path: root/meta-pipewire/recipes-multimedia/wireplumber/wireplumber-board-config-agl_git.bb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'meta-pipewire/recipes-multimedia/wireplumber/wireplumber-board-config-agl_git.bb')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/meta-pipewire/recipes-multimedia/wireplumber/wireplumber-board-config-agl_git.bb b/meta-pipewire/recipes-multimedia/wireplumber/wireplumber-board-config-agl_git.bb
index f3fbcb42..cab61e49 100644
--- a/meta-pipewire/recipes-multimedia/wireplumber/wireplumber-board-config-agl_git.bb
+++ b/meta-pipewire/recipes-multimedia/wireplumber/wireplumber-board-config-agl_git.bb
@@ -9,11 +9,27 @@ LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COMMON_LICENSE_DIR}/MIT;md5=0835ade698e0bcf8506ecda
SRC_URI = "\
file://wireplumber.conf \
- file://default.streams \
- file://default-output-audio.endpoint-link.in \
- file://default-input-audio.endpoint-link.in \
- file://bluealsa-output-audio.endpoint-link.in \
- file://bluealsa-input-audio.endpoint-link.in \
+ file://00-audio-sink.endpoint \
+ file://00-audio-source.endpoint \
+ file://00-default-input-audio.endpoint-link \
+ file://00-default-output-audio.endpoint-link \
+ file://00-stream-input-audio.endpoint \
+ file://00-stream-output-audio.endpoint \
+ file://01-hw00-audio-sink.endpoint \
+ file://01-hw00-audio-source.endpoint \
+ file://30-ak4613-audio-sink.endpoint \
+ file://30-ak4613-audio-source.endpoint \
+ file://30-dra7xx-audio-sink.endpoint \
+ file://30-dra7xx-audio-source.endpoint \
+ file://30-rpi3-audio-sink.endpoint \
+ file://40-fiberdyne-amp.endpoint \
+ file://40-microchip-mic.endpoint \
+ file://70-usb-audio-sink.endpoint \
+ file://70-usb-audio-source.endpoint \
+ file://bluealsa-input-audio.endpoint-link \
+ file://bluealsa-output-audio.endpoint-link \
+ file://capture.streams \
+ file://playback.streams \
@@ -21,55 +37,12 @@ PACKAGE_ARCH = "${MACHINE_ARCH}"
do_configure[noexec] = "1"
do_compile[noexec] = "1"
-# Device preferences are configured by listing a subset of the properties
-# that the device node has on pipewire.
-# Every property match needs to have a property name and an expected value.
-# The values support shell-like pattern matching using the * and ? characters.
-# The syntax adheres to the rules of TOML v0.5 table array.
-# To list all device node properties, you can run (on the target):
-# export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1001
-# wireplumber-cli device-node-props
-# Another way to figure out some of these properties is by parsing the
-# aplay/arecord output. For example, this line is interpreted as follows:
-# card 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 2: ALC3246 [ALC3246 Analog]
-# api.alsa.path = "hw:0,2"
-# api.alsa.card = "0"
-# api.alsa.card.id = "PCH"
-# api.alsa.card.name = "HDA Intel PCH"
-# api.alsa.pcm.device = "2"
-# api.alsa.pcm.id = "ALC3246"
-# api.alsa.pcm.name = "ALC3246 Analog"
-DEV_PLAYBACK = '{ name = \"api.alsa.path\", value = \"hw:0,0\" }'
-DEV_CAPTURE = '{ name = \"api.alsa.path\", value = \"hw:0,0\" }'
-DEV_PLAYBACK_dra7xx-evm = '{ name = \"api.alsa.card.name\", value = \"DRA7xx-EVM\" }'
-DEV_CAPTURE_dra7xx-evm = '{ name = \"api.alsa.card.name\", value = \"DRA7xx-EVM\" }'
-DEV_PLAYBACK_m3ulcb = '{ name = \"api.alsa.card.name\", value = \"ak4613\" }'
-DEV_CAPTURE_m3ulcb = '{ name = \"api.alsa.card.name\", value = \"ak4613\" }'
-DEV_PLAYBACK_h3ulcb = '{ name = \"api.alsa.card.name\", value = \"ak4613\" }'
-DEV_CAPTURE_h3ulcb = '{ name = \"api.alsa.card.name\", value = \"ak4613\" }'
-DEV_PLAYBACK_raspberrypi3 = '{ name = \"api.alsa.pcm.name\", value = \"bcm2835 ALSA\" }, { name = \"api.alsa.card.name\", value = \"bcm2835 ALSA\" }'
-DEV_CAPTURE_raspberrypi3 = '{ name = \"api.alsa.path\", value = \"hw:0,0\" }'
do_install_append() {
- sed -e "s/PLAYBACK_DEV_PROPERTIES/${DEV_PLAYBACK}/" -e "s/CAPTURE_DEV_PROPERTIES/${DEV_CAPTURE}/" ${WORKDIR}/default-output-audio.endpoint-link.in > ${WORKDIR}/default-output-audio.endpoint-link
- sed -e "s/PLAYBACK_DEV_PROPERTIES/${DEV_PLAYBACK}/" -e "s/CAPTURE_DEV_PROPERTIES/${DEV_CAPTURE}/" ${WORKDIR}/default-input-audio.endpoint-link.in > ${WORKDIR}/default-input-audio.endpoint-link
- sed -e "s/PLAYBACK_DEV_PROPERTIES/${DEV_PLAYBACK}/" -e "s/CAPTURE_DEV_PROPERTIES/${DEV_CAPTURE}/" ${WORKDIR}/bluealsa-output-audio.endpoint-link.in > ${WORKDIR}/bluealsa-output-audio.endpoint-link
- sed -e "s/PLAYBACK_DEV_PROPERTIES/${DEV_PLAYBACK}/" -e "s/CAPTURE_DEV_PROPERTIES/${DEV_CAPTURE}/" ${WORKDIR}/bluealsa-input-audio.endpoint-link.in > ${WORKDIR}/bluealsa-input-audio.endpoint-link
install -d ${D}/${sysconfdir}/wireplumber/
install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/wireplumber.conf ${D}/${sysconfdir}/wireplumber/wireplumber.conf
- install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/default.streams ${D}/${sysconfdir}/wireplumber/default.streams
+ install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/*.endpoint ${D}/${sysconfdir}/wireplumber/
install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/*.endpoint-link ${D}/${sysconfdir}/wireplumber/
+ install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/*.streams ${D}/${sysconfdir}/wireplumber/
FILES_${PN} += "\