path: root/conf.d/project/lua.d/onload-daemon-10-event.lua
Path not found
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[AGL Project]( is an automotive-specific
development environment that provides a Linux distribution

AGL uses layers designed to be compatible with the
[Yocto Project]( and the
[OpenEmbedded Project (OE)](

This section provides information about the layers used by the AGL Project:

* **`meta-agl`**: Minimal set of software needed to create an AGL distribution
  used to boot a system.
  AGL profiles are built on top of this minimal set of software.

* **`meta-agl-demo`**: Provides a reference or demo platform and applications
  for the AGL Distribution.
  The reference UI is part of the `meta-agl-demo` layer.

* **`meta-agl-devel`**: Contains components under development or being tested.
  This layer also contains software packages that OEMs need but do not exist
  in AGL.