path: root/templates/feature/agl-speech-framework/
blob: 60f88c9733cd4b5ebf57d36a2645eb50225cbf79 (plain)
	${METADIR}/meta-agl-devel/meta-speech-framework \
195'>195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324
 * Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 ""
 * Author "Romain Forlot" <>
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#pragma once

#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <thread>
#include <linux/can.h>
#include <condition_variable>

#include "timer.hpp"
#include "openxc.pb.h"
#include "can-signals.hpp"
#include "can-message.hpp"
#include "low-can-binding.hpp"

// TODO actual max is 32 but dropped to 24 for memory considerations
// TODO this takes up a ton of memory


class can_bus_dev_t;

 * @class can_bus_t
 * @brief Object used to handle decoding and manage event queue to be pushed.
 * This object is also used to initialize can_bus_dev_t object after reading 
 * json conf file describing the CAN devices to use. Thus, those object will read 
 * on the device the CAN frame and push them into the can_bus_t can_message_q_ queue.
 * That queue will be later used to be decoded and pushed to subscribers.
class can_bus_t {
		int conf_file_; /*!< conf_file_ - configuration file handle used to initialize can_bus_dev_t objects.*/

		 * @brief thread to decoding raw CAN messages. 
		 * @desc It will take from the can_message_q_ queue the next can message to process then it will search 
		 *  about signal subscribed if there is a valid afb_event for it. We only decode signal for which a 
		 *  subscription has been made. Can message will be decoded using translateSignal that will pass it to the
		 *  corresponding decoding function if there is one assigned for that signal. If not, it will be the default
		 *  noopDecoder function that will operate on it.
		void can_decode_message();
		std::thread th_decoding_; /*!< thread that'll handle decoding a can frame */
		bool is_decoding_; /*!< boolean member controling thread while loop*/

		 * @brief thread to push events to suscribers. It will read subscribed_signals map to look 
		 * which are events that has to be pushed.
		void can_event_push();
		std::thread th_pushing_; /*!<  thread that'll handle pushing decoded can frame to subscribers */
		bool is_pushing_; /*!< boolean member controling thread while loop*/

		std::condition_variable new_can_message_; /*!< condition_variable use to wait until there is a new CAN message to read*/
		std::mutex can_message_mutex_; /*!< mutex protecting the can_message_q_ queue.*/
		std::queue <can_message_t> can_message_q_; /*!< queue that'll store can_message_t to decoded */

		std::condition_variable new_decoded_can_message_; /*!< condition_variable use to wait until there is a new vehicle message to read from the queue vehicle_message_q_*/
		std::mutex decoded_can_message_mutex_;  /*!< mutex protecting the vehicle_message_q_ queue.*/
		std::queue <openxc_VehicleMessage> vehicle_message_q_; /*!< queue that'll store openxc_VehicleMessage to pushed */

		std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<can_bus_dev_t>> can_devices_m_; /*!< Can device map containing all can_bus_dev_t objects initialized during init_can_dev function*/

		 * @brief Class constructor
		 * @param struct afb_binding_interface *interface between daemon and binding
		 * @param int file handle to the json configuration file.
		can_bus_t(int conf_file);
		 * @brief Will initialize can_bus_dev_t objects after reading 
		 * the configuration file passed in the constructor.
		int init_can_dev();

		 * @brief read the conf_file_ and will parse json objects
		 * in it searching for canbus objects devices name.
		 * @return Vector of can bus device name string.
		std::vector<std::string> read_conf();
		 * @brief Will initialize threads that will decode
		 *  and push subscribed events.
		void start_threads();

		 * @brief Will stop all threads holded by can_bus_t object
		 *  which are decoding and pushing then will wait that's 
		 * they'll finish their job.
		void stop_threads();

		 * @brief Telling if the decoding thread is running.
		 *  This is the boolean value on which the while loop
		 *  take its condition. Set it to false will stop the 
		 *  according thread.
		 * @return true if decoding thread is running, false if not.
		bool is_decoding();

		 * @brief Telling if the pushing thread is running
		 *  This is the boolean value on which the while loop
		 *  take its condition. Set it to false will stop the 
		 *  according thread.
		 * @return true if pushing thread is running, false if not.
		bool is_pushing();

		 * @brief Return first can_message_t on the queue 
		 * @return a can_message_t 
		can_message_t next_can_message();
		 * @brief Push a can_message_t into the queue
		 * @param the const reference can_message_t object to push into the queue
		void push_new_can_message(const can_message_t& can_msg);		
		 * @brief return can_message_mutex_ member
		 * @return  return can_message_mutex_ member
		std::mutex& get_can_message_mutex();
		 * @brief return new_can_message_ member
		 * @return  return new_can_message_ member
		std::condition_variable& get_new_can_message();

		 * @brief Return first openxc_VehicleMessage on the queue 
		 * @return a openxc_VehicleMessage containing a decoded can message
		openxc_VehicleMessage next_vehicle_message();
		 * @brief Push a openxc_VehicleMessage into the queue
		 * @param the const reference openxc_VehicleMessage object to push into the queue
		void push_new_vehicle_message(const openxc_VehicleMessage& v_msg);

		 * @brief Return a map with the can_bus_dev_t initialized
		 * @return map can_bus_dev_m_ map
		std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<can_bus_dev_t>> get_can_devices();

 * @class can_bus_dev_t 
 * @brief Object representing a can device. Handle opening, closing and reading on the
 *  socket. This is the low level object to be use by can_bus_t.
class can_bus_dev_t {
		std::string device_name_; /*!< std::string device_name_ - name of the linux device handling the can bus. Generally vcan0, can0, etc. */
		int can_socket_; /*!< socket handler for the can device */
		bool is_fdmode_on_; /*!< boolean telling if whether or not the can socket use fdmode. */
		struct sockaddr_can txAddress_; /*!< internal member using to bind to the socket */
		std::thread th_reading_; /*!< Thread handling read the socket can device filling can_message_q_ queue of can_bus_t */
		bool is_running_; /*!< boolean telling whether or not reading is running or not */
		* @brief Thread function used to read the can socket.
		* @param[in] can_bus_dev_t object to be used to read the can socket
		* @param[in] can_bus_t object used to fill can_message_q_ queue
		void can_reader(can_bus_t& can_bus);

		 * @brief Class constructor 
		 * @param const string representing the device name into the linux /dev tree
		can_bus_dev_t(const std::string& dev_name);

		 * @brief Open the can socket and returning it 
		 * @return 
		int open();
		 * @brief Open the can socket and returning it 
		 * @return 
		int close();
		 * @brief Telling if the reading thread is running
		 *  This is the boolean value on which the while loop
		 *  take its condition. Set it to false will stop the 
		 *  according thread.
		 * @return true if reading thread is running, false if not.
		bool is_running();
 		 * @brief start reading threads and set flag is_running_
		 * @param can_bus_t reference can_bus_t. it will be passed to the thread 
		 *  to allow using can_bus_t queue.
		void start_reading(can_bus_t& can_bus);

 		 * @brief stop the reading thread setting flag is_running_ to false and
		 * and wait that the thread finish its job.
		void stop_reading();

 		* @brief Read the can socket and retrieve canfd_frame
		* @param const struct afb_binding_interface* interface pointer. Used to be able to log 
		*  using application framework logger.
		std::pair<struct canfd_frame&, size_t> read();
		* @brief Send a can message from a can_message_t object.
		* @param const can_message_t& can_msg: the can message object to send 
		* @param const struct afb_binding_interface* interface pointer. Used to be able to log 
		*  using application framework logger.
		int send_can_message(can_message_t& can_msg);

/** TODO: implement this function as method into can_bus class
 * @fn void pre_initialize(can_bus_dev_t* bus, bool writable, can_bus_dev_t* buses, const int busCount);
 * @brief Pre initialize actions made before CAN bus initialization
 * @param[in] can_bus_dev_t bus - A CanBus struct defining the bus's metadata
 * @param[in] bool writable - configure the controller in a writable mode. If false, it will be
 *		configured as "listen only" and will not allow writes or even CAN ACKs.
 * @param[in] buses - An array of all CAN buses.
 * @param[in] int busCount - The length of the buses array.
void pre_initialize(can_bus_dev_t* bus, bool writable, can_bus_dev_t* buses, const int busCount);

/** TODO: implement this function as method into can_bus class
 * @fn void post_initialize(can_bus_dev_t* bus, bool writable, can_bus_dev_t* buses, const int busCount);
 * @brief Post-initialize actions made after CAN bus initialization
 * @param[in] bus - A CanBus struct defining the bus's metadata
 * @param[in] writable - configure the controller in a writable mode. If false, it will be
 *		configured as "listen only" and will not allow writes or even CAN ACKs.
 * @param[in] buses - An array of all CAN buses.
 * @param[in] busCount - The length of the buses array.
void post_initialize(can_bus_dev_t* bus, bool writable, can_bus_dev_t* buses, const int busCount);

/** TODO: implement this function as method into can_bus class
 * @fn bool isBusActive(can_bus_dev_t* bus);
 * @brief Check if the device is connected to an active CAN bus, i.e. it's
 * received a message in the recent past.
 * @return true if a message was received on the CAN bus within
bool isBusActive(can_bus_dev_t* bus);

/** TODO: implement this function as method into can_bus class
 * @fn void logBusStatistics(can_bus_dev_t* buses, const int busCount);
 * @brief Log transfer statistics about all active CAN buses to the debug log.
 * @param[in] buses - an array of active CAN buses.
 * @param[in] busCount - the length of the buses array.
void logBusStatistics(can_bus_dev_t* buses, const int busCount);