path: root/meta-sota/recipes-sota
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'meta-sota/recipes-sota')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 411 deletions
diff --git a/meta-sota/recipes-sota/ostree-initrd/files/ b/meta-sota/recipes-sota/ostree-initrd/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index 806a7b1..0000000
--- a/meta-sota/recipes-sota/ostree-initrd/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-# global variables
-# -------------------------------------------
-log_info() { echo "$0[$$]: $@" >&2; }
-log_error() { echo "$0[$$]: ERROR $@" >&2; }
-do_mount_fs() {
- log_info "mounting FS: $@"
- [[ -e /proc/filesystems ]] && { grep -q "$1" /proc/filesystems || { log_error "Unknown filesystem"; return 1; } }
- [[ -d "$2" ]] || mkdir -p "$2"
- [[ -e /proc/mounts ]] && { grep -q -e "^$1 $2 $1" /proc/mounts && { log_info "$2 ($1) already mounted"; return 0; } }
- mount -t "$1" "$1" "$2"
-bail_out() {
- log_error "$@"
- log_info "Rebooting..."
- #exec reboot -f
- exec sh
-get_ostree_sysroot() {
- for opt in `cat /proc/cmdline`; do
- arg=`echo $opt | cut -d'=' -f1`
- if [ $arg == "ostree_root" ]; then
- echo $opt | cut -d'=' -f2
- return
- fi
- done
-export PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/lib/ostree
-log_info "starting initrd script"
-do_mount_fs proc /proc
-do_mount_fs sysfs /sys
-do_mount_fs devtmpfs /dev
-do_mount_fs devpts /dev/pts
-do_mount_fs tmpfs /dev/shm
-do_mount_fs tmpfs /tmp
-do_mount_fs tmpfs /run
-# check if smack is active (and if so, mount smackfs)
-grep -q smackfs /proc/filesystems && {
- do_mount_fs smackfs /sys/fs/smackfs
- # adjust current label and network label
- echo System >/proc/self/attr/current
- echo System >/sys/fs/smackfs/ambient
-mkdir -p /sysroot
-mount $ostree_sysroot /sysroot || bail_out "Unable to mount $ostree_sysroot as physical sysroot"
-ostree-prepare-root /sysroot
-# move mounted devices to new root
-cd /sysroot
-for x in dev proc; do
- log_info "Moving /$x to new rootfs"
- mount -o move /$x $x
-# switch to new rootfs
-log_info "Switching to new rootfs"
-mkdir -p run/initramfs
-pivot_root . run/initramfs || bail_out "pivot_root failed."
-log_info "Launching target init"
-exec chroot . sh -c 'umount /run/initramfs; exec /sbin/init' \
- <dev/console >dev/console 2>&1
diff --git a/meta-sota/recipes-sota/ostree-initrd/ b/meta-sota/recipes-sota/ostree-initrd/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c85bee..0000000
--- a/meta-sota/recipes-sota/ostree-initrd/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-SUMMARY = "Extremely basic live image init script"
-LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/meta/COPYING.MIT;md5=3da9cfbcb788c80a0384361b4de20420"
-SRC_URI = "file://"
-S = "${WORKDIR}"
-do_install() {
- install -dm 0755 ${D}/etc
- touch ${D}/etc/initrd-release
- install -dm 0755 ${D}/dev
- install -dm 0755 ${D}/sbin
- install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/ ${D}/sbin/init
-inherit allarch
-FILES_${PN} += " /dev /etc/initrd-release /sbin/init "
diff --git a/meta-sota/recipes-sota/ostree/ b/meta-sota/recipes-sota/ostree/
deleted file mode 100644
index 674c379..0000000
--- a/meta-sota/recipes-sota/ostree/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-SUMMARY = "Tool for managing bootable, immutable, versioned filesystem trees"
-LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2"
-inherit autotools-brokensep pkgconfig systemd gobject-introspection
-INHERIT_remove_class-native = "systemd"
-SRC_URI = "gitsm://;branch=master"
-PV = "2017.3-31-g3b09620c"
-S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
-DEPENDS += "attr libarchive glib-2.0 pkgconfig gpgme libgsystem fuse libsoup-2.4 e2fsprogs systemd gtk-doc-native"
-DEPENDS_remove_class-native = "systemd-native"
-RDEPENDS_${PN} = "python util-linux-libuuid util-linux-libblkid util-linux-libmount libcap xz bash"
-RDEPENDS_${PN}_remove_class-native = "python-native"
-EXTRA_OECONF = "--with-libarchive --disable-gtk-doc --disable-gtk-doc-html --disable-gtk-doc-pdf --disable-man --with-smack --with-builtin-grub2-mkconfig"
-EXTRA_OECONF_append_class-native = " --enable-wrpseudo-compat"
-# Path to ${prefix}/lib/ostree/ostree-grub-generator is hardcoded on the
-# do_configure stage so we do depend on it
-do_configure[vardeps] += "SYSROOT_DIR"
-SYSTEMD_REQUIRED = "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', 'true', 'false', d)}"
-SYSTEMD_REQUIRED_class-native = ""
-SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "ostree-prepare-root.service ostree-remount.service"
-SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN}_class-native = ""
-PACKAGECONFIG ??= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', 'systemd', '', d)}"
-PACKAGECONFIG_class-native = ""
-PACKAGECONFIG[systemd] = "--with-systemdsystemunitdir=${systemd_unitdir}/system/ --with-dracut"
-FILES_${PN} += "${libdir}/ostree/ ${libdir}/ostbuild"
-do_configure() {
- unset docdir
- oe_runconf
-do_compile_prepend() {
- export BUILD_SYS="${BUILD_SYS}"
- export HOST_SYS="${HOST_SYS}"
-do_install_append() {
- if [ -n ${SYSTEMD_REQUIRED} ]; then
- install -p -D ${S}/src/boot/ostree-prepare-root.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/ostree-prepare-root.service
- install -p -D ${S}/src/boot/ostree-remount.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/ostree-remount.service
- fi
-FILES_${PN} += " \
- ${@'${systemd_unitdir}/system/' if d.getVar('SYSTEMD_REQUIRED', True) else ''} \
- ${@'${libdir}/dracut/modules.d/98ostree/' if d.getVar('SYSTEMD_REQUIRED', True) else ''} \
- ${datadir}/gir-1.0 \
- ${datadir}/gir-1.0/OSTree-1.0.gir \
- ${libdir}/girepository-1.0 \
- ${libdir}/girepository-1.0/OSTree-1.0.typelib \
-PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-switchroot"
-FILES_${PN}-switchroot = "${libdir}/ostree/ostree-prepare-root"
-RDEPENDS_${PN}-switchroot = ""
-DEPENDS_remove_class-native = "systemd-native"
diff --git a/meta-sota/recipes-sota/rvi-sota-client/ b/meta-sota/recipes-sota/rvi-sota-client/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fe2331..0000000
--- a/meta-sota/recipes-sota/rvi-sota-client/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-DESCRIPTION = "sota-client rust recipe"
-LICENSE = "MPL-2.0"
-LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${S}/LICENSE;md5=65d26fcc2f35ea6a181ac777e42db1ea"
-inherit cargo systemd
-S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
-# When changing this, don't forget to:
-# 1) Update PV
-# 2) Check that Cargo.lock hasn't changed with git diff Cargo.lock
-SRCREV = "878aa386e61bc253e4fae624ae62507710cd23f3"
-# Generate with:
-# git describe --tags | cut -b2-
-# or from the rvi_sota_client repo:
-# make package-version
-PV = "0.2.32-131-g878aa38"
-FILES_${PN} = " \
- /lib64 \
- ${bindir}/ \
- ${bindir}/sota_client \
- ${bindir}/ \
- ${bindir}/ \
- ${bindir}/ \
- ${bindir}/ \
- ${sysconfdir}/sota_client.version \
- ${sysconfdir}/sota_certificates \
- /var/sota/sota_provisioning_credentials.p12 \
- /var/sota/sota_provisioning_url.env \
- ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', '${systemd_unitdir}/system/sota_client_autoprovision.service', '', d)} \
- ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', '${systemd_unitdir}/system/sota_client.service', '', d)} \
- "
-# list of dependencies can be generated from Cargo.lock by running
-# cat Cargo.lock | sed -e '1,/metadata/ d' Cargo.lock | awk '{print "crate://"$2 "/" $3" \\"}'
-SRC_URI = " \
-crate:// \
-crate:// \
-crate:// \
-crate:// \
-crate:// \
-crate:// \
-crate:// \
-crate:// \
-crate:// \
-crate:// \
-crate:// \
-crate:// \
-crate:// \
-crate:// \
-crate:// \
-crate:// \
-crate:// \
-crate:// \
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-crate:// \
-crate:// \
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-crate:// \
-crate:// \
-crate:// \
-crate:// \
-crate:// \
-crate:// \
-crate:// \
-git:// \
-SRC_URI[index.md5sum] = "79f10f436dbf26737cc80445746f16b4"
-SRC_URI[index.sha256sum] = "86114b93f1f51aaf0aec3af0751d214b351f4ff9839ba031315c1b19dcbb1913"
-SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "sota_client.service sota_client_autoprovision.service"
-DEPENDS += " openssl openssl-native dbus "
-RDEPENDS_${PN} = " libcrypto \
- libssl \
- dbus \
- bash \
- lshw \
- jq \
- curl \
- python \
- python-canonicaljson \
- python-json \
- "
-do_compile_prepend() {
- export SOTA_VERSION=$(make sota-version)
-do_install() {
- install -d ${D}${bindir}
- install -m 0755 target/${TARGET_SYS}/release/sota_client ${D}${bindir}
- install -m 0755 ${S}/run/ ${D}${bindir}
- ln -fs ${bindir}/ ${D}${bindir}/ # For compatibilty with old sota.toml files
- install -m 0755 ${S}/run/ ${D}${bindir}
- install -m 0755 ${S}/run/ ${D}${bindir}
- install -m 0755 ${S}/run/ ${D}${bindir}
- if ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', 'true', 'false', d)}; then
- install -d ${D}/${systemd_unitdir}/system
- install -c ${S}/run/sota_client_uptane_auto.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/sota_client.service
- else
- install -c ${S}/run/sota_client_ostree.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/sota_client.service
- fi
- install -c ${S}/run/sota_client_autoprovision.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/sota_client_autoprovision.service
- fi
- install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}
- echo `git log -1 --pretty=format:%H` > ${D}${sysconfdir}/sota_client.version
- install -c ${S}/run/sota_certificates ${D}${sysconfdir}
- ln -fs /lib ${D}/lib64
- EXPDATE=`openssl pkcs12 -in $SOTA_AUTOPROVISION_CREDENTIALS -password "pass:" -nodes 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -enddate | cut -f2 -d "="`
- if [ `date +%s` -ge `date -d "${EXPDATE}" +%s` ]; then
- bberror "Certificate ${SOTA_AUTOPROVISION_CREDENTIALS} has expired on ${EXPDATE}"
- fi
- install -d ${D}/var
- install -d ${D}/var/sota
- install -m 0655 $SOTA_AUTOPROVISION_CREDENTIALS ${D}/var/sota/sota_provisioning_credentials.p12
- echo "SOTA_GATEWAY_URI=$SOTA_AUTOPROVISION_URL" > ${D}/var/sota/sota_provisioning_url.env
- fi
diff --git a/meta-sota/recipes-sota/sota-tools/ b/meta-sota/recipes-sota/sota-tools/
deleted file mode 100644
index 326ff20..0000000
--- a/meta-sota/recipes-sota/sota-tools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-DESCRIPTION = "Utility to push data to a server"
-LICENSE = "MPL-2.0"
-LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=65d26fcc2f35ea6a181ac777e42db1ea"
-S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
-SRC_URI = "gitsm://;branch=master"
-SRCREV = "4d7f22f50ab43be5bee61ad3e96cd9db4ef3a372"
-inherit cmake
-DEPENDS = "boost glib-2.0 curl"
-FILES_${PN} = "${bindir}/garage-push"
-do_install() {
- install -d ${D}/${bindir}
- install -m 755 garage-push ${D}/${bindir}