARTED {
+ trace!("CAN/FD frame is received but not saved!");
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Match and process frame variants
+ let read_can_frame = match frame {
+ CanAnyFrame::Normal(frame) => {
+ trace!("Received CAN frame: {:?}", frame);
+ Self::process_frame(frame, false)
+ }
+ CanAnyFrame::Fd(frame) => {
+ trace!("Received CAN FD frame: {:?}", frame);
+ Self::process_frame(frame, true)
+ }
+ CanAnyFrame::Remote(frame) => {
+ trace!("Received Remote CAN frame: {:?}", frame);
+ Self::process_frame(frame, false)
+ }
+ CanAnyFrame::Error(frame) => {
+ trace!("Received Error frame: {:?}", frame);
+ Self::process_frame(frame, false)
+ }
+ };
+ match controller.write().unwrap().push(read_can_frame) {
+ Ok(_) => warn!("New Can frame was received"),
+ Err(_) => {
+ warn!("Error read/push CAN frame");
+ return Err(Error::SocketRead);
+ }
+ };
+ controller
+ .write()
+ .unwrap()
+ .rx_event_fd
+ .write(1)
+ .expect("Fail to write on rx_event_fd");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn exit_read_thread(&mut self) {
+ trace!("Exit can read thread\n");
+ self.status = false;
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn config(&mut self) -> &VirtioCanConfig {
+ &self.config
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn can_out(&self, tx_request: VirtioCanFrame) -> Result<()> {
+ // Create a CAN frame with a specific CAN-ID and the data buffer
+ let can_id: Id = if (tx_request.can_id.to_native() & CAN_EFF_FLAG) != 0 {
+ // SAFETY: Use new_unchecked cause checks have been taken place
+ // to prior stage. Also flags have beem already added on can_id
+ // so tnew will fail (can_id + can_flags) > 29 bits
+ unsafe { Id::Extended(ExtendedId::new_unchecked(tx_request.can_id.into())) }
+ } else {
+ // SAFETY: Use new_unchecked cause checks have been taken place
+ // to prior stage. Also flags have beem already added on can_id
+ // so tnew will fail (can_id + can_flags) > 11 bits
+ unsafe {
+ Id::Standard(StandardId::new_unchecked(
+ tx_request.can_id.to_native() as u16
+ ))
+ }
+ };
+ // Grab the data to be tranfered
+ let data_len = tx_request.length.to_native() as usize;
+ let data: Vec<u8> = tx_request.sdu.iter().cloned().take(data_len).collect();
+ // Format CAN/FD frame
+ let frame: CanAnyFrame = if (tx_request.flags.to_native() & CAN_FRMF_TYPE_FD) != 0 {
+ CanAnyFrame::Fd(CanFdFrame::new(can_id, &data).expect("Fail to create CanFdFrame"))
+ } else {
+ CanAnyFrame::Normal(CanDataFrame::new(can_id, &data).expect("Fail to create CanFrame"))
+ };
+ // Send the CAN/FD frame
+ let socket = self.can_socket.as_ref().ok_or("No available device");
+ match socket {
+ Ok(socket) => match socket.write_frame(&frame) {
+ Ok(_) => Ok(()),
+ Err(_) => {
+ warn!("Error write CAN socket");
+ Err(Error::SocketWrite)
+ }
+ },
+ Err(_) => Err(Error::NoOutputInterface),
+ }
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ use crate::vhu_can::VhostUserCanBackend;
+ use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
+ #[test]
+ fn test_can_controller_creation() {
+ let can_name = "can".to_string();
+ let controller = CanController::new(can_name.clone()).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(controller.can_name, can_name);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_can_controller_push_and_pop() {
+ let can_name = "can".to_string();
+ let mut controller = CanController::new(can_name.clone()).unwrap();
+ let frame = VirtioCanFrame {
+ msg_type: VIRTIO_CAN_RX.into(),
+ can_id: 123.into(),
+ length: 64.into(),
+ reserved: 0.into(),
+ flags: 0.into(),
+ sdu: [0; 64],
+ };
+ // Test push
+ controller.push(frame).unwrap();
+ // Test pop
+ let pop_result = controller.pop().unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(pop_result, frame);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_can_controller_config() {
+ let can_name = "can".to_string();
+ let mut controller = CanController::new(can_name.clone()).unwrap();
+ // Test config
+ let config = controller.config();
+ assert_eq!(config.status.to_native(), 0);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_can_controller_operation() {
+ let can_name = "can".to_string();
+ let mut controller = CanController::new(can_name.clone()).unwrap();
+ let frame = VirtioCanFrame {
+ msg_type: VIRTIO_CAN_RX.into(),
+ can_id: 123.into(),
+ length: 64.into(),
+ reserved: 0.into(),
+ flags: 0.into(),
+ sdu: [0; 64],
+ };
+ match controller.open_can_socket() {
+ Ok(_) => {
+ // Test operation
+ let operation_result = controller.can_out(frame);
+ assert!(operation_result.is_ok());
+ }
+ Err(_) => warn!("There is no CAN interface with {} name", can_name),
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_can_controller_start_read_thread() {
+ let can_name = "can".to_string();
+ let controller = CanController::new(can_name.clone()).unwrap();
+ let arc_controller = Arc::new(RwLock::new(controller));
+ // Test start_read_thread
+ let thread_handle = CanController::start_read_thread(arc_controller.clone());
+ assert!(thread_handle.join().is_ok());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_can_open_socket_fail() {
+ let controller =
+ CanController::new("can0".to_string()).expect("Could not build controller");
+ let controller = Arc::new(RwLock::new(controller));
+ VhostUserCanBackend::new(controller.clone()).expect("Could not build vhucan device");
+ assert_eq!(
+ controller.write().unwrap().open_can_socket(),
+ Err(Error::SocketOpen)
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_can_read_socket_fail() {
+ let controller =
+ CanController::new("can0".to_string()).expect("Could not build controller");
+ let controller = Arc::new(RwLock::new(controller));
+ VhostUserCanBackend::new(controller.clone()).expect("Could not build vhucan device");
+ assert_eq!(
+ CanController::read_can_socket(controller),
+ Err(Error::SocketOpen)
+ );
+ }